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Dear Control Wizards.



  • identifiedgodidentifiedgod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    In our party no problem with repeal :).We are two CW and use it clever and we do dungeon very.fast without problem. One time i get random CW in party and he use repeal all time and it was annoying.
  • daiquiri0daiquiri0 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seriously... as a rogue, having the boss knocked out of my range right before I start an attack is a bit annoying.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    OP's post doesnt really help. In fact it creates more confusion. Shield builds major AP which allows more singularity. Shield blows mobs off ledges. Shield keeps adds from overwhelming the healer.

    Sometimes i get the shield use right and occasionally i get it wrong. But i do build AP at a stupid rate and that means adds are getting controlled.

    If you hit your daily singularity then you really want to follow it up with a shield burst then they return and any melee have them in a nice tight bunch to do whatever they want. Add in some steal time action and you have a nice mix going.

    Now the group needs to sync if they keep blowing their aoe when im doing a shield burst then thats not smart. Maybe once or twice but if your consistent your team mates get the feel. Must admit that i like the SOEA encounter but its not always easy to get it right. Thats another feat that knocks adds all over the place.

    Used correctly the knock backs actually make life nice and easy. Add in another CW syncing then you have constant control using knockback abilities.
  • dominemesisdominemesis Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The biggest offenders are shield and repel <--- its in the **** name, and is great in pvp, not so much for PvE. The other is Ice Storm, which I would be fine with Cryptic revising to be knock UP, and then leave enemies prone, which still works with the graphic of the huge ice spikes shooting out of the ground. Knock up won't mess up groupings, will look cool, and leaving baddies prone on the end will mitigate damage and enemy movement for a few seconds. My 2 cents.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have noticed the knockback thing as well lately. Thankfully as a rogue, so I can just pop up behind my target and move on with my dps but even so it is annoying to have your mob go off in a random direction.
  • gamerman121gamerman121 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just wanted to mention that lots of our CW skills that dps a target/s will end up knocking them back or moving them. So if your complaining that you lose dps because you can't stay on target to keep your rotation going then I'm saying I will not being doing my best dps if I don't use my damaging skills that might do knockbacks. So its either ur DPS loss or mine....... guess what I'm gonna choose. Adapt and play better is my advice to the other classes.
  • suxyourfaceoffsuxyourfaceoff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    beleave the quick burts of ray was to add one stack of chill.. also procting the buff that gives extra damage to the a chilled enemy or reducing the emenys power by 5% so when u got slamed.. it did not kill U.... so on the certin time that calls for it i would... drop a ray dot of chill procting 2 feats and adding one stack of chill... then I will hit with conduct of ice adding more stacks... and adding stack to the surounding minions... if need drop ice on the floor to add the finnal stack of chill.. compleat ing freating the area... 30 minions at a time... Then drop avalache on there faces... Betwean all thes inrefocasing my attack back to the boss... witch would get ray of entagelment.. or another single target attack for the boss.. yes damage is low.. but with crit runes.. cuz i dont got the feats for crit.. and recovery... ill be able to damge boss.. whille slowing and destroyind adds.. yes adds will keep sponing.. but if they r controled. we can take the time as a team to eat the boss.... idk just my thoughts..
  • iueras1iueras1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh great. Game isn't even out of beta and the people are already raging, cussing, and trying to tell everyone else how to play. Nice. Some of you (OP, I'm looking at you) should try getting out of your mommie's basement and try accomplishing something other than growing your e-peen with dps charts in dungeons.
  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    id just like to say a big thankyou to all you knowledgeable people i am new to playing a cw and have made the mistakes you speak of i really think they should teach wizards this stuff in the tutorial
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • vaulsvauls Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you mad brah??
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please read your **** abilities properly and understand from the early levels that you cant FREEZE BOSSES.

    Had to rage since another CW ruined another dungeon with their clueless powers <3

    You should probably realize that this game has a lot of new players. I haven't done much MMO before for instance, this game does have a learning curve.

    For me, the biggest problem in learning how to team-play is exactly what you are demonstrating now: random raving on an anonymous forum instead of just talking to that player and see if you can give him/her some pointers.

    Right now, in every dungeon or skirmish I've done there is NO communication. People just stand and watch until the majority starts to move in one direction. It's a lemming-strategy, it doesn't work very well.

    So please, if you have a gripe about someone, let them know. For me, personally and my 2cents , I would like to know when I'm being a nuisance to the group or of benefit.
  • gwasgwas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 62
    edited May 2013
    I'll put my 2 cents in for this.

    Control Wizards do more AOE dmg over rogues. That is a fact and should not even be up for discussion. There is no way a rogue can even think he will out DPS a CW that is controlling all the mobs and also damaging them. When a big mob comes up that a CW cannot CC, that is when the rogue goes all in on that. Otherwise they will be there to grab initial aggro or whatever.

    Now, shield is undervalued to other classes. What shield actually does is turn the CW into a 1 man army. It gives us 30% DR at level 3 and with it I am able to run into a room if the tank is slacking and then group everything up with aggro, then BAM 5K damage all around. "Oh noes, everything is knocked away" Nope! I have singularity nearly 100% up-time. As soon as the shield pops, the ball rises, sucks them all in and shield pops again, more damage, clerics take no damage cause mobs are unable to attack, rogue should be on the big mob that cannot be cc'd and gwf/gf should take the advantage to use their cleave/aoe skills while the mob is being controlled. This is the efficiency that CW is unable to bring to the groups because too many people want to take the role of the wizard and do all the AOE DMG.

    Well, it would be nice if you got some AOE dmg first, then QQ.
    Nessa@gwas - 10,500 Gearscore Control Wizard on Dragon Shard.
    4/4 Castle Never legit. 4/4 Shadow Weaver set. 1/2 Ancient Court Magister.
  • beuneribeuneri Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please read your **** abilities properly and understand from the early levels that you cant FREEZE BOSSES.
    Read that from where exactly? Please do type me the part of ANY control wizard spell description actually telling they don't work on bosses.
    Therefor stop playing your useless Chill abilities or at least if you play them for the trash, READ HOW THE GOD **** ABILITIES WORK.
    Actually, if you want to read tooltips and know how your spells work, you are doing it the WRONG way at the moment, pretty much every tooltip is vague and almost never tell us the correct effects, durations, or well, anything. The only way to know how anything work in this game is to try it out, and it WILL take some time, I'm currently farming T2 dungeons with my CW, and I still find out new things in my CW all the time.

    For example, I farmed the full pvp set for my mage so I get the 4 set bonus of -25% cooldown on spell mastery ability, well, it turns out the cooldown reduction doesn't actually work at all, every cd is the same regardless of it being in spell mastery slot or normal slot.

    So much for "reading the tooltips".
    Signed by another annoyed CW watching so many clueless ones ruining the dungeons.

    P.S Stop using stupid knockbacks also.

    Had to rage since another CW ruined another dungeon with their clueless powers <3
    Just because someone is playing the class differently than you are, doesn't instantly mean he is playing the class wrong, stop being an arrogant prick.
  • aislingiaislingi Member Posts: 140 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I blame WoW. WoW players see "control wizard" and thing "mage".
    Spam big DPS spells so you can top off the DPS meter.

    **** half the class name is the word CONTROL.

    D&D Wizards have always been about flexibility and utility. Which is why they could cast such a wide variety of spells a day.

    A real shame Cryptic did virtually nothing of value with class utility during combat or dungeoneering, save sweeping up the same add spam every boss fight. But that's another issue.
    I wanna go back to being weird. I like being weird. Weird's all I got, oh, and my sweet style. -Maurice Moss, The IT Crowd
  • naori87naori87 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You're right.. but when I use it.. its because either there is no cw... and mob is on me.. or when cw is not doing their jobs and I need to get mobs or me to run....

    The most annoying thing about a CW is when they pay their attention to dealing damage to the main boss and lets their cleric die with the adds...

    In this instant all the cleric can do is run and save themselves and then the whole group will wipe... the cleric can't control like the cw... and they can't do a lot of damage to even kill off most of the harder adds... although they have chain mail but its like wearing a leaky diaper. The cleric can keep most people up without drink a lot of pots.. but I for one am very self sacrificing that I keep other up over myself while i drink hp pots.. but if you don't take care of me... then hey man.. its all man for themselves...
  • naori87naori87 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    You should probably realize that this game has a lot of new players. I haven't done much MMO before for instance, this game does have a learning curve.

    For me, the biggest problem in learning how to team-play is exactly what you are demonstrating now: random raving on an anonymous forum instead of just talking to that player and see if you can give him/her some pointers.

    Right now, in every dungeon or skirmish I've done there is NO communication. People just stand and watch until the majority starts to move in one direction. It's a lemming-strategy, it doesn't work very well.

    So please, if you have a gripe about someone, let them know. For me, personally and my 2cents , I would like to know when I'm being a nuisance to the group or of benefit.

    actually the problem with talking in game is.. the chatting system sucks.... it gets in the way of you walking.... and then everyone charges ahead and you can't really talk and people are already fighting new mobs..
  • velsparwisen1velsparwisen1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This thread is back from the old days when chill stacks do not stay on bosses.
  • nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    oh meh gaw.. quit necro'n ch1tty threads
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Did someone summon me?

    *the control wizard looks around then eyes the zombie and shakes his head*

    This beast should have been left to rest.
    Necromancy is forbidden by the Church of Kelemvor!

    By the grace of Mystryl and Corellon and the Judgement of Kelemvor, back to rest with thee!

    *the mage casts some unknown spells and the thread becomes inanimate once more*
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