I usually use Motionjoy emulated as 360 controller with a actual wired PS3 controller. The Xpadder is recognizing my controller and properly emulating it as a 360 but im not seeing anything actually working ingame.
EDIT: I popped open a Notepade to test and im getting input for WSAD but its not actually working in the game.
Edit #2: You can't run as Xpadder or NWO as Admin for this to work.
I certainly hope the devs don't waste valuable time and resources in trying to implement support for controllers that should be plugged into their respective consoles.
Took little while but i got it fully mapped and ready to go for a PS3 wired controller.
L1 = Left Mouse
R1 = Right Mouse
R2 = Roll (disabled double tap roll option)
L2 = Inspect(F key)
Jump = Triangle
Q Attack = X
E Attack = O
R Attack = DPad Right
Tab = Square
Mount = Dpad Up
1 = Daily = DPad Left
2 = Daily = DPad Down
Left Stick = WSAD
Right Stick = Mouse Look
Start = Potions
Select = Push-To-Talk
D2 = Not Mapped Yet
D3 = Not Mapped Yet
Does Xpadder support chorded commands (two buttons held down at once)? Or assigning a key as a "shift" to change control bindings? For example, I would like to assign Encounter powers to X, Y, and B, but remap them to Daily/Special powers when the left bumper is held.
Short on time so I skipped but I'd like to say I'd like official gamepad support for this game. Everything is pretty awesome but that would, for me, take it to a new level much like it did for CO and STO.
purpleorbesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 186Bounty Hunter
edited March 2013
I tried and couldn't figure out how to use the Xbox controller. I bought a wireless Xbox controller for the pc just for this. Is there a easy way to explain how to get the controller to work? You know like a "Controller for Dummies" or something along those lines?
cosmictimberMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I tried and couldn't figure out how to use the Xbox controller. I bought a wireless Xbox controller for the pc just for this. Is there a easy way to explain how to get the controller to work? You know like a "Controller for Dummies" or something along those lines?
Most people use a wired controller first off. If you bought a wireless controller, do you have it even setup with windows in general? As for the game itself, in this past beta, it appeared that the controller option was disabled. Most folks are using xpadder (a paid application) or Joy2key (free but slightly harder to use) when it comes to xbox controllers. Not sure on ps3 controllers, but it is in this thread.
To me this game plays like a dream with a controller.
You will need a wireless gaming receiver (like this one) for a wireless Xbox controller to work with a PC. The wired controller should work directly in a USB port. (Pending driver installation of course, but that should happen automatically.)
Also as cosmictimber said, native controller support seems to have been removed from Neverwinter since Beta Weekend 2. If it doesn't come back, you will need a third party app like Xpadder or Joy2key to translate the inputs.
I just wanted to add that I used Xpadder during beta 2. It took only a couple minutes to set up and worked like a charm. It was so much more fun playing with the xbox wireless controller.
Does Xpadder support chorded commands (two buttons held down at once)? Or assigning a key as a "shift" to change control bindings? For example, I would like to assign Encounter powers to X, Y, and B, but remap them to Daily/Special powers when the left bumper is held.
Yes xpadder does...and it also lets you alter buttons for specific key strokes or actions....which you can control the timing with.
By the way if you run xpadder and it isn't working.....first off run it in administrator mode......if it still isn't working....that means you have never winter running in administrator mode.....in which case go into the options for neverwinter and turn it off...you don't actualy need it running in that mode.
Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.
and so one among them hath made it come to pass - http://www.mediafire.com/?7tlcr2vqe77bv2u and on this day the people rejoiced and celebrated! for the one who stepped forth and bent reality, shaping it to her will!
lol - your all welcome XD
EXPLANATION: This is a very comprehensive and well thought out Xpadder profile for the wired xbox 360 controller , it feels very natural and lets you access every facet of the game. if you have any suggestions for improvements please post them here! tata for now
NOTE: the file above contains everything you need n.n
thankyou :)
Actual Join date: Dec 2007
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited March 2013
Since native controller support is still disabled this BW there will be no updates. Xpadder or some other third party software is the only way to use an xbox controller right now.
eyewishuheavenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
Works pretty good right now. Hoping for full Controller support. Hats off to the poster with the setup file. I actually only made 2/3 tweaks. Having a slight issue with the dodging both (intentionally and unintentionally) but other than that its fine.
Works pretty good right now. Hoping for full Controller support. Hats off to the poster with the setup file. I actually only made 2/3 tweaks. Having a slight issue with the dodging both (intentionally and unintentionally) but other than that its fine.
Really? I loaded the posted config & it's not working properly for me at all this weekend Probably because I can't turn Joystick off as the option's not there any more!
Please play, rate, & review my very first Foundry Quest!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
eyewishuheavenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Really? I loaded the posted config & it's not working properly for me at all this weekend Probably because I can't turn Joystick off as the option's not there any more!
Sorry C0mixfan, My post was in reference to the xpadder config not the op's config. I can see where my post was pretty vague. I held off on the op's config since I believe (hope) there will be native controller support. Just using the xpadder until the games release. My sabertooth beats my nostromo for sheer comfort while questing anyday of the week.
Rejoice, for Native controller support is returning!
The latest "Known Issues" post for the most recent Beta Build has a line about Controllers not being supported at this time, but that they are being worked on and returning.
so will we be able to use other pc controllers then xbox?like that generic brand controllers for 20-40$ ,since xbox controller is hard to find since xbox is not popular at me so there isnt a lot of shops whit stuff for it
only1hero1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited April 2013
is there a controller you can get where all you need to do is edit the in game options
Still no controller support yet, so I decided to go ahead and post my Xpadder profile.
;--- Xpadder Profile File ---
[Profile Settings]
[Set Settings]
Set1Button6Slots=Left Mouse Button (1)
Set1Button9Slots=Left Control
Set1Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set1Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set1Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set1Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set1TriggerLeftSlots=Left Shift
Set1TriggerRightSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)
Set2Button1Slots=Right Control,I
Set2Button6Slots=Left Mouse Button (1)
Set2Button9Slots=Left Control
Set2Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set2Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set2Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set2Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set2TriggerLeftSlots=Left Shift
Set2TriggerRightSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)
Set3Button6Slots=Left Mouse Button (1)
Set3Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set3Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set3Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set3Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set3TriggerRightSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)
Set4Button6Slots=Mouse Wheel Up
Set4Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set4Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set4Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set4Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set4TriggerRightSlots=Mouse Wheel Down
Set5Button2Slots=Left Shift,3
Set5Button3Slots=Left Shift,1
Set5Button4Slots=Left Shift,2
Set5Button6Slots=Left Mouse Button (1)
Set5Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set5Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set5Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set5Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set5TriggerRightSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)
Set7Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set7Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set7Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set7Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Left Stick is WASD movement, and Left Stick Click is Target Lock. I suggest you turn off the "double-tap to dodge/roll" game option since Xpadder is likely to send double-tap commands on its own.
Left Trigger is the Utility Power which can be combined with Left Stick.
Right Bumper and Right Trigger are the Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button respectively (At-Will Powers). Right Stick is mouse movement, and Right Stick Click is Jump. Right Stick uses "normal" mouse mappings so that RS, RB and RT can be used as a makeshift mouse. Use in-game settings to invert mouse-look if you prefer that style.
X, Y, and B are Encounter Powers, and A is Interact/Loot.
Start button is Main Menu/Cancel (Esc).
Left Bumper is the Power shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to Daily Powers, Special Power, and Invocation. It also remaps Right Stick Click to the Auto-Run toggle.
Back is the Information shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to Journal, Inventory, Home Page and Character Sheet. Bumpers and Triggers are remapped to Professions, Guild, Social and Queue panels.
D-pad Up is the Exploration shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to Scoreboard, Map, Inspect Mode, and Quest Path. RB and RT are also remapped to camera zoom for Map and Inspect mode.
D-pad Right is the Item shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to the Item Tray and Mount.
D-pad Down is the Interface shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to the Window Buttons (Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3 -- useful for the Need/Greed/Pass window) and Cursor Mode (Alt).
D-pad Left is for custom commands, currently remapping X, Y, B and A to F5, F6, F7 and F8. This would also be a good place for Push-to-Talk (V) if you use voice chat.
EDIT: Noticed that the Window Button ("Shift+1", "Shift+2", "Shift+3") and Invocation ("Ctrl+I") don't quite work correctly. Neverwinter sees the individual keypress so for example, Shift+1 activates both Daily Power 1 and Window Button 1, and Ctrl+I activates both Invocation and Inventory.
My workaround for this is to set up function keys F9-F12 as alternate binds, and have Xpadder activate those. (Note: The configuration above is still the original one.)
Will there be native controller support in the final? coulda sworn I read that somewhere. This is an issue near and dear to me as even though (or because of) i'm an older gamer, I have become spoiled by the ease and simplicity of controller over KB. I find I'm constantly looking down, or very often selecting the wrong key
Same, removing functionality is usually lame, and for a game with combat as visceral as this it feels good to be able to use a gamepad. It worked amazingly for CO and pretty darn well for STO. As long as there's a look sensitivity slider available the NW would likely benefit greatly from a gamepad.
I certainly hope the devs don't waste valuable time and resources in trying to implement support for controllers that should be plugged into their respective consoles.
Seriously do not want to buy xpadder. Anyone know if there is a way to bind controls in a similar manner to STO through manual input into the chat/interface box?
There are many hampsters in the sea. I just hope they can swim.
thevlakaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
can anyone confirm that controller support is back in game or if we can activate somehow?
EDIT: I popped open a Notepade to test and im getting input for WSAD but its not actually working in the game.
Edit #2: You can't run as Xpadder or NWO as Admin for this to work.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
L1 = Left Mouse
R1 = Right Mouse
R2 = Roll (disabled double tap roll option)
L2 = Inspect(F key)
Jump = Triangle
Q Attack = X
E Attack = O
R Attack = DPad Right
Tab = Square
Mount = Dpad Up
1 = Daily = DPad Left
2 = Daily = DPad Down
Left Stick = WSAD
Right Stick = Mouse Look
Start = Potions
Select = Push-To-Talk
D2 = Not Mapped Yet
D3 = Not Mapped Yet
Most people use a wired controller first off. If you bought a wireless controller, do you have it even setup with windows in general? As for the game itself, in this past beta, it appeared that the controller option was disabled. Most folks are using xpadder (a paid application) or Joy2key (free but slightly harder to use) when it comes to xbox controllers. Not sure on ps3 controllers, but it is in this thread.
To me this game plays like a dream with a controller.
Also as cosmictimber said, native controller support seems to have been removed from Neverwinter since Beta Weekend 2. If it doesn't come back, you will need a third party app like Xpadder or Joy2key to translate the inputs.
Yes xpadder does...and it also lets you alter buttons for specific key strokes or actions....which you can control the timing with.
By the way if you run xpadder and it isn't working.....first off run it in administrator mode......if it still isn't working....that means you have never winter running in administrator mode.....in which case go into the options for neverwinter and turn it off...you don't actualy need it running in that mode.
Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.
Champions Online Advanced Forum Search
Really? I loaded the posted config & it's not working properly for me at all this weekend
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
Sorry C0mixfan, My post was in reference to the xpadder config not the op's config. I can see where my post was pretty vague. I held off on the op's config since I believe (hope) there will be native controller support. Just using the xpadder until the games release. My sabertooth beats my nostromo for sheer comfort while questing anyday of the week.
The latest "Known Issues" post for the most recent Beta Build has a line about Controllers not being supported at this time, but that they are being worked on and returning.
At last!
Left Stick is WASD movement, and Left Stick Click is Target Lock. I suggest you turn off the "double-tap to dodge/roll" game option since Xpadder is likely to send double-tap commands on its own.
Left Trigger is the Utility Power which can be combined with Left Stick.
Right Bumper and Right Trigger are the Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button respectively (At-Will Powers). Right Stick is mouse movement, and Right Stick Click is Jump. Right Stick uses "normal" mouse mappings so that RS, RB and RT can be used as a makeshift mouse. Use in-game settings to invert mouse-look if you prefer that style.
X, Y, and B are Encounter Powers, and A is Interact/Loot.
Start button is Main Menu/Cancel (Esc).
Left Bumper is the Power shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to Daily Powers, Special Power, and Invocation. It also remaps Right Stick Click to the Auto-Run toggle.
Back is the Information shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to Journal, Inventory, Home Page and Character Sheet. Bumpers and Triggers are remapped to Professions, Guild, Social and Queue panels.
D-pad Up is the Exploration shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to Scoreboard, Map, Inspect Mode, and Quest Path. RB and RT are also remapped to camera zoom for Map and Inspect mode.
D-pad Right is the Item shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to the Item Tray and Mount.
D-pad Down is the Interface shifter, remapping X, Y, B and A to the Window Buttons (Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3 -- useful for the Need/Greed/Pass window) and Cursor Mode (Alt).
D-pad Left is for custom commands, currently remapping X, Y, B and A to F5, F6, F7 and F8. This would also be a good place for Push-to-Talk (V) if you use voice chat.
EDIT: Noticed that the Window Button ("Shift+1", "Shift+2", "Shift+3") and Invocation ("Ctrl+I") don't quite work correctly. Neverwinter sees the individual keypress so for example, Shift+1 activates both Daily Power 1 and Window Button 1, and Ctrl+I activates both Invocation and Inventory.
My workaround for this is to set up function keys F9-F12 as alternate binds, and have Xpadder activate those. (Note: The configuration above is still the original one.)
I do also! Come on Devs!!!!
That's a bit snobbish, don't you think?