Plz then tell me the solution for this problem, cuz i didnt found it yet mr. i know everything noobsh1t
Fatal error: error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix the issue.
IS there a problem with the actually downloading of the game? I have a fantastic internet connection, but for whatever reason it seems to be downloading at 0.57KB/SEC.
I assume this is because so many people are trying to download the game all at once?
Still get "CrypticError: Oops! Oops! Your Cryptic application has crashed. To help us out, please indicate what was going on at the time of the crash, while we gather information."
Solution Update 10 dosn't work.. and well i dont have mumble or tw installed now and...guess what? Still not working.. i understand!!! ..the Open Beta thing... they meant to test the luncher client not the game!! So it's basically an OB for the luncher itself.. nice done..
There u got me silly pw !!!
oh i was playing for abit, logged off to see about this problem on the other pc cus of the horrendous lag making it a waste of time, now when i got to log in, im getting it too...
Patch Error:
the patch client got a message while it was in a state of no responce function
My apologies if this has been said already(This thread is going a bit fast). But have you tried using the .exe file you downloaded from update 7 directly, and not a shortcut?
OK I got to the part when I log in to the game, select a character and then the queue was soooo big that it just threw me out on the login screen after a while...
I hope there will be a server upgrade or something to fix these logging issues.. can't wait to try this game out.
I tried many things, and finally the launcher began updating. After many, many hours it was very close to finish, and it crashed. I also put it on yesterday, but in the morning the screen didn't show anything, so I had to force the computer off. Luckily this time it was saved, so I have only 300 MB (as opposed to 3GB earlier) to patch.
I have written this many times, BUT everyone seems too lazy to read the posts. In the launcher, open options and select, disable on-demand patching. This has helped a lot of people who are stuck and connecting, patch number or simply the word patching on the launcher.
@azthioth, thanks that works great. i dont really understand all these timezones . im using central time, it is now 10:16am when will server be on with my time?
My launcher currently works fine, but the screen is solid white and have no buttons. I found where to click to log on, but it says nothing. Anyone else experiencing this?
@azthioth, thanks that works great. i dont really understand all these timezones . im using central time, it is now 10:16am when will server be on with my time?
I am glad it helped. It is roughly 8:30AM PDT which means it is roughly 11:30AM on the East coast. 2:30 hours left.
My launcher currently works fine, but the screen is solid white and have no buttons. I found where to click to log on, but it says nothing. Anyone else experiencing this?
You most likely need to install the new .exe file mentioned at the beginning of this post. Also make sure the data collector for the error log is no longer functioning in your processor.
It didn't work for me either - I downloaded it again, something must have changed - in queue now
What Class Are You?
Fatal error: error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix the issue.
Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate
Trying to update the launcher.
Please be patient.
Tried connecting
Got this message all afternoon. Have not had any trouble connecting before today.
Hope I get connected soon. Thanks
I assume this is because so many people are trying to download the game all at once?
Solution Update 10 dosn't work.. and well i dont have mumble or tw installed now and...guess what? Still not working..
There u got me silly pw !!!
"Fatal error; Hog file incorrect/ unreadable version: 7
Technical Details: Hog file incorrect / unreadable version: 7"
What i cand o for it?
My apologies if this has been said already(This thread is going a bit fast). But have you tried using the .exe file you downloaded from update 7 directly, and not a shortcut?
I hope there will be a server upgrade or something to fix these logging issues.. can't wait to try this game out.
Working as intended im sure..
Idk what to help?
I am glad it helped. It is roughly 8:30AM PDT which means it is roughly 11:30AM on the East coast. 2:30 hours left.
You most likely need to install the new .exe file mentioned at the beginning of this post. Also make sure the data collector for the error log is no longer functioning in your processor.