there's one in The Sect on top of the box wall about 3 over from the quest guy wanting brains, don't have the cords but you can't really miss it if you know the area.
Ah. Whispering Caves.
So that would be in the upper vault then? "The Sept"?
sorry my bad, guess I read it wrong but that would be correct as to where it is. theres the cube walls every where and it's on top of a 2 cube stack 3-4 down from the brains quest giver. the cubes only go one way from him and he's the only guy wanting brains. next time I'll check the spelling and get a loc but I wanted to post it now in case anyone needed that one
So, let me get this straight. Instead of posting things to the games wiki, you decided a confusing thread based approach was the best alternative. Well played, internet troll. Well played.
there's nothing wrong with this post... it's been really helpful to me so far... so... yea, he didn't post the data on wiki... so what? if you have a problem with that, nothing stopping you from posting it there
3rd Hell's Hold one is at:
878, 1716 (on a terraced rooftop north of the empty fountain)
archaicsealMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
The Chasm:
Second Scrying Orb is located in:
The Unhallowed Grounds, Coords: 8, 697
It is in a busted up house, you have to climb a series of stones on the side of the house and the scrying orb is inside the house near the top. You will understand what I mean once you get nearby to the coords and see the house.
Bah. I'm seeing straight up at the last one in the Chasm, but I can't get up there. I've been falling down from that house for 15 mins now.
e: Seems it helps posting and whining about it. Woop!
Took me forever to, you have to use the mount to make the jump from the big rock on the right side of the house to the roof and then dismount and gingerly walk the railing to the scrying stone. At least that's how I finally did it
I'm missing one in The Chasm. I've found the ones at The Unhallowed Grounds and the Crystal Caves. Does anyone know where the my last one is? Someone in this thread mentioned something about a fort...?
Edit: Nevermind, I found it at Fort Precipice, behind the northeastern wall surrounding it (-13066, -1124). Btw, this thread is awesome.
chaddiwickerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
It doesn't help that the one in the Chasm (Unhallowed Grounds) has some nasty mobs right below it that I keep aggroing.
svenvolfeid7227Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I cant seem to find the Crystal Caves one in The Chasm, anyone able to post a screenshot of where it is on the map?
redborgieMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
I found the other two in Hotenow. I had took screenshots but for some reason they were all black.
First one - From the zone start follow the path till you get to the first open area where the first quest objectives are. Look on the east side overlooking the lava. It's under the lip there.
Last one is down inside the volcano(near the last quest instance) up on one of the sides. If you put your back to the quest instance it's on your left.
wolfenhowlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited May 2013
Whispering caves
480.460 in one of the corners of the slave pit for the drow area you have to come from the metal wall to see it cant come to it from the pits themselves
1200.1040 up some scaffolding you can hear its sound when your near it needs some jumping to get to it
svenvolfeid7227Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Nice got all the ones in the Whispering Caves now , now if only i could find that one in the Chasm i cant seem to find ill have them all
braxzanaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 215Arc User
edited May 2013
Crystal Caves, 13359 -1810, stuck in the cleft of a rock wall on the left hand side on the path leading away from the first camp.
In the Chasm, this is the only one I cannot seem to find. The whole area outside the "first camp" appears to be in the range of NEGATIVE 13359 or so... but even so, when I get near -13359 -1810 I cannot see nor hear this one. Quite vexing. Assuming the 'first camp' means Scar Keep, of course, and the first number IS negative... back to the prowling.
EDIT: Still no luck, but thought I'd offer some help on another one --- in Rothe Valley after you pass through the fake wall into the slaver territory, if you go toward the campfire in that area about half-way, you can climb up top and there is a scrying orb on the rooftops there overlooking the slave pits.
EDIT: Just call me Master Scryer, now! Finally found the "first" one in Chasm... I was thinking it was "left side of the road in a rock ledge/nook on the road from the first camp"... where the "first camp" was Fort Scar, the FIRST camp you enter when you first enter the Chasm.
But for some reason it never dawned on me that the "Crystal Caves" was the AREA it was in... I thought that was the title of the thing or something. Anyway, the directions are accurate (did not check coordinates) ---- but it's in a rocky nook on the left side of the road from the first camp IN THE MYSTIC GROTTO / CRYSTAL CAVES area, after you pass through the Unhallowed Ground sub-zone. The campfire in question is the one with Hal the Henchman and the spectral wizard guide. The orb is PLAINLY visible just a short distance along the path. That just leaves Gauntlgrym to explore, when that comes out.
480.460 in one of the corners of the slave pit for the drow area you have to come from the metal wall to see it cant come to it from the pits themselves
1200.1040 up some scaffolding you can hear its sound when your near it needs some jumping to get to it
Sweet! Thanks!
Now I've got them all (except for the ones in Gauntlgrym, release it already!).
Pauper's Field - west side of pauper's two connecting bridges, on the right at the end as you're crossing the bridges up on jut of rock you will see stone. (-345 , -265)
I must be missing something. Can someone tell me how to actually reach this stone? I can see it but I can't seem to find a way up onto the rock.
braxzanaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 215Arc User
edited May 2013
krelar, if it's the one I think it is, you can get around to the side of the rock farther along the path (opposite side of the rock from the bridge) and you can jump up onto the rock pile there, then sort of hop/sidle around the rock to get to the top, eventually jumping onto the top with the bridge to your back.
Fell to my death in the abyss the first time I saw it because I thought I could jump across the chasm there from the other side... didn't quite make it
the mindflayer area, of the place with dark elves and duegar miners, I foget if that's the chasm or whispering caverns and I can't log in right now.
So that would be in the upper vault then? "The Sept"?
sorry my bad, guess I read it wrong but that would be correct as to where it is. theres the cube walls every where and it's on top of a 2 cube stack 3-4 down from the brains quest giver. the cubes only go one way from him and he's the only guy wanting brains. next time I'll check the spelling and get a loc but I wanted to post it now in case anyone needed that one
e: Here we go with the pictures:
there's nothing wrong with this post... it's been really helpful to me so far... so... yea, he didn't post the data on wiki... so what? if you have a problem with that, nothing stopping you from posting it there
878, 1716 (on a terraced rooftop north of the empty fountain)
Second Scrying Orb is located in:
The Unhallowed Grounds, Coords: 8, 697
It is in a busted up house, you have to climb a series of stones on the side of the house and the scrying orb is inside the house near the top. You will understand what I mean once you get nearby to the coords and see the house.
e: Seems it helps posting and whining about it. Woop!
Took me forever to, you have to use the mount to make the jump from the big rock on the right side of the house to the roof and then dismount and gingerly walk the railing to the scrying stone. At least that's how I finally did it
Edit: Nevermind, I found it at Fort Precipice, behind the northeastern wall surrounding it (-13066, -1124). Btw, this thread is awesome.
Edit: Finally got it.
First one - From the zone start follow the path till you get to the first open area where the first quest objectives are. Look on the east side overlooking the lava. It's under the lip there.
Last one is down inside the volcano(near the last quest instance) up on one of the sides. If you put your back to the quest instance it's on your left.
480.460 in one of the corners of the slave pit for the drow area you have to come from the metal wall to see it cant come to it from the pits themselves
1200.1040 up some scaffolding you can hear its sound when your near it needs some jumping to get to it
In the Chasm, this is the only one I cannot seem to find. The whole area outside the "first camp" appears to be in the range of NEGATIVE 13359 or so... but even so, when I get near -13359 -1810 I cannot see nor hear this one. Quite vexing. Assuming the 'first camp' means Scar Keep, of course, and the first number IS negative... back to the prowling.
EDIT: Still no luck, but thought I'd offer some help on another one --- in Rothe Valley after you pass through the fake wall into the slaver territory, if you go toward the campfire in that area about half-way, you can climb up top and there is a scrying orb on the rooftops there overlooking the slave pits.
EDIT: Just call me Master Scryer, now!
But for some reason it never dawned on me that the "Crystal Caves" was the AREA it was in... I thought that was the title of the thing or something. Anyway, the directions are accurate (did not check coordinates) ---- but it's in a rocky nook on the left side of the road from the first camp IN THE MYSTIC GROTTO / CRYSTAL CAVES area, after you pass through the Unhallowed Ground sub-zone. The campfire in question is the one with Hal the Henchman and the spectral wizard guide. The orb is PLAINLY visible just a short distance along the path. That just leaves Gauntlgrym to explore, when that comes out.
2527, 1333
Sweet! Thanks!
Now I've got them all (except for the ones in Gauntlgrym, release it already!).
Fireguard Fortress. Just follow the edge of the bridge.
(763, 1597)
I must be missing something. Can someone tell me how to actually reach this stone? I can see it but I can't seem to find a way up onto the rock.
Fell to my death in the abyss the first time I saw it because I thought I could jump across the chasm there from the other side... didn't quite make it