I have no words. I have been playing on and off since 2014. Everytime I came back I ran into WiCKiD and all he said was "bout time you came back". Even on my bad days in game a quick chat with him and I was always re-energized to continue the fight. I have played more different MMOs than I can remember, but this one I keep coming back to and one of the biggest reasons was WiCKiD. Just seeing the name got me pumped up and ready to go. We ALL owe him so much. One of the Greats. The name WiCKiD will not be forgotten easily, nor should it. An in-game homage should the least to honor his memory. Helping and treating each other as WiCKiD helped and treated all of us is the greatest way to honor his memory. "This is the Way."
Hello guys and gals, My comment might get burried in all of this messages of love for wickid, But my name (well a few of them) AscendedLegend, Sanozura Blue, Brother Blue, Steamroller But tank, And now Max LvL Tank. I am an Admin for the tank talk channel in neverwinter, I am the Creator of the tank and tonk discord and was a Close friend to wickid.
------------ Wickid Was someone that would help you, It didnt matter what you played, what you had, or done. While I talked to him his quote "I Wear My Heart On My Sleeve" and he did without a second thought to anyone. If you needed something, he would help you get it. He has given me so much more then I could ever ask for, and the only thing now I can think of I want is for him to be here again with us. But things happen....Some good and some bad, I have regrets and feelings lingering, but in all honest wickid wouldnt, he say something like "Lets go do something, lets chat and move on".
In neverwinter I main a Barb tank for those you dont know me and barb tank isnt the best out there but I make it work, I am what I consider endgame....but not without wickid's help. One thing I always loved about wickid is how his Health pool never changed really....you know sitting around 1 mil or 1.1 mil. Me on the other hand I would message and joke around with him about it. Because sitting I am 1.5mil and can just about reach 1.8mil hp. That was always a thing I liked. He didnt care what the BIS gear was Nor the best build, he did his thing and I did mine.
This is how I truely feel about wickid, I am heart broken, I cried, and I was depressed when he passed. But I will do myy best to live on in the memories of wickid, I will keep the chat, and discord best as I can for him and you guys.
Tough to hear. I never developed a relation ingame, but he was such a familiar "face" in the zone chat that it's hard to imagine PE life without him. RIP
I feel for the folks at the Loving Life alliance. It's heartbreaking when we lose someone like that. I remember our guildie Hialune. She was a new player from Norway and she played a ranger. When I welcomed her to the guild as guild leader, one of the first things I said was that we needed to make her look like a proper ranger, so I gave her a Small Forest Stag mount. I remember how happy she was, circling like mad around the stronghold and jumping all over the place. She was always full of joy like that. She was with us off and on, later on more off than on. After a long hiatus, she was back, but it was her brother. He had logged onto her account to notify us that she had passed from cancer It still bothers me years later, so I can only imagine what the folks at WiCKiD's alliance are going through. I can only hope that you find peace as time goes on.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
It's been a while, almost since the lost ark was released, that people have been abandoning the NW.
However, I got the impression that with the release of the new module, a lot of those people were coming back.
Among all those people, I expected to meet again with the WiCKiD chats in PE (which could never be missing).
Until I found out about this and well, this sense of loss washed over me. I honestly didn't know him beyond some message in the game; but this loss feels like something has been ripped out of the game.
I hope you he rest in peace.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,173Arc User
People have been abandoning NW since I started playing years ago.
Have to admit, miss him calling the runs.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
WICKID He was always friendly whenever we logged in and saw that he wrote in the chat, we wrote him directly and asked him how he was doing. He was always so polite he listened, bowed to the players who were friendly to him thinking of him. He always sayed so help each Other so together we can do it all. He was always very happy when you wrote to him and always took time. He even tried to write German when he realized I didn't understand what he meant. It's so unreal that WICKID won't come online anymore, every day we watched the chat to see if he was there. We will miss you sorely our friend Rest in peace
My sincere condoleances to WickiD's family and friends.
I met him when my brother and I were unguilded newbies, exploring, discovering and questing for the first time in the well of dragons. As everyone imagine, WickiD was calling a DR. After I asked him in private what it was about, he explained me, grouped us, kept us in his party during the run, and after our enthusiastic comments (for a newb a Dragon Run with ~30 players with all the mounts running around had some striking mind effect) and our thanks for the ride, in all kindness he took something like 30minutes of his time for us, we talked a bit about the game, about where we were from, he gave us some basic "advices for newby" and, to our embarrassment, gifted each of us a blue mount (he had noticed we were still on very slow "grey quality" ones).
This was years ago... No doubt my little story is only one among many similar others with WickiD. I can't say I knew him well, our relationship was limited at some /bow in PE and little discussions maybe twice a year. But he was still representing, in my opinion, the incarnation of what playing a MMORPG is all about : happily sharing with each others.
His warm welcoming and reassuring presence in Neverwinter is and will be deeply missed.
He won't get memorial npc ant that's obvious. This is d&d game and there is no place for a "real" person. To be honest - idk him but i know that he spammed and trolled in PE a lot. But he was doing that in a good/nice way. Maybe he helped some people but.... This is a game. We play games because we don't want rl sh** in games. I'am sorry that he passed away.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
He won't get memorial npc ant that's obvious. This is d&d game and there is no place for a "real" person. To be honest - idk him but i know that he spammed and trolled in PE a lot. But he was doing that in a good/nice way. Maybe he helped some people but.... This is a game. We play games because we don't want rl sh** in games. I'am sorry that he passed away.
Correction: you play games because you don't want rl sh** in games. You can't speak for anybody else. I actually heard more rl sh** of other people's life in game than heard that in real life. No, I have no problem for that.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
He won't get memorial npc ant that's obvious. This is d&d game and there is no place for a "real" person. To be honest - idk him but i know that he spammed and trolled in PE a lot. But he was doing that in a good/nice way. Maybe he helped some people but.... This is a game. We play games because we don't want rl sh** in games. I'am sorry that he passed away.
The game is just one of the many ways you get to know people in your life. It is not different from being in a bar, in a store or somewhere else. People playing the game have a life (... and I do hope you have one too). The game should not be something you use to run away from your own real life, that is really sad to hear.
The guys (and chicks) who play the game dedicate some of their time to have fun here! More than that, some of these people sacrifice a little bit (or more) of their own fun to help others having fun. WiCKiD was one of those, and that's why a lot of people came here to say their final words to him and ask the game devs for some in-game stuff that could make us remember him during our time playing the game. The NPC is not much to ask (I'm a dev, so I know what I'm saying here). However, the game staff have the power to decide whether they'll give us something or not, not us. We're doing our part here, asking them the way what we want, the way we can.
^ I know that other players passed aways before little WiCKiD and received no **** **** from the game. But let's say this is community's fault, not dev's, and we can fix it. I really have the hope that the devs will give us something (maybe not the NPC, idk, put a bust somewhere in PE, ...). That would show us that the devs are even listen to us, imo.
This text is a blob, but I hope you'll get what I'm saying.
Lorah,Leader of FORJA guild,PhD. CS, and pet owner.
This is a game. We play games because we don't want rl sh** in games.
There are tons of games which are including a nod (subtle or obvious) to IRL, be it to a player, to a past event, to one people, even to brands... Leroy Jenkins in WoW has a NPC an achievement and a title (and a card in hearthstone), the daggers "lordsotheuses" in french Dofus were named after Lordsoth the first player to achieve level100 in that game, Skyrim has a Notched pickaxe (Notch is alias of the creator of minecraft), and that's only the 3 first ones immediately coming to my mind.
I'm sure, if you look better, you can already find some discret ones in Neverwinter; like for exemple a Dr Martens reference on a certain pair of boots (or at least, we have one in the french localization). Would you mind, for exemple, droping a little wicked one-handed lance as a weapon skin for fighters from a dragon hunt (though, as a french, I would probably get a "méchante petite lance à une main") ?
Yeah I "met" him virtually a few years ago. I was calling first line DR and he was part of a secondary DR. We chatted a bit afterwards and he complimented me on my calling. I had no idea who he was. A few months later I realised he had changed his toon name from Lil Wicked One to WickiD. And we chatted a bit, but not much.
He was always so helpful in PE Zone chat and Tank Chat channel.
We ended up doing a RTQ together some time earlier this year which was great fun, I was shouting the mechanics of CoDG and he was laughing.
All in all a great chap from what I knew of him. Deserves an NPC. TOTALLY.
Rest IN Piece and chug back some pots whilst you're out hunting those dragons mate.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
Actually, TWO statues would be better, one for little wicked One and one for WickeD.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
andybones65Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 65Arc User
The victory of Karens. Outrages demands achieved by intimidation and mobbing. Call the manager and make my friend immortal. And since some time has past and I can speak more directly, your friend was a busybody- low key bully -that leeched on new players for some self esteem boost. He was ill informed, the worst player with no achievements, blabbering in PE or whatever player gathered 24/7. A monument for Karens in a game where Karens are now in charge. What is next on the agenda? And plasticbat, = they are answering the call?-you get 3 more pixeli on your npc by forum post. .
Exactly right. He hated endgame players, he was writing with great contempt about dps (he called them floor-tanks), ridiculed others and was a hopeless tank, which was evident even in his own "videos". He had a nasty custom of spitting on those who questioned his questionable skills. I was watching with embarrassment the actions of recruiting new players to the forum to ensure his "immortality" . Pathetic. I don't know why cryptic succumbed to this pressure.
The floor-tank thing is a thing. Unfortunatelly, a lot of endgame dps know no *blossoms* about the game. Raise you hand if you ran vos with a roguei in your party using the roll-smoke-death-scroll build... Well, this is not the place to discuss about potatoes anyways.
Thanks cryptic for hearing us and giving us a reason to visit WoD more often.
Lorah,Leader of FORJA guild,PhD. CS, and pet owner.
Neverwinter and PE wont be the same without you. You were the soul of PE.
Wickid Was someone that would help you, It didnt matter what you played, what you had, or done. While I talked to him his quote "I Wear My Heart On My Sleeve" and he did without a second thought to anyone. If you needed something, he would help you get it. He has given me so much more then I could ever ask for, and the only thing now I can think of I want is for him to be here again with us. But things happen....Some good and some bad, I have regrets and feelings lingering, but in all honest wickid wouldnt, he say something like "Lets go do something, lets chat and move on".
In neverwinter I main a Barb tank for those you dont know me and barb tank isnt the best out there but I make it work, I am what I consider endgame....but not without wickid's help. One thing I always loved about wickid is how his Health pool never changed really....you know sitting around 1 mil or 1.1 mil. Me on the other hand I would message and joke around with him about it. Because sitting I am 1.5mil and can just about reach 1.8mil hp. That was always a thing I liked. He didnt care what the BIS gear was Nor the best build, he did his thing and I did mine.
This is how I truely feel about wickid, I am heart broken, I cried, and I was depressed when he passed. But I will do myy best to live on in the memories of wickid, I will keep the chat, and discord best as I can for him and you guys.
Brother Blue/Steam but tank/ Max lvl tank
My discord is Nemisis#3340 feel free to add me
Any update Cryptic?
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
It's been a while, almost since the lost ark was released, that people have been abandoning the NW.
However, I got the impression that with the release of the new module, a lot of those people were coming back.
Among all those people, I expected to meet again with the WiCKiD chats in PE (which could never be missing).
Until I found out about this and well, this sense of loss washed over me. I honestly didn't know him beyond some message in the game; but this loss feels like something has been ripped out of the game.
I hope you he rest in peace.
Have to admit, miss him calling the runs.
I remember exactly when we saw a call and followed it.
Then he stood, WickiD, and began to dance.
More and more followed his call, it was truly impressive, extraordinary, and almost all went to him, bowing to him, which he replied.
On another day in the city at the big tree, we met, chatted and many who came by greeted him, bowed to him, which he always replied.
I think this alone says more than enough about WickiD.
He was like a positive magnet, he radiated positives, all the other positives were magically attracted to him.
We can hardly imagine a world without him.
He was always there when you needed help or just for a good conversation and expected nothing, just honesty.
This void, this missing positive pole, just gone, it's simply unimaginable.
We hope he could find what he was looking for.
It is nice that he is allowed to move on, does not have to experience the development of this world anymore.
It was always an enrichment when one was near him, talking to him, laughing with him, philosophizing about everything and the world.
We would like to express our deepest condolences to all those who knew him.
We will never forget you.
We'll meet again.
He was always friendly whenever we logged in and saw that he wrote in the chat, we wrote him directly and asked him how he was doing.
He was always so polite he listened, bowed to the players who were friendly to him thinking of him.
He always sayed so help each Other so together we can do it all.
He was always very happy when you wrote to him and always took time.
He even tried to write German when he realized I didn't understand what he meant.
It's so unreal that WICKID won't come online anymore, every day we watched the chat to see if he was there.
We will miss you sorely our friend
Rest in peace
I met him when my brother and I were unguilded newbies, exploring, discovering and questing for the first time in the well of dragons. As everyone imagine, WickiD was calling a DR. After I asked him in private what it was about, he explained me, grouped us, kept us in his party during the run, and after our enthusiastic comments (for a newb a Dragon Run with ~30 players with all the mounts running around had some striking mind effect) and our thanks for the ride, in all kindness he took something like 30minutes of his time for us, we talked a bit about the game, about where we were from, he gave us some basic "advices for newby" and, to our embarrassment, gifted each of us a blue mount (he had noticed we were still on very slow "grey quality" ones).
This was years ago... No doubt my little story is only one among many similar others with WickiD.
I can't say I knew him well, our relationship was limited at some /bow in PE and little discussions maybe twice a year. But he was still representing, in my opinion, the incarnation of what playing a MMORPG is all about : happily sharing with each others.
His warm welcoming and reassuring presence in Neverwinter is and will be deeply missed.
Farewell WickiD, rest in peace.
I actually heard more rl sh** of other people's life in game than heard that in real life. No, I have no problem for that.
The guys (and chicks) who play the game dedicate some of their time to have fun here! More than that, some of these people sacrifice a little bit (or more) of their own fun to help others having fun. WiCKiD was one of those, and that's why a lot of people came here to say their final words to him and ask the game devs for some in-game stuff that could make us remember him during our time playing the game. The NPC is not much to ask (I'm a dev, so I know what I'm saying here). However, the game staff have the power to decide whether they'll give us something or not, not us. We're doing our part here, asking them the way what we want, the way we can.
I know that other players passed aways before little WiCKiD and received no **** **** from the game. But let's say this is community's fault, not dev's, and we can fix it. I really have the hope that the devs will give us something (maybe not the NPC, idk, put a bust somewhere in PE, ...). That would show us that the devs are even listen to us, imo.
This text is a blob, but I hope you'll get what I'm saying.
Leroy Jenkins in WoW has a NPC an achievement and a title (and a card in hearthstone), the daggers "lordsotheuses" in french Dofus were named after Lordsoth the first player to achieve level100 in that game, Skyrim has a Notched pickaxe (Notch is alias of the creator of minecraft), and that's only the 3 first ones immediately coming to my mind.
I'm sure, if you look better, you can already find some discret ones in Neverwinter; like for exemple a Dr Martens reference on a certain pair of boots (or at least, we have one in the french localization).
Would you mind, for exemple, droping a little wicked one-handed lance as a weapon skin for fighters from a dragon hunt (though, as a french, I would probably get a "méchante petite lance à une main") ?
He was always so helpful in PE Zone chat and Tank Chat channel.
We ended up doing a RTQ together some time earlier this year which was great fun, I was shouting the mechanics of CoDG and he was laughing.
All in all a great chap from what I knew of him. Deserves an NPC. TOTALLY.
Rest IN Piece and chug back some pots whilst you're out hunting those dragons mate.
Outrages demands achieved by intimidation and mobbing.
Call the manager and make my friend immortal.
And since some time has past and I can speak more directly, your friend was a busybody- low key bully -that leeched on new players for some self esteem boost.
He was ill informed, the worst player with no achievements, blabbering in PE or whatever player gathered 24/7.
A monument for Karens in a game where Karens are now in charge.
What is next on the agenda?
And plasticbat, = they are answering the call?-you get 3 more pixeli on your npc by forum post.
He had a nasty custom of spitting on those who questioned his questionable skills.
I was watching with embarrassment the actions of recruiting new players to the forum to ensure his "immortality" .
I don't know why cryptic succumbed to this pressure.
Thanks cryptic for hearing us and giving us a reason to visit WoD more often.
we cannot understand the latest reports.
We got to know WickID positively and knew Him positively throughout the years.
As mentioned, he belonged to our family.
LoGC Ronny Ebing