Ok. With so many ideas flowing around, so that they are not lost, lets use this thread to link.
This is not just for developers, for users too before they start a discussion please see if it has been discussed before.Ideas belong to users and community, not me. I am just collecting because it got confusing with all the ideas.
No idea is stupid (if it has support of community)
Let me know if I miss anything. Here is a collection of links:-
Class: RolePlay
1- Theft
Idea: Theft of players w/o introducing grieving
a -
XP theft
b -
Theft with PvP option
Idea: Theft of monsters
Looting from monsters
Monsters don't grieve so loot even more
2- Movement
Make players walk inside buildings/ or have
optional walk keyMore than one running speed
Flying mounts if implemented should be rare
Mario like jumping (Yes/no is opinion)
Ambient sounds,
sound based on armor of clunk-metal plate - muted thud => based on terrain
Resting with chance encounter,
Take off armor b4 resting; eating and drinking
3rd last phara.
Quest journal as in witcher 2
Romance and love points, and
LOL romancing mounts?
Voice depth slider.
Dynamic encounters
Class: Technical/Computer Graphics related
Client development for *IX based system - open development possible?
Character screen animations
Modest characters w/o 'normal' build Also check Game mechanics 16.
Complete Darkness
Overland Map of Faerun for foundry quests
Recognisable gear
7 -
Dwarven Beards
Class: Foundry
1- Random traps :
old /
Temporary powers
Semi-random quests;
Changing quests with character sheet
Season tilesets with flags
Library to launch adventures
Class: Social/PvP
1- Andre
thread of PvP poll.
2- Guild/
Faction idea,
old idea
Villian/side faction
Guild housing,
Guild wars and quests
Events Roster,
statue of players in instances
6 - Character anonymity
How? ,
7 -
Mercenary Inns with real players Last phara
8 -
Family Tree
Class: Tavern
b- Short fun games
Game in game
Table-top RP game
Player generated music (like LOTRO)
Social games
Class: Game Mechanics
Ability drain/
death penalty old | (new)
Underworld Game
2- Crafting
crafting should be optional minigame
durability should be affected by minigame, not magical properties.
Minigame example
twinking - this idea of level down was in foundry content thread too
DM in foundry w/o exploiting
hirelings/NPC companions
No starter lvl boost
Reputation systempostcount=30
Unmapped dungeons
9- Player driven economy/Real life mechanics => Big debate with lots of opinions so lets drop it with just the titles
10- Bloodthirsty weapons,
2nd last phara
Dungeon Narration
12- Themes:-
Initial idea,
Added ideas
13- Rituals:-
implementation w/ cooldowns,
more types
14 - Combat
Push/pull with weapons
15 -
Racial variants and subraces;
Using customisation for custom sub-race
16 - Character appearance:
size scaling with strength Also check technical CG related - Modest builds.
17 -
Underwater adventures in true three dimension sense
18 -
Alive world
19 -
Combos based on roles - less lag that way
Feel free to discuss anything beyond this first post. Lets keep first post organized, rest can be used as unorganised discussion, which I will sort and organise it in first post.
Ideas are bulletproof
Its regarding using weapons,
e.g. u use particular weapon and that weapon has an ability to push someone away(like polearm) and then it opens up a special attack or a special combo (like attacking the legs) which when performed makes the user prone.
It makes a good realistic sense for weapon users imo.
Thanks :-)
Was a lot of work as all the links were... well they were gone. So I had to relink them. The text I was able to copy paste.
Didn't want all the ideas to get lost in archives. Some of them are really good ones, but most of them have been restated again and again by different people. So perhaps those reflect things that players want but other games are not able to cater.
Ah! Lady of pain! Nice to see you again!
* is cast back to the maze *
*thinks* "Not again!!!"
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Its not new. I think I had post it before in a character customisation thread where I suggested that they can just make one class and put lots of customisations and we can name the sub-race ourselves - sun/moon/wind/water/gold/fat/pretty/ugly elves etc...
I remember you and silver in that discussion too... don't know how I overlooked it.
Found it:- This post; this thread.
As this idea has come up time and again (many times before that post actually), I apologise for overlooking it. I will update the first post.
EDIT: Added in Gameplay section, 15th.
I do hope they have extensive customization in sub races. I have no desire to play gold or shield dwarf but would love to play a drunk dwarf.
Similrly instead of deep gnome or rock gnomes, I hope I can play as a buffoon gnome ... well possibilities are endless...
A little more seriously though, I would love to play a half-dragon race (I Loved Council of Wyrms). Naturally though, my main will be an elf (drow if applicable) or human (mage) with my alts filling my other role-playing desires.
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Social/Pvp - 7
Mercenary inns for real players - for hire
Game Mechanics - 17
Underwater adventures in true three dimension sense (with map design and ambushes from upside/downside etc.)
Dwarven Beards
Class: Technical/Computer Graphics related
Does that mean the thread needs a shave?
(new) Underworld Game alongwith 1 Death penelties
Class Game Mechanics
@truth Dwarven beards are made of mythril. Also it is slowly strengthened over decades by spilled beer and what not.
So there is no known material which can probably shave them.
*Accepts the challenge and wields the Adamantium razor of dwarven beard shaving!*
Unless something new comes up, I guess I can finalize the first post.
Thanks to all the users who contributed to the formation of ideas, and another to Qumi (for linking suggestions way back last year) and truth (for pointing out the ones I missed).
When there is a suggestion part in forums in near coming future(as they say - soon), I will copy paste them to preserve as what was suggested by users over these two years.
Why I believe suggestion topic in forums would be included?
Regarding that:
I do hope there is a suggestion topic in forums. Of all the games accessible from top bar,
PWI, FW, JD, WoI, BR, CO, ESO, BoI, Raiderz have suggestion topic.
STO, doesn't have suggestion but still has feedback topic. Not good enough but it has someplace at least.
RH and neverwinter doesn't have suggestion topic.
And thats all of PWE games. So NW is certainly be going out of the way to exclude suggestions if they don't have one. But they have time and again said in interviews that they want suggestions from community as they will change their game over time based on that. That is why I am positively hoping there will be suggestion topic for threads.
Gameplay - 17.
8 - Family Tree
Although I recently put a reply on the forums that I didn't care much for getting robbed virtually, after a true long hard day at work. However this seems like it could work. And now that I have thought on this a little bit and looking at it from being a rogue I feel that the gains should be a tad higher.
If all I"m going to get is a few gold then it would almost be not even worth the trouble if I get higher, the higher I level the cockier I'm going to get so items to take ( Coin purse and smaller ) should reflect the chance of getting caught as I level.
Lower levels I'm more or less confined to getting coin and taking the small XP hit/fine but when I get higher and more Cocky then the possibility of looting ( item coin purse and smaller ) say.... a Gem of seeing, should be a possibilty, but the punishment for getting caught should reflect that based on the item stolen.
Then if there is a way to code these things the stolen item(s) are returned to individual(s), or if it goes PvP then it would be up to the person if they take the XP, a portion of the booty etc. Also if it goes PvP then ALL stolen items previous and existing, should be returned, it would be like finding the rogues cache. This could be taken a step further ( Hopefully ) and if the rogue gets caught then the Guild should lose a chunk of renown, if you have a stiky finger rogue getting caught all the time they might assassinate him/her for you.
Either way I think items should be returned to the original owner, Via Lost and found with a mail saying where to go to get it, rather then just sending it in a mail.
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
I like the idea of having an encounter while resting so hope this will happen, my question in this scenerio, would reguard the casters types, if they are memorizing spells while this happens are they going to lose them ( Should ) until the next rest, then if the group is given the option to rest as meny times as they want in same area, then the encounter chance goes up accordingly.
Cheers! Galahad
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
For me when it comes to mapping, for me personally I would like the mapping to be only what you can see ( Coded by default ) in a certain radius,
I like it this way because as you run things alot certain people in groups love to run ahead and spawn the mobs then when they realize.... Woops/........... then they say... " Well I'll run back to the group they will get them for me.
With this idea, if anyone opens the map they would only see that partly lighted radius and wouldn't be so quick to jump ahead, this would keep the Clerics happy because they wouldn't have to listen to the belly aching, " Why didn't you heal me "
This will promote groups sticking together and also allow the rogue the time he needs for searching for those deadly traps.
Then when you finish the quest it could be an option to show the completed map, or if you are with a regular group then this also promotes map making for the group....
Just trying to bring back graph-paper, Heheheehe
Cheers! Galahad
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
Absolutely agree with this, I want the game to look as awesome as it can but, I hope that there will be options to just turn these things off,
At least this way the low-ender rigs can play with realative comfort and minmal slow downs. And their computer is at least trying to render the stuff that is important to the player.
I use my experience with another game ( MMO ) I played, this games graphics were breath-taking, and while I played in the wilderness areas everything went pretty smoothly, however when I got in the major towns/cities my low-ender system pretty well stopped because it couldn't handle all the stuff it had to render. It looked awesome, but to run/walk the computer just played in stop motion animation, run stop, run stop, run stop.
Sure I could put the settings down to make it playable, but then I lost so..... Much of the beauty of the graphics that I just didn't want to play it.
Thats all I will say on this,
Cheers! Galahad
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
It seems to me that the poster meant that during rest, fighters won't have armor and magicians would have same state as before resting. I believe that combat is designed in such a way that clerics can only heal if they see as it in not a tab select kind of game but point and click. So fighters will hve to stay in sight to get benefits from party members.
Well the thing is, u will always have powers available to cast, always, so it mean u will probably rest to get HP's and maybe change powers. Maybe they could increase the cooldown of powers if u havent rest for sometime ?
Still, its possible to add random encounters during resting but to be honest i dont thing that will happen.
Seriously? This never occurred to me. I was so focused on this in regards to attacking npc/monsters. But you are 100% right! This in essence should keep the party together, shouldn't it? What a great mechanism, or wonderful side-effect. The party should stay tight during a dungeon crawl. Delving into the unknown should have an element of fear to it, and as such an element of desperation if you get too far away from your party (and support group). And a consequence. If your healer can't see you, he can't heal you. If your wizard can't see you, he can't blast your pursuer into oblivion.
So, will this go one step farther, and also hide where other players are, on the map, if they are out of line of sight? If I run around a corner, down a hall maybe, and I'm otherwise out of sight to my team mates, can they just look on the map to see where I am? I think I should be "off the map" to team mates as well. But I'm getting side tracked here I guess...
Gosh, I never thought of it this way before. This is why these forums are so great. I play the cleric in my party. That's my role and I love it. But if I can't just quickly hit an F-key to select you and cast a heal, then it changes everything. I not only need to be able to know where you are, and see you, but also be able to aim at you. Nice. I can hear the in-game discussions now... the panic... the verbal assault on the clerics for not "being" there for people... bring it on!!!