You forget the part where this is also the initial launch. No char wipes, and early access = Its Launch. However, Cryptic has decided to give us half a game and slap the 'Beta' tag on it.
Cryptic is a decent gaming company, but they're certainly bottom of the barrel.
of the ftp world? nah there the top
even with the subscription pay games they rank favorably, not that there is not stuff that I would like them to work on mind you
When we turn away from the darkness of
our past to take comfort in our peaceful lives, we
sometimes forget how dearly that peace was bought. But
there is much worth remembering in the darkness...
Armor Variety? Ugh why do i have to mention Rift twice in one day on this thread >< That game had HAMSTER armor variety up till and including max level. My warriors epic plate armor was the same skin as low levels.
The rubber banding at times makes the game so hard to play... Trust me... playing from Australia. I really wished this game had better server stability! Sometimes the responsiceness issues in this game makes me sad inside! Other mmos I play even when the server is located at the US is playable. I still was able to hit level 60 though (Saturday morning) pretty happy bout that
Now level 42. There are officially 3 different armor looks so far. I'm still heavily in this area.
If I had to make a suggestion... you guys like money. I know you like money. So how about a compromise between what SWTOR and LOTRO do. Put armors in the cash shop that can be equipped by any class, that level with you. You could charge the same amount as you do for fashion clothes (which is pretty high so I think that would be fair).
Or you could even add armor looks to fashion as well so you wouldn't -need- to update any armor whatsoever, and people would still have the freedom to mix and match all sorts of things.
kimbyrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
The no preview issue is the one I think needs to be addressed by Cryptic.
Now level 42. There are officially 3 different armor looks so far. I'm still heavily in this area.
If I had to make a suggestion... you guys like money. I know you like money. So how about a compromise between what SWTOR and LOTRO do. Put armors in the cash shop that can be equipped by any class, that level with you. You could charge the same amount as you do for fashion clothes (which is pretty high so I think that would be fair).
Or you could even add armor looks to fashion as well so you wouldn't -need- to update any armor whatsoever, and people would still have the freedom to mix and match all sorts of things.
If you load up the Foundry and pick a model similar to your character you can load up every single armor in the game under the "Slots" heading, including the paragon-path specific gear and the unique armors. Under the "Costume Editing" function.
Great Weapon Fighter tanks? Who are you kidding? Cleric tanks. They draw -all- the aggro.
If you load up the Foundry and pick a model similar to your character you can load up every single armor in the game under the "Slots" heading, including the paragon-path specific gear and the unique armors. Under the "Costume Editing" function.
So they are all at 60 like I suspected. That's stupid
Where do you get these paragon specific gears? Heroic dungeons?
I guess Im old fashioned but I am disheartened to see how important fashion and looks seem to be to everyone in a virtual world these last few years. You mentioned Drizzt not shopping for pants. Well, I have read hundreds of fantasy novels and very few of them actually describe fashions in detail(with the rare exception of Harpers). When Drizzt killed a dragon he got 1 magic sword and didn't loot the entire hoard. I don't recall him upgrading his armor throughout the entire storyline. And have you paid attn to the story? We washed up on shore. We have lost everything and have to start from nothing. If I were actually in that position I don't think I'd be so worried about how my pants look. If I found new armor to use or could afford better, I don't think I'd care much how the cut looked on my body type compared to how they performed at protecting me and enhancing my talents. Since when do we have to keep up with the Jones in a vidoe game??
To me, what makes a great game - I'm losing sleep because I want to keep playing it. It keeps my attention and I'm having fun during then massive amounts or hours I spend logged in. Time flies and oh-no, work again??? I'll do the dishes tomorrow and wash clothes when I run out of the ones that fit in the closet. Food - what's that? Pack of crackers and an energy drink and I'm off to see where the next twist lies and if someone needs my help to keep them safe from Ogres.
Auction house search filter is horribly broken. Minimum level simply doesn't work when you're searching by your class. You can't re-order the results by level or... anything really. Which means you have to mouse over... every...single... a... very... unenjoyable...experience. Kind of like reading that sentence.
I hate you so much for making me read that.
I kept stopping in my head because of the constant "..."
You are a terrible person T_T
The bad for me is that the game is too easy and there is no end game as typical as it sounds. MMOs nowadays are too easy and a week after 'release' one can complete most if not all the content.
I guess Im old fashioned but I am disheartened to see how important fashion and looks seem to be to everyone in a virtual world these last few years. You mentioned Drizzt not shopping for pants.
You want to really know why Drizzt didn't go shopping for pants? Because it's a story. Searching for days on end for pants is no more fun than it would be reading it. Drizzt -always- has good armor, and when he doesn't he can still perform epicly in nothing but a loincloth. Why? He's not limited by game mechanics.
I agree, it's a great game, but it has serious room for improvement. This is one of those areas.
syto514Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
The last boss in Lair of the Mad Dragon is nowhere nearly as bad as you claim. It only requires a little coordination with your group. You just need to kill adds while the cleric kites. The tank (me in my case) needs little to no healing at all unless he messes up. Also the previous dungeons are hardly challenging.
I admit that the third dungeon is significantly more difficult than the previous ones, but its far from impossibly hard. It just requires some non-standard tactics is all. The moment it stops being tank and spank people just fall apart it seems.
The last boss in Lair of the Mad Dragon is nowhere nearly as bad as you claim. It only requires a little coordination with your group. You just need to kill adds while the cleric kites. The tank (me in my case) needs little to no healing at all unless he messes up. Also the previous dungeons are hardly challenging.
I admit that the third dungeon is significantly more difficult than the previous ones, but its far from impossibly hard. It just requires some non-standard tactics is all. The moment it stops being tank and spank people just fall apart it seems.
Not talking dungeons, talking bosses. No dungeon before that one is difficult. The boss just before the dragon is satisfyingly tough. Then you fight the dragon with a pug and it's like 7 straight wipes before someone quits. There is a middle ground between tank and spank and raid quality bosses imo.
is no one else finding the swap in swap out ability selection annoying?
No one else find joy in juggleing 20 different abilities on cooldowns and pumping out a stream of abilities sitting on the edge of your seat timing death?
The 8 different abilies in total seems a bit... limited? Specially considering you cant really call your class mechanic nor 2 dailys you can get to choose between every 3-5 min abilities theyre much more along the lines of specials. 2 base attacks and 3 short CD abilis? Basically got an option of 2 auto attacks 3 abilities, a class special and 1 or another 1 big CD abili.
Now dont get me wrong, i'm actually loving the game at the moment really really enjoying it but, theres a big screaming voice in my head shouting I COULD BE DOING MORE. I find myself consistently in dungeons and PvP with all abilis on CD and me sitting there stairing at the screen with my finger pressed down spamming auto attacks.
So comon? give me a nice big abili bar to chain up all my encounters and auto attacks on
Been talking to alot of friends trying the game out but i cant seem to find anything on the forums with people mentioning lack of ability dynamics during combat, so figured id throw it out there.
I seriously suck at the dodging in this game which is weird because I'm great at it in almost every other action combat game. The attacks are sometimes telegraphed fairly and other times it seems hits come out of nowhere. Archers are the most annoying to fight imo, can't tell when they're about to fire as they just stand there until the timer goes off in their programming or something. Other than that, attacks have weight to them and the animations are sweet.
I agree fully with those last few points. Need to add a preview, especially since there IS a previewer when using the "change appearance" armor option.
Armor variety? Really no excuse especially for the low level armors. Hell, look at valve's items in TF2/dota2, made by random players. It's a pretty simple process, they just aren't doing it...
But none of these complaints make it a bad game, i have been pleasantly surprised so far on how f2p and fun it actually is 0o
djleberMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
My biggest frustrations so far are the lack of variety for armor and the fact mounts take up inventory space. I get that mounts and inventory will probably be two of the biggest cash cows for the game, but having them be dependent on each other is pretty lame.
Youve lost me here...i dont know what you mean? when i got my mount i double clicked it to bind it and now its in my no 6 slot and not in my inventory
Out of interest, how much in GPB -
Hah, thank you but I'm not a sir
Good to see someone is watching!
Yea. it's really unfair calling it a half game. Btw, how are you enjoying the ranger from your sig ?
of the ftp world? nah there the top
even with the subscription pay games they rank favorably, not that there is not stuff that I would like them to work on mind you
our past to take comfort in our peaceful lives, we
sometimes forget how dearly that peace was bought. But
there is much worth remembering in the darkness...
Yeah, I'm still trying to work out which of the four PHB1 paragon paths to take with my paladin....
If I had to make a suggestion... you guys like money. I know you like money. So how about a compromise between what SWTOR and LOTRO do. Put armors in the cash shop that can be equipped by any class, that level with you. You could charge the same amount as you do for fashion clothes (which is pretty high so I think that would be fair).
Or you could even add armor looks to fashion as well so you wouldn't -need- to update any armor whatsoever, and people would still have the freedom to mix and match all sorts of things.
Agreed, it's one of my biggest beefs at the moment.
If you load up the Foundry and pick a model similar to your character you can load up every single armor in the game under the "Slots" heading, including the paragon-path specific gear and the unique armors. Under the "Costume Editing" function.
So they are all at 60 like I suspected. That's stupid
Where do you get these paragon specific gears? Heroic dungeons?
To me, what makes a great game - I'm losing sleep because I want to keep playing it. It keeps my attention and I'm having fun during then massive amounts or hours I spend logged in. Time flies and oh-no, work again??? I'll do the dishes tomorrow and wash clothes when I run out of the ones that fit in the closet. Food - what's that? Pack of crackers and an energy drink and I'm off to see where the next twist lies and if someone needs my help to keep them safe from Ogres.
I hate you so much for making me read that.
I kept stopping in my head because of the constant "..."
You are a terrible person T_T
I agree, it's a great game, but it has serious room for improvement. This is one of those areas.
I admit that the third dungeon is significantly more difficult than the previous ones, but its far from impossibly hard. It just requires some non-standard tactics is all. The moment it stops being tank and spank people just fall apart it seems.
Not talking dungeons, talking bosses. No dungeon before that one is difficult. The boss just before the dragon is satisfyingly tough. Then you fight the dragon with a pug and it's like 7 straight wipes before someone quits. There is a middle ground between tank and spank and raid quality bosses imo.
No one else find joy in juggleing 20 different abilities on cooldowns and pumping out a stream of abilities sitting on the edge of your seat timing death?
The 8 different abilies in total seems a bit... limited? Specially considering you cant really call your class mechanic nor 2 dailys you can get to choose between every 3-5 min abilities theyre much more along the lines of specials. 2 base attacks and 3 short CD abilis? Basically got an option of 2 auto attacks 3 abilities, a class special and 1 or another 1 big CD abili.
Now dont get me wrong, i'm actually loving the game at the moment really really enjoying it but, theres a big screaming voice in my head shouting I COULD BE DOING MORE. I find myself consistently in dungeons and PvP with all abilis on CD and me sitting there stairing at the screen with my finger pressed down spamming auto attacks.
So comon? give me a nice big abili bar to chain up all my encounters and auto attacks on
Been talking to alot of friends trying the game out but i cant seem to find anything on the forums with people mentioning lack of ability dynamics during combat, so figured id throw it out there.
Armor variety? Really no excuse especially for the low level armors. Hell, look at valve's items in TF2/dota2, made by random players. It's a pretty simple process, they just aren't doing it...
But none of these complaints make it a bad game, i have been pleasantly surprised so far on how f2p and fun it actually is 0o
Youve lost me here...i dont know what you mean? when i got my mount i double clicked it to bind it and now its in my no 6 slot and not in my inventory