okay i really like the pack, im very pleased...
However, i still strongly believe this reward should be given to ANY ACCOUNT that has created a character before the set date, and be an account unlock NOT a character one.
you just wait for whines of all those people that have items with low bids on the auction house that auctions expired during the time AH was off...
Maybe they'll have had the common sense to freeze the auction house when they took it offline so any remaining time to bid/cancel/buyout auction will still be there.
like this guy points out, we already know what's in the package!
the other items are a stone of health, dwarven facemask, protectors enclave teleport scrolls, and 2 xp boosters. All items will be bound.
oh, and the cape is indeed called cape of catastroph.
Just wondering what in the world I will do, at level 60, with experience boosters...
Fletchette F. Fletch newbie rogue extraordinaire
o0k1a7h3m0kMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
being able to AFK PvP made glory items cheaper than they would otherwise be.
You can still 'AFK' PvP. Their 'fix' did nothing to stop it. About 33-50% of my PvP games are facing an AFK team or a 'team' where the leader uses a script to kick all other party members at load. PvP, and Glory by extension, is still a joke.
pitgreaseMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 12Arc User
Ok thanks for the gift. Not really what i wanted but the cape looks nice. Now if you want people to be able to wear it could you please make a separate "cape" slot, so that we don't have to get rid off our neck item? It's a MMO after all, and if fashion items take combat gear slots we can't really use it...
Ok thanks for the gift. Not really what i wanted but the cape looks nice. Now if you want people to be able to wear it could you please make a separate "cape" slot, so that we don't have to get rid off our neck item? It's a MMO after all, and if fashion items take combat gear slots we can't really use it...
well you can change the appearance of items for a mere 60k AD..... what? you wanted it for free? Free to play you say? Its F2P but the P stands for Pay.
ps. yea, I'm frustrated as I dont find any of the items in the pack usefull for me at all. I see it as "We give you 5 useless items so that you would have even less inventory space and finally pay us for those bank slots/bags"
ps. yea, I'm frustrated as I dont find any of the items in the pack usefull for me at all. I see it as "We give you 5 useless items so that you would have even less inventory space and finally pay us for those bank slots/bags"
I think they should pay you for having the remarkable pleasure of you gracing their game with your magnificent presence. What community wouldn't love to have appreciative, pleasant and sensible players like you?
People who actually used this exploit should just get stripped of their AD and ofc still banned but also stripped of their AD on all their accounts (IP)
chrispybrownMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm a bit underwhelmed at the package. Now I'll need to buy a bag to hold the extra stuff But I appreciate the thought.
In response to some of the comments above, as I understand it the Free-To-Play model works because a portion of the people will significantly invest in the product and the rest of us are here to give them someone to play with.
Only people with accounts at the time would have the title.
No one knows what the "couple other items" are yet. Still hoping it's the celestial package items. As for AD or lockboxes, that can't be helped, but in theory, it's nothing you cant get back in 7 hours anyway.
It's not 7hrs. It's 7 days. Which really sucks when you were 5 days in with 4 characters to lose 5 days of coins. You can pray 1/hr but only get coins 1/day. They should have reset everyone at 6 coins. It wasn't the rollback that did it. It was the time lapse w/o praying because servers were down. If were a true rollback, I would still have all my coins and timer would still be a ways off. This game is starting to become frustrating. And a stupid title(which i couldn't care less about), and a cape(probably worthless due to taking neck slot). Give something we could all use, like free bag, or respec token, or bank slot. Probably won't, instead get punished(yes punished) for the actions of a few(by comparison). I lost exp, time, resources. But hey I get a nifty cape & a title(sarcasm).
Things like this shouldn't ever happen. But exploits do tend to appear, and when the community finds out, it's already too late. Maybe they could've prevented it with what you say, but not even Blizzard Entertainment is free from these kind of exploits, as proven last week in Diablo 3.
These things happen... and they happen because programmers make mistakes (they are humans), and because people will try to get every advantage they can, instead of reporting the error.
A human is intelligent. The mob is not.
Yea but these exploits have been known to cryptic since early ALPHA and yet nothing done until its too late.
Heck ppl got banned for exploiting pirate boss 1-2 weeks ago, is that exploit even fixed yet?
Don't understand why people are getting so bent out of shape over the Celestials. It's a minor thing. And (as with any other thing with a "daily login bonus"), it's something you're going to lost/miss more times - all sorts of stuff can & will interfere. The power outage because of a rainstorm, the traffic jam on the way back from vacation, the plane being delayed half a day, being stuck with overtime at work, having to take your kid brother to the emergency room for stitches, etc, etc, etc.... plenty of things out there that'll make you maybe miss a day & lose your coins. Not worth internet rage.
If were a true rollback, I would still have all my coins and timer would still be a ways off.
Honestly, I don't think so. I doubt it bothers running a whole timer for every character. Odds are, it just records a variable "last time you invoked" and compares that to the current server clock when you log in. "Last Invoke" variable is more than 29 hours previous? Coins go poof. And a simple saved variable & if/then compare takes a lot less code & database to manage. (rollback wouldn't effect the server clock, since that's just, well, the current time.)
Yea but these exploits have been known to cryptic since early ALPHA and yet nothing done until its too late.
Heck ppl got banned for exploiting pirate boss 1-2 weeks ago, is that exploit even fixed yet?
Please provide one shred of proof that this exploit was known since early alpha besides someone saying that they knew about it.
Please provide one shred of proof that this exploit was known since early alpha besides someone saying that they knew about it.
There were screen shots posted by someone that showed their ticket open describing it that was 16 days old, so it's been at least known for a couple of weeks. Even then it was probably known by a few people for a long long time, but scumbag cheaters keep it to themselves and continue to cheat rather than reporting and avoiding like a reasonable human being would do.
There were screen shots posted by someone that showed their ticket open describing it that was 16 days old, so it's been at least known for a couple of weeks. Even then it was probably known by a few people for a long long time, but scumbag cheaters keep it to themselves and continue to cheat rather than reporting and avoiding like a reasonable human being would do.
The real issue is that too many people treat BETA like its just early access to the game.
However, i still strongly believe this reward should be given to ANY ACCOUNT that has created a character before the set date, and be an account unlock NOT a character one.
Characters can get deleted and changed afterall.
That said, i love it.
Head of PR
Maybe they'll have had the common sense to freeze the auction house when they took it offline so any remaining time to bid/cancel/buyout auction will still be there.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
You can still 'AFK' PvP. Their 'fix' did nothing to stop it. About 33-50% of my PvP games are facing an AFK team or a 'team' where the leader uses a script to kick all other party members at load. PvP, and Glory by extension, is still a joke.
Lol apparently crime does pay
At level 60, leveling companions becomes more important
well you can change the appearance of items for a mere 60k AD..... what? you wanted it for free? Free to play you say? Its F2P but the P stands for Pay.
ps. yea, I'm frustrated as I dont find any of the items in the pack usefull for me at all. I see it as "We give you 5 useless items so that you would have even less inventory space and finally pay us for those bank slots/bags"
I think they should pay you for having the remarkable pleasure of you gracing their game with your magnificent presence.
In response to some of the comments above, as I understand it the Free-To-Play model works because a portion of the people will significantly invest in the product and the rest of us are here to give them someone to play with.
$7 is too much for respec
It's not 7hrs. It's 7 days. Which really sucks when you were 5 days in with 4 characters to lose 5 days of coins. You can pray 1/hr but only get coins 1/day. They should have reset everyone at 6 coins. It wasn't the rollback that did it. It was the time lapse w/o praying because servers were down. If were a true rollback, I would still have all my coins and timer would still be a ways off. This game is starting to become frustrating. And a stupid title(which i couldn't care less about), and a cape(probably worthless due to taking neck slot). Give something we could all use, like free bag, or respec token, or bank slot. Probably won't, instead get punished(yes punished) for the actions of a few(by comparison). I lost exp, time, resources. But hey I get a nifty cape & a title(sarcasm).
Yea but these exploits have been known to cryptic since early ALPHA and yet nothing done until its too late.
Heck ppl got banned for exploiting pirate boss 1-2 weeks ago, is that exploit even fixed yet?
You read it wrong
Honestly, I don't think so. I doubt it bothers running a whole timer for every character. Odds are, it just records a variable "last time you invoked" and compares that to the current server clock when you log in. "Last Invoke" variable is more than 29 hours previous? Coins go poof. And a simple saved variable & if/then compare takes a lot less code & database to manage. (rollback wouldn't effect the server clock, since that's just, well, the current time.)
Hehe happens
Its not NWN
Please provide one shred of proof that this exploit was known since early alpha besides someone saying that they knew about it.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
There were screen shots posted by someone that showed their ticket open describing it that was 16 days old, so it's been at least known for a couple of weeks. Even then it was probably known by a few people for a long long time, but scumbag cheaters keep it to themselves and continue to cheat rather than reporting and avoiding like a reasonable human being would do.
The real issue is that too many people treat BETA like its just early access to the game.