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GWF underpowered?

okottekonekookottekoneko Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Militia Barracks
is it just me or is the GWF very underpowered compared to other DPS classes?

i have a rouge a wizard and a cleric and for the first 2 i get 1st place DPS everytime by quite a bit, and cleric im pulling first or second. but with the GWF i cant seem to get more then 3rd, even clerics full much higher then me.

last skirmish i ran a rouge rulled 1st and i came 3rd and he pulled 3x what i did in DPS when we saw the same ammount of action.

personally i think the GWF needs a substantial boost in DPS capabilities.

i enjoy the class and play it well i am no amature player, but i feel the class is just way too weak and its because of the poor damage on its abilities. unless the class suddenly becomes op after level 30 i cant see the GWF being much of a DPS class.

the DPS output should be in this order.

1st TR its a pure DPS class.
2nd GWF its a pure DPS class also and with a massive weapon should be almost on par with rouge.
3rd CW it is ranged artillery but also focused on CC abilities so technically suport DPS
4th GF its a tank but with a sword so should be able to put out a good amount of pain.
5th DC its a healer class, but for some stupid reason has been built as a DPS class with some minor heals.

but atm its like this
1st TR
2nd CW
3rd DC
4th GWF
5th GF
and not much difference between the 2 fighters if played well either.

these are my thoughts put yours below.
Post edited by okottekoneko on


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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What level are you? At level 60, my GWF almost always come in 2nd place in dungeons in terms of damage done.
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    snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    What level are you? At level 60, my GWF almost always come in 2nd place in dungeons in terms of damage done.

    That's not really a good thing if the best a GWF can do is come in 2nd after the TR. If that's the case then they really don't have a place in the party.
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's not really a good thing if the best a GWF can do is come in 2nd after the TR. If that's the case then they really don't have a place in the party.

    You're kidding right? GWF is an aoe tank. Do you know why those clerics are crying about too many adds on them in every instance and not having fun? Because stupid GWFs think they should do the most damage to the boss instead of clearing the adds with their aoe so the Cleric doesn't die.
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    xeromus20xeromus20 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF isn't a pure DPS class, it's an off-tank. It should never outdps a TR (it does if used properly but that's AOE vs ST), It's a bit bulkier than a TR and CW, not as bulky as a GF, AoE wise its slightly ahead of CW, single target it's behind TR.

    The class is sort of where it should be in terms of what it does/doesnt do better than other classes, it just feels unpolished and unwanted in the current dungeon meta.
    Paradigm - Instigator Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer - 13k GS
    Instigate and Eradicate
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    How do you kill that which gets tankier the more you hit it?
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    snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    You're kidding right? GWF is an aoe tank. Do you know why those clerics are crying about too many adds on them in every instance and not having fun? Because stupid GWFs think they should do the most damage to the boss instead of clearing the adds with their aoe so the Cleric doesn't die.
    That's the point, if we can't exceed the dps of a TR who does single target damage with our AoE damage then the party is better served by a second TR.
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    kemikemoryakemikemorya Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hmm, dejavu anyone? Anyway, as I said in the other thread so I'll say again.

    Read this.
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's the point, if we can't exceed the dps of a TR who does single target damage with our AoE damage then the party is better served by a second TR.

    The cleric still dies. TR has **** aoe. The only reason why TR tops damage charts is cause of how shocking execution works. You should play a TR and you'll understand. For example, if I decide to do shocking execution to a trash mob with 10% hp left, I can do over 100k to that trash mob so the damage chart is misleading. If I did shocking execution to the same trash mob with 100% hp left, I would've done only 18k damage.

    Our parties ALWAYS has 1 GWF, either me or my guildie because our cleric refuses to run all day from adds. She also refuses to invite another cleric to stack astral shield because we know it's going to get nerfed eventually and don't want to get use to using it that way. Our party for Never Castle = GF, GWF, CW, TR, and Cleric. We can complete it and nobody has to roll against each other on gears.
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hmm, dejavu anyone? Anyway, as I said in the other thread so I'll say again.

    Read this.

    LOL. You know I built my GWF off your guide with a bit of tweak? Pretty awesome build, thanks man. My GWF dominates.
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    kemikemoryakemikemorya Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    LOL. You know I built my GWF off your guide with a bit of tweak? Pretty awesome build, thanks man. My GWF dominates.

    Um, it's not my build. Credit belongs to Trickshaw. Anyway, that's where I'm referring all these threads to from now on cuz GWF rocks!
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Um, it's not my build. Credit belongs to Trickshaw. Anyway, that's where I'm referring all these threads to from now on cuz GWF rocks!

    Yeah, before I read this guy's build, my GWF was such ****. I spent 10 bux so i could buy the respec stone just to build my GWF like this guy. My build isn't exactly the same though. I have a bit more burst damage than him.
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    snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    The cleric still dies. TR has **** aoe. The only reason why TR tops damage charts is cause of how shocking execution works. You should play a TR and you'll understand. For example, if I decide to do shocking execution to a trash mob with 10% hp left, I can do over 100k to that trash mob so the damage chart is misleading. If I did shocking execution to the same trash mob with 100% hp left, I would've done only 18k damage.

    Our parties ALWAYS has 1 GWF, either me or my guildie because our cleric refuses to run all day from adds. She also refuses to invite another cleric to stack astral shield because we know it's going to get nerfed eventually and don't want to get use to using it that way. Our party for Never Castle = GF, GWF, CW, TR, and Cleric. We can complete it and nobody has to roll against each other on gears.

    Actually I main a TR and saying Shocking Execution is the only reason TR tops damage charts is ridiculous. The fact is that single target damage in inherently superior to an equivalent amount of AoE damage and if you're concerned about keeping the cleric alive killing the guys hurting him is the best damage mitigation.
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually I main a TR and saying Shocking Execution is the only reason TR tops damage charts is ridiculous. The fact is that single target damage in inherently superior to an equivalent amount of AoE damage and if you're concerned about keeping the cleric alive killing the guys hurting him is the best damage mitigation.

    Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say GWF is amazing for keeping clerics alive because they can kill the adds faster than anybody else? The main reason why GWF doesn't top the chart in damage with their aoes is because their aoes can kill the trash mobs fast and have downtime for their dps while the Rogue is constantly on the boss with 0 downtime for dps.

    GWF has higher defense, higher hp, higher mobility, and hard CC. Strong Aoe & Medium Single Burst

    Rogues has lower defense, lower hp, lower mobility, and soft CC. Weak AOE & High Single Burst

    So you're saying GWF should do better damage than rogues? Make some sense please.
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atm gf is a lot better dps then dps gwf they can have 2 times more total damage in dungeons then dps gwf and can be very good for pvp ,gf single target at will hit 1,1k+ or more and +30% extra on last hit while gwf single target hits 540,gf have nice cc for pvp and can easy take on cw or dc gwf cant :) so they need to fix tanking for gf and everything for gwf
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    warpet wrote: »
    atm gf is a lot better dps then dps gwf they can have 2 times more total damage in dungeons then dps gwf and can be very good for pvp ,gf single target at will hit 1,1k+ or more and +30% extra on last hit while gwf single target hits 540,gf have nice cc for pvp and can easy take on cw or dc gwf cant :) so they need to fix tanking for gf and everything for gwf

    errr what? I have never ever been outdamaged by a GF in dungeons... I've never seen a GF outdamage a GWF in dungeons either....

    Try this: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?216301-An-Inconvenient-Truth-Trickshaw-s-GWF-Leveling-Tips
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    errr what? I have never ever been outdamaged by a GF in dungeons... I've never seen a GF outdamage a GWF in dungeons either....

    Try this: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?216301-An-Inconvenient-Truth-Trickshaw-s-GWF-Leveling-Tips

    u didnt played whit dps gf then,they can easy out damage gwf
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    snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say GWF is amazing for keeping clerics alive because they can kill the adds faster than anybody else? The main reason why GWF doesn't top the chart in damage with their aoes is because their aoes can kill the trash mobs fast and have downtime for their dps while the Rogue is constantly on the boss with 0 downtime for dps.

    GWF has higher defense, higher hp, higher mobility, and hard CC. Strong Aoe & Medium Single Burst

    Rogues has lower defense, lower hp, lower mobility, and soft CC. Weak AOE & High Single Burst

    So you're saying GWF should do better damage than rogues? Make some sense please.

    Are you saying the reason that GWFs do less damage than TRs is because they are so good that they get their job done so fast that they can take a break? Because that's pretty silly. I am saying that GWFs should be doing better overall damage than rogues since single target damage is quite simply better and less situational.

    For example, if there are 5 guys beating on the cleric each doing 1 damage, a rogue can kill 1 guy in 1 unit of time and a GWF can deal 25% damage to all five in 1 unit of time, even though the GWF can kill all of the enemies in 4 units of time, while the rogue takes 5, and deals 125% of the damage that the rogue does, the rogue provides more damage mitigation to the cleric. The cleric during this time would have taken 20 damage from the guys the GWF was clearing while the Cleric would only have taken 15 damage from the guys the rogue were clearing.
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    inexistinexist Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's the point, if we can't exceed the dps of a TR who does single target damage with our AoE damage then the party is better served by a second TR.

    You shouldn't exceed it. Match it, sure. But not exceed it. You have higher innate mitigations/hps. Giving you more dps than the only striker class is absurd...
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    snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    inexist wrote: »
    You shouldn't exceed it. Match it, sure. But not exceed it. You have higher innate mitigations/hps. Giving you more dps than the only striker class is absurd...

    Unless GWFs spec for tank they are a striker class and having higher hp and ac doesn't actually mean they have a have more survivability than rogues. As long as GWFs are solely restricted to AoE dps as their method of dps they should consistently be doing more dps than rogues.
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    e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I am a TR and I love going with GWF. :(

    Also it's not the classes problems if everyone in the game just wants to do things as fast as possible.

    personally I just care whether we get the instance done or not in the safest and most fun way.
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
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    kenjidoomkenjidoom Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2013
    Ughh I know it will never end, but don't you guys get tired of the same ****? I'm referring to "OMG!!! My favorite class doesn't do more damage than everyone else buff now!" It gets old....Look there are tons of threads about the same thing it's a complete waste of time to make another.
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    drogon4drogon4 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kenjidoom wrote: »
    Ughh I know it will never end, but don't you guys get tired of the same ****? I'm referring to "OMG!!! My favorite class doesn't do more damage than everyone else buff now!" It gets old....Look there are tons of threads about the same thing it's a complete waste of time to make another.

    Until we hear something from the Devs, another thread pointing out the GWF's astonishingly poor single target damage is not a "waste."

    This is not to say that GWF single target damage should be scaled up to rogue heights, but atm it is so poor that it is making the class ineffective and - more importantly - unfun.

    GWF was apparently nerfed to the ground prior to Open Beta. Time for the Devs to un-do some of those nerfs.

    All of this is reminiscent of the Jedi Sentinel situation on SWTOR's release, but frankly worse.
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    daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    drogon4 wrote: »
    Until we hear something from the Devs, another thread pointing out the GWF's astonishingly poor damage is not a "waste."

    This is not to say that GWF single target damage should be scaled up to rogue heights, but atm it is so poor that it is making the class ineffective and - more importantly - unfun.

    GWF was apparently nerfed to the ground prior to Open Beta. Time for the Devs to un-do some of those nerfs.

    All of this is reminiscent of the Jedi Sentinel situation on SWTOR's release, but frankly worse.

    Fixed it for you.....
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So 13k burst damage from Indomitable Battle Strike is poor damage? Learn to play, seriously.
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    nothvnothv Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    So 13k burst damage from Indomitable Battle Strike is poor damage? Learn to play, seriously.

    Wooo 13k damage and then we go back to hitting with a wet noodle with our at wills. Further after playing as the other classes, 13k is nothing special in both pve and pvp (it is stupidly easy to avoid in pvp aswell).
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    enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ive been hit by a TR for almost 40k, Ive heard of Rogues in my guild hitting for up to 60K. The nwowiki now list us as a Damage Dealer Primary. Indomitable does decent single target damage but we only shine on Adds, if the fight doesnt have just a **** ton of adds or your dungeon run has two CW butt bumping all the mobs off the cliffs then we start to look almost comparable damage to the clerics =/

    Edit: No offense Clerics =)
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    demattodematto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here's the rogue...
    And let's see the GWF...

    Things to note:
    Both have Rank 2 of their at-will
    GWF has 16 levels on the rogue.
    Both are using store-bought weapons. The rogue, a pair of level 15 daggers. The GWF, a level 30 greatsword.
    Sly Flourish: 140 low end. Sure Strike: 146 low end.

    Were I to use the level 35 blue greatsword, the damage on my at-will might go up another 20 points. Can't afford it. Wanted survivability so I could stop chugging potions.

    Another fun thing to consider: What do you think the difference in damage would be if I were using found gear on the GWF instead of blowing 200,000AD on making myself as competitive as possible?

    Not bad, really. A twinked-to-the-gills GWF can slightly outdamage a rogue 16 levels lower than him. Clearly nothing wrong. I have easier AOE than him, so I can clear groups of minions faster. It's just when that non-minion or two show up in every given pack that he outperforms me.

    I don't want to win the damage race.
    I'm happy with most enemies slain.
    But a six damage difference? That's all I get?
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    bluellbluell Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Unless GWFs spec for tank they are a striker class and having higher hp and ac doesn't actually mean they have a have more survivability than rogues. As long as GWFs are solely restricted to AoE dps as their method of dps they should consistently be doing more dps than rogues.

    im sry im gwf im 3k item score all rank 9 enchants and therse definately somthing wrong when i cant break 20 k on any hit and my at-wills are my biggest source of dps cause my dailies and encounters suck *** so bad with the nerfs no point in doing anything but spamming at-wills
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    rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    2 year old threads popping up again. oh my god. LET THEM DIE PLEASE. if you need help please open a thread or ask somewhere relevant.
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    bluellbluell Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    na gwfs arent under powered we have no power to underpower since last nerfs your best damage will be your atwill powers and that will still suck and as long as 999,999,999 trs and cw,s are out there still *****ing about gwf,s well were gonna stay under the devs heel on our necks so get use to it spam those at wills cause the rest of its usless
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    bluell wrote: »
    im sry im gwf im 3k item score all rank 9 enchants and therse definately somthing wrong when i cant break 20 k on any hit and my at-wills are my biggest source of dps cause my dailies and encounters suck *** so bad with the nerfs no point in doing anything but spamming at-wills

    Ok, so naughty boy for bumping this thread instead of making a new one, but jeez. My GWF has worse gear than yours and can get 6 digit crits while I'm playing alone, which means the only buffs and debuffs on the target are ones I can generate myself.
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