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Patch Notes NW.1.20130416a.19



  • bruhmisbruhmis Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tellqua wrote: »
    get a better laptop sir... Mine works just fine.

    do you even have a remote idea how PC games work? I don't understand how people like you can be so obnoxious. FYI I have a GTX 670 and an AMD fx-8150 x8 the game is still frequently unplayable for me. and since I know you're too technically oblivious to even know what those are, my computer is more powerful than 15 of yours combined and I get worse performance than you. it's called optimization, and this game needs it.
  • coldsoul69coldsoul69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cool, servers are back up.. and look at what still wasn't fixed.
  • pseudonomiconpseudonomicon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To everyone who mentioned things that need fixing - I'm sure the developers will appreciate it. To everyone who supported the fixes that WERE made, I'm sure the representatives on the forums will be relieved.

    To the people who are upset about more game-threatening issues, please understand that it's not so simple to fix big bugs. Some bugs go beyond simple coding fixes and take time to understand and design solutions for... but more often, the developers know how to fix the bugs but cannot because of company policies. Reports have to be written and formal suppositions launched just to tamper with small bugs that are deemed to have a minimal risk of impacting the game in most gaming companies. If the devs want to fix the auction house, for example, and they are almost positive they know how, they have to pass that along to other circles who deal with funding and risk analysis who will reply to them with 'if you break the auction house you break the game and we lose a ton of players!' and a battle ensues between fixing what is already MARGINALLY working or taking low-risk fixes.

    Most games with big names behind them or from big companies take a while to get critical fixes completed. They know they exist, and their interest is in keeping you as a player satisfied. For many of the businessmen and devs this may be because they want you to spend money, but I've spoken with a LOT of gaming devs and discovered that often times they're more excited about your positive feedback than the next chart presented to them showing that player sales have gone up .4%.

    Please give them time and a bit of understanding.

  • ryaskryask Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love the game so far and i'm really liking all the changes. I like to take my time and experience as much as possible so i'm only level 30 I do however have some suggestions (not complaints) that I would love to see:

    1) i'm a cleric, and i have full points in agro reduction and have skipped all damaging skills/aoe damage unless they offer healing or buffs to the group/debuff to boss etc. however, when it's just a boss with no ads i sometimes live even though i tank at least for few seconds at many times during the fight.but when there is any amount of ads...it is not uncommon for me to die 2-3 times during the boss encounter. I don't think it's the tanks threat, it is my own that is the problem. I mean Cleric healing agro is really terrible. Trash pulls can get really bad too, especially if it's like a whole bunch of little guys and 2 or more elite type mobs....man those elites and all of the little ads just take me out as soon as i do one heal...oh and i've tried not healing and just standing there too...but the party doesn't really like that so much haha. It's them or me...and i hate that i have to choose, mostly because i always choose to heal them knowing full well that i'm going to die. This can't be how it's supposed to work.

    2)Local chat scrolls so fast i can hardly read anything in it, alot of it is people asking questions, i would love to see a new channel specifically for help, where anyone can go in and answer questions/ask questions. I think players don't mind helping other players out by answering newbie questions but it would be nice if there was somewhere else to do this, another channel or whatever because right now local is EVERTHING, it's LFG, buying selling, guild recruitment, a million questions and people just chatting and the occasional gold seller/spammer site etc. I think if you gave the channel a really cool D&D type name it could be kinda fun. I personally like helping new players while i wait for things to start etc. Might cut down on GM requests/issues and foster a bit of community within the game so really win win.

    that's about it really. i mean there are small glitches and bugs but normally they can be corrected by restarting or rezoning etc. but i can live with all of those.
  • egoboostedegoboosted Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some bugs go beyond simple coding fixes and take time to understand and design solutions for... but more often, the developers know how to fix the bugs but cannot because of company policies.

    Love when the clueless come and talk about things.

    Yeah...they obviously take their time, look at the initial Foundry (knee-jerk) fix that they're fixing again. Yep....good point. Guess you understand what's going on and we should listen.
  • eyebreaker7eyebreaker7 Member Posts: 621 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Forgot the quote
    I'm gonna rip your head off and make it my puppet! (NwN2)
  • stax77stax77 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    egoboosted wrote: »
    You prove your inexperience by posting this.

    There is actually a development cycle, used for pretty much EVERY project.

    When you are having a true beta you need to be able to make sweeping changes that may result in wipes, or changes so drastic that it might make one thing or another completely different and/or change the focus of it.

    Whether a beta needs sweeping changes or not is up to the developers, not some arbitrary definition you came up with.
    egoboosted wrote: »
    I realize your education is limited, and that's ok, but this is even in any one of the "video game development for dummies" books.

    Skip those thinly-veiled insults and stick to facts.
    egoboosted wrote: »
    When you promise your consumer that there won't be any more wipes you're also, in turn, promising them that the experience that they are having now (character-wise) won't change so drastically that what they're currently doing won't be basically the same thing as the "finished product". Therefore this couldn't possibly be a true beta,

    Again, you are throwing this "true beta" term as if there was some arbitrary definition. True beta is the beta that the developer declares to be beta. Nothing more, nothing less. It is only up to the developer, and noone else, to decide whether his game is beta or not.

    A book is done when the author says it's done. A movie is finished when the producent says it's finished. And a MMORPG is released when the devs says it's released. End of debate.
  • eyebreaker7eyebreaker7 Member Posts: 621 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sandylmc1 wrote: »
    Thank you PW and Cryptic for all the hard work. I have one request. When working hard on a dungeon or instance solo or with a group is there a way that the reward chest at the end could be class related? Kinda frustrating to do all that work for something you cant use. Thank for listening

    Yes please! Keep up the good work guys and gals. Love the game. For the most part anyway :p
    I'm gonna rip your head off and make it my puppet! (NwN2)
  • jezathforumjezathforum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks a bunch cryptic and pwe!! I cannot beleive you made so many patches already!! its not even 2 weeks yet... Fo you guys actually get any time off?>? thanks again!!

    "There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
    "If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
  • protanos2protanos2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Quests and Environments

    • Kill XP limiters have been improved and relaxed.
    Good PATCH... In foundry mission kill 2 mobs and others don't give exp and loot(need wait ~3min for receive normal mobs )... so no changes, and now Foundry useless.(sorry 1 mission per day for quest)
  • professor411professor411 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "Kill XP limiters have been improved and relaxed"
    The kill xp is exactly the same as it was before the patch. I tried one of the "official" foundry missions that give credit for the daily and I stopped getting xp after about 1 bar of xp. The loot seems to be just as bad as well. As soon as you hit the xp limit, which appears to be 1 bar, could be a little more or less, you stop getting xp and loot from all mobs in the foundry quest for about 5 minutes. I agree that the exploit maps needed to be changed and those people banned or suspended but this xp and loot nerf hurts everyone that wants to participate in the foundry. I have no problem with people wanted to kill mobs in an open field as long as they can be hit back.

    I also really hope they do something about the pve queues and the afkers in pvp.
  • darthkarmadarthkarma Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3
    edited May 2013
    i can't wait till this game is actually fixed. i understand that this is an open beta, but the problems i am having, this game should be in closed beta still. i get disconnected from the servers every five minutes it seems. when i attack enemies, they just stand there like im not even hitting them. sometimes when i attack, my weapons are still sheathed. when im walking its like something is pulling me in the opposite direction. also the f key doesn't show up on npcs or quest givers all the time. neither does it show up when im trying to leave an area or enter a dungeon. it don't know if anyone else are having these issues they are really pissing me off. i can't even enjoy the game. i have played every day since open beta. there have been numerous patches and these problems i'm having still exist.
  • soyala1soyala1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    northreyar wrote: »
    No can do mister, youre right about something though, we shouldnt be expecting to experience all of the game's content while we're still in beta. but PW is way deep in the mud with the zen stuff to make the Character wipe, not only they would loose money, but a lot of players too, that simply are not gonna like having to hit level cap again. Personally im cool either way, although i think that loosing my char would be a pain, but if it has to be done then it has to be done

    I agree it would be a disaster on the players pop to do a char. wipe and refund. It was just my opinion that is was a not a great choice to not wipe. With that said, it is good to see other players with a realistic perspective on the products current stage of development. No need to rant or rage. This game has allot to offer from what I have played. I would like to see it release well. If those with the perspective it should be release ready...maybe betas are not the gig for ya.

    Sure, I enjoy betas I like to test things out, play around a bit and see what can be broken. I get frustrated too sometimes, but if I enjoy that game I want it to get a good start. It is also a time to screen the game to see if it is a good fit for me in the future(I admit it!!! :) ) if I can't stand the game in beta or how the devs respond, I do my best and move on. Not the case for me his time, so lets see what develops and the direction the devs take. I have seen my share of games that this is a crucial moment to show a community what they will do to fix issues and how well they do them. It is up to us to assist them with constructive comments and detailed bug reports.

    Wow...I sound like a fan :)
  • chichopowchichopow Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    since i cant open new topics i dont know why, arent you going to ban these people that abused the Share quest with infinite exp?? thats not fair, LOT LOT of people leveled from 1 to 60 with an AutoIT script...
  • krabbisssskrabbissss Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi I am not sure what gives you the right to post a new thread, I do not have that right currently. I have a really huge issue after the maintenance today and because i could not post a new thread i could not ask about this here.

    This was the thread I was going to post:

    My issue is: I have an account 2 weeks old. Let say my email is a@b.com.
    I have 2 characters on dragon, 29 and 22. When i tried to login after the
    maintenance today I did not see any characters, I thought it might just be something
    with the character servers so i waited a few hours. The I tried again, still the same problem. In the launcher it states a different name after i logged in with a@b.com,
    so it seems like something went really wrong during the maintenance.
    When i click support in the launcher a 3rd name is preseted to me in the forums.
    The forum name was the first account name i tried to pick but it was already taken.
    So it seems like the rejected name still got in and got tied to my mail. So I guess
    that there were more than 1 accountname tied to my email and after the maintenance the empty one was selected.

    I have also tried to login with my accountname the one that was in the laucher when
    things worked. I have also play another game from PW and if I click send me my user name I get that name. I am really confused and I fear that my characters are lost
  • wyurtertowewyurtertowe Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I beat the storyline and got my cleric to 60. After that I looked forward to the foundry, at least have fun while leveling my CW, but after this update today I'm going to stop playing. I'm not going to do the storyline all over again on a different character because, well the only different thing about the experience I'll get is to be a CW and thats it. Now since playing foundry missions basically consists of killing and doing loads of stuff just to do those things and very few experience , I'm going to stop playing and also stop spending money, because I simply don't think it's worth it. It's been fun Neverwinter, PEACE!
  • fivecmpersecondfivecmpersecond Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    man the idris still not fixed yet :( ?
    Huge fan of Aria,5 Centimeters Per Second,Bungaku Shoujo & Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
  • infinityzeroduninfinityzerodun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You guys are really liking to abuse foundry eh? it's not made for that it's suppose to be a fun content better if they sort out the actual problems, not for you to feed up to level 60 within 4-5hours.
  • divinehopedivinehope Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    You guys are really liking to abuse foundry eh? it's not made for that it's suppose to be a fun content better if they sort out the actual problems, not for you to feed up to level 60 within 4-5hours.

    Broken record here, but you can play Foundry for fun and do all that RP stuff. However, I just wanna level my alt char. fast; because leveling is boring.
  • wyurtertowewyurtertowe Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exactly, I've already done the full story so what's the point of doing something I already know all over again.

    I sincerely dislike the people who abused the foundry, because it ruined the game for a good amount of people
  • zerafox0zerafox0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    divinehope wrote: »
    Broken record here, but you can play Foundry for fun and do all that RP stuff. However, I just wanna level my alt char. fast; because leveling is boring.

    Then perhaps it's time to find a game that doesn't have levels, or quests or progression?
  • fargardfargard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    At other games I have alternate paths at least (EQ, WoW, I don't have to redo every quest in the same order again and again for every char). So I thought the foundy is something amazing because it offers many options. But nerf it so hard because there were some quests designed for AoE grind only is unfair and lazy.
  • zerafox0zerafox0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Might I suggest a "Back to player selection" from the game menu? It's a little bit of a pain to have to completely log out then back in again to get to the character screen to switch between characters. :P Unless there is one, and I'm somehow missing it completely? XD
  • zxetzxet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    with the nerf to foundry missions why even have the extra xp on the list i mean seriously go in kill a couple mobs and your done its kinda pointless imo, just take the nerf off who cares how someone levels a character........
  • brenawynbrenawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because that's what closed beta is for. *flick*
  • waaaghbafetwaaaghbafet Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    foundry allowed easy leveling, who the hell wants to do linear quests over again? ESPECIALLY after paying extra char slots for example...

    man this company is lame and dumb. i'm moving on.
  • malkaw66malkaw66 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After the patch i can't play the game. When i log in on the map nothing works, I can't use anyting horse altars etc (the F key dont work) i can leave the map nothing. HELP
  • waaaghbafetwaaaghbafet Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Whelp another game to stop playing.

    How long did you expect your game to last upon release? month? weeks? days?
    Try a day for pvp (no ladders, so all the goals are is to get gear)
    PvE is such easy mode

    This trend of open beta is really starting to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me off. This game will be in open beta until it dies. I'm sure of it.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    atomicp79 wrote: »
    Accepting money and requiring money are two very different things...

    All right, let's go with accepting money for purchases made in an unfinished product that might change to invalidate the monies you spent in the first place. IE, you spend money to level up a companion with zen purchases. Then, hypothetically a nerf comes down the pipes rendering your purchase invalid. Wasted money, anyone? How about laughing all the way to the bank?

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • tygerwhite64tygerwhite64 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    for Idris - it isn't that we aren't noticing the loot going into our inventories - last two runs through the chest simply is unable to even be activated. Entire party was in the same boat both times.
This discussion has been closed.