I want Statues in thery should be one Honoring the Truthseeker and another Honoring Andre for all the selfless hardwork they have done to keep these forums orderly.(Truthseeker was doing this before he was a moderator.) We really should thank them guys.
#1. The majority of content not forcing you to be in a group
#2. Player scaling up & down so that you can play with friends
#3. A well thought out, heavily tested and prioritized, user friendly, customizable User Interface
#4. Dragons, Trolls, Mephits, Owlbears, Golems & Some of the more weird monsters
#5. A character bio that can be accessed by other people, such as City of Heroes had, where you could functionally click on someone and read their self made background/history. If this could also incorperate their personal story/adventures like in GW2 that would be awesome.
#6. A monster manual, adventure manual, or what ever you want to call it. A in game resource like Warhammer AoR had that updated as you got to new zones, killed new monsters, and in general made achievement unlocks feel far more immersive.
#7. Moderators and Devs who put forth effort and personal involvement with the game creation and management...and for them to not just disappear once the game is out.
Yep you summed it up perfectly for me, totally agree and that is the gist that I got from the Neverwinter Dev at Gencon.... I got the distinct impression that even on the delves you could grab a buddy and hire a few henchman to round it out if you wanted to.
1. No! Best items from Raid raah! Yes you can get to level 60 without group, but to have best items you
A. Do Raid!
The Raid paradigm is dying to dead; emergent game play that any play style can accomplish was all the buzz at the last few GDC's....Ken Rolston gave a phenomenal presentation about how the vast majority of players no longer give two figs about epic purples especially when they can get gear to do the job and they can make that gear look cool via customization.
Colin Johanson of Arenanet even said that they are finding that if they put this special item that has a lot of prequistes to obtain more and more people simply aren't bothering nor do they really care if someone else is strutting around town with it....so it's not cost effective to make this elaborate event that hardly anyone is going to bother with.
Neverwinter will have five man groups that anyone can hop into a queue and participate even if the very best gear is in dungeon delves it isn't going to be any great shakes to get as long as your'e queued with a decent group.
Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
i dont think anyone cares about a character bio unless its a persistant sand box mmo...and freedom to do anything you want? neverwinter will be a theme park with a focus on quests/instances, so after your through with the main campaign (if there is such a thing) you will move from user generated quest to quest...so it will rather be like a team based action game with random scenarios...if you want complete freedom you need to look into a sandbox game...
i rather want them to focus on the core functionalities and make the combat fast, fun and accessible and then throw out the beta asap, the sooner we get into the beta the sooner we can improve the game. i hate pure marketing betas that serve you a complete products - this might be easier for devs and more appealing for players, but mostly it backfires with players soon leaving cause the product doesnt meet their expectations
i dont think anyone cares about a character bio unless its a persistant sand box mmo...and freedom to do anything you want? neverwinter will be a theme park with a focus on quests/instances, so after your through with the main campaign (if there is such a thing) you will move from user generated quest to quest...so it will rather be like a team based action game with random scenarios...if you want complete freedom you need to look into a sandbox game...
i rather want them to focus on the core functionalities and make the combat fast, fun and accessible and then throw out the beta asap, the sooner we get into the beta the sooner we can improve the game. i hate pure marketing betas that serve you a complete products - this might be easier for devs and more appealing for players, but mostly it backfires with players soon leaving cause the product doesnt meet their expectations
This product isn't going to meet a lot of peoples expectations that is a given, some people want a literal translation of D&D.....this won't be that, others want a virtual unscripted world that they can step into; this won't be that either.
People are going to teeth gnash and call cryptic derogatory names and rage quit others are going to hang around and spend most of their time complaining and predicting the game will close any day now (despite the server being constantly full ) just like the handful of folks over at CO and STO It's all academic at this point.
i dont think anyone cares about a character bio unless its a persistant sand box mmo...
Actually when I played DDO back in times, I often used to get PMs and friend requests from others just because they read my Bio and found it very interesting. There was a blog for every player and some also tried to convince me to write the rest of the story on it. However I hated Eberron so I never really carried that out. But I know some people whose bio and blogs based on their own bios made them very famous. There was this barbarian - Kargon his bio was so famous that an in game item was named after it. I think it was ham perhaps...
So do not underestimate a good bio or you may find yourself rolling on the floor laughing if you read a good one unaware.
Actually when I played DDO back in times, I often used to get PMs and friend requests from others just because they read my Bio and found it very interesting.
This happened all the time to me. I believe that adding a bio gives a connection to the world, even if you have to alter a few things to make it fit. For example, my PnP rogue/seer that I re-created in DDO (and hopefully here) is a githzerai, but I changed his race to elf. He was still the same character: same outlook, same goals, mostly looked the same minus the snakelike nostrils, yellow-tinted skin, flat nose and claws of the gith.
Endure. In enduring, grow strong - Dak'kon the Pariah, Planescape: Torment
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
i think its pretty simple regarding "action" oriented (meaning non target lock non tab target mmo's)
if you want sandbox, absolute freedom, open world, hardcore pvp and open loot ---> darkfall uw
if you want cooperative pve group combat within an established universe with quests/characters ---> neverwinter
thats why i will probably play both...IF they EVER release...god damn it, i took 2 weeks off over christmas ONLY for the reason to enjoy these 2 games meeeeeeee
@chaotic - i think ddo attracts a different player type, the more "hardcore" d&d player, then neverwinter does which attracts the more casual action player but well see...if it is going to shape into a REAL mmo with a persistant world and longtime character development, yes i will write my bio and read others...but from what ive seen it doesnt look that way
I'm pretty sure they'll do something with every class to keep it interesting, having learned the do's and don'ts of other mmos. It doesn't seem that the hardcore d&d fans are expecting much from this game though, but I hope we are all in for a surprise.
I'm pretty sure they'll do something with every class to keep it interesting, having learned the do's and don'ts of other mmos. It doesn't seem that the hardcore d&d fans are expecting much from this game though, but I hope we are all in for a surprise.
umm... I would count myself as a hardcore. So I would most of the people I have interacted with - Qumi, truth, evilhemmes(ryvvik), most people at tyr(actually all of them I think), zebular, ambisinister, theLadyofPain(aavarius), theLolthLover, theSharLover, shewolfchampionsomething, <<Very sorry to forget many names>> ---- I would say it attracts very hardcore crowd already.
Actually DDO never had many hardcore (before beta) D&D fans because Eberron is a huge turn-off for most of us.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This happened all the time to me. I believe that adding a bio gives a connection to the world, even if you have to alter a few things to make it fit. For example, my PnP rogue/seer that I re-created in DDO (and hopefully here) is a githzerai, but I changed his race to elf. He was still the same character: same outlook, same goals, mostly looked the same minus the snakelike nostrils, yellow-tinted skin, flat nose and claws of the gith.
I *know* why you prefer them.
Going to tabletop for the moment, the Githzerai was a playable race since the Player's Handbook III in Fourth Edition, and the Githyanki was a Monster with playable stats around the time I think they released the Manual of the Planes for the Fourth Edition.
I'd love to see one or both in Neverwinter! Preferably when they release the monk class
Oh and as per above, I am a hardcore D&D player but also do appreciate Eberron. DDO not as much since all their changes.
Delves will be the top content at the moment, that is a 5 (possibly harder, and need 5 players, healer /tank best but possibly doable with other set ups if skilled) man dungeon.
That said 10 man dungeons would be ok by me too, but I would not want to see more.
Also there might be events which 5 or more players might be in at a time. Like defend the castle from attackers (undead?) and so on.
This sounds acceptable. When I said raid I did not mean 40+ people. From WOW also my favorite raid group is rather 10 people. However raid 10 people feel more acceptable in two ways:
A. More easy to get a group and not huge problems with people are much on AFK.
B. System requirements.
So yeah maybe 10 people raid would be the perfect solution. Somebody complained on WOW? WOW is the best MMO game that I have ever played. Eventually I got bored on it after 3.5 years. On Guild Wars 2 I got bored and annoyed in less then 3 months! The only great thing about GW2 is PvP the Mist(huge battles with up to 2000 players), but that is a slideshow with my modern budget laptop from 2012.
No ridiculous GW2 loot policy where you max your character in less then 2 weeks. I don't say WOW is paradise either, but I would be satisified if you play 40 hours/week then it would take many months to maximize your character in Neverwinter. That would be acceptable and I plan to roll many characters.
Finally while focus is on PvE I do hope this game supports Capture The Flag gaming mode in PvP.
No ridiculous GW2 loot policy where you max your character in less then 2 weeks. I don't say WOW is paradise either, but I would be satisified if you play 40 hours/week then it would take many months to maximize your character in Neverwinter. That would be acceptable and I plan to roll many characters.
I've been wondering about this actually. Have they mentioned how long it should take to reach L60? (Or is max L50?). My earlier games, Drakkar and UO took years to reach the upper levels, so I tend to favor more difficult games. Many nowadays want to reach max in 2 weeks, and sadly, dev's are listening to them.
So I wonder how Cryptic will handle leveling and exp gain?
I've been wondering about this actually. Have they mentioned how long it should take to reach L60? (Or is max L50?). My earlier games, Drakkar and UO took years to reach the upper levels, so I tend to favor more difficult games. Many nowadays want to reach max in 2 weeks, and sadly, dev's are listening to them.
So I wonder how Cryptic will handle leveling and exp gain?
Rule 1: Any modern MMO can be capped in two weeks.
Rule 2: If there is an MMO which cannot be capped in two weeks, it can be capped in 336 playtime hours, but people will hate it for the downtime.
Rule 3: There is no rule 3.
EDIT: This is what the SWTOR debacle taught us.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I've been wondering about this actually. Have they mentioned how long it should take to reach L60? (Or is max L50?). My earlier games, Drakkar and UO took years to reach the upper levels, so I tend to favor more difficult games. Many nowadays want to reach max in 2 weeks, and sadly, dev's are listening to them.
So I wonder how Cryptic will handle leveling and exp gain?
Well my best guess this game is not so casual carebear as Guild Wars 2, but less hardcore then WOW(that is endless gear mill you never max your character they always release next tier of gear).
The old way to consider is that capped is max level. That was really early days like Everquest. The modern way you are capped when you are max level and have best gear.
Anyway 2 weeks lol no no if I play 40 hours/week then a possible bet it would take many months. However truth is we don't know how much/fast is the exp gain. We do know that there are random loot drops and an Auction House. I also know ZEN can be collected. That said we do not know how casual or hardcore Neverwinter is regarding exp gain and loot policy.
If you are used to Everquest style many years then I recommend to roll many characters and sum their capping time together. I hope you can get years that way.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm hoping that at least the Foundry will give us the tools to make content suited for a mature audience if the developers do not.
Succubus is the central part of the game- haven't you checked out lore of Helm's Hold? Rohini is a succubus who has a charmed green dragon in her basement.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
Succubus is the central part of the game- haven't you checked out lore of Helm's Hold? Rohini is a succubus who has a charmed green dragon in her basement.
Oh I don't necessarily have a fascination or fixture on Succubus. "Mature content" means a lot more to me than just revealing clothing. To me it would more be about morally ambiguous quests, tough decisions, controversial issues, that sort of thing.
Here's a really good example of a great action MMO developed for a mature audience. Not afraid to show off a succubus, not afraid to put a little gore in their game.
YES i would like a Zaratan pls either pet or home i let u pick id be happy either way!!!
negoshakMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited December 2012
Well i would like to see some npc: mobs that actually think or gives the immersion of thinking lets in away like
1. you attack a group of 2 mobs and there is a few mobs near the area of combat that gets drawn in , so it would look like that the sound of battle draws them in
2. you attack a mob that seems to be alone and he yells out triggering some hidden mobs nearby to his aid
3.Mobs that patrol around
i hate when the npc:s just stand still waiting to be harvested or killed, i want to actually see some npc:s patrolling areas and attacking you if they notice you and call for adds or flee to get help if they are badly wounded or something i mean nothing makes a game more dull than the npc:s that just stand in a group waiting for you to walk close enough to there aggro range and kill them.
3.Mobs that patrol around
i hate when the npc:s just stand still waiting to be harvested or killed, i want to actually see some npc:s patrolling areas and attacking you if they notice you and call for adds or flee to get help if they are badly wounded or something i mean nothing makes a game more dull than the npc:s that just stand in a group waiting for you to walk close enough to there aggro range and kill them.
In one of the turtorials, they showed how you can set up patrol points for mobs in the foundry.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited December 2012
Oh man, I really hope mobs in this game have decent AI. That's another immersion breaker for me. Another thing is that terrible AI makes stealth very unfun; that will be the determining factor in whether I play a rogue or not. I love good stealth games, but I hate trying to play a stealthy character in a game that doesn't implement it well.
Oh man, I really hope mobs in this game have decent AI. That's another immersion breaker for me. Another thing is that terrible AI makes stealth very unfun; that will be the determining factor in whether I play a rogue or not. I love good stealth games, but I hate trying to play a stealthy character in a game that doesn't implement it well.
LOL i can already hear the cry's of whining over how rouges slaughter people in pvp stealth is to powerful! on and on
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
LOL i can already hear the cry's of whining over how rouges slaughter people in pvp stealth is to powerful! on and on
I'm wondering how that will be handled, especially because last I heard they weren't implementing skill checks (like listen and spot).
Anyways I like to play divines, mostly healing and anti-undead spec Clerics and Paladins. Nothing more rewarding than slaughtering some criminal scum PC who thought he could prey on the weak in the town I protect
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
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Freedom to do anything, anyway you want.
This isn't Dawn :P we have actual videos of the game so we know it isn't vaporware!
Yep you summed it up perfectly for me, totally agree and that is the gist that I got from the Neverwinter Dev at Gencon.... I got the distinct impression that even on the delves you could grab a buddy and hire a few henchman to round it out if you wanted to.
The Raid paradigm is dying to dead; emergent game play that any play style can accomplish was all the buzz at the last few GDC's....Ken Rolston gave a phenomenal presentation about how the vast majority of players no longer give two figs about epic purples especially when they can get gear to do the job and they can make that gear look cool via customization.
Colin Johanson of Arenanet even said that they are finding that if they put this special item that has a lot of prequistes to obtain more and more people simply aren't bothering nor do they really care if someone else is strutting around town with it....so it's not cost effective to make this elaborate event that hardly anyone is going to bother with.
Neverwinter will have five man groups that anyone can hop into a queue and participate even if the very best gear is in dungeon delves it isn't going to be any great shakes to get as long as your'e queued with a decent group.
i rather want them to focus on the core functionalities and make the combat fast, fun and accessible and then throw out the beta asap, the sooner we get into the beta the sooner we can improve the game. i hate pure marketing betas that serve you a complete products - this might be easier for devs and more appealing for players, but mostly it backfires with players soon leaving cause the product doesnt meet their expectations
This product isn't going to meet a lot of peoples expectations that is a given, some people want a literal translation of D&D.....this won't be that, others want a virtual unscripted world that they can step into; this won't be that either.
People are going to teeth gnash and call cryptic derogatory names and rage quit others are going to hang around and spend most of their time complaining and predicting the game will close any day now (despite the server being constantly full ) just like the handful of folks over at CO and STO It's all academic at this point.
My cheery Christmas thoughts for the morning.
So do not underestimate a good bio or you may find yourself rolling on the floor laughing if you read a good one unaware.
This happened all the time to me. I believe that adding a bio gives a connection to the world, even if you have to alter a few things to make it fit. For example, my PnP rogue/seer that I re-created in DDO (and hopefully here) is a githzerai, but I changed his race to elf. He was still the same character: same outlook, same goals, mostly looked the same minus the snakelike nostrils, yellow-tinted skin, flat nose and claws of the gith.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
if you want sandbox, absolute freedom, open world, hardcore pvp and open loot ---> darkfall uw
if you want cooperative pve group combat within an established universe with quests/characters ---> neverwinter
thats why i will probably play both...IF they EVER release...god damn it, i took 2 weeks off over christmas ONLY for the reason to enjoy these 2 games meeeeeeee
@chaotic - i think ddo attracts a different player type, the more "hardcore" d&d player, then neverwinter does which attracts the more casual action player but well see...if it is going to shape into a REAL mmo with a persistant world and longtime character development, yes i will write my bio and read others...but from what ive seen it doesnt look that way
Actually DDO never had many hardcore (before beta) D&D fans because Eberron is a huge turn-off for most of us.
I *know* why you prefer them.
Going to tabletop for the moment, the Githzerai was a playable race since the Player's Handbook III in Fourth Edition, and the Githyanki was a Monster with playable stats around the time I think they released the Manual of the Planes for the Fourth Edition.
I'd love to see one or both in Neverwinter! Preferably when they release the monk class
Oh and as per above, I am a hardcore D&D player but also do appreciate Eberron. DDO not as much since all their changes.
A. More easy to get a group and not huge problems with people are much on AFK.
B. System requirements.
So yeah maybe 10 people raid would be the perfect solution. Somebody complained on WOW? WOW is the best MMO game that I have ever played. Eventually I got bored on it after 3.5 years. On Guild Wars 2 I got bored and annoyed in less then 3 months! The only great thing about GW2 is PvP the Mist(huge battles with up to 2000 players), but that is a slideshow with my modern budget laptop from 2012.
No ridiculous GW2 loot policy where you max your character in less then 2 weeks. I don't say WOW is paradise either, but I would be satisified if you play 40 hours/week then it would take many months to maximize your character in Neverwinter. That would be acceptable and I plan to roll many characters.
Finally while focus is on PvE I do hope this game supports Capture The Flag gaming mode in PvP.
I've been wondering about this actually. Have they mentioned how long it should take to reach L60? (Or is max L50?). My earlier games, Drakkar and UO took years to reach the upper levels, so I tend to favor more difficult games. Many nowadays want to reach max in 2 weeks, and sadly, dev's are listening to them.
So I wonder how Cryptic will handle leveling and exp gain?
Rule 1: Any modern MMO can be capped in two weeks.
Rule 2: If there is an MMO which cannot be capped in two weeks, it can be capped in 336 playtime hours, but people will hate it for the downtime.
Rule 3: There is no rule 3.
EDIT: This is what the SWTOR debacle taught us.
The old way to consider is that capped is max level. That was really early days like Everquest. The modern way you are capped when you are max level and have best gear.
Anyway 2 weeks lol no no if I play 40 hours/week then a possible bet it would take many months. However truth is we don't know how much/fast is the exp gain. We do know that there are random loot drops and an Auction House. I also know ZEN can be collected. That said we do not know how casual or hardcore Neverwinter is regarding exp gain and loot policy.
If you are used to Everquest style many years then I recommend to roll many characters and sum their capping time together. I hope you can get years that way.
I'm hoping that at least the Foundry will give us the tools to make content suited for a mature audience if the developers do not.
Succubus is the central part of the game- haven't you checked out lore of Helm's Hold? Rohini is a succubus who has a charmed green dragon in her basement.
Oh I don't necessarily have a fascination or fixture on Succubus. "Mature content" means a lot more to me than just revealing clothing. To me it would more be about morally ambiguous quests, tough decisions, controversial issues, that sort of thing.
But eh... about succubus...
Here's a really good example of a great action MMO developed for a mature audience. Not afraid to show off a succubus, not afraid to put a little gore in their game.
Its DDO so graphics are kind of previous genration though.
Although I agree that that particular succubus looks a little bit "too" human for my tastes. Dungeons and Dragons succubus are more demonic.
It could be an Illusion spell
1. you attack a group of 2 mobs and there is a few mobs near the area of combat that gets drawn in , so it would look like that the sound of battle draws them in
2. you attack a mob that seems to be alone and he yells out triggering some hidden mobs nearby to his aid
3.Mobs that patrol around
i hate when the npc:s just stand still waiting to be harvested or killed, i want to actually see some npc:s patrolling areas and attacking you if they notice you and call for adds or flee to get help if they are badly wounded or something i mean nothing makes a game more dull than the npc:s that just stand in a group waiting for you to walk close enough to there aggro range and kill them.
In one of the turtorials, they showed how you can set up patrol points for mobs in the foundry.
LOL i can already hear the cry's of whining over how rouges slaughter people in pvp
I'm wondering how that will be handled, especially because last I heard they weren't implementing skill checks (like listen and spot).
Anyways I like to play divines, mostly healing and anti-undead spec Clerics and Paladins. Nothing more rewarding than slaughtering some criminal scum PC who thought he could prey on the weak in the town I protect
When the Moon is shining, nobody can hide from a Selunite cleric.
Thanks for pointing me to some interesting reading