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  • alrycalryc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18
    edited May 2013
    morinox wrote: »
    It's a beta. What did you expect?

    Instead, do your job and report ingame bugs like you're supposed to during a beta.

    Or are you one of those who actually thinks that open beta = full release?

    Any game that is not doing character wipes & is taking your money already, is NOT a beta. It's just a "we released it earlier than we wanted to but wanted to start cashing in" release.

    A "real" open beta is usually just before a launch. Keyword is "just before", meaning they'd do a 2-4 weeks of open beta and then say Launch Day is X. They then do wipes of all characters, ship out the disks and THEN launch.
  • sponge4747sponge4747 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alryc wrote: »
    Any game that is not doing character wipes & is taking your money already, is NOT a beta. It's just a "we released it earlier than we wanted to but wanted to start cashing in" release.

    A "real" open beta is usually just before a launch. Keyword is "just before", meaning they'd do a 2-4 weeks of open beta and then say Launch Day is X. They then do wipes of all characters, ship out the disks and THEN launch.

    How do you know it won't be like that, but without wipes? Shouldn't you wait longer than 4 days to talk about how long it will be here...?
  • aldelbertaldelbert Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh I expect a game to have problems with it when it launches.

    What I don't expect is to be playing Star Trek Online and finding out your 'open beta' game is crashing so hard it's taking out my 2+ year old full release game with tons of finished content.

    I'm sure Neverwinter is a great game but stop defending MMO releases that don't even allow me to play *my* game that shouldn't have any connection to yours.
  • sponge4747sponge4747 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aldelbert wrote: »
    Oh I expect a game to have problems with it when it launches.

    What I don't expect is to be playing Star Trek Online and finding out your 'open beta' game is crashing so hard it's taking out my 2+ year old full release game with tons of finished content.

    I'm sure Neverwinter is a great game but stop defending MMO releases that don't even allow me to play *my* game that shouldn't have any connection to yours.

    So you're not actually unhappy about anything you complained about before, but are just upset that you can't play STO right now?
  • dralleballedralleballe Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Love when ppl say "its beta" and got no clue what that actually means. They are taking our money for ingame store items, no more character wipes. This aint beta no more regardless of their misguided attempts to make us think so. Hate that the gaming indudstry find it totally acceptable to take people's money for not finished products. Dont get me wrong tho, i like Neverwinter so far. Its not a bad game, i just dont like perfectworld's marketing as they always go for the quick buck instead of the lasting game.
  • worianaworiana Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is amazing there are so many people complaining.
    It is a free game (was your own option to support them by paying for the different packages) and yes it is open beta or soft launch as some call it but it is still a beta and these things happens during beta testing.
    It is your own option to pay for things in this game. You can get most of the stuff that people pay for at later stages in the game.
    Must be the same people who complains on the forums on other MMO's when things goes down and immediately start crying for refund/compensation and calling the company bad names.
    Don't like it don't play it. Simple.
  • sponge4747sponge4747 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Love when ppl say "its beta" and got no clue what that actually means. They are taking our money for ingame store items, no more character wipes. This aint beta no more regardless of their misguided attempts to make us think so. Hate that the gaming indudstry find it totally acceptable to take people's money for not finished products. Dont get me wrong tho, i like Neverwinter so far. Its not a bad game, i just dont like perfectworld's marketing as they always go for the quick buck instead of the lasting game.

    Businesses will be Businesses. People need to adapt to the fact that everyone is out to get your money at all times and realize humanity is the least humane thing on the planet. Don't worry though, your money is important to them, they'll fix things as quickly as they have to to still make money.
  • thevlakathevlaka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morinox wrote: »
    It's a beta. What did you expect?

    Instead, do your job and report ingame bugs like you're supposed to during a beta.

    Or are you one of those who actually thinks that open beta = full release?

    Don't give us that ****.
    This had ample time in alpha/closed/open beta stages to iron out bugs. Cryptic tried to cut corners as they always do and it's backfiring. But that's ok, cash transactions work awesomely that they don't need to bother fixing important things that have been suggested.
  • thevlakathevlaka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Love when ppl say "its beta" and got no clue what that actually means. They are taking our money for ingame store items, no more character wipes. This aint beta no more regardless of their misguided attempts to make us think so. Hate that the gaming indudstry find it totally acceptable to take people's money for not finished products. Dont get me wrong tho, i like Neverwinter so far. Its not a bad game, i just dont like perfectworld's marketing as they always go for the quick buck instead of the lasting game.

    This just about sums it up perfectly.
  • alrycalryc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18
    edited May 2013
    sponge4747 wrote: »
    They also don't have a chat system that allows you to have friends across all 3 games. Its actually quite a nice system financially, and I don't think Cryptic is rolling in it anymore... otherwise they'd still be part of NCSoft.

    I believe that Cryptic was just a developer and wasn't actually owned by NCSoft (which is a Publisher). Remember NCSoft bought the IP for City of Heroes from Cryptic back in 2006, something they wouldn't need to do if they owned Cryptic. PWE does own Cryptic, so that means that PWE owns all Cryptic titles.

    As far as money goes NCSoft is hurting financially. Of their online games of Guild Wars 1/2, Lineage 1/2, City of Heroes and Aion as of Q2 2012 only two of those were turning a profit: City of Heroes and Lineage 1. Lineage 1 is losing money in the West but its Eastern revenue is making up for it. Lineage 2 is making money in the West, but its losses in the East are greater. Aion is tanking pretty much everywhere. Guild Wars is almost breaking even as the sporadic sales aren't quite covering the costs of keeping the servers on. City of Heroes was doing well, never having any losses in it's 8+ year run. That's why there was a lot of outcry and general WTF attitudes when they shut down CoH, it made no sense.
  • xandurxandur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You people need to stop complicating the definition of beta. Alpha it's the stage of development where there is bugs and many features not yet implemented. Beta just means that there are known and expected bugs, period. A company can still choose to sell beta software and do everything that they are doing with this game. It's a beta because there is bugs, and they are working on it until the bugs become minimal by their own definition, then they will remove the beta tag. There's nothing that says they can't charge, nothing that says they have to wipe the characters after beta, hell
    they could even add new features as if it was in alpha if they wanted too and still call it a beta and be correct!

    At the current stage in development, they need to test the server load and code under stress, the reason for open beta. Allow tons of people on all at once and see how the servers hold up and make any necessary adjustments as needed. We all now have positive proof that they have things to work on.

    When you see something that is in beta, expect problems. Expect weird results, expect them to possibly do things that are kinda crazy, and expect them to change things. But by all means, do NOT expect any kind of stability. Make purchases at your own risk. Welcome to the world of beta!
  • elrondialelrondial Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    God give them a chance, there working to get the servers back online. I have been at the beginning of many launch's of games and frankly this one has gone a hell of a lot smoother than most, most you get mass lag all the time dc's and crashes regularly. It is not as if they are leaving it and not working on bringing the servers up again, just got to give them time to sort the problem out.
  • alrycalryc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18
    edited May 2013
    sponge4747 wrote: »
    How do you know it won't be like that, but without wipes? Shouldn't you wait longer than 4 days to talk about how long it will be here...?

    Did you even read what I said? There aren't going to be any wipes, they are taking our money so this is a release NOT a beta. Rift had an open beta in Feb 2011, I played for 2 weeks then they wiped my characters and launched.
  • sponge4747sponge4747 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alryc wrote: »
    Did you even read what I said? There aren't going to be any wipes, they are taking our money so this is a release NOT a beta. Rift had an open beta in Feb 2011, I played for 2 weeks then they wiped my characters and launched.

    ...Did you read what I said...? "How do you know it won't be like that, but without wipes?"

    "...but without wipes?"

    Except; apart from; other than
  • zgrtizgrti Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you are not patient, or you can not afford this ...*((Left the game and go back when the game be completed))* ..And that mistakes when they are faced full game in this case you can complain about the game in the forum ..But now you do not have any right to complain about these things because you are in the open beta stage.Thank you :confused:
  • morinoxmorinox Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Job? Am I being paid? No. I'm so glad that you find yourself to be a worthless human being and thus have no qualms about working for free.

    Actually as I recall it I'm not only not being paid, but I am in fact paying them. Well by golly gosh I do believe sally sue that does indeed make me a customer not an employee.

    With that attitude it just makes you look pathetic.

    You obviously haven't played a lot of "proper" betas before and you seem to suffer from what i like to call the "Entitlement syndrome", meaning that whenever something goes wrong, you cry about how much you're entitled to a perfect game (Even when it's a beta).

    This has nothing to do with being paid or being a job, it's what a bloody beta is all about, reporting bugs so that when the full release comes, we'll have less bugs to worry about. When you sign up for a beta, that's what you're signing up to and agreeing to do, reporting bugs. If you can't do that then don't play any betas. Quite simple really!
    "For in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace..."

    ~Admiral Arleigh Burke~
  • morinoxmorinox Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alryc wrote: »
    Did you even read what I said? There aren't going to be any wipes, they are taking our money so this is a release NOT a beta. Rift had an open beta in Feb 2011, I played for 2 weeks then they wiped my characters and launched.

    Rift was also a P2P mmorpg title when it launched, not a F2P title. That's the difference. IF this game was a P2P game, they'd wipe everything prior to launch. No P2P title does open betas without a wipe. Not every F2P does it either but most do.
    "For in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace..."

    ~Admiral Arleigh Burke~
  • zajurazajura Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Come on servers... online already.

    I'm sick and tired playing WoW while waiting :p
  • morinoxmorinox Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alryc wrote: »
    Any game that is not doing character wipes & is taking your money already, is NOT a beta. It's just a "we released it earlier than we wanted to but wanted to start cashing in" release.

    A "real" open beta is usually just before a launch. Keyword is "just before", meaning they'd do a 2-4 weeks of open beta and then say Launch Day is X. They then do wipes of all characters, ship out the disks and THEN launch.

    Sorry just going backwards through this forum and you keep pop'ing up again with the same riduculous statement.

    You clearly have no idea what an open beta is, an clearly you have no idea what the difference is between P2P title betas and F2P title betas.

    P2P Open betas can last from 1 week to 6-8 weeks, depending on the game and size, and they also wipe everything clean before launch so that noone has a significant starting advantage over others.

    F2P Open betas are usually more random in length, but in most cases they don't do a full wipe prior to launch, due to the fact that there's no boxed copies of the game out for sale etc, which really is why P2P does these wipes because on launch day, well, there'd be too many players with significant advantages over newcommers who just bought the game.

    Open beta = Stress Test (Testing of load capacity and network traffic etc), as well as cleaning up more bugs (Sadly there's too few beta players actually bothering to report the bugs cause they feel that they're entitled to a fully working game in an open beta phase and as such they don't want to report bugs because in their minds, it's not their responsibility).

    Some F2P titles have cash shops in the open beta phases, some don't. Some add them just so hey can milk your money prior to launch upon where they then lower the prices on the cash shop drastically so that you'll feel completely stupid for wasting a ton of money on items that are (after launch) reduced in price.

    Still, there is no such thing as a "soft launch". You have Alpha, Closed/Open Beta, and Release. You do have games that offers early access, but that's not a soft release either, it's just what it says, early access, before "anyone", before-launc-advantages, etc.

    I've done both alpha and closed/open beta testing on a variety of P2P and F2P mmos, and there's always whiners who thinks of themselves different from everyone else and deserves special treatment from the devs because they're "entitled" to it.

    If people can't handle downtime etc during any beta phase, do the community a favor and GTFO, play Tetris instead of showing up on the forum whining about it.
    "For in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace..."

    ~Admiral Arleigh Burke~
  • morinoxmorinox Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gordro wrote: »
    Its no more Beta than any other game on the market. Its a released game people have paid for.

    Google Mail is still in "beta", its a phrase that allows them to ignore things like crashes and bugs with an "oh well you know" excuse

    You haven't paid for anything. Nothing, nada.

    People who buy from the cash shop in any beta, do so at their own risk. Also, you can't compare a game to a bloody free online service like Google Mail. Where do you guys come up with such ridiculous comparisons? Someone even compared playing an mmorpg, to a friggin game of poker... I swear, you guys are less in touch with reality than most people in the loony bin...
    "For in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace..."

    ~Admiral Arleigh Burke~
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Please refer to:
    [h=3]Sticky: Server Status Updates[/h]
This discussion has been closed.