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Bags, bank slots, respecs, character slots.



  • wasaguestwasaguest Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The price for bags is a bit too high IMO. Bags should be a craftable item even if they have fewer slots.
    I thought the Character Slots were a good price though (2 for $5). Some of the items on the cash shop are just a bit silly though, and I'm hoping they are open to adjustments since they are calling this Beta* and all.
    The respecs are a bit too high seeing as we are in Beta and powers/skills/etc are still not balanced all that well. Beta is for testing, and it shouldn't cost us to test - unless of course this is Beta only in name and not actually a true Beta. :/

    *If they hadn't called this Beta, I wouldn't bother posting "feedback".
  • beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yasha00 wrote: »
    I mean what I said. I have 6 characters with 5 or 6 24-slot (biggest?) bags in another mmo, and the price of those bags was having fun. In this game the price for a comparable good, outside the free quest bags, is much higher.

    maybe the other mmo is a better fit for you then. I'm not being rude but all games are not for all people.
  • sinistrad1sinistrad1 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    You can't have it all for free, because running and developing MMOs isn't free. They give you the whole base game for free, and yet you want more. You do get bank space, you do get character slots, you do get bags. I have not bought ANY bank space or bags for my alts, just for my main, and they do perfectly fine. It's not a problem at all.

    Warframe is more P2W than this, really. You get blueprints, but it is not fast or simple to get the parts. And PoE, eh, donated money, didn't like it.
    But PoE isnt p2w, all there are just cosmetical, NW is much better anyway, but if their reduce prices more ppl could buy their stuff , at the end it could result in more profit...
  • jfoodjfood Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    taneras wrote: »
    1.) People aren't just complaining about the cost of respecs.
    2.) This actually counters the people complaining about the cost of respecs.

    Talk is cheap, kinda like the $6 yer supposed to pay everytime you come across one of Cryptic's bugged abilities. As this is a beta test, it's just even that much more ironic.

    They could have gotten $200 out of me too over time but i set my sights a little higher than a ten slot bag and an elf with a palette swap. I can't believe I'm conversing with someone like that about value for dollar.

    The most ferrous of forums indeed.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    If one buys what, 4 bags for 1 toon, that's $25.00. I have spent $30.00 and got one bank space module, 1 bag, and fell for some stupid <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>$ keys. On wow, I have quite a few current max level toons. About 15. I have 2 accounts. I three boxed in EQ. By the time I got bags, bank-space alone for 5 toons, on this game I would be well over 2k. I've spent that on many games over the course of the past 10 years.

    1. Do not kid yourself, this game is not that good. It's not revolutionary, however it is based on a genre that has an extremely large fan base that has proven to be of the loyal variety. It plays well, I like this game but there are issues. Queue, loot, cash shop. The other stuff like mechanics, quest bugs, and environmental/etc I give all to "Open Beta." The modeling for the issues should have been done before open beta, and a couple of them shouldn't be hard to fix in open beta.

    1.a I have tried to look through the dev tracker but there is too much garbage that F2p -customers- are putting on there to really see if DeVs are talking about these issues. there are 171 pages. Alot of it related to server outages, witch I don't have a problem with - in "open beta." When someone says dev, why does everyone assume the people being talked about are the code monkeys, or engineers only - when it comes to problems. There's business modeling and game modeling, and that had more to do with the "money/business-dev in the room than the code monkey core. I hope the code monkeys are talking about the queue and loot, and business about server space and cash shop- possibly sub options ... Yet, there's not real DeV tracker, there's twitter on the Forum basically.

    2. Hamburgers being served are not Kobe beef. I can pay $10 in the cash shop for companions that are only 2g in the game. Even the spammers for gold and diamonds in PE/zone know that's absurd value, I think they offer lots of diamonds and gold for $10. I could buy like 100 of the same companion for the same amount of $.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • bpphantombpphantom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yasha00 wrote: »
    You will need to spend much more than that for comparable bags, bank slots, respecs, character slots.

    And I'm okay with that. I spent more than that on CoX when they went F2P and my sub that I'd had since launch. I spent around $40 on PoE. I've spent more than I'd care to admit on GW2. I spent cash on SWtOR (no regrets). Yet I've only spent my founders $60 on NW so far. I'm sure I'll spend more as the shop gets expanded. Are some of the prices too high? Maybe, so don't buy those things, make the AD crafting and doing the dailies. "But I want it now." No.

    I've only just picked up my 2nd bag and hadn't been "full" yet. If I can't or won't use it I sell it. There're vendors at all the quest hubs. Go do a few quests, come back to turn in and sell the stuff I've replaced or just won't use. That's why I could afford a mount at 20 (had the founders one but wanted to see them).
    - bpphantom

    Grace, Tiefling Devoted Cleric

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman."
  • dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    taneras wrote: »
    I have a solution. Don't purchase hurry up crafting, and farm for your lv 60 gear instead of trying to buy it. You sound like one of those people who, after having a max lv character with the best gear and maxed professions basically handed to him, he'd complain there isn't anything left to do in the game.

    Just because something is available to be purchased doesn't mean you have to purchase it.

    My max char atm is level 31. Good try at being wrong though. Yeah you don't HAVE to buy anything since the game is so stupid easy, DUH. But its obvious they put stuff in game for AD that you will never get earning the AD in game... was I that vague or do you just like P2W?
  • dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    So sad to see you go. When you do. Which I hope you do.

    Oh by the way, you're not limited to 24K AD per day, you can play the AH for AD.

    True story. Bro.

    IF ONLY I had addressed the AH issue in my post. Why do you want people to leave the game? Do you enjoy playing a dead game?
  • dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm working on my second 60, and I'm up to a grand total of .... wait for it ....... 0$ !!! And it's not because I can't afford it, it's because everything you need is given to you for free.

    So your claim then is the only thing to do in game is level to 60 then start over? Sounds like a real POS game to me. Why would I spend money on that?
  • bozonitemare1712bozonitemare1712 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have spent a lot of money in other f2p games. The problem with charging so much money for typical aspects of the game is that I don't want to and when I do I feel like I am getting screwed. Make me want to buy stuff not force me into these inconvenient situations that just frustrate me to the point of paying for it. So in the end I feel like "ahhh they got me" instead of "oh look at this cool new thing I got for my character!" I feel like I am dealing with bank or credit card company.
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dcoy1 wrote: »
    So your claim then is the only thing to do in game is level to 60 then start over? Sounds like a real POS game to me. Why would I spend money on that?

    I never said anything even remotely close to that. Reading comprehension, much?
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    1: stop feeding the trolls

    2: whales, gonna whale

    3: consider the game in itself, merely an extended demo for the worlds most overpriced MMO.

    don't pay them, to avoid a broken element of their feat system, give them hell over it not working currently or at least make sure it isn't working, if so give them hell over releasing more fluff for the cash shop instead of prioritizing the bugs.
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spyke2009 wrote: »
    1: stop feeding the trolls

    2: whales, gonna whale

    ... give them hell over releasing more fluff for the cash shop instead of prioritizing the bugs.

    This is gold right here.
  • burninnateburninnate Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013
    Toss out the F2P model and just charge a monthly fee. Champions online had a pretty cool F2P + Sub model that was nice. Personally I could be arsed to purchase anything for this game for real cash. I will live without or stop playing.

    Games like this and the entire "Free to Play" model make me relalize what a value $15 a month for WoW was. Too bad it just got flat out boring...
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bpphantom wrote: »
    And I'm okay with that. I spent more than that on CoX when they went F2P and my sub that I'd had since launch. I spent around $40 on PoE. I've spent more than I'd care to admit on GW2. I spent cash on SWtOR (no regrets). Yet I've only spent my founders $60 on NW so far. I'm sure I'll spend more as the shop gets expanded. Are some of the prices too high? Maybe, so don't buy those things, make the AD crafting and doing the dailies. "But I want it now." No.

    I've only just picked up my 2nd bag and hadn't been "full" yet. If I can't or won't use it I sell it. There're vendors at all the quest hubs. Go do a few quests, come back to turn in and sell the stuff I've replaced or just won't use. That's why I could afford a mount at 20 (had the founders one but wanted to see them).

    It would cost me over $1000 dollars just to have comparable basic, non-cosmetic items of the same quantity as in another mmo which I can get them for free- that means those items are far too expensive in NW. If you spent lots on GW2 it wasn't for any of the things that this thread is addressing.
  • dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm working on my second 60, and I'm up to a grand total of .... wait for it ....... 0$ !!! And it's not because I can't afford it, it's because everything you need is given to you for free.

    Let's expand this since you don't get even your own statement. We are now 10 days into "open beta". You have one max level toon and are working on a 2nd. You claim this is a fine game because everything you needed to level to 60 was free. But why aren't you playing your first level 60? Is it lack of end game? Is it because unless you want to farm for years to get gear that's obsolete by the time you can acquire it you have to PAY and you don't want to? Combine that with levelling being so stupid easy and you have ONCE AGAIN for the cheap seats a bad game not worth my $$.
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have spent a lot of money in other f2p games. The problem with charging so much money for typical aspects of the game is that I don't want to and when I do I feel like I am getting screwed. Make me want to buy stuff not force me into these inconvenient situations that just frustrate me to the point of paying for it. So in the end I feel like "ahhh they got me" instead of "oh look at this cool new thing I got for my character!" I feel like I am dealing with bank or credit card company.

    Yes, this is exactly the point.
  • soiledostrichsoiledostrich Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You can refine 24k AD a day. So for 400k the math is a little over twelve days and it is free. If you haven't been able to cap the limit, you should read up on how to earn the AD. Oh and you can transfer that into Zen. The main thing is you are impatient for the exchange and auction house to settle from the massive amounts of founder pack AD.
  • tiro12tiro12 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    I think the prices are not all that unreasonable if you only play one or two characters.

    $20 for 2 bags
    $5 for additional bank space
    $30 for purple companion.
    $30 for max speed mount (can be used on all other charterers as well)

    So around $85 for the first character and $55 more for each one after that.

    So if you compare it to the cost of buy and pay a monthly fee for a P2P MMO then if you only have a couple of main characters its okay. If you like to make alts it will get expensive very quickly though.

    Holy hell, you think spending 85 dollars per character in a video game is reasonable? Not everyone is well off like you buddy.

    Why the F are so many people defending the price of items anyways? Is it not BENEFICIAL for all of us to have lower prices? Wether you are ok with spending two thousand dollars on a game or not wouldn't having to pay less money for a game be a good thing??? Why are you people arguing so cryptic makes more money? Something seems fishy....
  • noosednoosed Member Posts: 247 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    We're arguing because there are way too many people saying "waaaah this costs too much that's not what i would pay so lower it" while the rest of us are like, you dont need that, plz stfu.
  • noosednoosed Member Posts: 247 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Validity to the point that too many people think their opinions matter, yes. If you dont want to pay, dont. If that makes you not want to play, dont. There are many other games out there, enjoy!
  • nazcac02nazcac02 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Even as a Founder, the prices just for a bag do seem extra high. I just bought a 24 slot bag yesterday. I too think some of the item prices should come down a bit considering for what they are.
  • noosednoosed Member Posts: 247 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Oh wait, let me guess. "No! I want to play this game, this game is not set up the way I want it so you need to change it." Hello countless number of entitled twits, hows your Xth day of being unemployed going?
  • jfoodjfood Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tiro12 wrote: »
    Holy hell, you think spending 85 dollars per character in a video game is reasonable? Not everyone is well off like you buddy.

    Why the F are so many people defending the price of items anyways? Is it not BENEFICIAL for all of us to have lower prices? Wether you are ok with spending two thousand dollars on a game or not wouldn't having to pay less money for a game be a good thing??? Why are you people arguing so cryptic makes more money? Something seems fishy....

    People who get rolled don't like being told they were. Take the 'Heroes of the North', when all was said and done they got a ten slot bag and a single respec token. $200 for a slightly faster horse I farmed up during the duration of two rental tokens.

    They will be on the frontline calling you 'a dirty poor'. Behind them, people who like to troll and could really go either way on the issue depending which forum account they're logged into. Staying in character is important while trolling. After that you get the mods who say silly stuff like 'when the game goes into release state you'll be able to test feats and abilities for bugs without having to pay $6'.

    I don't think there are any paid shills on here, just the foolish and the bored.
  • raal1raal1 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    These threads are so pointless. Cryptic/PWE have exact numbers on all aspects of the cash shop. Your opinions on these forums regarding this matter are meaningless. They simply look at their numbers and decide what prices are going to make them the most money. Your actions in game i.e. how much you do or do not spend have some impact. Crying and flaming on the forums about it, not so much.
  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    spyke2009 wrote: »
    ...give them hell over releasing more fluff for the cash shop instead of prioritizing the bugs.
    This is gold right here.

    Actually, it's not. As with any game of this nature, different teams with different expertise are responsible for these things; they work in parallel.

    Nice try!
  • tiro12tiro12 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok Noosed so there are a lot of people complaining over the wierd pricing model cryptic has, and you are ok with it obviously. But you want everyone to just suck it up and pay high prices even if there is a chance cryptic will listen and lower prices?
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    tiro12 wrote: »
    Why the F are so many people defending the price of items anyways? Is it not BENEFICIAL for all of us to have lower prices? Wether you are ok with spending two thousand dollars on a game or not wouldn't having to pay less money for a game be a good thing??? Why are you people arguing so cryptic makes more money? Something seems fishy....

    People make up silly numbers that are completely surreal, like your two thousand dollars.

    I'll answer your question, though. My issue with the complaints is the demanding and whiny nature in which they are presented. This overwhelming and suffocating sense of entitlement that some people here display, and the complete disregard for the fact that you are given the entire game, the entire content for free. All classes, all zones, all game modes, all levels, all dungeons. Neverwinter gives you MORE content than many of the $60 games that come out, and that is completely ignored. Just like the fact that I could give you a list of RPGs that give you LESS inventory space than you get here, with no way to upgrade it.

    To me personally it doesn't matter if a bag costs $10 or $5. I don't need any for my alts. I do mind the $6 respec tokens, out of principle. The mounts are perfectly fine priced -- not much more than what they cost in games that charge a subscription fee and still have cash stores. Dyes are expensive, outfits are fine, services are cheaper than in most games. Companions should be account bound. (But do I complain? Nope. I just don't buy them as long as they are for one character only.)

    So, TL;DR: Constructive criticism = good. Thinking companies are like your parents and owe you anything = bad. I also think people who have played this game for 20+ hours (and many of them have played it much longer) and haven't supported it financially in any form are not in a place to complain, moan or make demands. You are not a customer.
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • noosednoosed Member Posts: 247 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I think it's absolutely pointless to continue making threads stating the prices are too high, when evidence shows the complete opposite. People have been and will continue to purchase the items in the cash shop so what are you doing. You are sitting there saying "well compared to such and such decade old subscription MMO these prices are too high". Well if you think that argument has even a gimped out busted up burned out bled out leg to stand on then you're delusional.
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    You NEED to buy wardstones, a lot of them.

    I think the ward stones are fine, but the failure rate after rank 5 is not. It should be at least 10%, and ideally 25%. That would still take time and provide incentive to buy the ward stones, but it won't be as off feeling as 1%.
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
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