I was wondering what type of classes could possible be added after the release of the game. I would be 100% sold with this game if there were some sort of class with a bow/crossbow. It was always fun to run around in Neverwinter Nights with a crossbow on my Sorcerer, or making an Arcane Archer. I know that the prestige classes like "Arcane Archer" are not going to be in the game, but any chance of some sort of archer after game release?
Another class I would much love to know if possible is a bard or some sort of party buffer like it, I really love playing support type classes as long as they are not entirely built around just healing or just damage, more or less buffing teamates to do more damage or increasing their critical chances or make them harder to hit and such.
PS- An estimated time of release would be a big bonus. Nothing precise, just as long as its within a decade!
Awsome. That makes me want to play the game even more so.
This item dropped in Beta Weekend 2. So they are on their way towards the Scourge Warlock.
Archer Ranger
Scourge Warlock
Added soon after launch:
Brawny Rogue
Battle Cleric
Likely coming after the above classes:
Avenging Paladin
Guardian Druid
Classes I personally hope to see A.S.A.P:
Shielding Swordmage
Valorous Bard
Which makes no sense, because they already have an agile duelwieldy type. If they're gonna add some kind of melee nature dude it might as well be a druid of some type. Or a nature archer, a melee only ranger just sounds redundant.
Yeah its drop for quite a few people , thats good because I want to try that class.
Besides I think the list is going to be be something like this: Warlock, Ranger , Paladin , Druid/Bard etc...
Well , they can make a combination of an earth and plant based caster rather than the shapeshifter thing which is actually a class by itself.
It seems each class they add is being designed around a single weapon archetype: You can even see all the Hexers and Archers in the game as enemies. So I don't see a class doubling up on swords before they add a Bow class.
Control Wizard: Orb
Archer Ranger: Bow
Guardian Fighter: One handed Weapon
Great Weapon Fighter: Two handed weapon
Trickster Rogue: Daggers
Scourge Warlock: Staff
Devoted Cleric: Symbol
Brawny Rogue: ??? (Maybe Club?)
We might see some interesting things in classes added after lauch. Maybe their first Paladin class will use a Spear. Maybe their first druid class will use a sling.
I know you're probably being factious but in D&D4, warlocks use rods/wands, druids use staves/totems, and paladins use holy symbol as their implements. All also have weapons that they use. Chances are good that the warlock in this game will use a wand, the druid will use a staff, and the paladin will use a sword like the guardian fighter.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
So far:
Guardian Fighter -> like it very much as it is at the moment. They could increase the threat or reduce the timer on the AoE taunt.
Great Weapon Fighter -> hope this one is fun, I see lots of deflection on the items which sounds good.
Warlock -> hope this is some sneaky mix of dark magic and meele class.
How is that a proof? I am not asking where you got it, but remember that the icons for the classes when the game was first launched were all wrong. Many of us tried to guess using wanmei site to guess the classes but failed as icons just don't correspond to classes.
However, it was already confirmed that ranger will not be at launch so unless something changes bigtime, you will not see them at launch.
I do remember some post somewhere saying that melee ranger was in the works when Rusty was revealed. Now I am getting old so my memory may be playing tricks with me and failing but usually it works marvelously ( ) .
However, the icons in the game files which were decoded said "scourge warlock" and "archer ranger". That confused me.
But the point is, whichever ranger it is, it will not be at launch. They are trying to get it in Expansion #1 which is already in the works (as pointed in the media release some time back). So expansion will be coming soon - but the two classes won't be in at launch. At launch you will have four classes with five builds.
p.s. If it is indeed the archer ranger and not melee ranger then it is not truthseeker's fault but the fault of my memory as I was the one to convince him I read it from a dev post. I am beginning to doubt I was wrong but I am still quite convinced I did read it. Otherwise I apologize.
And since there seems to be some confusion about it. Without getting into the PhB2, and 3 classes here's what each class is classified as
Leader: Cleric/Warlord
Defender: Fighter/Paladin
Controller: Wizard
Striker: Rogue/Ranger/Warlock with three Melee, and Ranged Builds spread among the two classes. Rogue is a Melee class in both builds but Trickster has a quite a few ranged skills, Ranger has a Melee or Ranged Variation, and Warlock is ranged.
Absolutely (but I'm not so concerned with Warforged. Goliath on the other hand...). Unleash the Rage Stikes!!!
Would hate to roll a different class at launch, only to redo all my work when the class is released.
Bear with me a moment, but doesn't it seem a bit incongruous to have a *CONSTRUCT* Barbarian?
i am curious why you say the rogue is a dissapointment, i have played a rogue in many games and this is the first time i have liked the adaption
http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?51991-Class-builds-from-4e this is just a list of possible classes, and not even all, but you get an idea.