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PvP Balance problem? What do u think about it?

sblat7sblat7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
My friend posted this pic:

So think about it, and maybe do some changes on Trickster Rouge? I dont care about PvE dmg, but in PvP it need to be balanced.

Post edited by sblat7 on


  • forsakens001forsakens001 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • lucienkorthuslucienkorthus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ive played all the classes, and the only thing I find unbalanced is TR. They cut through plate the same way they cut through cloth, they have more survivability and dps then a GWF plus more control.
    And although they dont have as much control as a CW, they have the one control in the game that is a complete and utter death sentence (the long duration daze where you cant even dodge or sprint) which is on a very short cooldown.

    It also has a very long range compared to melee and a wide arc. Ive actually dodged away from it, and after the rogue landed and I was dodge range away, still got hit by it.

    And in my short stint playing a rogue myself (which turned my stomach too much to continue doing it) I noticed it doing the same thing. Landing on targets way to far away. It can also hit multiple targets if lined up right.

    So really all you have to do as a rogue is jump into melee and button mash and you will murder the opposing team.

    If you want to actually finesse it, you can, and just use the same three encounter powers all rogues use and have your target slowed and dazed and down to 1/4 of their health before they can even take action.
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ive played all the classes, and the only thing I find unbalanced is TR. They cut through plate the same way they cut through cloth, they have more survivability and dps then a GWF plus more control.
    And although they dont have as much control as a CW, they have the one control in the game that is a complete and utter death sentence (the long duration daze where you cant even dodge or sprint) which is on a very short cooldown.

    It also has a very long range compared to melee and a wide arc. Ive actually dodged away from it, and after the rogue landed and I was dodge range away, still got hit by it.

    And in my short stint playing a rogue myself (which turned my stomach too much to continue doing it) I noticed it doing the same thing. Landing on targets way to far away. It can also hit multiple targets if lined up right.

    So really all you have to do as a rogue is jump into melee and button mash and you will murder the opposing team.

    If you want to actually finesse it, you can, and just use the same three encounter powers all rogues use and have your target slowed and dazed and down to 1/4 of their health before they can even take action.
    I've been in beta for awhile now and all I can say is the pvp portion was thrown in at the last possible moment. No one has been testing pvp at all, up uhh ntil now.

    Hopefully, they take this information and do something about it to balance out the damage of Rogu es and CW. While mymain is a CW, after testing a GWF, they need to rebuff their damage or make them a bit tougher against Rogues and CW (class is 100 tomes harder to play in pvp th an a CW).
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • forsakens001forsakens001 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • davidcoppafeeldavidcoppafeel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why are you able to AFK level through PVP??? Seems that makes things a bit ridiculous as well. You shouldnt be able to farm anything in pvp while AFK.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Trickster Rogue is the only overpowered PvP class... The others seem pretty decently balanced.
  • contrastormcontrastorm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you think Rogues are the only OPed class in the game you are wrong my friend. Today I was hit above 11k with one shot and died at a level 49 PVP match by a caster. Now if you really think that rogues are OPed, man you really need to try other classes and see that Rogues are not OPed. And if more players start with this trend of saying, " This class is OPed cause I saw a screen shot of this Rouge doing 11k damage on this guy." Then the next to be on the list is going to be the caster in this game, and then after the nerf bombs start going off everyone is going to start hating this game and leave.
  • raaizeraaize Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I regularly get 25k Ice Knife Crits on my CW, does that make my class OP as well?

    PVP is a joke in this game at present and really isn't even worth worrying about until they actually drop in some pvp content with some rewards worth getting.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sblat7 wrote: »
    My friend posted this pic:

    So think about it, and maybe do some changes on Trickster Rouge? I dont care about PvE dmg, but in PvP it need to be balanced.


    I see a GWF who was already at half health getting hit by a TR's daily that does triple damage based on how much health was missing.

    It's dodgeable, although a bit trickier for a GWF.

    Learn about the other classes before calling for nerfs, and learn to counter.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I do feel sorry for the GWF and I really think you need something of a dodge and a damageboost when one on one.

    But a problem with one class does not mean a nerf for another.
  • shrewguyshrewguy Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    I see a GWF who was already at half health getting hit by a TR's daily that does triple damage based on how much health was missing.

    It's dodgeable, although a bit trickier for a GWF.

    Learn about the other classes before calling for nerfs, and learn to counter.

    Actually its really easy with a GWF, Shocking execution is interruptible, they can use the roar or the pommel smash or various other abilities to just knock the rouge out of it and stop the daily. Shocking execution has a huge start up time and is horribly telegraphed, if you don't see it coming, your wither blind or AFK.

    People amaze me with their stupidity though... Rogues aren't even close to being the best in PvP

    Clerics currently dominate, Astral shield stacking on a point is just ridiculous, the only way to beat it is to have your own clerics astral shield stack as well then engage in a 5 min fight as no one takes any damage.

    Second to clerics are the Control wizards, who hit as hard as rogues (yeah, Ice knife does about the same damage as shocking execution, and it doesn't require the enemy to be about to die before it hits high numbers, also castable at range, way harder to avoid and causes knockdown if it didn't kill you outright). On top of the damage, they also have better mobility, crazy range and huge amounts of disruption. The Wizards only weakness is that he's squishy, but.. throw in two clerics stacking astral shield and that weakness is gone.

    On a side note, Great weapon fighters currently are too weak, so I suppose compared to them, rogues do look strong.
  • buckfittybuckfitty Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    CWs and TRs are just so much better than the rest of the classes. The argument that 2 clerics together stackin shield is whats really broken is an argument most likely being made by a TR or CW who didn't kill sumone in one round of their at wills saying thats op cause it works every other time lol.

    This game is unplayable in pvp atm unless you are a TR or CW, and you will be on a team or TRs and CWs lol. The lack of input from the company on their plans for classes too is pretty sad.
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sblat7 wrote: »
    My friend posted this pic:

    So think about it, and maybe do some changes on Trickster Rouge? I dont care about PvE dmg, but in PvP it need to be balanced.


    My GWF tops charts in 60 pvp. My CW tops charts in pvp. My GF tops charts in pvp.

    While I admit there are clear advantages with certain builds/comps in a premade situation.

    Issue is with the player not the class.
    INB4, INB4
  • nornsavantnornsavant Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sblat7 wrote: »
    My friend posted this pic:

    I dont care about PvE dmg, but in PvP it need to be balanced.

    So we don't care about actual balance as long as we get the balance that you want.

    But I shouldn't be myopic about it, your right that's, wow, that's painful looking. And to a GWF as well. Thats just mean! Its not like you were hurting him.

    But there is supposed to be a class balance coming.

    Maybe you will get buffed and rogues will get nerfed.

    And we will all get 0 stat cloaks we can only wear in our armor slots.

    -party popper-
  • agbadehanagbadehan Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    sblat7 wrote: »
    My friend posted this pic:

    So think about it, and maybe do some changes on Trickster Rouge? I dont care about PvE dmg, but in PvP it need to be balanced.


    That's an execute and it looks like he's not even using it efficiently.
  • belladanbelladan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Mmmhmm... It's only when rogues go shadow-meld that makes them impossible to take out. Even stuns don't seem to work on them. So it's like "oh.. it's their choreographed move again..." Don't matter as a GWF since even unstoppable and running away won't save your hide. (excluding having high hp and a full defense set up. They'll then have to throw knives once or twice.) Even cresendo isn't going to take one of those down after WMS and the 3 encounters are laid on the fella. They'll get up, look at your swinging sword and then kill you. And this is while the mage has them semi cc'd.

    Oh well, pvp is very broken right now it seems due to lag issues. Last two days even Takedown is a disgrace. Pop it, wait half a second and then see the cw poof away and then kill the melee class. It's fun. Got 500 glory bonus that time. Even roar isn't working half the time... and then unstoppable not proccing when it's full. Then roar goes from a 9.6s cooldown to 2 minutes... Fun times... fun times. ^_^
  • adfanujnadfanujn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    Rogues have one problem, that's Shocking Execution. Clerics have one problem that's Astral Shield, the Guardian Fighter and Control Wizard are good, Great Weapon Fighter is weak and damage and healing need to both be toned down overall. There is no one single problem that will fix the pvp in this game, many things need to change and I'm really sad that not many people see that.
  • shod24shod24 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    Sorry, but less Shrewguy, all opinions seems me wrong.

    The most OP class is CW with so difference, that is absurd try to compare. Its really simple, nobody can kill a cw in 1 vs 1. Only other cw.
    If someone here, tell me that with his rogue defeat a cw, there is only 2 options, he is lying or there is a great difference between gs. No more.With the same gs, if you kill him, is cause the cw is playing with only one hand, the other hand is busy... but even of that way, he kill you ^^

    About other class, astral shield is the unique weapon of a cleric. All suport in this game is based in that skill. But one cleric can not kill you, and if you push him away of the circle, his so hard to kill like to murder an add.

    Gf are really more better than people talks. They can push you and stun you enough to let your life in the misery. One day, people here, meet with a gf and they ll say:" is a cheater", or "you kill me cause you have 12.000 gs". And the same with the gwf. In pvp are goods or are not so bad like people talks.

    But, people has right in one thing. The gf are useless in pve, like gwf, cause his work is done for others class really better.

    For what do you want a gf (tank) if the agro his always to the cleric? dont mind his point feats, the adds always run for the cleric. So we have a class that can tank, cause gf is really good suporting damage, but i can not take the agro, so is useless.

    And the other is the gwf. For what do you want a gwf in your party
  • itheryelitheryel Member Posts: 335 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I wil quote this from another thread, the dude made me laugh so il do u the same favor

    "scissors is fine, paper is overpowered" -rock

    Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
  • travail01travail01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    adfanujn wrote: »
    Rogues have one problem, that's Shocking Execution. Clerics have one problem that's Astral Shield, the Guardian Fighter and Control Wizard are good, Great Weapon Fighter is weak and damage and healing need to both be toned down overall. There is no one single problem that will fix the pvp in this game, many things need to change and I'm really sad that not many people see that.

    Ice Knife can hit just as hard as Shocking Execution. If Shocking Execution is to be singled out, Ice Knife should also make the list.

    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • replicaclonedreplicacloned Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    itheryel wrote: »
    I wil quote this from another thread, the dude made me laugh so il do u the same favor

    "scissors is fine, paper is overpowered" -rock


    Yeah... that is usually the case in more "balanced" pvp. But, when you are talking about Neverwinter, you are talking about classes facing off against each other who are fitted for Very HIGH health pool bosses, and adds. Rogues, CWs, are both a major problem currently. Not so much GF, Clerics, and especially GWF. I say this as someone who has a 60 Rogue and CW. Both these classes will soon be all you see in PVP.

    As a CW I have to have eyes behind my head at all times, as the massive PVE damage capable Rogues can wipe out 60 - 80% of my HP in one Lashing Blade. Then even if I dodge away, their Execute still hits through the dodge, OR they just spam their CoS, which hits HARDER than a GWF Daily power. (I also have a 60 GWF)

    Either the devs need to massively increase HP pools while in PVP for all classes, or tone down damage from all classes. Period. Resilience would also be good as well. None of these Ez-Cheeze powers/dailies from the CW or Rogue that 2 shot or 3 shot people. That's not fun PVP, and the people who do think it's fun or skilled are not in the majority.

    The PVP in this game will die if it continues this way. And until someone finds an exploit that allows people to get free zen or AD from it, changes won't be coming for a while.
  • axlefgkaxlefgk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah... that is usually the case in more "balanced" pvp. But, when you are talking about Neverwinter, you are talking about classes facing off against each other who are fitted for Very HIGH health pool bosses, and adds. Rogues, CWs, are both a major problem currently. Not so much GF, Clerics, and especially GWF. I say this as someone who has a 60 Rogue and CW. Both these classes will soon be all you see in PVP.

    As a CW I have to have eyes behind my head at all times, as the massive PVE damage capable Rogues can wipe out 60 - 80% of my HP in one Lashing Blade. Then even if I dodge away, their Execute still hits through the dodge, OR they just spam their CoS, which hits HARDER than a GWF Daily power. (I also have a 60 GWF)

    Either the devs need to massively increase HP pools while in PVP for all classes, or tone down damage from all classes. Period. Resilience would also be good as well. None of these Ez-Cheeze powers/dailies from the CW or Rogue that 2 shot or 3 shot people. That's not fun PVP, and the people who do think it's fun or skilled are not in the majority.

    The PVP in this game will die if it continues this way. And until someone finds an exploit that allows people to get free zen or AD from it, changes won't be coming for a while.

    this. it also doesnt help that the rogue, who does the most damage, has abilities (that i know nothing about since i dont have 1) that give them more survivability than other, much heavier, classes.
  • endlessinsendlessins Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Damage in the game is based on PVE because it is a PVE focused game if they want to make changes to PVP reduce damage out put or give health by a flat % say 25% for damage, 50% if they went the health route, also diminishing returns on control abilities in pvp, because if a CW picks you up you will hit the ground as a corpse. Clerics need to be looked at in general. AS stacking is a bit ridiculous especially considering most groups run 2xDC for smoother runs in Epics and Premades. GWFs unfortunately if wanting to do both pvp and pve are going to have to choose their focus. Their feat build is going to determine if they get eaten alive in pvp or booted from a group in pve. I have seen multiple monster GWFs in pvp, and only a couple of good GWFs in pve. If built properly they destroy a CW in aoe DPS. Its about learning to play your class for your focus. My focus is PVE so when I get eaten alive by any class/player who is focused on pvp. Im just like ok avoid him/her or its gonna be a long night lol.

    More on the Diminishing Returns thing. Every class has control abilities. TRs daze/slow/short knock back. GWFs stun/knock downs. CWs knock back/knock down/slow/freeze/stun ie their force choke rip off. Clerics knock back/knock down. GFs knock back/stun/slow/knock down. With that much control in the game there would need to be DR in PVP. Reduced duration for controls in pvp is also needed. I agree the daze that rogues can apply with dazing strike is pretty brutal on a squishy if they dont read the animation and move. Smoke bomb move out of it. you can see the cloud on the ground. Choke if you have no CC breaker you are going to die before it ends. I agree with not being able to global players within one cd set. GWFs can do it, CWs can do it, Clerics cant but its not like youre going to kill a good one 1v1, same with the GF unless he went Conq line and pretty much just rains on your parade, yes GFs can kill in one rotation of encounters if built to DPS PVP. TRs have to crit to take some one down in one rotation of encounters because 1 of those is going to be utility. 2 damagers 1 survival. Smoke screen is better than dazing strike because if you drop it on a cap point they are either going to stand their and die or scatter. Either way youll cap the point. Smoke screen does 0 damage. So that leaves them 2 encounters for damaging. If they only run lashing blade and ITC or DB they will take reduced damage and can port to you for minimal damage. CoS has 12 charges that dont hit anywhere near as hard as any daily Ive seen. Its a quick short ranged attack that will run out of ammunition even quicker. Seeing the total damage done on your screen from a set of attacks is not even close to being able to say it does more damage than a daily. If you want to say that then the 45k that any class can hit you for if youre being healed hits harder than most dailies. . . you have to pay attention to each hit not the total damage that its done to you.
  • replicaclonedreplicacloned Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    axlefgk wrote: »
    this. it also doesnt help that the rogue, who does the most damage, has abilities (that i know nothing about since i dont have 1) that give them more survivability than other, much heavier, classes.

    Dodge, ItC, Smoke Bomb(Which is usually used offensivly, but allows a way to get melee off you for a few seconds so you can stealth + mount away) and of course stealth.
  • budrik1budrik1 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And then people whine that there are no clerics around.
    Come on Cryptic, get your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> together!
    "Pugs are like Saturday Night Live Sketches.
    Most of em' are awful, some of em are decent, and a few are pretty good."
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    lol' it's funny how many people think GF is meh pvp class, I would list GF second moast powerful class in pvp. Have you met the dps GF's that Shield Bash you for 15k dmg and knocking you down, then knock you down again, and then knock you down again????
    Clerics is by far the moast game changin class in PVP, not coz of the healing really, the healing numbers are all pretty low. The pots you can pick up heals for more then a cleric class. It's the flat dmg reduction of Astral Sheild + Stat buffs they hand out that makes people unkilleble. It's really bad when 2 Cleric stack it aswell. But having 2 clerics stationary at one point isn't really optional. TR's might come 3d here, but it's not really coz of their dmg, It's supose to be high. The only real problem is how much dmg they can absorb. I dunno if it's deflect or what it is. But some TR's are tanky as hell and even more of a problem to kill then a defensive GF. CW's is one class i have no problems with anymore, as soon as they are out of stamina they are sitting ducks that dies really easy. They are a huge pain when they are many and assist on targets tho. It's really hard to counter. I've never seen a group of 5 CW and/or TR's win against a ballanced group tho. Having more then 2 of either really hurts the ballance and can make it really hard to win.
  • horoturehoroture Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    So... For people who are having trouble with "tanky" Rogues, we have this 1 skill called "Impossible to Catch". It is our only damage mitigation spell. We turn black when we use it. We are immune to cc and take very little damage for like 3-4-5 secs. Sounds op right?

    But here's the thing... ASIDE FROM DODGE IT'S OUR ONLY MITIGATION AND HAS A CD OF 18 SEC. 9/10 I can win a fight vs GF, GWF, fellow rogue, just by activating this 1 skill when they attack me. Because, for some reason, they blow all their encounter powers (and sometimes daily powers) on me in like the first 2 seconds of combat. And then they wonder why they lose.

    Well now you know. The secret's out. Feel free to root us, knock us down, wtf-pwn us, whatever. We are as squishy and delicious as crab cakes without it. And please don't nerf shocking execution. It's the only way I can ever catch a decent CW. A good CW... forget about it. Straight counter to rogue.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    axlefgk wrote: »
    this. it also doesnt help that the rogue, who does the most damage, has abilities (that i know nothing about since i dont have 1) that give them more survivability than other, much heavier, classes.

    Like a shield, armor, triple dodge or a sprint?
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    buckfitty wrote: »
    CWs and TRs are just so much better than the rest of the classes. The argument that 2 clerics together stackin shield is whats really broken is an argument most likely being made by a TR or CW who didn't kill sumone in one round of their at wills saying thats op cause it works every other time lol.

    This game is unplayable in pvp atm unless you are a TR or CW, and you will be on a team or TRs and CWs lol. The lack of input from the company on their plans for classes too is pretty sad.

    I could say the same and assume you play a DC ;)

    I'm not whining they are OP, I'm just saying that after getting three stacks of bleeding damage on them in a 1v1 and they still happily run around with full health...I go looking for something that I can actually damage.

    The thing with TR's is that if they don't get the drop on you, they're dead in the water. Our survivability is IMHO the least of all 5 classes. We don't get armor, a limited ranged attack and two dodges (vs the CW's three) and stealth isn't the get-out-of-jail-card so many people think it to be (myself included) because you can still be targeted after going into stealth.

    Seriously, I'm beginning to think that all these nerf x posts are either troll-bait or made by frustrated and lazy players who don't even bother to learn what they are actually up against.

    "Me smash buttons, me win!! What, me lose?? You need nerf!!"
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sblat7 wrote: »
    My friend posted this pic:

    So think about it, and maybe do some changes on Trickster Rouge? I dont care about PvE dmg, but in PvP it need to be balanced.


    I wish rogues did so low dmg at 60.
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