I've seen this reported a few times across things but never gets any attention.. This costs crafters a log of mats and gold. And during gond, it eats up 120mats every time the box is full.. I didn't even put 1 and 2 together when this was happening until after doing so math on the amount of Sprockets I got vs the amount of mats I spent months crafting. Please fix this.
Simple explanation:
3 tasks going once they fill the box they each try to start a new task, but can't, but they take the materials and gold (commission) for their task. Then they Sit and wait till you empty / collect the box. When you do they restart their tasks and take the mats and gold again for the start. Leaving the Gold and Mats they used previously lost.
screen shots
Here you can see there is 1 active task going, the Siltstone Whetstone, I have 500 raw mats in my inventory. and 200 gold.

here is the current order still working.

Clicked finish now for 10 morale. And Bree is no longer working. But my mats are 2less and my gold is less the commission.

Here you see the box is Full.

All these lost supplies and mats. Multiple this x 3 workers and (for me) 54 Shops. thats 324 Mats lost in 1 box full. say average cost is 3 silver, that nearly 5 gold lost every time the boxes fill (and I try to empty them every so many hrs) but not always possible,.
But they say they will look into! Will post any results on the forums. Can't wait! 😐😑
They probably imagine that people who don't want to lose resources will stop doing it.
It makes me want to literally puke thinking about how many times this has happened to me when i had an abubdance of materials and didnt know this was happening.
I have many recordings showcasing the issue across all professions and all levels, this bug is atrocious!
> But... this can be avoided with a bit of planning and organisation can't it?
> They probably imagine that people who don't want to lose resources will stop doing it.
"Planning and organization" so uhh, what do you think the purpose of the box is supposed to be, if not specifically for setting tasks to cook and complete while you're not on that character, heck maybe not even on the game?
Wouldn't mentioned planning an organization actually be that you're using this "feature" to put the "workshop" to work and because of your planning and organization you're just getting fkd?
i was just kinda hoping that by canceling them before emptying the box they may return the mats... twas a pipe dream
> If you have VIP rank 12, put all your gold in the Shared Bank before emptying the box. The tasks won't restart that way.
Nope this doesn't work either. If you're short on the commission it will still eat your materials. Doesn't matter if your box is full or empty
⚠️⚠️ When the workshop finishes an order, if the next order is unable to be started for ANY reason, you will ALWAYS lose your materials and possibly your commission
lets keep this near the top for as long as we can. at least some others might get riled up about it too if they see it.
thanks again for pointing this out!
@nitocris83 is there any acknowledgement from cryptic that this is a known / on the agenda to be fixed type of bug?
"oop pretend you didnt see it!!!"
@nitocris83: "see what?"
2. @nitocris83 is a she.
3. The "amazing post" was not written by @nitocris83 but another person.
no worries .. I spent months in my workshop leveling.. I will continue to post on this till there is some type of response. this is absurd
to be fair, i didnt bring up nitocris. either way... no excuses.... twas my bad.
I hate seeing a problem as blatent as this flying under the radar
which clearly shows what is happening as well