Do you use this build at all in pvp? I'm curious. Looking to start a cleric and wonder how it fairs.
heya, I am afraid my pvp days are over I did a lot of it in other games and now I tend to focus on pve. So there will be no pvp videos, at least none are planed as of right now.
Will be a video update today with spider temple for pve however and a few other changes.
this build is trash, healing lore is bugged, u waste a lot of poins.
OK, so you came in here and criticized someone being helpful but you offer nothing as an alternative. If you cannot provide a better solution, and only want to flame (which is what you did), just go outside and play with your toys and leave this thread to the adults who are working together constructively.
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
this build is trash, healing lore is bugged, u waste a lot of poins.
Healing lore seams to work fine for me... rather odd that it is not working for you what part is not working? the 20% increased healing or the Power from recovery.
Will look into the increased healing to double check it, but I know the power from recovery works and yields me a net result of an extra item in terms of power. Thanks for alerting me to the issues with healing lore if it is in fact broken however.
My build has changed some what and will be updated within 24 hours with a few minor changes, however I am still using healing lore but the update will contain some options to switch things over.
Healer's lore does work just spent some time with ACT gathering numbers, Healer lore clearly works on astral shield and bastion of health. I made sure to remove enough items to level out the power due to testing with Mark of mending.
Another Edit:
Updated my feats on opening post, new video footage is still rendering its crashed 3 times now!
jilsarrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Healing Lore only gives u 5% instead of 10%, so putting 5 points in your feats for it is a waste. Why are u using sooth instead of Divine Fortune? Sooth does nothing even if u specced into threat reduction feats and clerics are supposed to be tanks with current threat, you need to look into Foresight instead of Sooth, and look into Rising hope instead of spending points in Linked Spirit which gives u 0 advantage, just gives your allies some stat buff which is worthless with t2 gear. Wasting 5 points for Domain Synergy (recovery feats) in Heroic Tree is also a complete waste, doesnt even give you a second less of cd, Battlewise is also a waste, you will never be able to avoid agro if you are top healer in your group. You said you are aiming mostly for power, but u didnt even spend 1 point in Initiate of the Faith in Heroic paragon, why do u need 3 points in cleanse? Are you tanking mobs standing in pools of fire? 1 is enough. In general this build would work in t1, because you can keep yourself alive with pots, but it would never work in Never Castle. I am clearing Never Castle in 1h30mins max, so i am pretty experienced with cleric, have all my t2 (not from ah, looted and worked for it), that is why i think i entitled to give you advice on that and think this build is really bad.
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
Healing Lore only gives u 5% instead of 10%, so putting 5 points in your feats for it is a waste. Why are u using sooth instead of Divine Fortune? Sooth does nothing even if u specced into threat reduction feats and clerics are supposed to be tanks with current threat, you need to look into Foresight instead of Sooth, and look into Rising hope instead of spending points in Linked Spirit which gives u 0 advantage, just gives your allies some stat buff which is worthless with t2 gear. Wasting 5 points for Domain Synergy (recovery feats) in Heroic Tree is also a complete waste, doesnt even give you a second less of cd, Battlewise is also a waste, you will never be able to avoid agro if you are top healer in your group. You said you are aiming mostly for power, but u didnt even spend 1 point in Initiate of the Faith in Heroic paragon, why do u need 3 points in cleanse? Are you tanking mobs standing in pools of fire? 1 is enough. In general this build would work in t1, because you can keep yourself alive with pots, but it would never work in Never Castle. I am clearing Never Castle in 1h30mins max, so i am pretty experienced with cleric, have all my t2 (not from ah, looted and worked for it), that is why i think i entitled to give you advice on that and think this build is really bad.
My ACT displays different information, I gain the 20% intended via 3 points + 5% via the trait. Sooth works when using threat fix, when i want to tank or kite I remove sooth in such fights like the end boss of frozen heart.
Linked spirit gives me 600 power when hitting myself and 4 team mates, and a few other stats across the board. I don't mind you giving me advice, every one should try to learn as much as they can but some of your information is wrong like healers lore not working, it flat out does work and it does increase healing by 20% on astral shield and bastion of health.
Some of your reply is a little dated compare to my current updated feats. I've been using them for some time but wanted to get all my ACT information hammered out before updating a post that people may be jumping back and forth with trying out specs.
Please also note I am running all T2 with 1 cleric and 1 guardian, rather than using the current standard 2 cleric astral stacking, have not finished final boss in castle never however.
Healing lore seams to work fine for me... rather odd that it is not working for you what part is not working? the 20% increased healing or the Power from recovery.
Will look into the increased healing to double check it, but I know the power from recovery works and yields me a net result of an extra item in terms of power. Thanks for alerting me to the issues with healing lore if it is in fact broken however.
My build has changed some what and will be updated within 24 hours with a few minor changes, however I am still using healing lore but the update will contain some options to switch things over.
Healer's lore does work just spent some time with ACT gathering numbers, Healer lore clearly works on astral shield and bastion of health. I made sure to remove enough items to level out the power due to testing with Mark of mending.
Another Edit:
Updated my feats on opening post, new video footage is still rendering its crashed 3 times now!
I love how you updated your feats, one small thing you should have taken in consideration is the fact that if I divide the points as you mention (as non-human) there is no way I can progress to tier 4 due to the lack of spent points (13/15).
What would you suggest as alternative? (spent quite some astral points to respec and kinda stuck now...)
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
I love how you updated your feats, one small thing you should have taken in consideration is the fact that if I divide the points as you mention (as non-human) there is no way I can progress to tier 4 due to the lack of spent points (13/15).
What would you suggest as alternative? (spent quite some astral points to respec and kinda stuck now...)
Woopsie I made a little mistake, will need to edit that in a moment!
Thanks for catching that mistake !
New image should be uploaded, sorry again for the confusion.
Any reason why you dont get the fourth pip of divine power anymore?
beowulf1961Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 31
edited May 2013
After watching the video of cloak tower the thing that impressed me the most was how little the health bars on you group would drop during encounters including boss fights. That's pretty darn good healing skills to go along with the build.
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
Thanks! I was leaning towards those enhancements as well. However, is it true that Vorpals aren't working as intended? I've read somewhere here about a guy that spent a lot for Vorpals but it didn't add to his crit severity.
How much % damage/defense does hallowed ground give on rank 1? I really want to know because it doesn't tell me in the tooltip!
As you said yourself the tooltip does not have any information so I cannot give you a sure-proof answer but from my ACT testing it is 5%, and logic following the rank 2 and 3 increase it supports the numbers gathered by ACT, so with three ranks you will have 15% with the base value being 5% and each rank increasing it by 5%.
daytakMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey I have a TR pvp rogue as my main,... but im playing a devoted-cleric to play with my brother who is a real casual gamer,... I wanna have an effective build and really care about level 60 PvE healing,... PvP healing secondary,.... but I mostly care about lvl 60,.. I'm going human you suggest I use this guide or
both are getting a lot of praise and cant tell which 1 seems 2 be more effective for lvl 60 pve n pvp healing,... what do u guys think? thanks
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
Hey I have a TR pvp rogue as my main,... but im playing a devoted-cleric to play with my brother who is a real casual gamer,... I wanna have an effective build and really care about level 60 PvE healing,... PvP healing secondary,.... but I mostly care about lvl 60,.. I'm going human you suggest I use this guide or
both are getting a lot of praise and cant tell which 1 seems 2 be more effective for lvl 60 pve n pvp healing,... what do u guys think? thanks
I made my build for pve healing alone without paying any attention to pvp, so I cannot tell you how it will work in pvp. My suggestion would to have a good read over both and find one that suits you best, my gear choices are not really recommend for pvp, you would want more tanky items to allow yourself to stay alive long enough to actually heal.
So yeah my guide is not ideal for pvp, as far as I am aware. Sorry that I cannot give you a more ironclad answerer.
Not sure if its been asked but what epic set should I be using? Miracle Healers?
I would suggest using Miracle healer set, another strong set is Beacon of faith but in all honesty miracle healer is pretty good and in the future I hope they will fix its bugged four set bonus.
If you do go Miracle healer set make sure you slot it with power when you can, if you go beacon of faith make sure you still hit that 30-33% critical, it may mean switching a few items out on your cat to reach it if you reach the 33% start throwing in power again.
Hey Mewbrey, Just wanted to say thank you for this time consuming study and posting. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar I am just getting my feel for NW and I have a cleric up to 23 with no clue how things are going to turn out... Running solo for now but I will get a guild soon(tm) and my cleric will concentrate on group heals... So far it looks as though I have pretty much followed your build and things are working out pretty well. Thank you again for your time and effort.
althahfcMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 91
edited May 2013
Have enjoyed this ongoing thread and discussion, ty for sharing your experiences, trial and errors with the community.
heya, I am afraid my pvp days are over I did a lot of it in other games and now I tend to focus on pve. So there will be no pvp videos, at least none are planed as of right now.
Will be a video update today with spider temple for pve however and a few other changes.
OK, so you came in here and criticized someone being helpful but you offer nothing as an alternative. If you cannot provide a better solution, and only want to flame (which is what you did), just go outside and play with your toys and leave this thread to the adults who are working together constructively.
Healing lore seams to work fine for me... rather odd that it is not working for you what part is not working? the 20% increased healing or the Power from recovery.
Will look into the increased healing to double check it, but I know the power from recovery works and yields me a net result of an extra item in terms of power. Thanks for alerting me to the issues with healing lore if it is in fact broken however.
My build has changed some what and will be updated within 24 hours with a few minor changes, however I am still using healing lore but the update will contain some options to switch things over.
Healer's lore does work just spent some time with ACT gathering numbers, Healer lore clearly works on astral shield and bastion of health. I made sure to remove enough items to level out the power due to testing with Mark of mending.
Another Edit:
Updated my feats on opening post, new video footage is still rendering its crashed 3 times now!
My ACT displays different information, I gain the 20% intended via 3 points + 5% via the trait. Sooth works when using threat fix, when i want to tank or kite I remove sooth in such fights like the end boss of frozen heart.
Linked spirit gives me 600 power when hitting myself and 4 team mates, and a few other stats across the board. I don't mind you giving me advice, every one should try to learn as much as they can but some of your information is wrong like healers lore not working, it flat out does work and it does increase healing by 20% on astral shield and bastion of health.
Some of your reply is a little dated compare to my current updated feats. I've been using them for some time but wanted to get all my ACT information hammered out before updating a post that people may be jumping back and forth with trying out specs.
Please also note I am running all T2 with 1 cleric and 1 guardian, rather than using the current standard 2 cleric astral stacking, have not finished final boss in castle never however.
I love how you updated your feats, one small thing you should have taken in consideration is the fact that if I divide the points as you mention (as non-human) there is no way I can progress to tier 4 due to the lack of spent points (13/15).
What would you suggest as alternative? (spent quite some astral points to respec and kinda stuck now...)
Woopsie I made a little mistake, will need to edit that in a moment!
Thanks for catching that mistake
New image should be uploaded, sorry again for the confusion.
Because the value of it is rather low, you shouldn't need to stack the pips and should be using them enough not to need it.
Vorpal or Holy Avenger
Soulforge or Negation
Vorpal and Soulforge are preferred, hope this helps!
As you said yourself the tooltip does not have any information so I cannot give you a sure-proof answer but from my ACT testing it is 5%, and logic following the rank 2 and 3 increase it supports the numbers gathered by ACT, so with three ranks you will have 15% with the base value being 5% and each rank increasing it by 5%.
Hope this helps!
both are getting a lot of praise and cant tell which 1 seems 2 be more effective for lvl 60 pve n pvp healing,... what do u guys think? thanks
I made my build for pve healing alone without paying any attention to pvp, so I cannot tell you how it will work in pvp. My suggestion would to have a good read over both and find one that suits you best, my gear choices are not really recommend for pvp, you would want more tanky items to allow yourself to stay alive long enough to actually heal.
So yeah my guide is not ideal for pvp, as far as I am aware. Sorry that I cannot give you a more ironclad answerer.
I would suggest using Miracle healer set, another strong set is Beacon of faith but in all honesty miracle healer is pretty good and in the future I hope they will fix its bugged four set bonus.
If you do go Miracle healer set make sure you slot it with power when you can, if you go beacon of faith make sure you still hit that 30-33% critical, it may mean switching a few items out on your cat to reach it if you reach the 33% start throwing in power again.