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My compilation of CW bugs

aliramaliram Member Posts: 19 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Library
Ok, I've been playing with different builds recently and decided to make this post cause a lot of CW feats/spells are not working as described/not working at all. Maybe it will grab some devs attention, yeah I'm a dreamer ><.
Ofc I sent some tickets a while ago, but you know..


Snap Freeze - Your cold powers deal an additional damage to targets who are NOT affected by Chill.
- Doesn't increase Conduit of Ice damage at all.
- Working very strange with tab sloted Chill Strike. I spent about an hour testing it on training dummy. Sometimes it applies 20% damage bonus, sometimes not. I may assume it's because Chill Strike adds Chill effect to the target and the damage, for some weird reason, sometimes are calculated before Chill added and sometimes after. Never apply damage bonus if you have Evocation slotted, this is very important moment, because this spell is a cornerstone of CWs dps. Also I want to underline that this feat works perfectly if your Chill Strike is not in tab slot.

Chaos Magic - Your Magic Missile now has a 33% chance to apply one of three debuffs when striking a target. Only one of these debuffs may be on a target at a time. These debuffs last 10 seconds.
- First, the Magic Missile's chance to apply debuff is far from 33%, it's 10-15% at best!
- Second, floaters for this feat seems bugged. You don't see them if you have <Show others' damage floaters> option disabled, looks like the system just doesn't see you as the source of these debuffs. Without floaters it's very hard to determine which debuff is currently active on the target.


Sudden Storm
- Ok, lets begin with its damage. For me tool tip indicates 4200-4925 Lightning Damage, but actually it hits for 3200-3800 at best, so this spell always do just about 70% of damage listed. Ok, I could have imagined that all mobs in this game have high lightning resistance, but no.. I tested it on the training dummy too, which I believe has no mitigation at all (based on performance of other abilities). So, something is definitely wrong with the damage of this spell.
- Second, this spell never crits and this weakens crit based builds alot. Well, guess this may be intended by design, but what the point behind this?
- And finally, Evocation doesn't increase damage of this spell. It's not considered as an AoE??

Conduit of Ice
- If tab slotted this spell do 7 ticks and if not just 6. Not sure if bug or intended, anyways there's no word about one additional tick under spell mastery description.
- Evocation Doesn't increase its damage. No matter this spell tab slotted or not. Or maybe it's not considered as an AoE too?

P.S. That's all I could remember for now, maybe I'll add more later.
Sorry for my english.

- Tab slotted Chill Strike also doesn't proc Elemental Empowerment.
Post edited by aliram on


  • clarkeuxclarkeux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Your English was fine, I have been noticing one other thing also. I don't think it's a bug but when I cast Sudden Storm I see crits for VERY small amounts. 20-50. The spell never seems to crit high for me whenever it crits it will yellow hit for the normal amount and the crits will be tiny amounts. Not sure if this is a floating text bug or what but it's rather annoying.
    "All shall burn before the hellfire I rain unto my Foes"
  • monarrchmonarrch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 164 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Nice list. I've heard from others about chaos so I don't think you're alone on this one. I half-assed tested the one skill in the renegade tree that increases at will damage by 30% or so as long as you are within 20ft of the target (I'm sry I can't remember the name of the feat) but on the target dummies it didn't seem anywhere near that.

    Can anyone else confirm?

    Edit: reaper's touch.

    I just did some more testing on the target dummies and yes the bonus is being applied but it may be a distance issue, I was standing at waht seemed to be 20 ft but the buff wasnt being applied till i was like what seemed to be almost 10ft. No way to verify this though because we do not have a "feet from target" in our hud so I cant say. I did seem much closer than 20ft though.
  • kitsunekisukitsunekisu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i've noticed the small crit dmg amounts as well. Have always been curious on what it was. If it really is your 3k dmg skill critting for 50 dmg that would be funny.
  • argabanargaban Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i've noticed the small crit dmg amounts as well. Have always been curious on what it was. If it really is your 3k dmg skill critting for 50 dmg that would be funny.
    Could be Storm Spell's damage?
  • kuzmaakimovichkuzmaakimovich Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    forgot sudden storm doing 99% reduced damage to targets being sucked in by singularity.
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  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Was just about to post some bugs too.

    Really dissapointed that some of our only good feats are just completely broken... =/

    Some others I've found.

    Transcended Master isn't increasing Ice Ray dmg. Not sure if it's boosting Shard.

    Storm Pillar's primary dmg doesn't crit from Eye of the Storm.

    Conduit of Ice is considered a spell cast per tic instead of being a normal dot, thus does no dmg when you don't have line of sight or are out of range, also procs stuff per tic like Eye of the Storm/Storm Spell.

    Icy Terrain will proc Eye of the Storm floaters but not actually proc it.

    Ray of Enfeeblement doesn't actually stack with itself when tabbed (well a little bit), dmg isn't stacked, but the debuff only increases VEERRRYY slightly when doubled. It actually gains more -mitigation and dmg I think when tabbed than normal though.

    Shard of the Endless Bug is very buggy and will sometimes go on cooldown after activating it and just not working, or go on cooldown so you can't push it around. Collision detection is also buggy on it, not sure if it's intended or not, but could use some work. Also isn't affected by Eye of the Storm as far as I can tell. Also doesn't decrease cooldown on skill ups.

    Entangle doesn't do dmg to cc immune targets, makes sense but just listing it. (Bosses need to allow debuffs from CC but just be immune to said CC, chills etc.)

    Sudden Storm will override your current encounter cast and cast it immediately instead, can be annoying when chaining skills.

    Shield, in some laggy situations will completely reset it's cooldown after cast, usually when hitting alot of mobs. Hard to reproduce on command really.
  • projxprojx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Evocation also doesn't affect Shard oEAvalanche... Really don't get why this doesn't affect more than half of our AOE. Besides the ability being very buggy. And yeah ^ tab'd ROEnfeeblement doesn't really work / stack.
    Gave in to that momentary sadistic twitch...
  • naakta2345naakta2345 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One that I have found to be super annoying is if you try to use Sudden Storm on mobs that are being pulled into Arcane Singularity, it won't do any damage. You have to wait until they have been picked up and hit the ground for it to hit them.

    Before anyone thinks I'm trying to hit them while they're up in the air, I'm not. If I try to cast SS right after casting AS, or any time while they're on the ground being sucked toward the void, it won't do damage :(
  • bilewormbileworm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Recovery isn't affecting the Cool Down for Ray of Enfeeblement when Tab slotted. Other spells are not having their CD's affected either, though I forget which ones off the top of my head.

    Really sucks trying to go the controller route when you can't build Power/Recovery to any benefit.
  • xeera123xeera123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ray of Enfeeblement doesn't get a timer reduction when its TAB slotted. With my current recovery, I sit around 9.1 secs, but with it tabbed, I don't even see a timer when you hover over the spell. When I tested it on training dummies, I noticed the countdown timer starting around 12 secs.
  • qryticalqrytical Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The PvP set bonus (25% CD reduction on mastery) doesn't work.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's because charge based abilities aren't affected by cooldown reduction.

    You'd think they would be considering the obvious League of Legends inspiration here lol.
  • strikerosestrikerose Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Should add something about how sometimes sudden storm will not do damage if there is any type of obstacle or if it slightly cuts a corner on one side.
  • lordgallenlordgallen Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developers Posts: 91
    edited May 2013

    This is a really helpful thread. (Compilation threads are great!)
    We do know about a lot of these issues and will certainly get them fixed.
    Unfortunately, several of the needed fixes are pretty involved, and are unlikely to be fixed right away.

    I know bugs are frustrating.
    I also know it's frustrating when it feels like bugs are not acknowledged, making it seem like they will never be fixed.
    These and other bugs will get fixed. But until they do, I hope everyone can still have a good time in game.
  • lisau1974lisau1974 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    Here is a fun one... Tempest Magic does NOT stack with the Tiefling Bloodhunt racial. We tested this with multiple spells, no gear. Guildees wasted their respects for this after we noticed Drow CW's outdanaging the Tiefling ones.

    As it works right now, Bloodhunt overwrites Tempest completely. So instead of 15% extra damage to targets below 30% HP, Tieflings always only do 5% more.

    No idea how all these bugs made it out of CB.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    **** and i used my respecc and now its wasted. Have to say thats disapointing.
  • cetra07cetra07 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lordgallen wrote: »

    This is a really helpful thread. (Compilation threads are great!)
    We do know about a lot of these issues and will certainly get them fixed.
    Unfortunately, several of the needed fixes are pretty involved, and are unlikely to be fixed right away.

    I know bugs are frustrating.
    I also know it's frustrating when it feels like bugs are not acknowledged, making it seem like they will never be fixed.
    These and other bugs will get fixed. But until they do, I hope everyone can still have a good time in game.

    Either MAKE A FULL LIST OF which powers/feats are bugged so they dont spec wrongly or REMOVE ZEN COST on respec.

    It can almost be consider SCAMMING since ppl pay for respec and then realise their new build is actually bugged. And there is NO ETA on when its going to be fixed.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really Cryptic should prioritize getting out a test room feature where you get free respecs until you leave. They did it for Champions Online easily, I don't think it'd be that hard to make an instanced area here for that sort of thing.

    Alot of these bugs are actually pretty significant honestly. =p

    I'm glad a red posted though, just knowing these are being seen is relieving.
  • robman1978robman1978 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lisau1974 wrote: »

    As it works right now, Bloodhunt overwrites Tempest completely. So instead of 15% extra damage to targets below 30% HP, Tieflings always only do 5% more.

    No idea how all these bugs made it out of CB.

    The funny part is that this was reported to Cryptic during beta, but instead of fixing it - they gave us more cash shop items. Weewt!

    It's not like this is hard to test either. Use a spell with a low damage variation and go to an area with low level mobs. There is a slight increase in damage when the mob falls below 50% HP, but there is not another jump when they fall below 30%.

    Hey at least it's not like respecs cost anything! Oh wait....
  • epikfailsepikfails Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Something that has been making me crazy as well, when you use a potion or try to cast Steal time or shard after teleporting it will put the skill or potion on cool down without it going off or giving you health back. This my be with other spells too but those are the ones i noticed.

    Edit: This is only within about the first second or so after teleporting btw.
  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Does evocation work for chill strike in the mastery tab? I haven't tested it but do use evocation and given what I'm reading, unless Chill Strike AE works for it the only ability I slot that gets buffed is Steal Time (that sure as hell better be buffed by evocation).
  • keterysketerys Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Evocation only works for a very few clearly all the time AoE skills, which doesn't include most of them.
  • lexthegreatlexthegreat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    Does evocation work for chill strike in the mastery tab? I haven't tested it but do use evocation and given what I'm reading, unless Chill Strike AE works for it the only ability I slot that gets buffed is Steal Time (that sure as hell better be buffed by evocation).

    No. It does not. It also doesn't work on Sudden Storm... Go figure.
    lisau1974 wrote: »
    Here is a fun one... Tempest Magic does NOT stack with the Tiefling Bloodhunt racial. We tested this with multiple spells, no gear. Guildees wasted their respects for this after we noticed Drow CW's outdanaging the Tiefling ones.

    As it works right now, Bloodhunt overwrites Tempest completely. So instead of 15% extra damage to targets below 30% HP, Tieflings always only do 5% more.

    I had my suspicions about this. Happy to see I wasn't the only one.
    Glad I wasted my free respec to spec out of buggy abilities, only to spec into more buggy abilities.

    Something tells me that the reason the TR is such a powerful class is because all of their skills actually work.
  • notdrizztnotdrizzt Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    robman1978 wrote: »
    There is a slight increase in damage when the mob falls below 50% HP, but there is not another jump when they fall below 30%.

    Did that before we went down. Yeah looks like Tieflings are getting screwed over if they take the TM feat. It works for other races though.
  • polpopopolpopo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another bug is the cooldown of shard of endless avalanche that it doesn't decreace if you lvl it up.
  • aliramaliram Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    epikfails wrote: »
    Something that has been making me crazy as well, when you use a potion or try to cast Steal time or shard after teleporting it will put the skill or potion on cool down without it going off or giving you health back. This my be with other spells too but those are the ones i noticed.

    Edit: This is only within about the first second or so after teleporting btw.

    Yeah, this bug is very annoying and gamebreaking in some situations. I don't mind spells, but for potions it's critical. So many times I've been trying to save my life by teleporting away from bunch of mobs and then using a potion.. bah, it just goes on CD and doesn't give you HPs. I also noticed, after CD is finished you can use potion successfully and it won't go on CD this time. This needs to be looked at asap.
  • notdrizztnotdrizzt Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    aliram wrote: »
    Yeah, this bug is very annoying and gamebreaking in some situations.

    In PvP especially.
  • zellistazellista Member Posts: 100 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lisau1974 wrote: »
    Here is a fun one... Tempest Magic does NOT stack with the Tiefling Bloodhunt racial. We tested this with multiple spells, no gear. Guildees wasted their respects for this after we noticed Drow CW's outdanaging the Tiefling ones.

    As it works right now, Bloodhunt overwrites Tempest completely. So instead of 15% extra damage to targets below 30% HP, Tieflings always only do 5% more.

    No idea how all these bugs made it out of CB.
    Wow, so Tieflings are actually weaker than Humans now? =/


    Anyway, both Icy Terrain and Shard of Endless are incapable of criticals as well.
  • drussivdrussiv Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe it's not a bug, but has anyone noticed that there is delay in spells?

    I mean for example you are using MM on LMB and then press tab as soon as it's up - it will take noticeable time before the spell is set in motion. On top of that, all spells, not just Ray of Enfeeblement which is said is a "cast", seem to be cast spells. They take time before they are "released" (e.g. ice chill, you can see the character kind of moving his/her hand(s) backward and the releasing the ice thing forward).

    To me this makes the game experience not smooth, and I often get a little annoyed at this. Is this supposed to be the way it is? I can't imgaine so, why would RofE be labelled "cast" when the others effectively are too?
  • notdrizztnotdrizzt Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    zellista wrote: »
    Wow, so Tieflings are actually weaker than Humans now? =/

    Only if you plan on taking TM with your Tief.
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