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5.2.13 - Temporary Open Beta Outage



  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    haters gonna hate can we have a bounty system for all the nw haters lol
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • vanistarovanistaro Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So is there any ETA ?
  • ladyshaie1ladyshaie1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I read the whole darned thread & laughed my butt off! This was very entertaining!

    I do have to note though, while NWO is still in the beta stage, the other two games are not. I don't think this is a "well it's beta, things break" type scenario, although the fact that the NWO beta has opened to EVERYONE probably does have quite a lot to do with it. So much stress broke something, probably something that was old but because it still worked it didn't need to be replaced. At least, not until it asploded. Oh and to all those who complained about the only updates coming from Twitter... Twitter was all they had. The first place I tried after I was disconnected from Gateway & could not even load the page again was the forums, which could not load a page either. It wasn't JUST the games, but EVERYTHING that was affected (leading me to believe that the hardware that broke had to do with connecting all that good stuff to the Interwebz).

    hayes303 wrote: »
    It doesn't bother me that the Neverwinter is down, as stated, its in Beta. What is concerning, is this shares servers with 2 games that are not in beta and those have tanked as well.

    It just seems awkward and strange to me that Cryptic has designed everything like conjoined triplets.

    Anyone else suddenly have an urge to shout "NI!" and go searching for a shrubberay!
    glowmer wrote: »
    Or "My life in Never Enter."

    This made me laugh so loudly my cats all startled!
    Hey i have 15 nightmare lockboxes in my inventory i can't afford to open... maybe there's a new server in one of them.

    I've only found one, I bet MINE is the magic box!
    WoW has been around for 10 years that means it is the first MMO ever. WoW has been around for a long time.

    WoW has not been around for 10 years & no, that does not mean it is the first MMO ever. The Warcraft franchise has been around for over 10 years, but I believe UO was the first visual MMORPG. WoW has been around for a long time, in terms of gaming (& possibly your lifespan); beta was 2004 & launch was 2005 so it's just about 8 years old now. It may have been YOUR first MMORPG, I believe it was mine.
    pfunk1980 wrote: »
    wow nice attempt at trolling. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=the+first+mmorpg

    THAT was informative! UO was not the first, although I believe most gamers feel that it was. $12 an hour wow... have things changed!
    zingarbage wrote: »
    I had to step away from trying to log into Neverwinter. I saw my xbox, turned a 360 and walked away.

    So... you walked into/over your Xbox or into/over your computer?
    kolbe11 wrote: »
    They are waiting for Sgt. Knox to sober up and return to his post before allowing people to log in.

    I just knew he couldn't always be just standing in that spot, waiting for me to return, looking all official-like!
    pfunk1980 wrote: »
    im black and dont like fried chicken

    Thank you for sharing. Depending on where you live, you might be able to get Dominoes or Pizza Hut to deliver (of course, chickenless pizza).
    nbw5022 wrote: »
    lol i actually just took a shower because servers were down and i had nothing to do. **** i just learned something about myself

    Thank YOU for sharing also, and no I have NO desire to know how long it's been since the shower before this one.
    marc54 wrote: »
    Great... I have access to a live feed from the server farm in Chicago where Neverwinters servers are.
    And at the moment i can report there is in fact 2 men in the server room but they appear to be looking at an extensive Tazo collection... this bodes ill for all of Nevewinter.

    Well YEAH because Republic of Tea makes WAY better tea than Tazo!
    zinux wrote: »
    Anyone else feel like the dungeons have a old morrowwind feel, making you wanna explore them slowly so you don't miss anything

    Alas, I have not yet had the pleasure of playing Morrowind (although hubby owns it so I will probably do so one day) BUT I do have to say that they feel like P&P D&D and I LOVE exploring them slowly! I've found all kinds of hidden treasures & trapdoors (and traps OUCH)!
    nepht wrote: »
    We all need to relax and watch some Muppets Show clips to chill out

    I demand free pictures of Norm McDonald motorboating Rosanne Bar while a bored Jimmy Falon eats pudding in an empty bathtub nearby because of this downtime. It is absolutely ridiculous that I am expected to wait for servers to be up in a free game. If Cryptic and Perfect World do not meet my demands forthwith, I will go stand in a corner and blow bubbles until my anger subsides. You have been warned... Your move dev's.

    What is this I don't ev---- OOOOH PRETTY BUBBLES!!!! *runs off to catch them*
    airwen wrote: »
    fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it

    Ok so I'll shake her first & then y'all can line up behind me with your baseball bats, bricks & whatnot. By the way, who's flying the plane?????????
    zyguh124 wrote: »
    Hey....while we wait Im running out to pick up a pizza....anyone need anything from the store while Im out?

    I'll take a pint of Ben & Jerry's please. Something with chocolate & caramel.
    vanistaro wrote: »
    So is there any ETA ?

    'Bout an hour & a half ago, dude. See you ingame!
  • azurie1azurie1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9
    edited May 2013
    as i read through the many post here i've seen a trend that people are assuming it's 1 game's server hardware that has went south and what most don't seem to realize is that for it to be on such a scale as to affect 2 other games means it's a network failure on a massive scale. This of course is assuming those different games have their servers located in the same building which would mean they ALL use the same network for their connections and for it to be on their end and not the company that's suppling them with their connections it would be something like a switch, router and possible some other form of networking gear where they all come together before they reach the outside world of that one building. Don't forget as well that the server's didn't die they are having workability disability lol (gotta love being PC sometimes lol). now having said all that keep in mind i'm only guessing as to the possible problem based off the information that i've read here and haven't tried to verify any of it myself so i may be very off base so no flames please.
  • unblessedhandunblessedhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    Is there any word on what is going to happen to our celestial coins or whatever they are that expire if we don't invoke every day? I was unable to play last night due to the outage :(
  • azurie1azurie1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9
    edited May 2013
    Is there any word on what is going to happen to our celestial coins or whatever they are that expire if we don't invoke every day? I was unable to play last night due to the outage :(

    it would be nice if they offer some form of compensation for that but i wouldn't expect it if i were you.
  • unblessedhandunblessedhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    azurie1 wrote: »
    it would be nice if they offer some form of compensation for that but i wouldn't expect it if i were you.

    It's very frustrating. I logged in this morning and the count had reset already.
  • icifyicify Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Server's up, apparently.
  • ravenmark#2240 ravenmark Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Well done!!!!
  • ravenmark#2240 ravenmark Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ROFL Well done!

    So people know what I am referring to ;)

    ladyshaie1 wrote: »
    I read the whole darned thread & laughed my butt off! This was very entertaining!

    I do have to note though, while NWO is still in the beta stage, the other two games are not. I don't think this is a "well it's beta, things break" type scenario, although the fact that the NWO beta has opened to EVERYONE probably does have quite a lot to do with it. So much stress broke something, probably something that was old but because it still worked it didn't need to be replaced. At least, not until it asploded. Oh and to all those who complained about the only updates coming from Twitter... Twitter was all they had. The first place I tried after I was disconnected from Gateway & could not even load the page again was the forums, which could not load a page either. It wasn't JUST the games, but EVERYTHING that was affected (leading me to believe that the hardware that broke had to do with connecting all that good stuff to the Interwebz).

    Anyone else suddenly have an urge to shout "NI!" and go searching for a shrubberay!

    This made me laugh so loudly my cats all startled!

    I've only found one, I bet MINE is the magic box!

    WoW has not been around for 10 years & no, that does not mean it is the first MMO ever. The Warcraft franchise has been around for over 10 years, but I believe UO was the first visual MMORPG. WoW has been around for a long time, in terms of gaming (& possibly your lifespan); beta was 2004 & launch was 2005 so it's just about 8 years old now. It may have been YOUR first MMORPG, I believe it was mine.

    THAT was informative! UO was not the first, although I believe most gamers feel that it was. $12 an hour wow... have things changed!

    So... you walked into/over your Xbox or into/over your computer?

    I just knew he couldn't always be just standing in that spot, waiting for me to return, looking all official-like!

    Thank you for sharing. Depending on where you live, you might be able to get Dominoes or Pizza Hut to deliver (of course, chickenless pizza).

    Thank YOU for sharing also, and no I have NO desire to know how long it's been since the shower before this one.

    Well YEAH because Republic of Tea makes WAY better tea than Tazo!

    Alas, I have not yet had the pleasure of playing Morrowind (although hubby owns it so I will probably do so one day) BUT I do have to say that they feel like P&P D&D and I LOVE exploring them slowly! I've found all kinds of hidden treasures & trapdoors (and traps OUCH)!


    What is this I don't ev---- OOOOH PRETTY BUBBLES!!!! *runs off to catch them*

    Ok so I'll shake her first & then y'all can line up behind me with your baseball bats, bricks & whatnot. By the way, who's flying the plane?????????

    I'll take a pint of Ben & Jerry's please. Something with chocolate & caramel.

    'Bout an hour & a half ago, dude. See you ingame!
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