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Trading review for review!



  • markyx16markyx16 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    I'm willing to trade a review. Here are my details.

    The Thamus Blade

    The Thamus Blade: NWS-DACTUKWMX
    Chapter 1 - Rescuing Answers: NW-DC64NKE5B
    Chapter 2 - Following the Horde: NW-DHVMWBW9D
    Chapter 3 - Memories: NW-DJHWOYMOY

    Just to be on the safe side, post your quest on my topic so I can track easier: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?278242-The-Thamus-Blade-Review-Trading
    Creator of The Thamus Blade campaign
    Chapter 1 - Rescuing Answers: NW-DC64NKE5B
    Chapter 2 - Following the Horde: NW-DHVMWBW9D
    Chapter 3 - Memories: NW-DJHWOYMOY

    Creator of The Golden Beard - NW-DCPDAN254
  • pavvopavvo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really awesome quest. Left a review and a tip. I love the "difficulty level" and the black-white quests

    Appreciate if you and your bf could review mine :)

    Short code: NW-DFEKZANXF
    Name: 3 Suns Aligned
    Author: @pavvo
    Est. Time: 19min Solo mode. Can be duoed.
    Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256451-3-Suns-Aligned-Part-1-of-the-Amulet-of-the-Suns-campaign

    Short Code: NW-DU3HEVWJ7
    Name: Holy Symbol of Khyber
    Author: @pavvo
    Est Time: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
    Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256431-Holy-Symbol-of-Khyber-A-short-quest

    The Tale of the 3 Suns - NWS-DA9XX8WIV
    #1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
    #2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
    #2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability

    The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
    #1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
    #2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
    Heavy combat/light story
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    todocaldo wrote: »
    I'll gladly try yours either this evening or tomorrow. I'll edit this post with a review.

    I would appreciate any help in escaping Review Hell

    Code: NW-DFGF2UXQH
    Name: Easy Coin... Right?
    Est time: 16 minutes
    Url: none yet
    Handle: @todocaldo

    REVIEW: 5/5 stars

    Wow really nice job. Great story and challenging combat. Loved the extra touches you put in like the difficulty sliders, the lore, and the use of other tricks. Gave me some thoughts for my own! Just some minor critiques regarding grammar and spelling but that is all I have to poke at. Well done!


    Just finished reviewing your quest. It was a nice little adventure but i found some issues:

    the first transition say go to toumbledown instead of Tumbledown

    The quest has us search for the 3 spider corpse before actually speaking with the alchemist.

    The third eggs are on the air, but they dont have a texture behind them, it ruins the visual.

    Transition to torren could have an object, like a signpost.

    Torren Priestess say driection should say direction

    mayor marwold say your safe should say you're safe

    Alrica fenta say lest should say least
    and fare the well should say fare thee well

    i dont get his expression "see you mare" - but i can be my bad

    file the document for Shadrach - I think it should be zeebo?

    On the scoundrel rest there is a customized courtisan elf - should be renamed ;)

    The bear head and elk head are both on the air and not actually on the wall - nitpicking xD

    message pre chest
    The top of the windows say Invisible clicky sphere half 01 - You need to change its name.

    I hope this helps you. With some tuning it could become a very nice first quest for your campaign! I found the pacing of the combat to be fine although i was duoing it, so i dont know how soloing it would go.

  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    coanunn wrote: »
    Tabris, I ran your quest and have to say that while I enjoyed it, it certainly had some issues that held it back from being as good as it could have been. An amazing potential that just falls short of being above and beyond and ends up being rather average. It felt very CRPGish, especially with the reliance on looping dialog to explain "everything" but it also makes it feel less like a dialog/conversation and more like a checklist of information.

    Here are a few notes I took while playing through it, by no means are all of these things that need to change but are based on my point of view:

    By using Protector's Enclave so much the quest runs afoul of the issue of dropping out of the quest log. I was forced to relog twice due to this issue before continuing the quest.

    Lots of grammar issues, including but not limited to incorrect use of the lower case i, failing to pluralize certain words, ending sentences in a preposition, etc. There are also a good deal of spelling errors, overall feels as if all interact and dialog should have been run through a word processor with spelling and grammar checks.

    The use of certain words, for example peregrination, will be WELL beyond the scope of the average player. In the BEST of circumstances those players will look it up, in the worst you will have failed to reach them at all leaving them unaware or unsure of what is going on.

    Blue Crystal key prompt is cut off to read "read about", this is a very confusing prompt to receive and is assumed to be a mistake.

    The looping style of your dialogs is in theme with many other RPG's. I would suggest in order to stand out have each dialog tree disable it'self for repeat. This can be achieved by a "disappear when" set to the end of a particular explination, so that even when the dialog loops that option is already hidden.

    Use of regular doors in the cave lead to clipping issues where you could see through walls as well as an immersion break, especially due to the fact the rolling boulder door is available.

    The combat in the wolf den feels very forced and padded, I feel like I'm being "delayed" simply to extend the quest rather than fighting for a reason. This is most notable in situations where patrols are placed in order to force stacked encounters where the difficulty while still remaining manageable suddenly spikes.

    Thank you for your review. Did you accept the quest today? it almost feel like you ran an old version, the quest used to suffer from the quest drop you mentioned but this was changed after the first 2 reviews i got, almost a week ago. Now you never go back to PE, you just get the quest from there and thats it.

    The ideia of the disappear when is nice but i only have the options for always, never, objective progress and objective complete - so i cannot use on dialog prompt to accomplish what you say.

    I am sure i still have plenty of errors, the ideia of using an word processor is a good one, just need an english dictionary and i'll do a review of the whole text.

    Regarding the wolf den, i tried to have less combat, but it just feel meaningless if there is no risk, most rooms only have 1 easy encounter with 1 easy encounter on patrol, which is easily avoidable with care. I soloed it with all the classes (as i have one of each) and when playing solo mode, its not really hard. I also make half the mobs dissapear when you get the key for those who decide to go around instead of backtracking (which is completly empty). Choosing the second or third dificulty are quite another matter tho, specially the last boss.

    I'll try to make it better :D
  • coanunncoanunn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 368 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tabris82 wrote: »
    Regarding the wolf den, i tried to have less combat, but it just feel meaningless if there is no risk, most rooms only have 1 easy encounter with 1 easy encounter on patrol, which is easily avoidable with care. I soloed it with all the classes (as i have one of each) and when playing solo mode, its not really hard. I also make half the mobs dissapear when you get the key for those who decide to go around instead of backtracking (which is completly empty). Choosing the second or third dificulty are quite another matter tho, specially the last boss.

    Like I said, no reason to make changes because of my feedback alone, but I'd be remiss if I didn't give you my honest opinion. The combat to me rather than feeling like a real risk since again even when you get a group and a patrol there really is no "danger" to the player just felt almost annoying. Perhaps use a higher difficulty conflict and reduce the overall number of them or at the very least make some of them seem like they have a reason for being in that particular spot. That's really for me where the "forced" feel comes. I understand wild beasts in the woods, the boss in it's room, door guards, etc. But guys just randomly standing in an area not doing anything untill I show up for combat doesn't feel organic. Why are they in THAT spot? What purpose do they play in the den outside of being filler for the player? If they don't belong I'd say remove them and replace with an encounter that makes sense in that location, or increase the difficulty of one in another location.

    Hope that helps.
    Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
  • nawteenawtee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First attempt. Would love some feedback.
    The writing is obviously comedy based.
    Not too grindy.

    Short code: NW-DGFAS6T87
    Name: Weird Fiction: Strangers in a Strange Time
    Author: @Nawtee
    Est. Time: 15 Minutes Solo
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited May 2013
    nawtee wrote: »
    First attempt. Would love some feedback.
    The writing is obviously comedy based.
    Not too grindy.

    Short code: NW-DGFAS6T87
    Name: Weird Fiction: Strangers in a Strange Time
    Author: @Nawtee
    Est. Time: 15 Minutes Solo

    "Only when your legs have proven themselves to me - both of them - will your task be complete."
    I lold.
    Pretty funny quest. Could use some punctuation corrections.
    Some of the objectives could use different wording, some are great. "Go to Next Map" is lame, but when it said, "Go back to where you once belonged," that's great, man.
    I also really love jumping puzzles and plan to include one in a later quest.
    Also many of your encounters would do well with adding a patrol loop.

    I'd appreciate it if you tried out one of my quests. This is the campaign ID. NWS-DNSXY8Z2F
  • dersamidersami Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey Guys

    I finished my first quest "the house of riddles" NW-DSMYYRKKJ today ... it has a bit of story and the second part is supposed to work as a proof-of-concept (of what kind you will surely find out if you have a look at it). Duration roughly 15min, only 1 fight.

    Any constructive criticism is appreciated!

    And of course I will trade reviews.

  • pellonpekko45pellonpekko45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Short code: NW-DMBIGH2HF
    Name: Ballad of Philippe the Flapjack
    Author: @pellonpekko45
    Est. Time: 16 min and can be duo-ed

    I will run your quest after work today and write a review.
    Short code: NW-DMBIGH2HF
    Name: Ballad of Philippe the Flapjack
    Author: @pellonpekko45
    Est. Time: 16 min and can be solo'ed
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    howitzer29 wrote: »
    I've got one for you to try out, too.

    Short code: NW-DDTRJVWYB
    Name: Rezade and the Ruins
    Author: @howitzer29
    Est. Time: 45 minutes

    I look forward to checking out your quest.

    Heya, i'll have to restart your quest or do it solo, as a duo i was not able to finish it as we took different objects.

    Some input i can give you as of now:

    The text was pretty good, i read it carefully and did not find any screaming mistakes (then again my english is far from good, but sometimes i manage to spot typos xD).

    The whole alexandrite, simonite deities were a nice touch and the lore was compeling enough to make me want to know more.

    I would recommend make the objects dissapear after use (should they have no other uses that is) like the oil. After using it, i still had it on the inventory, and it adds to the clutter.

    The banner/statue mini puzzle was the one i couln't complete, i had the hammer, my bf had the lion statue and the sword. One thing that you would need to change is that even after my bf placed the lion statuette - one it was still in his inventory although we could see it under the banner, and 2 the dialog still asked for it (which was not a problem since he had a copy). But if you had done 3 different interactions, he could have placed the lion and the sword (and those would dissapear from his inventory) and i could have placed the hammer. I think it would feel more organic and make your quest 1+ player friendly.

    The first time we see Brokenstar, he has the frightened stance, but it doesn't really fit his dialog. The second time perhaps has he is scared of the tower and black magic, but the first time i though wierd that the guy in charge looked so scared.

    Maybe turn a bit the big gear when we use the crank. Maybe its too much work due to having various gear, but after using it i though "thats it?" as i really expected it to turn xD

    I'll restart alone later or we'll have more care with the items (only one of us will take them).
  • slaidzslaidz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    So your quest is pretty fun overall. I liked the storyline and the dialogue was interesting to read. The combat wasn't too difficult and the campfires were placed very well.

    There are a few things you could change:
    The description in the beginning is too long and it cuts off.
    There are typos littered throughout, but they aren't too bad.
    Ratatin doesn't disappear after finding the wolves.

    Overall, this was a 4/5 quest, but you need to fix the typos.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I played your quest a day or two ago now, see my review for my feedback. Care to give mine a shot? Curious to see how it will play with multiple players.

    The Blackwood Scourge
  • pellonpekko45pellonpekko45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Finished your quest just now. As I mentioned in the review I had some issues with the gatekeeper. I'm not sure if it was just a terrain glitch, but the gatekeeper would just stand stationary when I was fighting him. After using knockback skills he would run back to the spot and continue standing there.

    Also the dagger location on the table was a little difficult for me to grab. It kept saying out of line of sight when trying to hover over it. This could just be me being a dwarf since it has happened a lot of through out the game.

    Overall I greatly enjoyed your foundry quest. The difficulty level adjustment is a nice touch. Also enjoyed the dialogue, I didn't realize foundry allowed your dialogue options to branch out and come back to prior responses. It's nice to have that ability instead of having to start the dialogue chain over again after picking a different option.

    So please try out my foundry quest and give me some feedback.

    Short code: NW-DMBIGH2HF
    Name: Ballad of Philippe the Flapjack
    Author: @pellonpekko45
    Est. Time: 16 min and can be duo-ed
    Short code: NW-DMBIGH2HF
    Name: Ballad of Philippe the Flapjack
    Author: @pellonpekko45
    Est. Time: 16 min and can be solo'ed
  • alucard060alucard060 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi, just finished updating my foundry dungeon and would love for you to check it out when you can. It's geared towards solo play, but it should still be fine with a partner.

    Short code: NW-DCL7EAYAJ
    Name: The Three Brothers Act 1
    Author: @alucard060
    Est. Time: 19min
    Url: The Three Brothers Act 1
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ryask wrote: »
    It is a campaign with 2 out of 3 parts up and completed. Looking specifically for feedback on Part 1. looking forward to hearing some constructive feedback and getting some reviews. Also plan on checking out some of the quests posted here as well thanks!

    Short code: NWS-DMPKD7OPD
    Name: Eye For An Eye
    Author: @ryask
    Est. Time: 20mins
    Url: don't have one yet

    Hello, just finished your quest. There are some issues on playing it with more than one player, since it seems that some of the interactions need to have the item in hand.

    For instance Glenda asks you for the honey, but then to give you the second chore you need to have the storeroom key. Since i had the key, and my bf had the honey, we had to restart.

    Then i took all the items, but at the end, my bf couldn't see the exit door (not sure if its related)

    I thought the combat was way too hard. You stacked too many encounters with high hp mobs. After a while it gets quite tedious and we were playing 2 dps chars.

    Also you get to keep all the items. Maybe have glenda asking you to place them somewhere so they don't clutter so much the inventory.

    I found some typos and objects needing renaming:


    "itimidating" should be "intimidating"

    "Beatuful" should be "beautiful"


    "disscuss" should be "discuss"

    "sombody's" should be "somebody's"

    Everytime you say Guard or Guarding you write gaurding our gaurd

    You also have some "i" not capitalized, people really go berserk over this, you should try to amend those.


    Shelf storage 01 - needs renaming

    beets crate 01 - needs renaming


    You had some flying logs

    The painting with the elven women with the owl had a little candle flame floating in front of it (instead of a regular light).


    It would be interesting to see where the story between those 2 characters will go. Thanks :)
  • alucard060alucard060 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay Just finished up your quest Tabris82 and I must say I really liked it! There were quite a few chat options which I liked and the characters were all very believable in how they talked. A few things I thought were cool/funny were the werewolf archer that was named "Wolfgolas". The rolling rock door, was great! I didn't know that was possible? I also found it funny to find skeletons chasing chickens around the town ruins :). I didn't find any major bugs, but there were a few minor ones.

    1) This didn't bother me at all, but if you would like to fix it there are several instances where "i" was not capitalized. I will list them below.
    1a) (While talking to Young Common Girl) "Thank you, i will check it out then"
    1b) (While talking to Madame Irma) "2. but i can understand their need"
    1c) (While talking to Madame Irma) "I knew better and still acted like i did"
    2) (While talking to Madame Irma) There is the option to ask "The Weave...?" but I don't believe my character was told anything about the weave before this (unless I missed it)
    3) (While talking to Madame Irma) She says "When I first detected Ashadaai, I send my apprentice" I believe that should be sent
    4) (While talking to Madame Irma about her apprentice) She mentioned "vivacious colors on her gownd" Should be gown
    5) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) I think somewhere in OOC text it says "This few pages have inscribed information about the access keys" Should be These
    6) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) (While reading about the Iron Bound Key) "The door itself appear unremarkable" Should be appears
    7) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) (While reading about Stone of Fiery Cleansing) "That second door require this fiery power" Should be requires
    8) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) The one chat option is "Read more about the tree access keys" Should be three
    9) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) (While reading about The Blue Crystal of Purification) "The blue Crystal of Purification is the crystalized tear of a Deva, going through the pain of its thousand death." Should be thousandth
    10) (On the Lake Everglow map) There is a group of rocks that are floating a bit off the ground directly to the East when entering the Lake Everglow map near a group of zombies.
    11) (On the Lake Everglow map) There are a few trees that have limbs going through the ground, other trees and also a tree limb going through a building
    12) The Birds of prey have flys swarming around them.
    13) (While talking to Marybeth) The first line says "This appear to be Madame Irma's apprentice" Should be appears
    14) (While talking to Marybeth) During the conversation she says "I need to carry the rest of my mission. Ashadaai should be somewhere around here" Should be carry on with the rest of my mission.
    15) (While examining the first set of tracks) "This prints look relatively fresh" Should be These prints look relatively fresh.
    16) (While talking to Ratatin) He says "Ratatins backpack was open and they key and all the food was gone!" Should be the
    17) (While talking to Ghost Wolf) He says "My people have lived here in peace of many generations" Should be for
    18) (When returning to camp and talking to Ratatin) "The wererat snaps out of his firefly induces trance" Should be induced
    19) There is a quest objective called "Return to Madame Irma's Shop and give to her key" Should be "Return to Madame Irma's Shop and give her the key"
    20) (I forget which npc said this, I think it might have been the little girl in the shop) She said "Hello, (insert name) how did everything went?" Should be go

    Okay sorry that was a bit lengthy! I hope this list helps.

    Short code: NW-DCL7EAYAJ
    Name: The Three Brothers Act 1
    Author: @alucard060
    Est. Time: 19min
    Url: The Three Brothers Act 1
  • ryaskryask Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tabris82 wrote: »
    Hello, just finished your quest. There are some issues on playing it with more than one player, since it seems that some of the interactions need to have the item in hand.

    For instance Glenda asks you for the honey, but then to give you the second chore you need to have the storeroom key. Since i had the key, and my bf had the honey, we had to restart.

    Then i took all the items, but at the end, my bf couldn't see the exit door (not sure if its related)

    I thought the combat was way too hard. You stacked too many encounters with high hp mobs. After a while it gets quite tedious and we were playing 2 dps chars.

    Also you get to keep all the items. Maybe have glenda asking you to place them somewhere so they don't clutter so much the inventory.

    I found some typos and objects needing renaming:


    "itimidating" should be "intimidating"

    "Beatuful" should be "beautiful"


    "disscuss" should be "discuss"

    "sombody's" should be "somebody's"

    Everytime you say Guard or Guarding you write gaurding our gaurd

    You also have some "i" not capitalized, people really go berserk over this, you should try to amend those.


    Shelf storage 01 - needs renaming

    beets crate 01 - needs renaming


    You had some flying logs

    The painting with the elven women with the owl had a little candle flame floating in front of it (instead of a regular light).


    It would be interesting to see where the story between those 2 characters will go. Thanks :)

    Thanks for the feedback I corrected the spelling errors, but could not find one single instance of I not capitalized haha. Renamed the shelf and crate. Those flames...well I see them too but there is nothing creating them so I can't fix that. I removed the required items in order to speak to the characters and made sure each required item is disposed of shortly afterwards with a interaction to save on bag space. I thinned out the mobs a bit.. i'm surprised you had troubles with two of you, when people have soloed it. Anyways thanks for the feedback.
  • squalleksquallek Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello ! : )

    Short code: NW-DMUA6J64E
    Name: Save my Friend - PYNDE
    Author: Squall13ffpl
    Est. Time: ~16-25min hmm 2ppl (all mobs is on Hard mode :) )

    This is my first quest i just start learn this program :). Leave your code in review and i will do your quest ! :)
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ryask wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback I corrected the spelling errors, but could not find one single instance of I not capitalized haha. Renamed the shelf and crate. Those flames...well I see them too but there is nothing creating them so I can't fix that. I removed the required items in order to speak to the characters and made sure each required item is disposed of shortly afterwards with a interaction to save on bag space. I thinned out the mobs a bit.. i'm surprised you had troubles with two of you, when people have soloed it. Anyways thanks for the feedback.

    Heya, you're welcome.
    About the mobs, the issue could be that we suck xD or... (drumrolls) with the levels. Before level 30 everything is ALOT easier. then 30+ there is a spike in difficulty and lvl 60 foundry mobs have way more xp compairing to you, their growth is not linear. You have to consider this when placing mobs with higher dps.

    Then again difficulty is subjective. We did not die, but my bf rogue had to chug lot's of potions and was cranky because of it xD for me it was the duration of the combats, there were so many mobs (that were not minions) that it took forever to kill them all and not get overrun.

    But combat is all a matter of preference anyway.
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alucard060 wrote: »
    Okay Just finished up your quest Tabris82 and I must say I really liked it! There were quite a few chat options which I liked and the characters were all very believable in how they talked. A few things I thought were cool/funny were the werewolf archer that was named "Wolfgolas". The rolling rock door, was great! I didn't know that was possible? I also found it funny to find skeletons chasing chickens around the town ruins :). I didn't find any major bugs, but there were a few minor ones.

    1) This didn't bother me at all, but if you would like to fix it there are several instances where "i" was not capitalized. I will list them below.
    1a) (While talking to Young Common Girl) "Thank you, i will check it out then"
    1b) (While talking to Madame Irma) "2. but i can understand their need"
    1c) (While talking to Madame Irma) "I knew better and still acted like i did"
    2) (While talking to Madame Irma) There is the option to ask "The Weave...?" but I don't believe my character was told anything about the weave before this (unless I missed it)
    3) (While talking to Madame Irma) She says "When I first detected Ashadaai, I send my apprentice" I believe that should be sent
    4) (While talking to Madame Irma about her apprentice) She mentioned "vivacious colors on her gownd" Should be gown
    5) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) I think somewhere in OOC text it says "This few pages have inscribed information about the access keys" Should be These
    6) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) (While reading about the Iron Bound Key) "The door itself appear unremarkable" Should be appears
    7) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) (While reading about Stone of Fiery Cleansing) "That second door require this fiery power" Should be requires
    8) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) The one chat option is "Read more about the tree access keys" Should be three
    9) (While looking at Madame Irma's Notebook) (While reading about The Blue Crystal of Purification) "The blue Crystal of Purification is the crystalized tear of a Deva, going through the pain of its thousand death." Should be thousandth
    10) (On the Lake Everglow map) There is a group of rocks that are floating a bit off the ground directly to the East when entering the Lake Everglow map near a group of zombies.
    11) (On the Lake Everglow map) There are a few trees that have limbs going through the ground, other trees and also a tree limb going through a building
    12) The Birds of prey have flys swarming around them.
    13) (While talking to Marybeth) The first line says "This appear to be Madame Irma's apprentice" Should be appears
    14) (While talking to Marybeth) During the conversation she says "I need to carry the rest of my mission. Ashadaai should be somewhere around here" Should be carry on with the rest of my mission.
    15) (While examining the first set of tracks) "This prints look relatively fresh" Should be These prints look relatively fresh.
    16) (While talking to Ratatin) He says "Ratatins backpack was open and they key and all the food was gone!" Should be the
    17) (While talking to Ghost Wolf) He says "My people have lived here in peace of many generations" Should be for
    18) (When returning to camp and talking to Ratatin) "The wererat snaps out of his firefly induces trance" Should be induced
    19) There is a quest objective called "Return to Madame Irma's Shop and give to her key" Should be "Return to Madame Irma's Shop and give her the key"
    20) (I forget which npc said this, I think it might have been the little girl in the shop) She said "Hello, (insert name) how did everything went?" Should be go

    Okay sorry that was a bit lengthy! I hope this list helps.

    Short code: NW-DCL7EAYAJ
    Name: The Three Brothers Act 1
    Author: @alucard060
    Est. Time: 19min
    Url: The Three Brothers Act 1

    Wow! Thanks a lot! Amazing review, this will help me tremendously! (could you believe I did not know that the I's needed capitalization? Already corrected most, but there are always more! ^_^)
  • luther8luther8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hook me up with a review and ill return the favor, just pm me or something if i don't review it after a day of your review on mine, details in the signature.
    The Adventures of Sherlock Colms

    Quest I
    The Mysteries at Fang Ridge!
    Short code: NW-DGTN72HYL
  • alucard060alucard060 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tabris82 wrote: »
    Wow! Thanks a lot! Amazing review, this will help me tremendously! (could you believe I did not know that the I's needed capitalization? Already corrected most, but there are always more! ^_^)

    You're welcome! Glad I could help.
  • anrix2anrix2 Member Posts: 175 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'll trade with you.

    Short code:NW-DKYGGYPUE
    Name: Mage Masher
    Author: @anrix2
    Est. Time: 25 minutes for a group, 15 minutes for the solo option. (Though I recommend group for the full experience.)
    Url: None, It is a hack and slash.
    A solo or group hack-n-slash: Mage Masher

    A short solo hack-n-slash: The Dirty Dwarf
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tabris82 wrote: »
    Heya, i'll have to restart your quest or do it solo, as a duo i was not able to finish it as we took different objects.

    Some input i can give you as of now:

    The text was pretty good, i read it carefully and did not find any screaming mistakes (then again my english is far from good, but sometimes i manage to spot typos xD).

    The whole alexandrite, simonite deities were a nice touch and the lore was compelling enough to make me want to know more.

    I would recommend make the objects disappear after use (should they have no other uses that is) like the oil. After using it, i still had it on the inventory, and it adds to the clutter.

    The banner/statue mini puzzle was the one i couldn't complete, i had the hammer, my bf had the lion statue and the sword. One thing that you would need to change is that even after my bf placed the lion statuette - one it was still in his inventory although we could see it under the banner, and 2 the dialog still asked for it (which was not a problem since he had a copy). But if you had done 3 different interactions, he could have placed the lion and the sword (and those would disappear from his inventory) and i could have placed the hammer. I think it would feel more organic and make your quest 1+ player friendly.

    The first time we see Brokenstar, he has the frightened stance, but it doesn't really fit his dialog. The second time perhaps has he is scared of the tower and black magic, but the first time i thought weird that the guy in charge looked so scared.

    Maybe turn a bit the big gear when we use the crank. Maybe its too much work due to having various gear, but after using it i thought "thats it?" as i really expected it to turn xD

    I'll restart alone later or we'll have more care with the items (only one of us will take them).


    Finished running it again. This time i had all the items so it was easily finishable.

    I enjoyed it! The dialogs were really good and i was unable to find any mistakes. Even alone i still do not like how the items are handled. The banner puzzle is weird, not only you keep all the items (that you just layed there) but if you only have a few items, say that you have the hammer and the lion but not the sword. You are able to place the lion. Then you cannot continue and have to get the sword. But once you return the lion is there but you still have the "place the lion" interaction".

    I think you should have those 3 banners on different objectives, so that you place the lion and it leaves the inventory. Then the second object. Then the last. This way there is less clutter, less risk of a group being stuck there and it makes more sense (as you will probably click it before having the 3 objects).

    The combat was nice and soloable with a priest, good pace. I liked the mystery man ^_^

    Thanks again for you review, i hope mine will help you :D
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Name: Any cave can lead to adventure!
    Short code: NW-DQF4T7QYH

    Heya! Just finished reviewing your one page quest. Nice use of interactions for the DM descriptions.

    Just some thoughts:

    The Transition to the cave has "Go the the next map"

    You say Explore the long dark, but there was way too much illumination in my opinion.

    The Priestess was inside the altar before the combat, not sure it was intended.

    Other than that it was an enjoyable quest ^_^
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Name: 3 Suns Aligned
    Short code: NW-DFEKZANXF

    Hello. Reviewed your quest just now. It is a nice beginning but there are a few things i have found:

    Maybe to make the text more readable use [/ooc] for the descriptions instead of just brackets inside the text.

    Found a typo with the traveler compells - should be compels.

    When you are leaving the first cave the transition say Go to the next map.

    In the Resounding plains you some mobs stuck in the rocks.

    When you are leaving the resounding plains the transition say Go to the next map.

    I also though the first mobs inside the cave were a bit stacked, maybe give the possibility of pulling them separately, with care.

    I hope this helps. Thanks ^_^
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    slaidz wrote: »
    I will try your quest out. Mine is in my sig.


    Short code: Check sig

    Name: A Nobleman's Request

    Author: @Senatis

    Est. Time: Avg. 20 minutes, solo

    Url: Check sig


    So i just finished your quest. Did it solo with a Cleric, the combats were a bit hard but nothing overwhelming. It was fun and i liked how there was plenty of dialog options that would fit different personalities.

    A few things i noticed that you might want to change should they not be intended:

    The first encounters ventured too close to Geralt, so they started attacking him while i was still talking to him, then while i was resting at the camp (maybe the patrol goes too close, or the wander radius is set too wide).

    The Whole lighthouse was interactable - maybe put a small invisible interactable in front of the door.

    Most of not all the interactions just say interact.

    After killing the loyal servants the quest still say "loyal servants" instead of something like "go back to the hideaway" or something. On the same note, i thought that the descriptions of your quests were odd, like "loyal servants", "slaves", "home" instead of find and kill x, go to back y to z.

    Also the whole part with the mute was a bit weird. But you did some very nice tricks, like when he died and the skeleton with the same rough shape appears, very nice!

    Keep in mind those are just my opinion ;) I hope this helps.
  • howitzer29howitzer29 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tabris82 wrote: »
    Heya, i'll have to restart your quest or do it solo, as a duo i was not able to finish it as we took different objects.

    Some input i can give you as of now:

    The text was pretty good, i read it carefully and did not find any screaming mistakes (then again my english is far from good, but sometimes i manage to spot typos xD).

    The whole alexandrite, simonite deities were a nice touch and the lore was compeling enough to make me want to know more.

    I would recommend make the objects dissapear after use (should they have no other uses that is) like the oil. After using it, i still had it on the inventory, and it adds to the clutter.

    The banner/statue mini puzzle was the one i couln't complete, i had the hammer, my bf had the lion statue and the sword. One thing that you would need to change is that even after my bf placed the lion statuette - one it was still in his inventory although we could see it under the banner, and 2 the dialog still asked for it (which was not a problem since he had a copy). But if you had done 3 different interactions, he could have placed the lion and the sword (and those would dissapear from his inventory) and i could have placed the hammer. I think it would feel more organic and make your quest 1+ player friendly.

    The first time we see Brokenstar, he has the frightened stance, but it doesn't really fit his dialog. The second time perhaps has he is scared of the tower and black magic, but the first time i though wierd that the guy in charge looked so scared.

    Maybe turn a bit the big gear when we use the crank. Maybe its too much work due to having various gear, but after using it i though "thats it?" as i really expected it to turn xD

    I'll restart alone later or we'll have more care with the items (only one of us will take them).

    Thanks for the input on the banner puzzle. That's an excellent idea. I'll look into implementing that.

    In fact, all that feedback is great, and they're all ideas I'll try to add. Thanks again for playing!
  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'm going to play your quest mate. Mine is in signature :)
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • tabris82tabris82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pavvo wrote: »

    Short Code: NW-DU3HEVWJ7
    Name: Holy Symbol of Khyber
    Author: @pavvo
    Est Time: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
    Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256431-Holy-Symbol-of-Khyber-A-short-quest

    Hello, nice short little quest, straight to the point.

    The fights are a bit stacked, but i duoed it so it was fine and fun (would have been a nightmare alone though).

    Two things i noticed: your transitions have Go to the next map instead of a personalized exit.

    On the eerie bookshelf there is missing a ">" on the third book.

    I had fun, thanks :)
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