greeting Zebular i would like to know if we will get to keep ower guys from the beta test with ower founders packs or will we have them wiped afyer beta be for the F2P starts
so those why subscribed for beta in the beginning before any of these promotions get last go eh?
thats pretty low, we aren't even on the list at this point.
i clicked for beta the week it was announced.
i waited this long only to find out that dont mean anything to the devs and only paying customers are respected, look forward to see how much you restrict free players.
Personally I have no problem with a closed beta for those who are willing to step-up ahead of time and put a personal stamp on this.
Something for nothing?....that is not realistic... it will be those of us who put down some $$ regularly each month that pay for your fun...
If someone cannot afford to play for a month here and there would be ideal.
But to wait, and wait...and not be willing to drop even the $20 for the lowest pack to get in early... Not my style that is for sure...
I was kinda hoping that I would be able to 'Founder' title my original Beta toon... If we're talking about 'fair'.. That seems fair to me....considering real life $$ has been dropped.
Personally I have no problem with a closed beta for those who are willing to step-up ahead of time and put a personal stamp on this.
Something for nothing?....that is not realistic... it will be those of us who put down some $$ regularly each month that pay for your fun...
If someone cannot afford to play for a month here and there would be ideal.
But to wait, and wait...and not be willing to drop even the $20 for the lowest pack to get in early... Not my style that is for sure...
I was kinda hoping that I would be able to 'Founder' title my original Beta toon... If we're talking about 'fair'.. That seems fair to me....considering real life $$ has been dropped.
what part of F2P do u not understand ok so what if there asking for money to become a founder ok if u don't have the money to bad some do and some don't have the money to get a founder pack and plus u are upset for other people haveing money to buy it and play earily to me it sound like u are a 5 year old child and are jelous of other people so pls try and grow up a lil bit be for u come and play with the big boy players ROFL! and i'll be free 2 play like the others who didn't get a beta key or a founder pack but i'm not crying about it !
Can someone tell me if my PAX key will ever be activated for the closed beta? Have had it on my account for almost a year now.
(I realize we still do not know the answer to this question I am just kidding around and still patiently waiting for an answer)
here u go hopes this helps
Neverwinter Beta Weekend details - Read this first!
UPDATE: Please note that this is not the final list and is a work-in-progress. We're still evaluating our Beta Weekend plans and making sure that everyone has a fair chance to join us in Neverwinter Beta. A more final and complete list will be available once our plans are finalized. Thank you for understanding.
Greetings! Here is information on who will get access to our three Beta Weekends. We'll be updating this thread often so check back here for the latest information:
Beta Weekend 1 - February 8-10:
• Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
• Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
• Hero of the North Friend Key
Beta Weekend 2 - March 8-10
• Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
• Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
• Hero of the North Friend Key
• Torchlight 2 pre-orders
• RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
• Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
Beta Weekend 3 - March 22-24
• Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
• Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
• Hero of the North Friend Key
• Torchlight 2 pre-orders
• RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
• Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
Other Beta participants - Information to be revealed
• PC Gamer promotional keys.
• PAX / GenCon / Keys from game conventions and events.
• Community Beta key giveaways through Facebook and Twitter.
• Promotional Beta keys on partner sites.
• And more!
darkstorn42Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
Yea, thanks darkwolf, I can read the OP. Check the bottom;
Other Beta participants - Information to be revealed
• PC Gamer promotional keys. • PAX / GenCon / Keys from game conventions and events.
• Community Beta key giveaways through Facebook and Twitter.
• Promotional Beta keys on partner sites.
• And more!
All I can do is wait, and when they activate my key for the open beta I will be all excited and everything ......
Thank you for your enthusiasm.
coveyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited March 2013
It would be nice if those that sprung for the cheapest pack could get in during that last event as well.
legaelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
Just wish Cryptic/PWI would get their act together and put all the eligible beta keys in one of the categories so we know if we are going to get in beta or not with our inactive beta keys.
I have a PC Gamer key redeemed on this site and I still have no idea if I'm going to be getting in next weekend or not.
Just wish Cryptic/PWI would get their act together and put all the eligible beta keys in one of the categories so we know if we are going to get in beta or not with our inactive beta keys.
I have a PC Gamer key redeemed on this site and I still have no idea if I'm going to be getting in next weekend or not.
Yea I have the Pc gamer key also. It said originally we were supposed to get in 2nd beta, then they erased that and put it at bottom saying they don't know when.
The more they wait they just lose more customers because we will be playing other games that come out and that are giving beta access.
so those why subscribed for beta in the beginning before any of these promotions get last go eh?
thats pretty low, we aren't even on the list at this point.
i clicked for beta the week it was announced.
i waited this long only to find out that dont mean anything to the devs and only paying customers are respected, look forward to see how much you restrict free players.
Guess what, Okottekoneko, that's reality. If you walk in to a caf'e or a resturaunt, they expect you to pay otherwise they don't care much to have you there. If this bothers you so much, then dont pay, it's very simple.
There's a quote I came up with that relates almost all human action in this world, "If you're not earning something from someone or or an object, then don't expect them to care about you because they wont."
sure is allot of pay to play elements in this supposed free to play game, don't get me wrong if this game was a normal purchased game i would indeed pay money for it, but its big selling point is that it is free to play not pay for a go at bug testing it, hell professional bug testers make that sort of money a day.
There's a quote I came up with that relates almost all human action in this world, "If you're not earning something from someone or or an object, then don't expect them to care about you because they wont."
Unless you're in the US, then it's "If you're not earning from someone or or an object, then sit back and the government will provide for you by taking money from everyone else."
I have tried to play completely free in other F2P's... It is extreamly difficult to
I assume the C-Store will be no different... There will always be something to throw some real life $$ towards..
Either way Dev's and Exec's need to be paid a salary.... shareholders need a return on investment...
and we need to pay for it...1 way or another...
if we execpt this concept then hopfully this won't let us down like SWTOR did
Just say' all ..;)
P.S> If the PvP is anything like SWTOR .. then it will be off the hook fun.....
I'm still confused as to how we get a beta key and where to download the game and such. I saw the original post and know what weekend I can play, but have no key, no download.
Nice! Another DragonLance reader!
Completely separate from Forgotten Realms (which I've never read) - but in BW1 I played Tasslehoff the Halfling! - I don't expect to see a lot of Raistlins , Caramons, Laurana (Lauralanthalasa) or Sturm, Par-Salian or Fizban, hahahah. (And never forget Tanis!)
Dragonlancers should be pretty safe from 1) moaning and groaning that it's not lore and 2) doppelgangers.
Though I'm guessing there aren't any "Draconians" in Forgotten Realms. ~shrugs~
Hmmm... Tika the 2-H um... frying pan fighter, lol. WHAMMO! I expect that lizardmen are found somewhere in every D&D world. They may not be called draconians, but... I'd fogotten about Fizban... I think I may have outgrown Raistlin now... hmmm... Fizban... needs consideration. What was that girl's name, the one that was actually a dragon? I'll have to get out my books... Oh man, I thought I'd decided on a name.
When the going gets tough, the tough get a trusty longsword and get to work!
so those why subscribed for beta in the beginning before any of these promotions get last go eh?
thats pretty low, we aren't even on the list at this point.
i clicked for beta the week it was announced.
i waited this long only to find out that dont mean anything to the devs and only paying customers are respected, look forward to see how much you restrict free players.
I wonder when will the CO and STO keys being mailed out for lifers? I'm downloading the client now but hoping I get to do the beta this weekend still...
kronos6913Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited March 2013
u should reveal the info on the PC gamer beta and ect.
I wonder when will the CO and STO keys being mailed out for lifers? I'm downloading the client now but hoping I get to do the beta this weekend still...
Current word is STO/CO lifers get automatic access (no key required) and should receive an email before Friday (I'll wager: Thursday night around midnight) LOL
I updated the first post because I forgot to mention Hero of the North Friend Keys. If you did not use yours from Beta Weekend One, you are absolutely welcome to join us this weekend, March 8-10, for Beta Weekend Two. Remember, the key is only good for one Beta Weekend so choose wisely!
We'll reveal more information on who else is eligible this Friday very soon. Remove all doubt with a Neverwinter Founder's Pack today!
Personally I have no problem with a closed beta for those who are willing to step-up ahead of time and put a personal stamp on this.
Something for nothing?....that is not realistic... it will be those of us who put down some $$ regularly each month that pay for your fun...
If someone cannot afford to play for a month here and there would be ideal.
But to wait, and wait...and not be willing to drop even the $20 for the lowest pack to get in early... Not my style that is for sure...
I was kinda hoping that I would be able to 'Founder' title my original Beta toon... If we're talking about 'fair'.. That seems fair to me....considering real life $$ has been dropped.
Thankyou and see you in game....(someday)..
no ones going to just give u a beta key ok and most founders have friends that they want to play with them so pls stop asking for a beta key!
(I realize we still do not know the answer to this question I am just kidding around and still patiently waiting for an answer)
here u go hopes this helps
Neverwinter Beta Weekend details - Read this first!
UPDATE: Please note that this is not the final list and is a work-in-progress. We're still evaluating our Beta Weekend plans and making sure that everyone has a fair chance to join us in Neverwinter Beta. A more final and complete list will be available once our plans are finalized. Thank you for understanding.
Greetings! Here is information on who will get access to our three Beta Weekends. We'll be updating this thread often so check back here for the latest information:
Beta Weekend 1 - February 8-10:
• Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
• Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
• Hero of the North Friend Key
Beta Weekend 2 - March 8-10
• Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
• Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
• Hero of the North Friend Key
• Torchlight 2 pre-orders
• RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
• Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
Beta Weekend 3 - March 22-24
• Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers
• Guardian of Neverwinter purchasers
• Hero of the North Friend Key
• Torchlight 2 pre-orders
• RaiderZ Elite Pack purchasers
• Lifetime members of Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
Other Beta participants - Information to be revealed
• PC Gamer promotional keys.
• PAX / GenCon / Keys from game conventions and events.
• Community Beta key giveaways through Facebook and Twitter.
• Promotional Beta keys on partner sites.
• And more!
Other Beta participants - Information to be revealed
• PC Gamer promotional keys.
• PAX / GenCon / Keys from game conventions and events.
• Community Beta key giveaways through Facebook and Twitter.
• Promotional Beta keys on partner sites.
• And more!
All I can do is wait, and when they activate my key for the open beta I will be all excited and everything ......
Thank you for your enthusiasm.
I have a PC Gamer key redeemed on this site and I still have no idea if I'm going to be getting in next weekend or not.
Yea I have the Pc gamer key also. It said originally we were supposed to get in 2nd beta, then they erased that and put it at bottom saying they don't know when.
The more they wait they just lose more customers because we will be playing other games that come out and that are giving beta access.
Guess what, Okottekoneko, that's reality. If you walk in to a caf'e or a resturaunt, they expect you to pay otherwise they don't care much to have you there. If this bothers you so much, then dont pay, it's very simple.
There's a quote I came up with that relates almost all human action in this world, "If you're not earning something from someone or or an object, then don't expect them to care about you because they wont."
Unless you're in the US, then it's "If you're not earning from someone or or an object, then sit back and the government will provide for you by taking money from everyone else."
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I assume the C-Store will be no different... There will always be something to throw some real life $$ towards..
Either way Dev's and Exec's need to be paid a salary.... shareholders need a return on investment...
and we need to pay for it...1 way or another...
if we execpt this concept then hopfully this won't let us down like SWTOR did
Just say' all ..;)
P.S> If the PvP is anything like SWTOR .. then it will be off the hook fun.....
Hmmm... Tika the 2-H um... frying pan fighter, lol. WHAMMO! I expect that lizardmen are found somewhere in every D&D world. They may not be called draconians, but...
When the going gets tough, the tough get a trusty longsword and get to work!
As it should be.....
totally agree
I agree too, along with the PAX codes, just everyone you haven't decided on, just decide.... please.
Current word is STO/CO lifers get automatic access (no key required) and should receive an email before Friday (I'll wager: Thursday night around midnight) LOL
We'll reveal more information on who else is eligible this Friday very soon. Remove all doubt with a Neverwinter Founder's Pack today!