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Dose any one agree with me . . . no real choice?



  • notlobnai1974notlobnai1974 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Omg repost....don't hate! :)
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    No one is "entitled" to come to these forums and post anything, except perhaps Cryptic or Perfect World employees.

    Oh no, when you make an account here does it not give you the right to post here then ? How so are you posting perhaps? Magic.

    Everyone that has an account here is entitled to post their opinion, they can lose that right if they don't follow the forum rules/tos.

    Saying people are not is ludicrous.
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    elve wrote: »
    pilf3r, if I was trying to outspam the people who do not agree with me I would not provide arguments and ideas and I would not ask questions. I would just go around calling "bull" and "hogwash" on every opinion I do not agree with like you do. I am done with you. I will not respond to any more to your insinuations because I think people are sick of this pointless bickering. You've shown time and time again that you do not listen to reason and you are not willing or not able to cooperate and discuss matters in a civil matter.

    Oh very clever accusing me of doing what you are doing :rolleyes: Preachers should practice what they preach.
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    hibbleton wrote: »
    How did you feel when you found out you have been playing the game wrong the entire time?

    Just to clarify, and not to sidetrack the thread....but as long as someone is having fun playing the game and not interfering with someone else's fun....IT'S NOT PLAYING THE GAME WRONG. If anything, it's playing the game RIGHT.

    For the record, I'm reasonably certain that is exactly what people are wanting to express. The current way characters are designed FOR US takes away that fun. And as a previous post mentioned so eloquently, but I shall only paraphrase, "that fault is not in Cryptic, but with 4e D&D. That's the way character design IS in the PnP game."

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • ultimusmagusultimusmagus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 87
    edited March 2013
    I disagree. Cryptic took 4e's constrictions and applied a vise to it. 4e could still be fun if done right. I have a theory that Cryptic's take is based on the fact that there is already an active D&D online IP, and they wanted to "stand out". They did, but not in a good way. That's not to say that NWO isn't fun; it's just seeing this blase approach to a fiction we all love feels like disrespect on Cryptic's part.

    Before the opposers weigh in: Forget the names of the IP, locations, characters, etc., and look at the game objectively. What does it bring that makes it stand out from the rabble? Very little, it's a safety net approach; understandable, but laughable at the same time considering the claims that were made about this game. Even those who say "it feels wrong" but can't quite put their finger on it notice it (and consequently get shot down by close-minded "experts").

    I could go on, but everything that needs to be said about this topic (and others) has been. Valid points on both sides have been drowned out by name calling, chest beating, and other less than courteous behavior, simply because of a difference of opinion. I'll let you get back to it.
  • falantyrfalantyr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    hibbleton wrote: »
    How can you think tabletop isn't just as cookie-cutter? There are X classes, X feats, and there is a set amount of variations you can combine the two. I have no idea how you think there isn't a limit to the number of possibilities for your character in any edition of DnD, but there is. No video game, tabletop, dice game, etc. can ever have an unlimited amount of customization, it is impossible. I would love for you to tell me these mystical MMOs that give you complete customization (and please make sure they are actually thriving; if you link me to some MMO that has 20 people playing it, it will only prove my point further).

    Yes, you are oversimplifying, but only for 1 game and not both. Sure you can choose to only use maces and never another item in tabletop, but does that actually mean anything significant? No. See the problem is that you are attached to the idea of choosing everything, and that will never happen. Both games are just as simple in regards to how you can pick and choose your character.. This one is just moreso (because it HAS to be).

    I mean honestly.. At level 60 when you are in full raid gear does it really matter if your hair had a little bit more of a hint of red in it. Or did it matter that you HAD to have the option to opt out of worshiping a God? No. What you are trying to do is make trivial things big issues for the sake of having something to ***** about.

    Wow. someone is white knighting hard here. Class customization does matter and will have a significant impact on the longevity of this game.
  • alzariancrimsonalzariancrimson Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I honestly don't see what this game has to do with D&D at all. *yawn*

    The only way I'd ever play this game with any regularity would be to find a hardcore role play group so that we could make our own fun.

    Beyond that, it's no different than any other MMO. Same basic features, no real choices, quick pointless leveling, linear gameplay, thousands of players running around aimlessly, no real opportunity for emersion. Great graphics, but if all you're going to do is click through a never ending line of loitering "monsters" what is the point? I mean really. What is the point.

    What are adult fantasy enthusiasts supposed to do with this?
    Talk to the Puppet!
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Its hard to tell for sure since it costs $6 or a ton of AD to try out different builds.
  • llllllllll42llllllllll42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How could anyone not agree with you OP?

    Anyone who doesn't agree with this is either an idiot, or a liar.
  • malkaviermalkavier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only customization I wish we had, but do not:

    Turning off that gimped aim assist that slows down and screws up all of my targeting. This is an MMO, not a consoletard extravaganza.
    How Cryptic trolls the entire NWO playerbase: 9200 GS listed for CN, implying anyone who needs more has no skill.
  • itheryelitheryel Member Posts: 335 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I would prefer they make the mechanics of there current skills work before they add more content...
    I would prefer they add invisible walls on cliffs, so 45% of the content can be played again endgame (gf/gwf)

    Obviuesly i would love all the improvements ure sugesting, but they are more ore less visual bandaids to make u believe u are different, fixing the core problems should take priority over things like that. All they have to do is make the paragon feats WORK and fix gameplay issue's like cliffs that ruin the game...and a simple solution to the paragon tree is in most cases a buff to value's...

    Seriuesly 1% of power becomes crit rating for 5 points? that 1% wont even result in a 1% crit hardly a 0.4% crit chance.... for 5 points burb? buff the core value's, make the mechanics behind them function properly, create some synergy between them, and build diversity wil spike/be viable. And this is a lot more important then some new weapon A ore new armor B ore new skill C etc...
    Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
  • daethxdaethx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trigaa wrote: »
    I ask what class builds?

    There dose seem to be enough choice I think to constitute calling any thing a "build"

    we get to choose some feet points. And from what I could tell it did not matter were I put these. it really did not affect anything for me in a meaning full way.

    Dose any one else agree that the character progression really doe not exist?

    There are three very obvious builds with very minor variations for every class. Most focusing on different skill sets. Not sure what you are smoking.
  • daethxdaethx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I disagree. Cryptic took 4e's constrictions and applied a vise to it. 4e could still be fun if done right. I have a theory that Cryptic's take is based on the fact that there is already an active D&D online IP, and they wanted to "stand out". They did, but not in a good way. That's not to say that NWO isn't fun; it's just seeing this blase approach to a fiction we all love feels like disrespect on Cryptic's part.

    Before the opposers weigh in: Forget the names of the IP, locations, characters, etc., and look at the game objectively. What does it bring that makes it stand out from the rabble? Very little, it's a safety net approach; understandable, but laughable at the same time considering the claims that were made about this game. Even those who say "it feels wrong" but can't quite put their finger on it notice it (and consequently get shot down by close-minded "experts").

    I could go on, but everything that needs to be said about this topic (and others) has been. Valid points on both sides have been drowned out by name calling, chest beating, and other less than courteous behavior, simply because of a difference of opinion. I'll let you get back to it.

    The other game is still running, if the combat system that Neverwinter uses doesn't appeal to you then you should probably play that instead. Why double up on traditional tab target MMOs for DnD? To me the combat is the best I have played in a MMO, and I have been around since DAOC and Everquest 1. Much better than TERA or GW2 in my opinion. Thankfully there are now lots of options in the MMO genre these days, so if you want tab target with 10 hotbars, its there. Granted all those games get dumbed down into 1-3 supermacros anyway.
  • queelmanqueelman Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    People have super high expectations in a very short period of time, People giving the game a bad name because of bugs and what not need to take a deep breath, /quit for 2-3 Months come back and make a fair Judgement at that point.

    Like gw2 I have been playing this game hoping to god that they plan on adding end game content so i never have to stop, i love the gameplay and everything about this game. I am hoping for 1 thing to keep me playing this game for years to come.

    End game raiding Content, Or at least end game hardmode 5 man dungeons with a drop system and all that based off the WoW Model, because that was my fav part about WoW was the way you had to get the BEST loot in the game, The way it dropped instead of tokens and stuff.

    Im not saying not to make other ways to get this armor, for people who dont want to raid or whatever, But it should be obtained easier for people willing to devote the time and practice to be able to find a Team and complete these hard dungeons, and If you fail then maybe you can have a couple other options to obtain this gear, (IMO nothing is as fun as Getting it in end game dungeons).

    I understand some of this might not fit into the D&D Story or whatever, But the game is Based on that Idea, It isnt D&D Remade or nothing, I dont see a problem going in a Different direction (Raiding and stuff). Im looking for the Longevity of the game, and How much potential it has, With the foundry opening SO MANY possibilities (Player Made End Game Raids etc.) They could make this a very very profitable game for a Lot of years to come.

    Quick Idea: Let players make end game Raid content, and Enter their content into a Test server or a place for people to test player made content, They should have a contest every 3-4 months and the winner of this contest with the best personally made dungeon gets to offer the Highest Tier of loot they plan on releasing or allready have released, and that scaled with the 1st 2nd 3rd place winners (3 end game dungeons) And they scale their Difficulty and touch up minor details to their specific Needs and Wants. Obviously they need to make money to want to keep this game going.

    They need to make Incentives for people to want to make their own content in hopes of winning this tournament.

    PWE could even charge for a Dungeon Designer Ability and offer the tools needed to make high quality player made dungeons.

    Just a quick rant/Idea

    my Overall rating of NW right now 7.5/10 (Lower because it was just released and yet to see what they plan to add)

    My Overall Potential Rating- 100/10 I think this game is 100x funner to play than WoW, But i like how WoW does their Loot, and Their Armor tiers and How you can be much stronger than the next guy who just hit max level. (thats what i hate about gw2)

    I cant wait to see where they go with this and hope to god the end game is added to make this a awesome game for many years !!!
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please OP, learn to spell. We are not asking much.
  • forbiddenlakeforbiddenlake Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This thread was started in February. What's changed since then?
    The Starflyer is real!
  • wartimeraiderwartimeraider Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Still waiting for more classpaths

    Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
  • dominemesisdominemesis Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not sure why we have to roll for stats, when its not really a roll!(pick a or b)

    Why we have feat points, when it makes a miniscule amount of change/difference!(if i choose something, i want to see +- impact)

    Would love to see more range of weapons per character, my cleric wants a hammer or mace!!

    I like the combat, although it dosnt feel like D&D at all.

    Welcome to the exact problems people had with 4E D&D. Neverwinter actually is a pretty reasonable simulation of that rule set. Your complaints are valid, but I don't think you and many others realize they should be lodged with WoTC about 4E, not Cryptic for making their game based on 4E. Cryptic is actually getting that right, you are just discovering you don't like 4E D&D.
  • maligkn0maligkn0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i think there is plenty of choices, different paragon trees, many set armors and a ton of powers at our disposal to experiment whit, the worst thing that can happened to a game its when developers limit their players to little choices and having to pay for respect tokens its the most limiting future of this game, its soo sad, at least they should give us the option of having 2 builds we can change at the same time so we can swamp between a pvp build and a pve build, but the greed of pwi its gonna make it almost impossible.
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