This build is set to go live at 7am PDT on May 23, 2013.
Auction House
The Auction House is once again available, both in game and via the Gateway.
If a player outbids him or herself, or buys out an auction where he or she holds the highest bid, the auction no longer eats half of the transaction (either the returned Astral Diamonds from the "outbid" or the item from the won auction).
Auctions no longer go into "negative time" based on the number of bids they receive.
Some auctions with a negative value for Time Remaining may stick around until they naturally expire.
Error messages when logging in now display in a more visible location.
Internet Explorer 8 once again properly handles Gateway.
Links now display correctly on iOS.
Number entry fields in the Auction House now properly take only positive integers.
Icespire Peak: The Frozen Heart
Players may no longer activate the campfire after Grast without defeating him first.
Rothe Valley: Temple of the Spider
Players may no longer sneak past the final boss' gate in Temple of the Spider via clever use of collision.
Players may no longer lure the boss of Temple of the Spider into instant-kill areas.
haha finally some boss fixes. hopefully all the people who shouldn't be playing will be trapped in tier 1 not getting free loot for bugging spider. What i would like to know though in frozen heart have you fixed the constant spawning of adds or are you just trolling us with this bug fix? can't skip him so we will have to fight a constant spawn of trolls through the dungeon on every boss?
garamel1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
There are a few "smart use of map design" left. Check pirate king and skipping the last 1/4th of the dungeon with some jumps.
There are MANY flawed map design elements, at least one in every map I've been in so far. Mostly harmless, though apparent nonetheless. Some can be exploited, some can be bugged by bosses in which it becomes impossible to do anything about until you get lucky chasing them out, or resetting the instance. On a smaller note about flawed map design, I've noticed a lot, LOT, of wasted poly's (it matters for fluidity's sake - much less, what I'd expect designers with experience) as well as misplaced or illogical invisible walls. I have some fun messing about finding them all when I'm bored, so I guess that's a thing.
vectorspaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
any news regarding the missing musics and sounds in the foundry quests?
no fix yet?
are you taking meassures versus the people who exploited Spider Temple?
I am sure they are... why would you even ask this question.
tredoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
What about this stuff, these are things that are listed all over the internet as well.... any time frame on this stuff ?
1 - AH exploit - Fixed (supposedly)
2 - Quest sharing exploit - This allowed you to reach level 60 in about an hour of playing. It also allowed people to farm unlimited bags, assets, and materials. It was discovered and reported in closed beta, but still made it in. It also still works for some quests as confirmed by Tault Unleashed.
3 - Foundry bugs - Were used to gain max level and farm gear.
4 - The CW set bonus bug allowing them to hit for millions points of damage. This was a very minor bug, but it still allowed a team of two or more CW's to farm end game content.
5 - The GF set bug - Yet another set bug that allowed the GF to almost instantly kill any mob in the game. A lot more consistent than the CW set bug, and caused a lot of damage to the economy.
6 - Chest farming exploits - These are still in the game and allow people to farm easy money, as well as gear and ingredients.
7 - There is already a bot out for Neverwinter that members of Tault Unleashed have been using. Currently it can be made to level or exploit chests. They are working on having it take care of professions and auto pray for you as well. It is completely undetectable due to Neverwinter's faulty code. The same bot has been use in Cryptic's other games for years.
8 - TR DC bug - This was used mostly in PvP to instantly disconnect anyone the TR targeted with certain abilities. It allowed all TR groups to quickly win matches in the least amount of time possible.
9 - Potion exploit - Basically you can have unlimited healing potions - not much of an exploit since you can accomplish the same thing easier by using any other AD earning exploit and buying potions.
10 - AutoHotkey - Macro software that allows you to easily max your crafting. Once again undetecable by Crytpic's games.
11 - AFK PvP groups - creating a few accounts and making an AFK group (managed by AutoHotkey or the Viper bot), you can quickly earn XP and gear while you sleep.
12 - Their support site has not worked since launch. That's right, you can't even request a refund or report bugs through it! It gets stuck in an infinite loop after you log in to submit a ticket.
13 - Dungeon exploits - There are plenty of ways to exploit dungeons to severely shorten the time required to beat them. Reaching the end boss can be cut down from 45+ minutes, to less than 5. (you fixed one)
14 - Boss exploits - Easily kill dungeon bosses over and over for loot and seals, then reset them and do it again, as well as knock off kills.
15 - There is another armor set bug which gives everyone in the party stats that are above and beyond what you can get without cheating.
16 - Diamond chest exploit - Sometimes the chest received from statue turn ins did not disappear after use, meaning it could be used 20+ more times before it went away. This bug is STILL in the game.
So if the negative number verification is only on the data input side, what is to stop a hacker from force sending a negative bid entry and duping AD again? Web code is easy to manipulate. If you dont place the data check in your database on the server side you are begging for trouble.
twilikzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
Fix the same clever use of collision thingy at Castle Never last boss
Keep up the good work!
In other things: Your screenshot makes me a sad panda. So so sad.
Head of PR
Great, now I can use the AH on my iPad properly
you should have noted by now that you only download a fraction of that and the display shows a combined amount of the files getting changed.
There are a few "smart use of map design" left. Check pirate king and skipping the last 1/4th of the dungeon with some jumps.
Server Down? Go to My Channel:
The Beauty of Neverwinter Online Part 1
There are MANY flawed map design elements, at least one in every map I've been in so far. Mostly harmless, though apparent nonetheless. Some can be exploited, some can be bugged by bosses in which it becomes impossible to do anything about until you get lucky chasing them out, or resetting the instance. On a smaller note about flawed map design, I've noticed a lot, LOT, of wasted poly's (it matters for fluidity's sake - much less, what I'd expect designers with experience) as well as misplaced or illogical invisible walls. I have some fun messing about finding them all when I'm bored, so I guess that's a thing.
no fix yet?
+1... agree
I am sure they are... why would you even ask this question.