synolMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm trying to do something that should be very easy but with no help at all for the foundry I cannot figure it out.
I want to be able to do the following:
Players talks to NPC. Player is given 3 options (a quiz). Option 1 spawns hard monsters. Option 2 spawns easy monsters. Option 3 spawns no monsters and completes the quest.
Seems like something this simple would be easy, but when I'm in the dialog editor I only have a pass/fail for every option so there is no way to do make choices. I tried making 3 NPC's as the choices but this didn't work either as I could only set them as 3 objectives for the current quest and I want a choice not 3 objectives.
For those asking "how do I make a NPC and spawn a hostile using the same skin":
Okay so obviously you make a NPC; you customize the layout of the skin; armor, robes, shoes, etc. Without me logging in, I think what I may have done is duplicate the costume. So log back into foundry; double click your NPC, highlight the costume (change) then in the midst should be a 'duplicate costume'
Next make an encounter
Double click encounter and view costume. Here you should be viewing ways to increase head/legs/arms etc. But theres an option that says "switch to basic" On basic this should allow you to find your 'custom-made costume' you used for that NPC
Has anyone solved the problem of being able to nudge (translate/rotate) Human Village Buildings (or any other objects containing a built in interaction or objects to which you can add an interaction)? It seems once they are added from the 2d map they become locked and un-nudgable in 3d. I want to create a village from scratch but it is taking way too long to flip back and forth between 2d and 3d guessing at x,y,z and rotation values. It's making my head spin and I'm getting very frustrated at what is one amazing editor.
If a tree falls in a virtual forest, how big is the sound file?
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
Anyone know how you can make a dialogue response "option" give the player an item? I can't seem to find it. I know I can give them an item for having the quest complete from an npc.
So about my previous post? I'm thinking I cannot create a NPC to follow me where-ever then if I tell that NPC to stop; then re follow me to have it re follow me?
I was able to despawn and respawn a new NPC but only where i placed it on the map; rather than where the player tells the NPC to stop.
Anyone know how you can make a dialogue response "option" give the player an item? I can't seem to find it. I know I can give them an item for having the quest complete from an npc.
It's not possible, I'm afraid. It's a much requested feature. That and being able to take items from a player in conversation. You can give a player an item in conversation as the result of a successful dialogue in the story board, but that limits our options considerably. I hope we'll get the functionality you're asking for in the future. If nothing else, it would make some parts of my own quests feel less awkward.
So about my previous post? I'm thinking I cannot create a NPC to follow me where-ever then if I tell that NPC to stop; then re follow me to have it re follow me?
I was able to despawn and respawn a new NPC but only where i placed it on the map; rather than where the player tells the NPC to stop.
Am I out of luck?
You're out of luck. States can only change once, and then you have to create a new object.
What templates (maps) are people using to do inside buildings?
For example. I wanted to lay down a house; however the door isnt interactable and Im thinking when I lay down a house its just a stationary object. I've seen Crypic and I've seen people allow us to enter the doorway to possibly jump into a new map thats 'interior of that house'
But I cant seem to find it. I did create new map but its not listed on the indoor section, nor outdoor; nor on details/special pane.
Is it possible to make 2 or more different ways to complete a scenario? For example, player is given an option - to kill NPC or not to kill. If NPC is killed, player is given completely different quest than quest given by living NPC. These quests lead to different endings, located on different maps.
I'm pretty new with Foundry, but I don't want to start making my dreamed scenario only to get because I can't do it.
Is it possible to make 2 or more different ways to complete a scenario? For example, player is given an option - to kill NPC or not to kill. If NPC is killed, player is given completely different quest than quest given by living NPC. These quests lead to different endings, located on different maps.
I'm pretty new with Foundry, but I don't want to start making my dreamed scenario only to get because I can't do it.
Right!!!???? I hear ya. I had an interesting theory about...well lets say "companions" during a questline....but heres the original theory didnt work; however I created a different theory using roughly the same idea.....I have seen a lot of Foundry Videos online; NeverWinter may have linked a couple but anyways basically you just have to think outside the box.
Now your question. I have learned that you can make NPCs appear based off certain dialogue options. So without taking credit; heres my theory.
Player walks to NPC
Player talks? to NPC?
NPC gives the dialogue "please dont kill me; you wont will you"?
Player can choose...Yes or No
From here you can create something that based off that dialogue (after).
Now I havent found any 'time delay sequences' meaning in a lot of my work most of the time its instant.
Let me elaborate. If player selects 'i will kill you' you can create either an Item nearby the corpse that could start a new quest based off that death....but the item will appear as you are killing the NPC rather than after; well maybe not...maybe you can create the item based off if the NPC despawns; but honestly the easiest route would be to create that item off that dialogue option.
Same thing goes for the other thing....If player selects 'No, I will spare your life' using the advanced dialogue editor, obviously when player selects that option the NPC will create the new quest.
Thus you can use the objective based off that dialogue!
I hope that makes sense???
Like I said perhaps create a piece of paper/book to drop when the player kills the NPC and within it, it creates a new quest; your quest objective might be able to reflect if by chance that item was created
I am trying to make the NPC that's following me, enable a social option when I interact with an object that will enable it. But whenever I try to choose "Enable when..." and "Disable when.." It doesn't allow me to choose which objective. This however does work without making her dialogue a quest. And I can't seem to get it to enable only after you've interacted with the object. It just allows me to talk to her from the very beginning and never disables.
What templates (maps) are people using to do inside buildings?
For example. I wanted to lay down a house; however the door isnt interactable and Im thinking when I lay down a house its just a stationary object. I've seen Crypic and I've seen people allow us to enter the doorway to possibly jump into a new map thats 'interior of that house'
But I cant seem to find it. I did create new map but its not listed on the indoor section, nor outdoor; nor on details/special pane.
I've created a campaign for my friends and published it. How the heck can they find it in the "for Review" section? There is no search. There is no filtering. The display order appears to be completely random (not chronological, not by author, not even by quest name). That last one should be the default. Is this a known bug or am I missing something so obvious that would explain why there are no other posts anywhere in the forum about this issue?
If a tree falls in a virtual forest, how big is the sound file?
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
You can have an NPC or object that is not in the storyline drop an item. The item itself can then be the trigger for your storyline. If you have the NPC and the object drop the same item, then your player is allowed to choose which option to take and still be able to advance the story while leaving one of those options undone.
If a tree falls in a virtual forest, how big is the sound file?
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
After you hit Publish you have to wait for an in game email to say "Quest Published"; it then goes to the 'Review' Section. Only after an X amount of players have played/reviewed the quest does it go into the 'New' Category
Meanwhile to search for your quest and play your quest on lol your live character(s) you must search it by the ID Code.....completely a sample but it will look like:
To quickly obtain your code I believe you need to launch Foundry, highlight the quest you published and it should give you your ID number. You then need to pass that number out to your friends/guildies/whomever for them to search for that quest.
Again, until your quest has had sufficient plays and reviews (not sure of exact number) will not show up on New...then it will show up
A few technical queries that are causing some headaches:
1. The foundry contains 3 buildings and a set of blades to construct a windmill. How do i make the blades rotate?
2. During the game in the plague tower, there are interactive statues that rotate in order to open a secret door. How is this achieved?
3. Can you mount an npc on a horse/wolf/spider?
4. Can you set an object to follow rather than an npc?
Many thanks.
kamaliiciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 0Arc User
A few technical queries that are causing some headaches:
1. The foundry contains 3 buildings and a set of blades to construct a windmill. How do i make the blades rotate?
2. During the game in the plague tower, there are interactive statues that rotate in order to open a secret door. How is this achieved?
3. Can you mount an npc on a horse/wolf/spider?
4. Can you set an object to follow rather than an npc?
Many thanks.
1. It might be set to rotate automatically, you'd have to place it and see.
2. I don't remember if they visibly turn in that quest, but you could make the statue disappear and then make a turned statue appear. If it has a smooth rotation ingame, you can't do that smooth rotation.
3. Can't do that.
4. Can't do that. Objects can't move.
I have a new issue so far I haven't been able to find any information on. I know that it's possible to do this because other quests have done it, but for some reason it glitches on live servers, but works perfectly in preview mode.
Essentially I have players going to a door in Protectors Enclave. After they complete quest objectives in said "house" they leave that "house" and are supposed to be transported to the Protectors Enclave again. Here is where I get the glitch. The character has all required items, and according to the game still has the quest, but the quest has been removed from the quest log, and even if you contact the NPC to further the quest in Protectors Enclave you cannot continue on the quest. Let me know if I need to clarify this issue at all, and I'll post if I can figure out the issue. I'm not sure if it's something to do with my story or if it's just a game glitch I can't control. Also I forgot to mention that it seems the quest will show back up after logging out and back in sometimes. Thank you.
kamaliiciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 0Arc User
I have a new issue so far I haven't been able to find any information on. I know that it's possible to do this because other quests have done it, but for some reason it glitches on live servers, but works perfectly in preview mode.
Essentially I have players going to a door in Protectors Enclave. After they complete quest objectives in said "house" they leave that "house" and are supposed to be transported to the Protectors Enclave again. Here is where I get the glitch. The character has all required items, and according to the game still has the quest, but the quest has been removed from the quest log, and even if you contact the NPC to further the quest in Protectors Enclave you cannot continue on the quest. Let me know if I need to clarify this issue at all, and I'll post if I can figure out the issue. I'm not sure if it's something to do with my story or if it's just a game glitch I can't control. Also I forgot to mention that it seems the quest will show back up after logging out and back in sometimes. Thank you.
Thanks for the quick reply Kamaliicious. I was hoping I did something wrong because it happened on two of my characters, but it's as I feared people will just have to be "lucky" to proceed.
The player has to go find an item then "hand in" the quest and I want the quest item to be deleted when the dialogue is complete so that I don't spam the player's inventory. You can do this when you interact with an object, but I can't find a way to do it when you talk to an NPC...
I am having trouble with my encounters. I am trying to set it up so my map can have different difficulties. I also want the mobs to be invisible until the player gets to a certain point so they can ambush them. The problem I am having is all the mobs are spawning no matter the choice I make in dialogue which is tied to difficulty. Choice one easy and choice to hard. I put my encounter on the map and choice diisapper when players selects easy for the hard mobs and vice versa for the easy ones. The only it seems to work is to set them to visible immediately which makes the other difficulty not spawn but it makes the current difficulty mobs visible before the player gets to the point I want them to ambush.
Is this possible? I think I ran a foundry quest where a question of difficulty was in the dialogue but cant remember. I been searching for an answer but can find none. So I hope I can get some guidance here and apoligize if this has been covered already.
I'm not quite following your question, but... you can certainly spawn different encounters during a dialogue. You'll find more details if you search for "difficulty slider".
Mobs can be set to ambush either using the Special/Ambush node, or using mobs set to play dead (like zombies), or just spawning them on top of the player.
Is it possible to create a Map Transition that isn't mandatory to the completion of the quest? I was hoping for a small optional map that people who are there for the story could visit, while others just finish. Thank you.
The Lonely Dagger Saga: The Lonely Dagger Inn NW-DHMMZR6BJ The Not so Lonely Dagger NW-DB19TTKY5
The Beginning of the End: Once Bitten NW-DUPFPJNSW
I'm not quite following your question, but... you can certainly spawn different encounters during a dialogue. You'll find more details if you search for "difficulty slider".
Mobs can be set to ambush either using the Special/Ambush node, or using mobs set to play dead (like zombies), or just spawning them on top of the player.
Thanks for the reply, but I searched diffculty slider and did not see any thread that answers that question. Would you mind linking the thread you are referring too.
Second, I want to spawn mobs (easy) and mobs (hard) depending on the dialogue choice that asks the player which difficulty they want. And I want the mobs to be invisible until player makes it to point A. I tried just about every combination of visible when and disapper when in their popup but none work.
So I have two things:
First, and this may seem pretty stupid, but for some reason why I have a quest return to Protector's Enclave after being elsewhere, it puts the player directly back to the top of the temple steps, directly above the woman that gives you the ability to invoke. Is there a way for me to be able to have my players come back into Protector's Enclave elsewhere, or is that just something I have to live with?
And second, I recognize this is a beta which is why I want to point this out and ask about it. When I try to work foundry, my mouse disappears every now and then. Upon further inspection, I realized it just stopped functioning all together. I tried switching mice. I even switched computers and I had the same problem. It mostly happens when I try to place a room or an object in a map. Is there any way to fix this on my end beyond having to forcefully reboot my computer, or is this just a bug that will eventually be fixed in an update/patch?
- Hazelforge
Thanks for the reply, but I searched diffculty slider and did not see any thread that answers that question. Would you mind linking the thread you are referring too.
Second, I want to spawn mobs (easy) and mobs (hard) depending on the dialogue choice that asks the player which difficulty they want. And I want the mobs to be invisible until player makes it to point A. I tried just about every combination of visible when and disapper when in their popup but none work.
Anymore help would be appreciated.
I would like to know the answer to this as well. For example, select difficulty "easy" spawns only non-elite encounters, and select difficulty "hard" spawns only elite encounters.
Hello again. So I also discovered that when I try to do the Foundry quests that are "For Review" I get an error message that immediately logs me out. Again, I've tried it on another computer, and the same thing happens. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this or if this is again just a bug that will be fixed upon release.
I would like to know the answer to this as well. For example, select difficulty "easy" spawns only non-elite encounters, and select difficulty "hard" spawns only elite encounters.
Also, please sticky this thread!
Difficulty slider bases on one thing: if you have to kill things, there are other mob groups that are spawned after certain dialog prompt is reached. Therefore you may make quest "get out of the library" which is filled with mobs (with objective to reach certain point). What to do:
- Make NPC with 2 dialog options: 1 for easy mode, 2 for hardmode. After dialog is complete, make this NPC disappear, so that player doesnt choose both difficulties. Then make 2 types of bob encounters. Hard and Easy. Make some of them disappear if dialog prompt was reached (eg. easy mobs if easy dialog prompt was chosen).
I've also seen a solution that you have to interact with certain object to make some mobs appear (hard mode). But I'd not recommend that.
Remember, you can't use this option for mobs that you would use in quest (eg. kill those HAMSTER 0/4), cause after using mobs in quest their visibility options changes upon binding them to quest.
First, and this may seem pretty stupid, but for some reason why I have a quest return to Protector's Enclave after being elsewhere, it puts the player directly back to the top of the temple steps, directly above the woman that gives you the ability to invoke. Is there a way for me to be able to have my players come back into Protector's Enclave elsewhere, or is that just something I have to live with?
It's only foundry server issue, on live it will port you back from wherever you went.
Is it possible to create a Map Transition that isn't mandatory to the completion of the quest? I was hoping for a small optional map that people who are there for the story could visit, while others just finish. Thank you.
It was surely asked. No-can't-do. However there are workarounds, that you may create a certain part of the outdoor map that is filled with rooms and use teleporter to move between this part and the outdoor part. It leaves the trace on map tho.
And second, I recognize this is a beta which is why I want to point this out and ask about it. When I try to work foundry, my mouse disappears every now and then. Upon further inspection, I realized it just stopped functioning all together. I tried switching mice. I even switched computers and I had the same problem. It mostly happens when I try to place a room or an object in a map. Is there any way to fix this on my end beyond having to forcefully reboot my computer, or is this just a bug that will eventually be fixed in an update/patch?
It was surely asked too, it's known issue, alt+f4 or ctrl+s will make your mouse movable. ctrl+s will delay you tho, because it will promptly save the quest.
I want to be able to do the following:
Players talks to NPC. Player is given 3 options (a quiz). Option 1 spawns hard monsters. Option 2 spawns easy monsters. Option 3 spawns no monsters and completes the quest.
Seems like something this simple would be easy, but when I'm in the dialog editor I only have a pass/fail for every option so there is no way to do make choices. I tried making 3 NPC's as the choices but this didn't work either as I could only set them as 3 objectives for the current quest and I want a choice not 3 objectives.
Okay so obviously you make a NPC; you customize the layout of the skin; armor, robes, shoes, etc. Without me logging in, I think what I may have done is duplicate the costume. So log back into foundry; double click your NPC, highlight the costume (change) then in the midst should be a 'duplicate costume'
Next make an encounter
Double click encounter and view costume. Here you should be viewing ways to increase head/legs/arms etc. But theres an option that says "switch to basic" On basic this should allow you to find your 'custom-made costume' you used for that NPC
Let me know
Encounters can be reskinned. Go into detail mode, select one of the specific mobs in the encounter, and set its costume from the dropdown selector.
Ah, detailed mode is what I was missing, thanks.
The other issue is: I can't seem to find any of the single mobs people talk about. Ogres, hulks, etc.
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
I was able to despawn and respawn a new NPC but only where i placed it on the map; rather than where the player tells the NPC to stop.
Am I out of luck?
It's not possible, I'm afraid. It's a much requested feature. That and being able to take items from a player in conversation. You can give a player an item in conversation as the result of a successful dialogue in the story board, but that limits our options considerably. I hope we'll get the functionality you're asking for in the future. If nothing else, it would make some parts of my own quests feel less awkward.
You're out of luck. States can only change once, and then you have to create a new object.
For example. I wanted to lay down a house; however the door isnt interactable and Im thinking when I lay down a house its just a stationary object. I've seen Crypic and I've seen people allow us to enter the doorway to possibly jump into a new map thats 'interior of that house'
But I cant seem to find it. I did create new map but its not listed on the indoor section, nor outdoor; nor on details/special pane.
I'M LOST lol
I'm pretty new with Foundry, but I don't want to start making my dreamed scenario only to get
Right!!!???? I hear ya. I had an interesting theory about...well lets say "companions" during a questline....but heres the original theory didnt work; however I created a different theory using roughly the same idea.....I have seen a lot of Foundry Videos online; NeverWinter may have linked a couple but anyways basically you just have to think outside the box.
Now your question. I have learned that you can make NPCs appear based off certain dialogue options. So without taking credit; heres my theory.
Player walks to NPC
Player talks? to NPC?
NPC gives the dialogue "please dont kill me; you wont will you"?
Player can choose...Yes or No
From here you can create something that based off that dialogue (after).
Now I havent found any 'time delay sequences' meaning in a lot of my work most of the time its instant.
Let me elaborate. If player selects 'i will kill you' you can create either an Item nearby the corpse that could start a new quest based off that death....but the item will appear as you are killing the NPC rather than after; well maybe not...maybe you can create the item based off if the NPC despawns; but honestly the easiest route would be to create that item off that dialogue option.
Same thing goes for the other thing....If player selects 'No, I will spare your life' using the advanced dialogue editor, obviously when player selects that option the NPC will create the new quest.
Thus you can use the objective based off that dialogue!
I hope that makes sense???
Like I said perhaps create a piece of paper/book to drop when the player kills the NPC and within it, it creates a new quest; your quest objective might be able to reflect if by chance that item was created
(( SOLVED ))
For example. I wanted to lay down a house; however the door isnt interactable and Im thinking when I lay down a house its just a stationary object. I've seen Crypic and I've seen people allow us to enter the doorway to possibly jump into a new map thats 'interior of that house'
But I cant seem to find it. I did create new map but its not listed on the indoor section, nor outdoor; nor on details/special pane.
I'M LOST lol
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
After you hit Publish you have to wait for an in game email to say "Quest Published"; it then goes to the 'Review' Section. Only after an X amount of players have played/reviewed the quest does it go into the 'New' Category
Meanwhile to search for your quest and play your quest on lol your live character(s) you must search it by the ID Code.....completely a sample but it will look like:
To quickly obtain your code I believe you need to launch Foundry, highlight the quest you published and it should give you your ID number. You then need to pass that number out to your friends/guildies/whomever for them to search for that quest.
Again, until your quest has had sufficient plays and reviews (not sure of exact number) will not show up on New...then it will show up
1. The foundry contains 3 buildings and a set of blades to construct a windmill. How do i make the blades rotate?
2. During the game in the plague tower, there are interactive statues that rotate in order to open a secret door. How is this achieved?
3. Can you mount an npc on a horse/wolf/spider?
4. Can you set an object to follow rather than an npc?
Many thanks.
2. I don't remember if they visibly turn in that quest, but you could make the statue disappear and then make a turned statue appear. If it has a smooth rotation ingame, you can't do that smooth rotation.
3. Can't do that.
4. Can't do that. Objects can't move.
Essentially I have players going to a door in Protectors Enclave. After they complete quest objectives in said "house" they leave that "house" and are supposed to be transported to the Protectors Enclave again. Here is where I get the glitch. The character has all required items, and according to the game still has the quest, but the quest has been removed from the quest log, and even if you contact the NPC to further the quest in Protectors Enclave you cannot continue on the quest. Let me know if I need to clarify this issue at all, and I'll post if I can figure out the issue. I'm not sure if it's something to do with my story or if it's just a game glitch I can't control. Also I forgot to mention that it seems the quest will show back up after logging out and back in sometimes. Thank you.
The player has to go find an item then "hand in" the quest and I want the quest item to be deleted when the dialogue is complete so that I don't spam the player's inventory. You can do this when you interact with an object, but I can't find a way to do it when you talk to an NPC...
Is this possible? I think I ran a foundry quest where a question of difficulty was in the dialogue but cant remember. I been searching for an answer but can find none. So I hope I can get some guidance here and apoligize if this has been covered already.
Mobs can be set to ambush either using the Special/Ambush node, or using mobs set to play dead (like zombies), or just spawning them on top of the player.
The Cursed Emerald:
The Lonely Dagger Inn
The Not so Lonely Dagger
The Beginning of the End:
Once Bitten
Thanks for the reply, but I searched diffculty slider and did not see any thread that answers that question. Would you mind linking the thread you are referring too.
Second, I want to spawn mobs (easy) and mobs (hard) depending on the dialogue choice that asks the player which difficulty they want. And I want the mobs to be invisible until player makes it to point A. I tried just about every combination of visible when and disapper when in their popup but none work.
Anymore help would be appreciated.
First, and this may seem pretty stupid, but for some reason why I have a quest return to Protector's Enclave after being elsewhere, it puts the player directly back to the top of the temple steps, directly above the woman that gives you the ability to invoke. Is there a way for me to be able to have my players come back into Protector's Enclave elsewhere, or is that just something I have to live with?
And second, I recognize this is a beta which is why I want to point this out and ask about it. When I try to work foundry, my mouse disappears every now and then. Upon further inspection, I realized it just stopped functioning all together. I tried switching mice. I even switched computers and I had the same problem. It mostly happens when I try to place a room or an object in a map. Is there any way to fix this on my end beyond having to forcefully reboot my computer, or is this just a bug that will eventually be fixed in an update/patch?
- Hazelforge
I would like to know the answer to this as well. For example, select difficulty "easy" spawns only non-elite encounters, and select difficulty "hard" spawns only elite encounters.
Also, please sticky this thread!
Difficulty slider bases on one thing: if you have to kill things, there are other mob groups that are spawned after certain dialog prompt is reached. Therefore you may make quest "get out of the library" which is filled with mobs (with objective to reach certain point). What to do:
- Make NPC with 2 dialog options: 1 for easy mode, 2 for hardmode. After dialog is complete, make this NPC disappear, so that player doesnt choose both difficulties. Then make 2 types of bob encounters. Hard and Easy. Make some of them disappear if dialog prompt was reached (eg. easy mobs if easy dialog prompt was chosen).
I've also seen a solution that you have to interact with certain object to make some mobs appear (hard mode). But I'd not recommend that.
Remember, you can't use this option for mobs that you would use in quest (eg. kill those HAMSTER 0/4), cause after using mobs in quest their visibility options changes upon binding them to quest.
It's only foundry server issue, on live it will port you back from wherever you went.
It was surely asked. No-can't-do. However there are workarounds, that you may create a certain part of the outdoor map that is filled with rooms and use teleporter to move between this part and the outdoor part. It leaves the trace on map tho.
It was surely asked too, it's known issue, alt+f4 or ctrl+s will make your mouse movable. ctrl+s will delay you tho, because it will promptly save the quest.
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!