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tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
edited April 2013 in The Militia Barracks
After having played this class in all three beta weekends, and absolutely fallen in love with it, I decided to start up a site dedicated to it. Currently, there is only an 'about this site' page up and going. However, I'm currently working on a guide for character creation, which will be the first part in a much larger guide for the class. Also, I'm going to be posting at least once a week about tanking in general or the class in particular, looking for comments and discussion.

My sincere hope is that it proves to be a solid resource for all of us Guardian Fighters, to make each of us better.
A Guardian Fighter Blog:

Post edited by tibberton1 on


  • juumillerjuumiller Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tibberton1 wrote: »
    After having played this class in all three beta weekends, and absolutely fallen in love with it, I decided to start up a site dedicated to it. Currently, there is only an 'about this site' page up and going. However, I'm currently working on a guide for character creation, which will be the first part in a much larger guide for the class. Also, I'm going to be posting at least once a week about tanking in general or the class in particular, looking for comments and discussion.

    My sincere hope is that it proves to be a solid resource for all of us Guardian Fighters, to make each of us better.

    Sounds really nice !:D U already got u a follower :P
    Is the webside just called GuardianFighter.com ?:)
  • xooxoxooxxooxoxoox Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Count me in as another follower. So far, the "About This Site" got me and i liked the idea you had in your mind, when creating the site.
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    juumiller wrote: »
    Sounds really nice !:D U already got u a follower :P
    Is the webside just called GuardianFighter.com ?:)

    Yup. Kinda shocked it was available, but very happy about it. :)
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • juumillerjuumiller Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Is this ur webside? :confused:
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    juumiller wrote: »
    Is this ur webside? :confused:

    Yeah. I have the about us up, and the character creation guide is about 50% done. Been too busy playing to get further on it.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    Just posted the character creation guide. Adding a table of content to it, because it's long. But check it out. Tear it apart, please.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • selaralselaral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Oh god..its..theorycrafting!

    *duct tapes Tibber to a wall* You'd best be getting someone to put GWF stuff up there..! *stuffs a grilled cheese in to face* Don't make me use this...

    Also, looks good!

    Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
    "Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
  • prunetracyprunetracy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Nice site.

    I noticed a small error. In your Dwarf race assessment, you give them +2 CON, +2 STR/DEX. They have +2 STR/WIS, not DEX. This makes them a little less perfect (if you like Dex), but still great.
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    Thanks, fixed. Still my favorite race for a tank, but it's mostly because I run Con/Str.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • bluesteel8bluesteel8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Nice one thanks for doing this.

    The Older Gamers (25+) - Never too old to play games
  • freehugs9freehugs9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 201 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    How hard is it for healers to target you in a group? Is it worth picking a taller race just so that you're easier to pick out of a crowd?
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    Well. For dungeons, I run with a cleric companion - which mostly seems to focus on me, and causes me to end up second for healing done in most runs. For most pulls, melee DPS is on the opposite side of the boss from me, looking for combat advantage. And when it's been a mess, clerics have just come in an AoE bombed their heals.

    My deaths come from: Enforced Threat when mobs have added on a boss and swarm me from behind or missing a block on a mechanic that causes me to go prone and get stomped to death. I haven't seen any death or near death that was caused by lack of incoming heals, nor has anybody commented on their inability to heal my dwarf.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    With beta over, I'm now working on a write up about the skills you can use, their usefulness, and how they work together. Should be done in the next few days.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • fauust01fauust01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Mace / Axe is it available for Guardian and GWF ?
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    I found an axe, but by and large it was longsword city.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • morgitsmorgits Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I found a mace, blue level 36, Mace of Nine Hells I think it was. Don't know where it came from as i purchased it off the AH.
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  • leowanazleowanaz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Just checked out your guide Tibberton1 - you have some really great info in there and I look forward to more!
  • bjac9bjac9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 88
    edited March 2013
    I actually rolled 16-16-12-10-10-10 on my fighter and I liked it a lot.
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    bjac9 wrote: »
    I actually rolled 16-16-12-10-10-10 on my fighter and I liked it a lot.

    Yeah, I think some of the non-18 rolls are extremely strong.

    Also, updated the page with info from the AMA. Part 2 of the guide is chugging along.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    To leowanaz:

    Thank you very much.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • razorwing01razorwing01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello tibberton1,

    Thank you for setting up a great site with very useful information.

    I wanted to ask your advice. I played the dwarf guardian fighter during the BW3 and loved it. During my travels, I found very few players playing dwarf characters let alone dwarf guardian fighters. I am looking to build a tank for grouping where high resistance is more favourable than high dps.

    Can you confirm if the below will help me achieve this?

    Race: Dwarf (Attribute Points: +2 Con & +2 Str)
    The Dice Roll: 18 – 13 – 13 – 10 – 8 – 10 (Con – Str/Dex – Wis – Int – Cha)
    Attribute Points (whilst leveling): +1 Con & +1 Str

    I am unsure if its best to allocate all attribute points to CON and STR whilst leveling of spread it between CON > STR > DEX?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,

  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013

    That's the exact build I started with for my BW3 dwarf GF - making sure to get the 'extra benefit from strength' feat. And it's likely what I'm going to roll with once launch comes around. Because of that feat, you can start with a higher Con and still have some balance between the two stats.

    I don't care for Dex, personally. Both Str and Dex have a damage increasing component (Str increases damage done while Dex increases armor penetration) as well as a passive damage resist component (Str increases DoT resist and Dex increases AoE resist) - you can debate the merits of each, but they largely cancel each other out. The big difference comes in their primary form of damage resist. Str builds your guard meter, giving you more block. Dex gives you deflection, which is an avoidance stat - AKA unreliable mitigation. Building around block has one drawback: you need to be good at that mechanic. If you miss blocks, or if you often let your guard meter break, you are immediately getting less benefit out of Str.

    Hope that helps.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • bjac9bjac9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 88
    edited March 2013
    tibberton1 wrote: »
    Yeah, I think some of the non-18 rolls are extremely strong.

    Also, updated the page with info from the AMA. Part 2 of the guide is chugging along.

    When the game gets released I will probably do a guardian fighter with conqueror feats, I will focus on having 18 str at the start and 16 constitution.
    Gonna roll a human just because of personal choice so I can customize him a little more with a few heroic feats to boost his strength potential and overall damage and a bit more tankyness.

    The reasoning behind this build is not to be a perfect a tank, but a character that if he needs to intimidate an enemy and kill the enemy as fast as possible to save a cleric or a caster.
  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    *** My next two posts are based of memory, and the current information available in the Wiki. ***

    18 str/16 con is a good start for a damage based guardian fighter. If you don't mind me asking, what are you planning on doing feat wise? Looking through the conqueror tree myself, I was having a lot of trouble finding synergy between the feats.

    You don't want to take action surge, because you don't want to block that often, because that massively reduces your damage bonus from Reckless Attacker. So you are going to take the 3 points in Strength focus and 2 in toughness, I assume. Those points in toughness are meh - extra HP is extra HP.

    In the next tier, you have distracting shield, which doesn't jive with Cruel Cut Style. CCS rewards Cleave damage, DS rewards shield damage. I mean, you could take both, but my assumption is you are going to Tide of Iron for the weakened debuff, and then cleave. Most trash pulls and most bosses have enough adds that cleave would give you more bang for your buck. So now you can toss an extra point into toughness, and take the AC/Defense bonus. If you go that route, you still have a stray point that you have to toss somewhere.

    In the next tier, 3 points is going towards extra threat gen. This might not be as vital if they fix cleric aggro, but it was pretty much mandatory over the weekend. Then you have Powerful Attack, which increases primary weapon damage. This goes great with the cleave ability later in the tree, but compounds the problem of wasted talent points earlier in the tree.

    So far, I have you at:

    3/3 Strength Focus and 2/3 Toughness (Unlocks second tier)
    3/3 Armor Specialization, 3/3 Toughness, 1/whatever (Unlocks third tier)
    3/3 Potent Challenge and 2/5 Powerful Attack (Unlocks fourth tier)
    5/5 Powerful Attack and 2/3 Weapon Mastery (Finishes off the first half of the talent tree)

    You have points that are going towards a sub-par feat (Toughness), and that are going to be wasted somewhere along the way. The extra feat points from Humans both mitigates some of the problem, but also doesn't really help... because, still, where are you going to put them? And by this point, you're missing out on: AP generating from block, extra damage on shield, extra benefit from healing, and increased resistance to combat advantage. If you've done any of the bosses, you'll know that getting swarmed by adds from behind you happens. You're taking more damage in that situation. The Human feat doesn't give you enough points to mitigate that.

    Getting into the Conqueror path, you have a toss up with the first tier. Sub 20% health or benefit when hit by a critical strike. I would take the one that builds off being critically struck, because I wouldn't want to sit at less than 20% health if I could help it. I would take Wrathful Warrior in the next tier, for increased damage when you have temporary hit points (this locks you into taking Knight's Valor as an encounter power, because it's the best way that you can reliably give yourself temporary hit points). Because this semi-locks your into Knight's Valor, having a charge of some sort is too good, and you'll likely want Enforced Threat, that makes your next talent choice even easier: CCS (as mentioned before) over the one that bumps Griffon's Wrath. The next tier is a toss up - but presents a nice buff to your daily powers. And finally, you have the end tree talent, which bumps your damage when you have more block gauge, and caused us to start down this path to begin with.

    Edit to include the following:

    My criticism is more with the tree itself than with your idea. I think it's a wonderful idea to make a DPS focused Guardian Fighter, trading off more damage taken for more damage given. My concerns are with the talent tree itself, and how it forces you into talents and forces you into a particular set of powers, while also causing you to waste feat points. I'd like to see the game offer a much cleaner talent tree for folks that want to do it. I hope my breakdown didn't come across as dogging on your idea, when it's intended to critique the options given to you by the game. Furthermore, the dev's so far seem receptive to feedback / adjustment, so my hope is that if we call attention to this, it can get cleaned up for you all.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • tibberton1tibberton1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 83
    edited March 2013
    For the sake of comparison: 20 con / 15 str dwarf going either Protector Tree or Tactician Tree. These paths are so much cleaner.

    3/3 Strength Focus and 2/5 Action Surge (unlocks second tier) - balances out my con/str gap, AP gen

    5/5 Distracting Shield helps Tide of Iron and Shield Slam. You can also choose to fill out Action Surge (3 points) and toss 2 points into Armor Specialization (2/3), increasing your AC/Def by 10%. This all depends on whether you plan to stick with shield attacks or are going to be balanced between shield and primary weapon. Either way, this unlocks third tier.

    Potent Challenge (3/3). You have two extra points to fill out Action Surge, Armor Specialization, or Grit - one gives you benefits to block, one gives you benefits to passive damage reduction, one gives you more benefit to healing received. This is where having the extra feat points from Human really pays off, in my opinion - versus building conqueror, where you have more points but nowhere to really slot them that benefits you.

    In tier 4, you can take Ubiquitous Shield. If you are good with moving around the battlefield, you don't have to and can use those points filling out the partial talents that you have through the tree.

    That fills out the first part of the tree.

    Protector - your first five points are a toss up. You get more defense after crit or more avoidance. You can take either. In the next tree, you can take more healing from one of our abilities or 5 to your AC. Your next five points can improve your block gauge or the mitigation of two of your talents. Your next choice gives you more damage while blocking or a buff to two solid dailies. Iron Guard debuffs enemies. At every step of this tree, you have solid choices that don't railroad you into selecting particular talents. If you don't want to take the feats that are tied to particular talents, you have a viable option. Not so much on the conqueror tree.

    Tactician - your first five points give you encounter cooldown reduction or bonus damage to control powers. The next tier improves mark or provides threat/damage to one of our powers. The next five adds bonus damage to Into the Fray or more threat and a silence to Lunging Strike. The next five gives Tide of Iron a damage debuff or improves Anvil of Doom. And finally, taking a large chunk of damage gives you 50% of your max AP. Tactician gives a lot more threat and more benefits to various moves. And while it locks you into certain powers more than the Protector tree, it increases the damage, threat and benefit of those moves significantly.

    In both cases, the trees present choices but are cleaner. And the end result talent doesn't undermine the primary mechanic of the class (blocking). In the conqueror tree, once you commit to that path you lose almost all choices and it makes a lot of your previous feats much less worthwhile, causing problems with point spending.
    A Guardian Fighter Blog:

  • razorwing01razorwing01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello tibberton1,

    Thank you for posting. In the BW3, I choose a dwarf which followed the protector tree. I found I was using 'Lung' (the skill where you hide behind your shield and jab the enemy from above) a lot as the game became more difficult for survivability. I am unsure if this was normal or if I somehow not correctly picked the right skills/feats.

    I did not find positioning too much of an issue when I encounter a boss with a swarm of minions. I was able to correct my position very easily before the swarm spawned or got close to me.

    Hopefully there will be another BW so I can confirm the tank build I will be going for when the game goes live.

    Kind Regards,

  • bjac9bjac9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 88
    edited March 2013
    Could you tell me how many feats you can actually gain before you can invest points into the conqueror/protector/tactician feats and also how many feat points you can gain afterwards.
    I don't know this information well in the back of my hand.
  • beleb1beleb1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 49
    edited March 2013
    20 ............................ for the 10 characters
  • prunetracyprunetracy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tibberton1 wrote: »
    In both cases, the trees present choices but are cleaner. And the end result talent doesn't undermine the primary mechanic of the class (blocking). In the conqueror tree, once you commit to that path you lose almost all choices and it makes a lot of your previous feats much less worthwhile, causing problems with point spending.

    I wanted to clarify what you meant with this statement. Unless I misunderstood you, it sounds like you're saying that putting any points in Conqueror means you have to keep putting points in Conqueror, but that's not the case.

    The paragon feat trees are not exclusive. That is, if you put points in Conqueror, you can still put points in Tactician or Protector. They're just grouped by theme, and not a commitment to anything. You'll get your final paragon feat point at level 60, and at that point you'll have to pick which capstone feat you want, but the rest of them can be anywhere.
  • bjac9bjac9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 88
    edited March 2013
    Ok 20, I suppose 23 because I pick human, so I am guessing you get about 30 to spend on either protector, conqueror or tactician

    I also think about the Take Measure(When less than 20% health, gain 1/2/3/4/5% more damage), it should be proportional to your current health, like when you are 50% health you gain 0.5%/1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%
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