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5/27/13 Auction House Offline / Midnight Maintenance (5/28/13 00:00 Pacific Time)

dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Updated 5/28/13 1:30AM Pacific Time

Maintenance is complete!


Auction House Offline

The Auction House has been taken offline temporarily to troubleshoot a potential issue that players have reported. It is being re-enabled during the current maintenance.

Maintenance Notification

There is a high probability that we will be performing a maintenance at Midnight tonight (5/28/13 00:00 Pacific Time). We anticipate that the maintenance will take 90 minutes. We will keep you in the loop regarding this maintenance and will let you know as soon as we can if it gets changed to a different time, or canceled.


What time is the maintenance in my time zone?

Please see this page for international time conversations: http://bit.ly/1arxbPs

When will the Auction House be re-enabled?

Currently we do not have an ETA of when the auction house will be enabled. Our engineers are investigating and we hope to have more information soon.

Will the timer on auctions continue to move forward while the Auction House is offline?

I apologize, though we currently do not have the functionality to prevent auctions from expiring while the Auction House is down. We are working as quickly as possible to complete the steps necessary to bring it back up again. Thanks for your understanding.

Will there be a rollback?

We are not planning a perform any roll backs at at this time.
Post edited by dezstravus on


  • bel1eveeebel1eveee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    History is repeating itself.Yeah it will be fast maintenance.
    2 more hours 2 more hours 2 more hours.
    No rollback guys don't worry.
    We are almost done!4 more hours.
    Finally give up and go to bed
    Wake up find that you are 9 levels rollbacked.
    And AH will be out for a week again.

    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sticky it maybe?
  • nyr0xnyr0x Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All day? What will I do with all this loot? D:
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In before all the folks listing 1 AD minimum bids start to rage.....again.
  • randomone777randomone777 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, I just log out and wait when this happens. I don't have the space to play more than an hour without running out of space and, frankly, I don't think I should have to buy more bag space just to make sure I can play while the auction house is down (again) without losing out on auction access/profits.

    No offense, PWE/Cryptic, I know you're doing your best... but given how eager many are to exploit currency and auction systems, I'd like to think the auction house and currency mechanics get much closer and skeptical testing than it seems they do at present.

    In fact, it would be comforting to hear that your QA team is specifically building MIS-use test cases for duping, forms of currency and entry manipulation, validation on all player-entered fields (rules for submission), etc. I know it's more work, but this really needs to be done. You cannot afford to have too many more of these, seriously; no, not even in an open beta. The loss of confidence is increasing exponentially with each one.

    Thanks for the update.
    Maniacal mage making magical messes; mercifully, made mostly of menaces.

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  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    In before all the folks listing 1 AD minimum bids start to rage.....again.

    I learned my lesson a while back, and (mostly) stopped using low starting bids.
  • noyouwontnoyouwont Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    Just great. All my Auctions are resolving in the next half hour and you guys pulled it off like 2-3 hours ago. All my bids are stuck at <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> because no one bids til the last hour anyways so I just got man-handedly screwed out of literally hundreds of thousands of AD. Thanks. You guys are amazing as always. Love you.
  • aerith0rosenthauaerith0rosenthau Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great, so i have now lost that Ring i was Bidding on. 2 Hours left and i got outbid seconds before it went down....
  • dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noyouwont wrote: »
    Just great. All my Auctions are resolving in the next half hour and you guys pulled it off like 2-3 hours ago. All my bids are stuck at <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> because no one bids til the last hour anyways so I just got man-handedly screwed out of literally hundreds of thousands of AD. Thanks. You guys are amazing as always. Love you.

    Very sorry to hear about this circumstance. I wish that we were able to change this behavior, but unfortunately it is how the system works at this particular time. We will do our best to minimize occurrences of this in the future. Thanks for your patience and support while we work out the issues that were escalated today.
  • vagdushvagdush Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2013
    AH will be down til after maintenance, if we all make a reasonable guess. The reason the game is still going until midnight though? I figured it out. American company: American workers; Holiday. No time-and-a-half for computer monkies! :D
  • buckem420buckem420 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If things change and you end up having to roll back again I want a gift with better stuff this time :P
  • sifarussifarus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So what kind of gift are we getting this time? Memorialastrophe? :)
  • helbourne63helbourne63 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, I just log out and wait when this happens. I don't have the space to play more than an hour without running out of space and, frankly, I don't think I should have to buy more bag space just to make sure I can play while the auction house is down (again) without losing out on auction access/profits.

    You don't have to lose profits on item, nor play with overflowing bags. You actually have unlimited storage in the for of mail. just send the items to yourself @handle and pick them up when the AH is back up.

    Thanks Craptic for the free-bee :)
    Hero of the North
  • dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vagdush wrote: »
    AH will be down til after maintenance, if we all make a reasonable guess. The reason the game is still going until midnight though? I figured it out. American company: American workers; Holiday. No time-and-a-half for computer monkies! :D

    Thanks for asking! Mostly we need time to investigate, make potential changes, and test those changes before we can deploy an update. In regards to location, the majority of us are in the US or the Netherlands.
  • melloricamellorica Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So is there a plan to get rid of all the negative time auctions hogging up the search results? Since there are only 400 results anyway, when you look for something like residuum or an enchantment, it will max out the search results and there will be a bunch of negative time left results in there bloating the results... seems like that is something that should be easy enough to fix... yet there they still are... can you guys maybe, you know, ASK some of the devs from the other MMOS you run?
  • abeloth99abeloth99 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey all ... to those that are cranky.

    What is BETA???

    When a new product, such as a software program, is created or upgraded, there are several stages in development before the manufacturer sells it commercially. The first stage is an "alpha" version, in which software testers within the company test and debug a program as necessary. A "beta" version is the name for the second stage, in which it is often released for free or at a reduced price to a group of external users for additional testing. Websites also commonly go through this phase during development, to see how well they function for a large user base.

    Restrictions or Limitations

    Although the beta version of software might include much of its functionality, it is not usually meant as a commercial product. Companies might be allowed to use a graphics program in beta, for example, to create new images or products, but they cannot sell what they create unless they pay for a commercial license. Computer games, especially online games, often go through beta testing to find bugs and ensure it will function properly at release. While people can usually play in these tests for free, once the testing is over, they have to pay for the commercial release of the game to play it again.

    Technical Support

    Products in beta often have limited, if any, technical support available to users. This can be frustrating for some people, but is a consequence of the fact that the product has not yet released commercially. Since users are not paying for the program, frustration based on poor customer service is usually forgiven as bugs and errors disappear with each patch or update. Some products remain a beta version for years, during which time they may be used by a wide audience as if they were full versions.

    Usage in Website Development

    A beta version can also refer to a website that is made available to test its features and gain audience feedback. During this time, certain features might not function properly. This process is often used to ensure compatibility between the code for the site and different web browsers and computer systems. Beta version sites are frequently first placed on secret domains that are only available to their test audience, before being transferred to their real domains for public viewing and use.

    Origin and Other Usage

    The word "beta" comes from the second letter in the Greek alphabet and originated with early hardware tests for International Business Machines (IBM) computers. It has entered common usage, especially among frequent computer users. "Beta version" is often applied as a slang term to refer to any product or service that seems unready for mainstream release, especially as a criticism for something sold commercially.

    Purpose and Different Types

    The beta version of a software release is considered to be a preview; though it may include many standard features, it is not yet ready for wide release or sale. During this phase, the developers collect feedback from users about the product's functionality, including what they like and what should be changed before its wide release. A beta version of a program can be either "closed," which is limited to a specific group of users, or "open," which is available to the general public. During this testing, developers might release numerous versions of a program, including improvements and bug fixes with each iteration.


    If you spent "REAL" money ... you did it knowing the game was in BETA.

    Take a breath, they are working on it.

  • hippomousehippomouse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 61
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Very sorry to hear about this circumstance. I wish that we were able to change this behavior, but unfortunately it is how the system works at this particular time. We will do our best to minimize occurrences of this in the future. Thanks for your patience and support while we work out the issues that were escalated today.

    The game has been in "open beta" for a month. The first exploit which you did the rollback on was reported on these forums at least 10 days before you decided it was an issue. Like someone said earlier, how much time are you actually investing in exploring exploits? It is the number 1 game killer because not only does it break the economy but it punishes the 99% of people playing who aren't exploiters. ESO is coming out soon as is the next expansion on DDO, unless you totally resolve the exploit issue you will have no players left and people are already leaving in their droves (in part because you can get to 60th lvl in about a week and the replay factor is so low because there has been no imagination with quests - go and plant 3 seeds at 58th level. Really? that's a quest??? and its one thing if that is a one off but 90% of the quests are like that, where are the actual quests? one per area is really not good enough!!)
  • omholsomhols Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noyouwont wrote: »
    Just great. All my Auctions are resolving in the next half hour and you guys pulled it off like 2-3 hours ago. All my bids are stuck at <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> because no one bids til the last hour anyways so I just got man-handedly screwed out of literally hundreds of thousands of AD. Thanks. You guys are amazing as always. Love you.

    You have no one to blame but yourself. Love you too.
    Master of Monsters - Caturday Survivor 2013 - Master Scryer
  • baddeedsbaddeeds Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    The first time this happened u called it the cata day .......... now i think you should call it D day and give us Astral dimonds instead of the useless items u gave you last time :(
  • g4stg4st Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hi there Dezstravous,
    you might also ask to the devs what happens to all the AD spent to sell stuff, and put it in the Q&A? I mean do you guys realize that when this kind of issue happens without a roll back all the AD is lost?
    on top of this, the auctions timer. just yesterday with my alt i reallocated all the expired stuff from the previous AH downtime. we are in open beta,but you also sell stuff for real money right? so, is that difficult to write a piece of code which freezes the AH timer when the AH is down? a way to prevent that your existing costumers (and the potential ones) gets really annoyed? I don't know,Cryptic and PW have several years experience in MMOs,yet they still look almost completely clueless regarding certain mechanics.
  • iamdoctordeathiamdoctordeath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    New exploit discovered- bidding on everything that's 25 AD or less at all times just in case the AH goes down due to other exploits and you get potentially millions of AD worth of items for pennies.

    It's an exploit, within an exploit- exploitception.
  • omholsomhols Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, I just log out and wait when this happens. I don't have the space to play more than an hour without running out of space and, frankly, I don't think I should have to buy more bag space just to make sure I can play while the auction house is down (again) without losing out on auction access/profits.

    No offense, PWE/Cryptic, I know you're doing your best... but given how eager many are to exploit currency and auction systems, I'd like to think the auction house and currency mechanics get much closer and skeptical testing than it seems they do at present.

    In fact, it would be comforting to hear that your QA team is specifically building MIS-use test cases for duping, forms of currency and entry manipulation, validation on all player-entered fields (rules for submission), etc. I know it's more work, but this really needs to be done. You cannot afford to have too many more of these, seriously; no, not even in an open beta. The loss of confidence is increasing exponentially with each one.

    Thanks for the update.

    I have three bags. I have tons of augments in them I am crafting to level seven. I then sell what I don't need for a profit and to assist the userbase. My 30 bags in Everquest are filled with rotting crafting material; of which we have practically unlimited space for in this game.

    I would argue that the limitation on bag space is a blessing in that it prevents hoarding of goods and hyper-inflation in the marketplace.

    You can trade AD for Zen easily. Less than 600,000 might buy you enough for a bag paid for in Zen without you taking out a credit card. Sell a few augments or talk to Rhix for some work. Stop complaining, please.
    Master of Monsters - Caturday Survivor 2013 - Master Scryer
  • omholsomhols Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    New exploit discovered- bidding on everything that's 25 AD or less at all times just in case the AH goes down due to other exploits and you get potentially millions of AD worth of items for pennies.

    It's an exploit, within an exploit- exploitception.

    It's economics on a BETA.
    Master of Monsters - Caturday Survivor 2013 - Master Scryer
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    New exploit discovered- bidding on everything that's 25 AD or less at all times just in case the AH goes down due to other exploits and you get potentially millions of AD worth of items for pennies.

    It's an exploit, within an exploit- exploitception.

    It's quite wonderful, as it makes the d-nozzles who try to cheap out on AH fees squeal with righteous rage, too :)
  • hippomousehippomouse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 61
    edited May 2013
    And abeloth if all the above is true then 1) they shouldn't be charging money to buy packs and 2) they shouldn't have a cash shop open.

    The fact there is no customer service phone line says a lot to me especially given the fact tickets seem to take at least 10 days before anything gets done and half the time people have had emails saying "sorry we lost it please re submit"

    Finally they can only get away so long with saying it is beta. This isn't beta this is a soft launch and even then its been a month how much longer do you give them or is it acceptable to perpetually stay in "open beta"
  • alyrealyre Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so basically all my **** that I set up on ah will sell for what LITTLE bids they have on them already?? -.- This is the second time im going to lose a profit AGAIN!! -.- grrrr........ >.>
  • vaelicvaelic Member Posts: 176 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    o dear..............

    Quest Title: Don't "Count" on it - Ch. 1
    Short Code: NW-DQ3H4MXKG
    Duration: 15-20 minutes

  • sunsfire2004sunsfire2004 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »

    Will there be a rollback?

    We are not planning a perform any roll backs at at this time.

    so u planing of leaving all the items that are got with bug in game and destroy the economy?

    think this might be last thing for me i lose ad auctions tokens because last bug but you try u best to fix it so was no big deal this time u just going let cheats profit?
  • delionivercourtdelionivercourt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 86
    edited May 2013
    And abeloth if all the above is true then 1) they shouldn't be charging money to buy packs and 2) they shouldn't have a cash shop open.

    You do realize that bug fixes in beta include cash shops and the payment gateways etc?

    So I have read and read but I am not seeing where people have once complained or called into attention where we are actually getting more AD from the AH then we re supposed to? Recently I sold several items and the one that come to mind is, that I was only supposed to receive 9990 AD from the sell, even said so in the message but I received 10900. So I am figuring this is much like if a fast food place accidentally charges to much ppl complain but if they get way more change back they don't say a word?
  • azurealfangazurealfang Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So pathetic.
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