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  • aeonaheartaeonaheart Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    Just FYI for those who are confused... Cryptic only designed & developed the game. They don't run the game. Perfect World is in charge of Neverwinter.

    That means when you are complaining, submitting ticket or anything else... You are talking to / about Perfect World... NOT Cryptic.

    I see a ton of posts mistakenly blaming Cryptic and talking about what Cryptic will do, etc. Cryptic has nothing to do with this really.

    Also... every PW game I've played has database issues in their auction houses. It's like their Achilles heel. The game Perfect World Intl. still has the same issues with searching for an item and unless someone holds your hand and teaches you, trying to use their auction house is a nightmare. That's been like that since PWI beta... and all these years. Welcome to their idea of Perfect.
  • wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    krehlmar wrote: »
    ROLLBACK for the love of all that is good...

    AD can be used to buy/progress:


    The economy is ****ed on all fronts and if you CAN rollback every single account affected by the AD then go ahead, it'll spare me some hours of crafting.
    BUT; I would not accept letting half the scammers get away with lvl 20 crafting spewing out "Hero"'s and blacksmiths all over the place.

    Astral Diamonds cannot buy back all the time Foundry authors have invested in making their quests though. I MIGHT can cope with grinding to level 15 again so I can finish my quest, but if the quest itself is gone, count me out, along with a lot of other dedicated Dungeon Masters. D&D without good Dungeon Masters? Please. No $60 mount, no amount of cats or Astral Diamonds, can substitute for the content that Dungeon Masters will produce.
  • miyatzimiyatzi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seeing as this AH bug have been in the closed beta, and countless reports of it have been given to Cryptic without they doing anything about it and still take money from people. I now really want a refund of the money I have spent on Zen. I really feel like I have been pissed on and someone stole my money.
    Some even say they let the bug slide so Cryptic could make more money off us that had no idea of the exploit and therefore could buy more zen to convert to AD. So that one could buy items with such inflated prices.

    I have spent quite a bit, how possible is it to get a refund for Zen, but keep your account and North Founder pack without geting banned for a refund? Or how does this work(if someone could give me some help)
  • mithreinmaethormithreinmaethor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    moldiver42 wrote: »
    I will most likely quit if they do a full wipe. I only really progressed in things because they said their would not be one. I've spent tons of time and $ in the last few days and items that were on a limited time frame. Just logging in to craft, come back later to do again, repeat. It's fun and enjoyable , but if they wipe, it's just not worth redoing. I'll just uninstall. I've gotten the starter pack, I've bought zen. I have contributed to a well built game. But to start over not on my own accord, is enough to flat out stop playing

    I do not know if that kind of whining has got you your way in the past but that is just what it is.....whining.

    I will assume that Perfect World is smart enough to know that if they have to wipe the servers (which I feel is needed at this point) they will reimburse the founders in game for their AD's and they will reimburse Zen that was purchased from their site.

    It is unfortunate but it is likely the only way to fix the problem that has been going on since day 1.
  • gromblefacegrombleface Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but here we go....

    1) I very, very rarely comment on forums anymore. I've played most every major MMO since Ultima Online, and there's a reason that I now mostly solo until I can't any longer, and then move on. I honestly can't stand dealing with other people. That's what real life is for, and I play games to unwind from that. Not targeted at you, but just a little personal background.

    2) I'll admit, I've only been playing for two days, on a free beta key, and haven't spent any money on the game yet. My understanding is that the game is in beta and I was waiting to drop my 200$ on the drow pack once I determined if I liked it. I'm currently level 16 with the only character I have built. Based on my experience so far, I'll most likely spend the cash in the next week or two.

    3) Up to this point, and I speak as someone who had a rare three hours of uninterrupted game time lost (Servers dropped just as I was finishing Cloak Tower; boss was literally at less than 3% life), I have experienced only one glitch in a quest. I forget the name of it, but it was, I think, with Denelaith (sp?) not following me out of the sewers. After a restart, I ran back through, and it worked perfectly. I have beta'ed over a dozen games, and this is the most polished one I've ever seen. Granted, I've not come very far compared to the rest of you, but I'm a casual player. I'm a representative of the target demographic that, in our silent majority, pays the way for the games the power-gamer enjoys. Your hyperbole is a reaction of your current frustration, and I understand that, but I feel it does little to forward the positive progress of this game.

    4) This is just a point for others out there that I have read in my lurking on these forums. I, and the hundreds of thousands like me, who have no compunction to post on these forums, or use the AH, or spend money (for now) on Zen or AD, are waiting to see how things unfold. I honestly don't care about the state of the "virtual economy". I use what my character can find. I care more about storyline and playability than some perceived advantage. Does another character have more money or equipment than I? I don't care. Let them enjoy it, as long as I can enjoy the game in my own right. I maxxed out on DDO at 14th level. Did I reach the max level? No. Did I have the awesome gear that someone else had? No. Did I enjoy the 3+ years I played the game? Absolutely! Maybe...just maybe...it's time for MMO players to stop comparing playstyles, gear, builds, and accomplishments, and learn to enjoy the experience. I've never been in a large guild, never had the best stuff, and in only one game have I achieved max level, but I love these games because they give me never-ending content. I used to have to pay monthly for that, and was glad to do it. Now I only pay for what I want. I have no room to complain. Do any of you? Really?

    Flame away.

    Agreed on all points. This is how I play.

  • xenobiasxenobias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Man I tell you, these forums would be a wonderful psychological tool. The mass hysteria, paranoia, the attempts at information manipulation, even the trolling out of boredom.

    It seems most of you either have poor reading comprehension or simply ignore anything that doesn't fit into your idea of what may happen.

    The updates for this issue are showing up about every 30mins or so.

    In those updates only once was the word 'roll-back' ever used. It obviously was referring to the accounts that used the AH exploit.

    It said nothing about foundry, the accounts that didn't use the exploit, items, zen, professions-none of that.

    Now a later update did mention looking at how the exploit effected the game as a whole-this may change what the company will do.

    I said MAY-which depends on what they find.

    They will let everyone know what they have decided to do.

    As of the 2:30 update-the only roll back being considered is an account specific one for those accounts that utilized the exploit.

    I realize you people are frustrated and bored but most of you must have some tiny bit of common sense. Quit the whining and wait for more information.

    I also realize that some of you are unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy-you can't be helped. You need professional intervention.

    It's really pathetic seeing people in their 20's 30's and 40's whining like little school children especially about something they have absolutely no control over.

    The game is nice. The game is fun. The company staff and personnel are doing a very good job.

    The only thing that gives me a slight twinge about this game is that the controlling interest is based in China.
  • laliaeuyeuylaliaeuyeuy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    waiting for neverwinter!!
    I'm really laughed about that.. but everybody along with beside to Surrender
  • xhotsaucexxhotsaucex Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So what do people do who bought zen and opened boxes and bought respecs during that time. I will be never playing this game if i get screwed out of my 30 dollars.
  • mistressphoenixmistressphoenix Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tekedout wrote: »
    Can someone answer this... Weren't they going to wipe when the game launched anyway?

    They stated before the last closed beta wipe that they did not intend to wipe the servers again. They gave Founders a closed beta head start and intended for the Founders to keep that head start even through Live release.
  • sickenme56sickenme56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xhotsaucex wrote: »
    So what do people do who bought zen and opened boxes and bought respecs during that time. I will be never playing this game if i get screwed out of my 30 dollars.

    Im Dying laughing again...not a whole $30?
  • calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    AD can be used to buy/progress:


    If there are still cats everywhere when the servers come back up...
  • senathynsenathyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the information and updates Dezstravus.
  • snapybsnapyb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    i agree tho exploiters should all be shot period lol its the main reason y any game would fail but alas wat can you do nothing play and have fun and hope things r monitored and run well but then again its also partially pwe/cryptics fault to b honest i think they released the game way way to prematurely
  • xzctxzct Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what is with the cats? i seem to be seeing a lot of things about cats, even some memes already, just like to know what it is about them, are they flooding the game or something?
  • papabear27papabear27 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Complete wipe with a refund of AD and Zen spent is the only way to restore full confidence in the player base.
  • dizmalonedizmalone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For those people who are all about us f2pers not getting our Zen refunded just cause were not Founders...Thats BS! If we paid money for the Zen no matter what we spent it on in game, shouldn't matter.
  • aeonaheartaeonaheart Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    miyatzi wrote: »
    Seeing as this AH bug have been in the closed beta, and countless reports of it have been given to Cryptic without they doing anything about it and still take money from people. I now really want a refund of the money I have spent on Zen. I really feel like I have been pissed on and someone stole my money.
    Some even say they let the bug slide so Cryptic could make more money off us that had no idea of the exploit and therefore could buy more zen to convert to AD. So that one could buy items with such inflated prices.

    I have spent quite a bit, how possible is it to get a refund for Zen, but keep your account and North Founder pack without geting banned for a refund? Or how does this work(if someone could give me some help)

    Cryptic doesn't run the game... Perfect World does. You don't submit a report to Cryptic. You submit your tickets to Perfect World. Cryptic designed & developed the game. Perfect World owns and implements it. Hope that clears up your confusion with who is responsible. The Zen you buy and game currency is PERFECT WORLD money. Mkay?
  • tfroggy7576tfroggy7576 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ty for the help man keep us posted plz
  • shaithis714shaithis714 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "Hoping t have more info for you soon." An ETA would be something, started at 12PM PST when the AH went down.

    Coincidentally the same time my 2,000,000 Astral Diamonds disappeared that came from my purchase of the HOTN Founders pack. Expecting those to show back up.
  • dalgomardalgomar Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love lamp
  • fazemladaiyafazemladaiya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please wipe the server. Then we can just get on with life and re-level. It takes a CASUAL player less than a week to get to max level and then 1 more week to get all elite gear. It takes a hardcore player 3 days to do all of that. Just don't forget about the Founders and our 5 days exclusive if you do this :)
  • entalyanentalyan Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2013
    aeonaheart wrote: »
    Just FYI for those who are confused... Cryptic only designed & developed the game. They don't run the game. Perfect World is in charge of Neverwinter.

    That means when you are complaining, submitting ticket or anything else... You are talking to / about Perfect World... NOT Cryptic.

    I see a ton of posts mistakenly blaming Cryptic and talking about what Cryptic will do, etc. Cryptic has nothing to do with this really.

    Also... every PW game I've played has database issues in their auction houses. It's like their Achilles heel. The game Perfect World Intl. still has the same issues with searching for an item and unless someone holds your hand and teaches you, trying to use their auction house is a nightmare. That's been like that since PWI beta... and all these years. Welcome to their idea of Perfect.

    If Cryptic designed and developed the game, they would be the ones responsible for the bug in the first place, wouldn't they? So it seems it's valid to complain about the quality of their work (which I must say is excellent overall).
  • cgplayercgplayer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    psvpl wrote: »
    That's the kind of business I'll think of in a future. Instead of hiring testers and paying them for their job, I will make them to pay me for privilege of testing my product :)

    People, this is BETA, it's not a full product. The exploiters are not bad guys, they're helping to make quality final product (yes, shut server still pisses me off the same way as waiting for a patch for cyclic FPS stall). As hackers are making systems more and more secure and there are more and more paid security officers. And so on...

    If you steal value by using an exploit, you may not be evil, exactly, but you can't claim that you're on the side of goodness. The exploiters didn't tell Cryptic/Perfect World, they used the exploit to steal.
  • cyberkatcyberkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Folks, Neverwinter is in beta testing. Things like this are expected to happen.

    moldiver42 squawking about the unfairness of it all during a beta is stupidity. You knew it was a beta when you signed up to participate. We all did. So suck it up bud!
  • elessymelessym Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aeonaheart wrote: »
    Just FYI for those who are confused... Cryptic only designed & developed the game.

    That's right - Cryptic created all the bugs and exploits. They are 100% responsible for these problems.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • brisedabriseda Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xenobias wrote: »
    Man I tell you, these forums would be a wonderful psychological tool. The mass hysteria, paranoia, the attempts at information manipulation, even the trolling out of boredom.

    It seems most of you either have poor reading comprehension or simply ignore anything that doesn't fit into your idea of what may happen.

    The updates for this issue are showing up about every 30mins or so.

    In those updates only once was the word 'roll-back' ever used. It obviously was referring to the accounts that used the AH exploit.

    It said nothing about foundry, the accounts that didn't use the exploit, items, zen, professions-none of that.

    Now a later update did mention looking at how the exploit effected the game as a whole-this may change what the company will do.

    I said MAY-which depends on what they find.

    They will let everyone know what they have decided to do.

    As of the 2:30 update-the only roll back being considered is an account specific one for those accounts that utilized the exploit.

    I realize you people are frustrated and bored but most of you must have some tiny bit of common sense. Quit the whining and wait for more information.

    I also realize that some of you are unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy-you can't be helped. You need professional intervention.

    It's really pathetic seeing people in their 20's 30's and 40's whining like little school children especially about something they have absolutely no control over.

    The game is nice. The game is fun. The company staff and personnel are doing a very good job.

    The only thing that gives me a slight twinge about this game is that the controlling interest is based in China.

    LOL There is no need for all this reason and logic, who the heck do you think you are!!!??
  • naero111naero111 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xhotsaucex wrote: »
    So what do people do who bought zen and opened boxes and bought respecs during that time. I will be never playing this game if i get screwed out of my 30 dollars.

    I dont see why they couldnt refund zen, and wipe. What they need to do is look at how Blizzard delt with their RMAH mess, and do the EXACT OPPOSITE !. I liquidated all my items, sold evrything in Diablo and converted it to zen. bye diablo
  • lrdthorrenlrdthorren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They're perma-banning people that used the exploit even those that reported the bug via the bug report. My son found this exploit and reported, he got perma-banned. So I highly doubt they'll be wiping the server.
  • exstremistexstremist Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stop spamming wipe and rollback admin said no wipe/rollback why you cannot understand it and arguing about something that not even exist at this moment
  • m1sgfnsmc1m1sgfnsmc1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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