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The Gwf Failure

gorillacherokgorillacherok Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
lets start off with, no there does not need to be a pvp balance more of there should be a way to resist, how about some cc resist enchantments for utility slot, that will be all the balance pvp is needing


what purpose is gwf, decoration, he is not a tank with viable defense, he is not a healer, he is not a dps, he is not a cc, i played a power build with 6500 power 2500 crit and i playing now a crit build with 5500 power 3800 crit, yet tanks are out dpsing me. A GWF for pve is a failure and wasted my time and money, no one wants to party a gwf, they dont play any specific roles in the game, there not needed or wanted, they are by far under powered for pve, a huge aoe sounds nice, but wait for every enemy u hit u loose damage, how bad

GWF needs a buff, its a melee 2 hander, it hits slow, so give its power back, its clearly the class that should be slow hitting and 1 shotting, so where is its potential, give it a huge power multiplier to actually do something, as a 2 hand melee class this class should live up to the legacy of being able to solo so much, boost his defense and boost his power, make this class useable, the only thing a gwf can do is run, really fast, but all he can do is run

The most made raid party is : 2 DC 2 CW 1 TR

GF and GWF have no use in pve

Dont forget that in a raid a CW will cc the adds so much and so often that a melee class literally cant even get near them to even hit one.
Post edited by gorillacherok on


  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Perhaps not very eloquently stated but it's certainly true.
  • dottekkdottekk Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know the pattern for GWF is Logan Thackerey from GW2 xD... It works as intended -> enough said!
  • azzanhurazzanhur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Perhaps not very eloquently stated but it's certainly true.

    Concerning his nick, he did very well for a gorilla.
  • theskymootheskymoo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    lets start off with, no there does not need to be a pvp balance more of there should be a way to resist, how about some cc resist enchantments for utility slot, that will be all the balance pvp is needing


    what purpose is gwf, decoration, he is not a tank with viable defense, he is not a healer, he is not a dps, he is not a cc, i played a power build with 6500 power 2500 crit and i playing now a crit build with 5500 power 3800 crit, yet tanks are out dpsing me. A GWF for pve is a failure and wasted my time and money, no one wants to party a gwf, they dont play any specific roles in the game, there not needed or wanted, they are by far under powered for pve, a huge aoe sounds nice, but wait for every enemy u hit u loose damage, how bad

    GWF needs a buff, its a melee 2 hander, it hits slow, so give its power back, its clearly the class that should be slow hitting and 1 shotting, so where is its potential, give it a huge power multiplier to actually do something, as a 2 hand melee class this class should live up to the legacy of being able to solo so much, boost his defense and boost his power, make this class useable, the only thing a gwf can do is run, really fast, but all he can do is run

    The most made raid party is : 2 DC 2 CW 1 TR

    GF and GWF have no use in pve

    Dont forget that in a raid a CW will cc the adds so much and so often that a melee class literally cant even get near them to even hit one.

    Not sure what I'm doing different but when I'm in groups I'm comfortably doing enough damage to rank 1 or 2. I think it's still an underpowered class though too but have a tinker with feats etc... and see what you come out with. Don't give up on it just yet. :)
  • xanos900xanos900 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    you can stun-luck everybody in pvp
    you can outdps almost every CW in aoe in pve.

    what the **** l2p
  • korttiapinakorttiapina Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's sad to see the warrior classes in such decline :( R.I.P GF and GWF
  • teepussiteepussi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just to add insult to injury my GWF bought the blue augment pet and as recovery is pretty much cheapest runestone to buy i stacked it with that, to realise later the augmented recovery wont be affected by 25% of recovery turned to armor penetration paragon feat. This game has tons of stuff that dont work, while at same time theres totally ridicilously overpowered stacking stuff, that widen the cap between some classes. Im not saying have to nerf and nerf stuff, but at least fix the **** GWF to be good at something, maybe no damage caps to aoe or something to lift it up a bit. Ofc hoping it will be something to bring GWF as fun class to play and not feel like your swinging foam sword.
  • nymesis92nymesis92 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 270 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    So what are the people doing that are making both these classes work that you aren't besides just not being generally absolutely fcking garbage at this video game?

    Refrain from making silly post when your trash please. Thanks and bye.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bet each and every PvE crying GWF is trying to be single target DPS because hitting 1 target for 100% dmg is so much better then hitting 5 for 90% of dmg.
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    nymesis92 wrote: »
    So what are the people doing that are making both these classes work that you aren't besides just not being generally absolutely fcking garbage at this video game?

    Refrain from making silly post when your trash please. Thanks and bye.

    Well I can't speak for GFs but GWFs in the know have taking to using animation-canceling tricks to try to stay competitive in dps. It's really not a fix though. Mostly people who don't think GWFs are underpowered don't understand the math and think coming in 2nd place in damage after a TR means that the class is doing fine. Of course, even if GWFs did adequate damage they still would be kicked out of parties in favor of CWs because of the nature of some dungeons, but that's an issue that's a bit more complicated to fix.
    lerdocix wrote: »
    I bet each and every PvE crying GWF is trying to be single target DPS because hitting 1 target for 100% dmg is so much better then hitting 5 for 90% of dmg.
    Which goes to show you know nothing about GWFs. Our single target at-will attack does about 1/3rd the damage of a TR's at-will. GWFs tend to prefer our multi-target at-wills precisely because even though they have slightly less dps than Sure Strike they do hit multiple targets.
  • jn2002dk1jn2002dk1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    I bet each and every PvE crying GWF is trying to be single target DPS because hitting 1 target for 100% dmg is so much better then hitting 5 for 90% of dmg.
    Go play a GWF at 60 then come back with something worthwhile to add mkay?

    The dps is not the top issue if an issue at all

    Stupid dungeon design which allows CW to knock adds to instant death is an issue for GWF because the CW is much more desireable under these circumstances

    The broken Sentinel path is an issue since GWF are supposed to be offtanks if specced right

    The fact that a TR can tank better while taking less damage than a plate class is an issue

    The fact that no one wants a fighter in their pug because the current best setup is 2 x DC, 2 x CW 1 x TR is a huge issue not just for GWF but also for GF
  • matrias88matrias88 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2013
    He has a point my guild and i never party with a GF or GWF, its usually a disaster. Everything goes much better with a 2nd CW/TR/DC.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jn2002dk1 wrote: »
    Go play a GWF at 60 then come back with something worthwhile to add mkay?

    The dps is not the top issue if an issue at all

    Stupid dungeon design which allows CW to knock adds to instant death is an issue for GWF because the CW is much more desireable under these circumstances

    The broken Sentinel path is an issue since GWF are supposed to be offtanks if specced right

    The fact that a TR can tank better while taking less damage than a plate class is an issue

    The fact that no one wants a fighter in their pug because the current best setup is 2 x DC, 2 x CW 1 x TR is a huge issue not just for GWF but also for GF

    Actually I'm on my way as we speak. 46lv atm. The moment I got cleric companion was the moment everything started going nice.
    What you say is what I say, its not that GWF is bad, its CW that is extremely overperforming. Same thing with TR, everyone knows they are over the top.
    I've personally been with ONE sentinel GWF in group on T2 and it was awesome(I'm cleric), he managed to keep most of the stuff on himself somehow.

    I'll say this again, its CWs and TRs extremely overperforming, not GWFs and GFs being weak, becase I've been in groups with them and they did extremely nice. But why have it nice, when you can faceroll with CWs and TRs?
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    I bet each and every PvE crying GWF is trying to be single target DPS because hitting 1 target for 100% dmg is so much better then hitting 5 for 90% of dmg.
    my aoe at will hit 1.2k+crtic and if more mobs then drops under 500 crtics so i would not call that 10% damage reduction ,gwf need huge dps boost they need to return him how he was in bw3 .....
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    warpet wrote: »
    my aoe at will hit 1.2k+crtic and if more mobs then drops under 500 crtics so i would not call that 10% damage reduction ,gwf need huge dps boost they need to return him how he was in bw3 .....

    Which AoE would that be, how many mobs(5 seems to be AoE cap for none daily) and what kind of mob, because some are armored.
    I'm critting in AoE situations for 300-400 at level 46 with Weapon Masters Strike with 5+ mobs on me, I find it hard to believe what you say, but will find out soon enough as I'm leveling fast.
  • deurkier1deurkier1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    i am almost always rank 1 or 2 in pve, i can 1 combo people in PVP

    so i would love to be buffed even more <3
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dottekk wrote: »
    You know the pattern for GWF is Logan Thackerey from GW2 xD... It works as intended -> enough said!

    Thackerey from GW1 was better........ He was younger and more <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    deurkier1 wrote: »
    i am almost always rank 1 or 2 in pve, i can 1 combo people in PVP

    so i would love to be buffed even more <3

    How do you know your rank, exactly
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • tybrus8tybrus8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    I bet each and every PvE crying GWF is trying to be single target DPS because hitting 1 target for 100% dmg is so much better then hitting 5 for 90% of dmg.

    This is sooo true,

    GWF is an AoE melee class. Learn to speck for what they are supposed to be. While i can admit for PvP maybe they are a bit underwhelming , in PvE dungeons they do a **** ton of dmg to MULTIPLE targets if you know what you are doing.
  • skylia120410skylia120410 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I like my GWF. only I might trade in for is ranger since if I choose dps it is usually ranged dps, but I love solo, group, and pvp (which is interesting cause I usually hate pvp) if I die I die no big deal, if I am at bottom of Dps charts for that run no big I figure out what I could have done better to improve and work on it.

    if you don't like the class fine don't play it.
    Character handle:@skylia120410
    GWF GUIDE SITE: Still being worked on not 60 yet
    Divine Misfits (one of the Guild Leaders)(Guild Site Manager)
  • nymesis92nymesis92 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 270 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This is what I see when I see a cry baby GWF post..

    "Hey I'm bad at video games so I'm going to go rant on the forums because of it"

    stfu and learn how to play games.
  • gorillacherokgorillacherok Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Funny seeing little kids like nymesis92 cry on the forums

    Neways the aoe is not what u all imagine it to be, i initial crit 1200-1500 then dropping per mob, yes it hits every target around me, but so weak

    my greatest attack crits 16k...... compared to a DC 70k or what about a TR 80k
  • fractur3d20fractur3d20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    theskymoo wrote: »
    Not sure what I'm doing different but when I'm in groups I'm comfortably doing enough damage to rank 1 or 2. I think it's still an underpowered class though too but have a tinker with feats etc... and see what you come out with. Don't give up on it just yet. :)

    Dps on trash mobs doesn't mean ****.

    Oh wait... This is Neverwinter, endless waves of trash are the bosses.
  • helbourne63helbourne63 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    I love my GWF. multi-target dps in pve, stun-lock in pvp. I am almost always near the top of the charts for pve dps and pvp kills.

    You do realize that you can't just stand there and click buttons like WOW?
    Hero of the North
  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xanos900 wrote: »
    you can stun-luck everybody in pvp
    you can outdps almost every CW in aoe in pve.

    what the **** l2p

    what at 60? How about having some fun before that....
    lerdocix wrote: »
    I bet each and every PvE crying GWF is trying to be single target DPS because hitting 1 target for 100% dmg is so much better then hitting 5 for 90% of dmg.

    Sure it is, be with you 100 percent being orders of magnitude below just about everyone in the game, plus when those 5 hit back there all doing a hundred and it hurts. Its still not a lot and sure its great on trash...I'm 41 and doing the great wolf dungeon. Part of those "trash" mobs are scavengers, fighters, stormcallers and lords...multiples...they take a more than a few swipes to take down an get more than one on you and it can be trouble. The trash mobs scale faster than you and are usually a level or two above you, at higher levels even the "trash" gets tough.....
    nymesis92 wrote: »
    This is what I see when I see a cry baby GWF post..

    "Hey I'm bad at video games so I'm going to go rant on the forums because of it"

    stfu and learn how to play games.

    Let me guess....rogue????
    Funny seeing little kids like nymesis92 cry on the forums

    Neways the aoe is not what u all imagine it to be, i initial crit 1200-1500 then dropping per mob, yes it hits every target around me, but so weak

    my greatest attack crits 16k...... compared to a DC 70k or what about a TR 80k

    Ive never seen actual numbers of what DCs and Rogues crit for level for level to a GWF but it would be interesting and eye opening id assume.....
    I love my GWF. multi-target dps in pve, stun-lock in pvp. I am almost always near the top of the charts for pve dps and pvp kills.

    You do realize that you can't just stand there and click buttons like WOW?

    Here is the problem with that, I run a lot with my GWF, which you're supposed to do, to avoid getting hit....they run out of stamina so fast and it takes so long to come back once I'm in a fight I'm out shortly after and I get a burst every now and then....but evade one or two attacks and I'm getting beaten on again....
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I said this in another thread, and another and another and this one. Recent interview with a lead designer stated that a lot of players are unhappy with how the GWF is performing and that they are looking into ways to improve it.
  • damatsudamatsu Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xanos900 wrote: »
    you can stun-luck everybody in pvp
    you can outdps almost every CW in aoe in pve.

    what the **** l2p

    you must be pting w/ the worst CWs in history to be out AOE dpsing them that is control wizards forte alone. Im almost always 1/2nd in pvp and pve dps and kill wise as CW
  • nornsavantnornsavant Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I find my GWF enjoyable but that’s shouldn’t mean much because I also control everything about the experience. I don’t really group with people or do delves so I have really have to compare myself to anyone else. I pick the content and do plenty of foundry missions that I can bail on at any time without consequence. I have the cleric companion with makes GWF a whole new class and I am not yet so high leveled that the Cleric Companion is useless.

    These seem to be the ideal parameters for really enjoying the GWF. If the Devs see this and think to themselves, “Dude, that’s sad. You should like, be able to like group and stuff.” Then they should consider making some changes such that some of these parameters are not so iron-clad.

    To help you I have compiled a hand-dandy worksheet. Use it to get your development thoughts in line.

    The GWF brings the unique ability of ________________ to a group.
    The GWF can contribute like no one else can to a delv by using _______________.
    The GWF can stand on his own even without a companion because of __________________.
    Without a GWF in the group, the party will be missing __________________.
    The GWF can complete PVE missions just like other classes by using _________________.

    Let these answers or the questions they raise guide you in the development of this class.

    Alternately you could use them as a form of mad-lib to pass the time while you are waiting for the injury debuff to fade assuming you actually play a GWF.
  • wastingsanitywastingsanity Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some of the feats are broken as in does not work. I am not to sure about GWF but I have a feeling there are some.
  • wumaccabangawumaccabanga Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    played a dungeon with OP yesterday...he seems to know the game very well, and he's obviously right about gwf being trash atm.

    biggest issue is at-will powers imo, i feel totally useless once my encounters are on cooldown...

    big sword = slow, big damage
    daggers, ranged = fast, moderate damage

    not really the case right now :(
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