Two accounts, eh? Sounds like an exploiter using a mule to me. More good evidence that those crying wipe are the cheaters. The guilty dog barks loudest, and they are the most vocal people on here tonight.
You are an embarrassment to any military personnel if that is how you conduct yourself. Anonymity ftw I guess, please refrain from your cussing and slurs if you truly are Army, but I highly doubt it with that attitude.
flaminggnatsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited May 2013
I'd love a server wipe after this fiasco. =(
Have a foundry quest you want tested? Let me know on the forums or in-game. Username is @verranicus1.
This is what BETAs are for, to catch these kinds of bugs before going Live; and why YOU WIPE DATA AFTER BETA BEFORE GOING LIVE.
The second it was announced that Beta characters would carry over into Live and real money transactions started happening is when this "Open Beta" stopped being a beta test and started being a de-facto early launch of the game.
Very poor planning by the developers.
your entire post was invalidated by the fact that the bug was reported ever since the first closed betas and still exists today.
wildoxitMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 31Arc User
edited May 2013
Hummm, if your computer got 2000 viruses, would you try to "roll" it back or do a clean install? /laugh
While I would hate to see a wipe I am supportive of the devs if they choose to do this. Wipeing the servers and restoring any zen bought with real money would be an adequate solution for me. Yes I would be pissed off that I had my characters wiped but I would be pissed off at the right people. The exploiters who caused it. Please stop raging at the developers they are doing their best to deal with a bunch of scam artists.
I wouldnt say no to some token zen for our trouble though Seriously though guys its a great game that still needs some polish in a few places but I have faith that they will get it there.
it DOES affect everyone you moron because the influx of AD ruins the in-game economy which YOU USE.
you know that button on the top of your GUI that lets you exchange AD for Zen? you know that price tag on every single item on the AH?
do you ever want to convert AD to zen to buy zen-only items?
do you ever want to buy or sell items on the AH?
well guess what -the exploiters just ruined both of those aspects of the game FOR YOU.
You mean two features that the Devs are currently in the process of fixing? Or perhaps you meant the AH, a place where there is rarely a reason for me to buy anything due to the inflated prices from Founder AD and the general lack of items in the game across all levels? Ah, I see, maybe it was that you can get ZEN at a fluctuating rate, a currency that lets you get.... dye packs, mounts, companions, bag slots, and other trinkets that don't make the game any less enjoyable for me.
No, it really doesn't hurt me at all. What would hurt me would be wiping the progress I've made on my character and the time I've put into it.
t DOES affect everyone you moron because the influx of AD ruins the in-game economy which YOU USE.
you know that button on the top of your GUI that lets you exchange AD for Zen? you know that price tag on every single item on the AH?
do you ever want to convert AD to zen to buy zen-only items?
do you ever want to buy or sell items on the AH?
well guess what -the exploiters just ruined both of those aspects of the game FOR YOU.
I've never used any of those services, & really don't see much point in them ... gear & other stuff is too plentiful for me to need to buy from other players, & I hate the entire AD concept anyway.
Fare you well
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
I've spent 50 bucks on this game between 2 accounts I'm willing to spend more but you might just kill this game for me which will result in endless chargebacks and the ultimate demise of this product.
I would rather start from scratch in a level playing field than to go another day questioning the legitimacy of the economy or players around me. If you do not wipe you will destroy your game and due to it being "OPEN BETA" by your very terms of service you can wipe and you technically don't owe anyone anything.
If you want this game to have a second chance you will make the right choice and start fresh... if you do not, you're basically packing your bags on a game that will forever be broken with thousands of second and third accounts being loaded with AD, zen and gold... not to mention all the the one shot exploited end game gear circulating. Oh and all the exploited level 60 accounts... so many fkn exploits....just wipe....
You are an embarrassment to any military personnel if that is how you conduct yourself. Anonymity ftw I guess, please refrain from your cussing and slurs if you truly are Army, but I highly doubt it with that attitude.
Guy I would recommend you please go outside into the real world and realize everything isn't so hand holding and pleasant every second of every day. You're a p u s s y.
clockwerkninjaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I agree stand by your BETA claim and wipe it.. No logic I can find in not wiping a beta that is this abused.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Ah misread the dev post. No wipe thats great. As far as the AH goes meh AH's are in my opinion always grossly overpriced so I rarely bother with them. Hell Id rather delete an item than sell it to someone for a bargain. I did buy a basic mount off the AH I hope the servers are back up tomorrow Id hate my long weekend gaming to take any more of a hit but thats the way the cookie crumbles i guess.
And in the Kwoons us martial artists who train you soldiers all the time call cannon fodder like you "Mook Jongs" because we literally see you as nothing more than a tool to develop our striking ability. We slap y'all around, and send you off to get shot by some Arab, because you're arrogant pricks who look down your noses at anyone who doesn't sign their life away to a recruiter fresh out of high school.
Much like every post you've made so far everything you've said is fabricated and fictional... I don't nor would I ever look down on anyone who did not want to join the military because I nor anyone around me would want to be stationed with someone who didn't want to be there as I nor anyone around me could trust that person to have my back... I look down upon drug addicts and criminals who'd prefer to live a shady life over working for their earnings... but then again keep making HAMSTER up... you seem decently established at doing such.
I run and computer company and we have to wipe all the time, some damage is done and you cant reverse it... but good luck
Lol I was just having fun. And Bottom line that EVERYONE refuses to read no matter how many times its put in their faces. Is. THERE. IS. NO. WIPE. COMING. Alot of these posts wouldnt even be happening right now if game was up. These people are just desperate for something to do, and so being a destructive force is what they have come to. Like epictrilogy, who can find no better use of his time then being a homophobe and trying to shove his forced masculinity around. Probably out of some need to over compensate for something in his life I dont know.
If this game had been around for , say, 3.5 months and legitimate players were at god class level 99, then I could see why not - its', what, a week? old - why *not* wipe?
What's not simple about it?
Hell, I keep hundreds of Windows and Mac-based computers running for a university - whether it's a 3 month old computer, 3 day old, or 3 year old - it starts getting exploited, I wipe it and reimage it. Plain and simple.
Much like every post you've made so far everything you've said is fabricated and fictional... I don't nor would I ever look down on anyone who did not want to join the military because I nor anyone around me would want to be stationed with someone who didn't want to be there as I nor anyone around me could trust that person to have my back... I look down upon drug addicts and criminals who'd prefer to live a shady life over working for their earnings... but then again keep making HAMSTER up... you seem decently established at doing such.
Yet you have insulted people for being friendly in nature, and helping others on this forum. You think your money comes from your work? Just what resources and/or services are you providing when you're not in battle? Who is paying your income while you're sitting here trolling this forum, calling people f a g s, or playing Neverwinter? Tax payers like me do. People like me who donate to veterans do. Quit being a disgrace to the military and your country. Like I said, I've seen plenty of pricks like you with over inflated egos just because they joined the military. I turned down positions as officers for just about every branch including the C.I.A. Just shut up, you're cannon fodder, and probably couldn't handle a real job.
Lol I was just having fun. And Bottom line that EVERYONE refuses to read no matter how many times its put in their faces. Is. THERE. IS. NO. WIPE. COMING. Alot of these posts wouldnt even be happening right now if game was up. These people are just desperate for something to do, and so being a destructive force is what they have come to. Like epictrilogy, who can find no better use of his time then being a homophobe and trying to shove his forced masculinity around. Probably out of some need to over compensate for something in his life I dont know.
The reason the posts keep coming is that we've been told there will be no wipe, but have been given no reason *WHY* there will be no wipe.
And as I and many others have stated, there are plenty of compelling reason *TO* wipe.
baaddareMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I've spent 50 bucks on this game between 2 accounts I'm willing to spend more but you might just kill this game for me which will result in endless chargebacks and the ultimate demise of this product.
I would rather start from scratch in a level playing field than to go another day questioning the legitimacy of the economy or players around me. If you do not wipe you will destroy your game and due to it being "OPEN BETA" by your very terms of service you can wipe and you technically don't owe anyone anything.
If you want this game to have a second chance you will make the right choice and start fresh... if you do not, you're basically packing your bags on a game that will forever be broken with thousands of second and third accounts being loaded with AD, zen and gold... not to mention all the the one shot exploited end game gear circulating. Oh and all the exploited level 60 accounts... so many fkn exploits....just wipe....
Wiping might not wise at this time. First, they need to find and fix the issue. Then take what they feel is appropriate action with regards to the accounts that caused the issue. Followed by, deciding what is the best course of action with regards to the game. In order to do a wipe they would have to back trace all the zen purchases to do refunds for those who they do not take action against. Remember, that could entail not just refunding the zen but the actual dollars spent since an argument could be made that some would not have purchased zen if they exploits had not occurred. Then you have the issue is it better to see if the economy corrects itself or is another action required ie a roll back or a wipe. You also would have to decide is it better to wipe now and possible have to do a wipe when the game "officially goes live" or to just wait till then.
"Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads. SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!!!"
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
you also need to consider that there are a lot of casual players such as me who will not be very happy with wipes and if they have allready played through the game, it might trigger a response that we leave the game alltogether - at least until new updates come (thats not a threat, just a look at the situation)...if they wipe i might play again through the game with my class or another class, but more likely im off the game and will see if new stuff comes...the other thing is, if they wipe and people will start over - they will play the classes they know are best suited for t2 runs - and thats wizzards and thats what you will see then, with a few rogues here and there and hardly any gwf or gf's.
Here's your sign:
your entire post was invalidated by the fact that the bug was reported ever since the first closed betas and still exists today.
I wouldnt say no to some token zen for our trouble though
You mean two features that the Devs are currently in the process of fixing? Or perhaps you meant the AH, a place where there is rarely a reason for me to buy anything due to the inflated prices from Founder AD and the general lack of items in the game across all levels? Ah, I see, maybe it was that you can get ZEN at a fluctuating rate, a currency that lets you get.... dye packs, mounts, companions, bag slots, and other trinkets that don't make the game any less enjoyable for me.
No, it really doesn't hurt me at all. What would hurt me would be wiping the progress I've made on my character and the time I've put into it.
I would use my anti virus which removes the viruses without wiping whole system of all my files, pictures and videos saved ^_^
I've never used any of those services, & really don't see much point in them ... gear & other stuff is too plentiful for me to need to buy from other players, & I hate the entire AD concept anyway.
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
only 72h ban for people who use bug exploit.
next time you find a bug exploit.......
Guy I would recommend you please go outside into the real world and realize everything isn't so hand holding and pleasant every second of every day. You're a p u s s y.
Quote Originally Posted by roents
It's an "open beta" that can't be wiped even in the midst of multiple economy destroying exploits. FUN
Lol always good to see you glannigan ^_^
^ This. Lmfao..
I run and computer company and we have to wipe all the time, some damage is done and you cant reverse it... but good luck
Same with all the cries of charge back/refund are also useless.
Not trying to be a troll here just keeping it real.
Oh and if your leaving/rage quitting, can i haz your stuff and dont let the door hit you on the way out....
ok now i was trolling
Twitter | @STOkedshow
Much like every post you've made so far everything you've said is fabricated and fictional... I don't nor would I ever look down on anyone who did not want to join the military because I nor anyone around me would want to be stationed with someone who didn't want to be there as I nor anyone around me could trust that person to have my back... I look down upon drug addicts and criminals who'd prefer to live a shady life over working for their earnings... but then again keep making HAMSTER up... you seem decently established at doing such.
Loki < The Illuminati > 60 - Control Wizard
Protocol 60 - Great Weapon Fighter
WTB Big-Giant Robot Camels, tbh...
this ^ for obvious reasons
Loki < The Illuminati > 60 - Control Wizard
Protocol 60 - Great Weapon Fighter
Simple. It's not that.
WTB Big-Giant Robot Camels, tbh...
Lol I was just having fun. And Bottom line that EVERYONE refuses to read no matter how many times its put in their faces. Is. THERE. IS. NO. WIPE. COMING. Alot of these posts wouldnt even be happening right now if game was up. These people are just desperate for something to do, and so being a destructive force is what they have come to. Like epictrilogy, who can find no better use of his time then being a homophobe and trying to shove his forced masculinity around. Probably out of some need to over compensate for something in his life I dont know.
What's not simple about it?
Hell, I keep hundreds of Windows and Mac-based computers running for a university - whether it's a 3 month old computer, 3 day old, or 3 year old - it starts getting exploited, I wipe it and reimage it. Plain and simple.
Yet you have insulted people for being friendly in nature, and helping others on this forum. You think your money comes from your work? Just what resources and/or services are you providing when you're not in battle? Who is paying your income while you're sitting here trolling this forum, calling people f a g s, or playing Neverwinter? Tax payers like me do. People like me who donate to veterans do. Quit being a disgrace to the military and your country. Like I said, I've seen plenty of pricks like you with over inflated egos just because they joined the military. I turned down positions as officers for just about every branch including the C.I.A. Just shut up, you're cannon fodder, and probably couldn't handle a real job.
The reason the posts keep coming is that we've been told there will be no wipe, but have been given no reason *WHY* there will be no wipe.
And as I and many others have stated, there are plenty of compelling reason *TO* wipe.
Wiping might not wise at this time. First, they need to find and fix the issue. Then take what they feel is appropriate action with regards to the accounts that caused the issue. Followed by, deciding what is the best course of action with regards to the game. In order to do a wipe they would have to back trace all the zen purchases to do refunds for those who they do not take action against. Remember, that could entail not just refunding the zen but the actual dollars spent since an argument could be made that some would not have purchased zen if they exploits had not occurred. Then you have the issue is it better to see if the economy corrects itself or is another action required ie a roll back or a wipe. You also would have to decide is it better to wipe now and possible have to do a wipe when the game "officially goes live" or to just wait till then.