My game still freezes when I log in. The most I've been able to play is maybe 15minutes if I'm lucky!!!!!! I was doing Insurgencies and froze in the middle of the second one!!!!!
I still cannot get logged on it crashes instantly and there is a stage it will let me on for about 15 minutes and then it will crash again its getting very tiresome 🙁
Man are they tired of us complaining or what! So no clue on the two latest problems identified, but are being worked on. It’s only the weekend, when most folks will want to play. So maybe an update Monday or Tuesday. Every Ps launch since mod 16 has gotten progressively worse. This launch has been worse than all combined. From the snippets I’ve seen after spamming O, stuff looks cool. Hope to play it for real. New enchants will be gone and egg vendor, so that sucks and I heard the free VIP was only for people with VIP, which also seems lame. Is what it is though.
So I wrote a ticket and got a response day 1, as of today I'm still freezing and each day updated my ticket but still have not heard anything since my first response.. I wasn't in the lucky batch of fixes
can you please at least let us know if your working on the issues over the weekend and a hint at what the 2 remaining issues are so maybe the player base can help try to solve it or come up with a workaround?
since you pulled out the bonding turn in, how about you put that back into effect for a week so i can get rid of the ones i was holding onto? not for the medallions but ad like before. you never said on removing the feature and since you pretty much pushed this patch a week ahead of schedule and we lost atleast three days atleast for most of us from even doing anything game wise would be appropriate. also perhaps allow rank 9s to be turned in for 1 medallion or a half a one. maybe even change the medallion currencies where you can set up a gold or silver medallion level of turn in. it may take more 9s to get 1 rank 1 box but it should be feasible to turn in the ones we got from lockboxes even if the rate is more than 20 for a rank 1 box. We can't even stack old enchants and they clog up the inventory.
At the very least everyone should get a 100% vip coupon that works to give you a rank and the 30 days like you gave out before. that stuff would suffice honestly as well as give players a chance to relax. Probably make it a common practice for these coupons so in a way players if they get an interrupt like this they don't have to honestly worry if it takes you days or a week to get everything ironed out because their vip will get extended for the loss as well as give other players a chance to use it.
I am just asking if you have heard anything about the Bonding stones. not the rest
So now that majority of the freezing is sorted about fixing the dungeon queue bug that removes you from the queue group when someone else fails to accept the queue
And the illusion exchange many can be exchanged at rank 8 while some like frost is saying it needs to be rank 9 so something is clearly bugged there.
Also there is a bug where people are not receiveing all their old enchantments back, my girlfriend has at least 2 characters that did not get back 1 max rank enchantment and 1 max rank runestone which she had received from completing the adventure long before this update so that 4 max rank enchantments that she is missing, and I'm missing the same things from one of my characters
Oh and give the new combat and companion enchantments combined rating at least to help balance item level and stats better
Another question are you going to restore VIP to those of us that had it run out during this screw up or are we just HAMSTER out of luck. I had roughly 4 days left and feel since you all are at fault for this I should receive an extra month at least. Cause as of right now I have no plans to re up my vip .
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
Another question are you going to restore VIP to those of us that had it run out during this screw up or are we just HAMSTER out of luck. I had roughly 4 days left and feel since you all are at fault for this I should receive an extra month at least. Cause as of right now I have no plans to re up my vip .
oh my what a sense of entitlement we have...not once in 20+ mods ( since inception of vip ) did they ever do that so good luck with that petition what about people with no Vip that were "out of luck " what do they get ?
so 1 month free Vip tokens for all ?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
If one pays full price of one month VIP (nobody should pay full price without at least using a coupon), 4 days means $1.333.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Considering they screwed up and yes they should give everyone free VIP since they screwed this one up so bad . Also not entitlement it is simply making good on a product you do pay for which in alot of states if a business does not rectify it can lead to a lawsuit and no tos would not get them out of that. Second considering they plan on giving folks that had VIP at that time an extra reward than yes they should honor the vip that was active at the time of thier HAMSTER up.
It’s not entitled thinking, it’s good business. The company created a problem for its consumers. They are now mad and word of mouth is extremely negative. Give the customers something shiny and they forget how angry they were and talk about instead good customer service. Giving EVERYONE a month of free VIP is great marketing. Because everyone wins. Players who have VIP will continue to play, new players will discover what VIP can achieve and some will PAY to continue. It’s why dealers give away drugs, first ones free. They could actually make more money giving it away to compensate for this mess.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
edited February 2022
giving everyone a month more free vip? lol every dormant dead account and thier dogs too will come back and collect free keys to open lockboxes lol and backlog the zen exchange even further LOL
Has anyone seen the trees in Avernus lately as soon as you get near them they turn pink and start tripping out and I swear trying to dance it is very distracting to say the least
Really, our gifts is useless items people don't need. We lost out on minimum 2 million ad and u give us this HAMSTER. Wtf. Seriously how do you justify this please were all looking for an explanation
giving everyone a month more free vip? lol every dormant dead account and thier dogs too will come back and collect free keys to open lockboxes lol and backlog the zen exchange even further LOL
that depends on what they get from the boxes and then if they can sell said items for ad. most boxes don't exactly give you things of high value in a month. for some people, it might be getting the trade bars would be a nice change of pace and with the changes to the trade bar store right now there's less to even buy in it so that makes your point rather moot at this time. the whole point is there should be some time for everyone to get it, atleast a week not just those that had vip like myself. players missed out on a lot for a week even if they didn't have vip. the fact that some had to remove friends to even log in is pretty messed up and no game on the psn should ever have that come to a choice as some of us can't replace friends we have on our list for certain reasons i don't want to discuss here. Not only that I feel on the rewards that while some seem a bit "nice" the value is pretty low for those that again missed out on a week. if the temp enchants aren't able to be claimed by those finally able to log in, they need to be placed account wide in the reclaim agent so people can get them. at this point they should just make the rank 1 enchants for players to claim, not as powerful as the ones that are temp but the ones that you get from the trade in boxes and be perm. I'd rather see less clutter with the ability to turn in 9s that were handed out so heavily from lockboxes before, ability to turn in the bonding still have but couldn't due to the changes. with the removal of potencies, you can't even upgrade most of the enchantments, etc so anything under 10 is practically worthless to hold onto. I don't agree with that change and I'm sure many don't either. It doesn't matter the level of player but it's in bad taste to keep ripping away practically years of play with a newer in some cases mediocre system. Basically the only plus to it was that it was made to simplify the backend work for the devs with only so many enchants to now work with. It makes far less to worry on bug wise in the future, but also makes more characters cookie cutter with abilities with very little differences. Unless they may reintroduce more weapon and armor enchants in the future. The end result of this whole ordeal is there needs to be some way for players to play test the newer patches on console.
The fact with every new rework draws more vets away to play newer content. Personally I just play events more because they're the least broken. New areas and queues aren't fun so I could care less on any dungeons or new shinies or leveling of campaigns you make. It's ad naseum from how many have been made over the years. What's the point of leveling new gear, enchants if you simply scale things accordingly for dungeons? I can understand the higher vets concerns. I'm not going to bother pushing enchants to mythic because there's really no point to. The more you frustrate players the more they don't spend money. FYI if you want to make money it goes a long way to making players happy of all platforms. For starters for the yearly events like feast of lanterns returning, how about you bring back all previous items to sell like mounts and companions? All companions and mounts in the zen store that players can buy and reclaim on all their characters. It'd bring in more money for sure.
Also if you can't bring back the bonding trade in, I can somewhat understand that over concerns of backlog, but I think it's time that it goes up from 750. It should be a yearly review of how much that should be upto. It shouldn't be less than 1000 on psn and it's understandable in all this time as to why less might be inclined to buy zen to trade for AD due to the rate. If you have to increase it to 1500 max and as always just watch the players in how it goes accordingly. I doubt it would hit 1500 for some time but it's a better measure on seeing just how much it would go for players on all platforms. The goal should be no more longer backlogs. On psn it's already close to 3 months now in turn around, and I can only imagine pc is climbing closer to a year to get any at all. I'm sure xbox has been more healthy with little to no wait in turn around, but at the same time there's more money to be had at those that would probably buy more zen if they knew they were getting far more ad for it. You're going to need a lot more ad sinks since you removed all the things from the bazaar like potency and other refinement services which is something you may want to return in different ways. As it stands currently, you've made things worse than better.
As a thank you for your patience and understanding these past few days, all PS players can now claim the following gifts in the RCA. Items must be claimed by February 22, 7:30am PT.
Free Legendary Insignia Choice Pack
Free 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens
Free 20 Mount Upgrade Tokens
Free 10 Genie's Gifts
In addition, VIP members have had their membership extended by 8 days.
Update February 5, 2022
Maintenance will be performed today to address one of the crash issues. Patch Notes discussion thread is available here.
Update February 4, 2022
Roughly 80-90% of crashes and freezes have been resolved after this morning's PS patch but we are aware of additional crashing reports on PS. We continue to attempt to internally repro these crashes, including with impacted character containers, and have narrowed it down to two separate issues. Each of the two issues is being worked on by a dedicated engineer and we aim to release a fix as soon as one is available. Because of this, future fixes may only address one issue at a time.
We will provide additional updates when available. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Update 2 February 3, 2022
A fix for this issue will be released tomorrow with a patch. Patch Notes discussion thread can be found here.
A make good will be made available early next week once we have verified post-patch build stability. This make good will include an extension of VIP for VIP members and additional gifts.
Update February 3, 2022
We continue to work on the build containing the fix for the existing freeze issue. We are also working on a makegood for PS players - this will be done once a fix is live and confirmed stable. Thank you again for all your patience.
Neverwinter PlayStation Players with a PS friends list above a certain threshold may be experiencing a freeze that was obscured by the crash resolved earlier today. Once detected, a fix was identified and we hope to have it out Feb. 2 or 3.
Thank you for your patience.
If you really think of what players missed out on during theses issues it's not anything in the random handfull of items y'all tossed out, with exception of the extension of players VIP.
Predominantly players missed out on two other major things: - Players missed out on the opportunity to make their 100k AD per day, something that would come in handy while upgrading the new enchantment system that they've been force fed. - Players (some not all) missed out on being able to partake in the first weeks earnings of the new campaign. Putting them them a week behind other players in unlocking rewards and the new trial.
So first and foremost those two major things should have been considered.
Taking that into consideration any genuine attempt "make good"should have included first and foremost at bare minimum:
- An extension of existing VIP. Kudos to you on this one, but 8 days is pretty minimal. A true gesture of good faith in an effort to "make good" would have been to issue a 30 day free VIP coupon to all players who couldn't access the game, aka everyone. Some will say that 30 days is overkill when the loss of service was only 5 days but that good faith gesture would have went a long way. It's a proven fact that in any field of business happy customers are more likely to spend more on your product and almost as important more likely to recommend your product/service to others.
- 100k AD per day of lost service. Players missed out on the ability to earn and refine their 100k AD per day. A majority of your playerbase relies on that 100k AD per day almost like a paycheck in real life. This mod brings forth huge changes to the game, huge changes that necessitate a vast amount of AD to be spent making every bit crucial.
- 300 of the campaign currency. Players missed out on the opportunity to earn currency for the first weeks period of the new campaign. This will set them back 1 week behind other players on earning rewards and unlocking the trial.
These three things should have been the first things added to this random handfull of nonsense in the "make good". 😳
As a thank you for your patience and understanding these past few days, all PS players can now claim the following gifts in the RCA. Items must be claimed by February 22, 7:30am PT.
Free Legendary Insignia Choice Pack
Free 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens
Free 20 Mount Upgrade Tokens
Free 10 Genie's Gifts
In addition, VIP members have had their membership extended by 8 days.
Update February 5, 2022
Maintenance will be performed today to address one of the crash issues. Patch Notes discussion thread is available here.
Update February 4, 2022
Roughly 80-90% of crashes and freezes have been resolved after this morning's PS patch but we are aware of additional crashing reports on PS. We continue to attempt to internally repro these crashes, including with impacted character containers, and have narrowed it down to two separate issues. Each of the two issues is being worked on by a dedicated engineer and we aim to release a fix as soon as one is available. Because of this, future fixes may only address one issue at a time.
We will provide additional updates when available. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Update 2 February 3, 2022
A fix for this issue will be released tomorrow with a patch. Patch Notes discussion thread can be found here.
A make good will be made available early next week once we have verified post-patch build stability. This make good will include an extension of VIP for VIP members and additional gifts.
Update February 3, 2022
We continue to work on the build containing the fix for the existing freeze issue. We are also working on a makegood for PS players - this will be done once a fix is live and confirmed stable. Thank you again for all your patience.
Neverwinter PlayStation Players with a PS friends list above a certain threshold may be experiencing a freeze that was obscured by the crash resolved earlier today. Once detected, a fix was identified and we hope to have it out Feb. 2 or 3.
Thank you for your patience.
who was high when they approved this HAMSTER as a "make good" lmfao
As a thank you for your patience and understanding these past few days, all PS players can now claim the following gifts in the RCA. Items must be claimed by February 22, 7:30am PT.
Free Legendary Insignia Choice Pack
Free 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens
Free 20 Mount Upgrade Tokens
Free 10 Genie's Gifts
In addition, VIP members have had their membership extended by 8 days.
Update February 5, 2022
Maintenance will be performed today to address one of the crash issues. Patch Notes discussion thread is available here.
Update February 4, 2022
Roughly 80-90% of crashes and freezes have been resolved after this morning's PS patch but we are aware of additional crashing reports on PS. We continue to attempt to internally repro these crashes, including with impacted character containers, and have narrowed it down to two separate issues. Each of the two issues is being worked on by a dedicated engineer and we aim to release a fix as soon as one is available. Because of this, future fixes may only address one issue at a time.
We will provide additional updates when available. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Update 2 February 3, 2022
A fix for this issue will be released tomorrow with a patch. Patch Notes discussion thread can be found here.
A make good will be made available early next week once we have verified post-patch build stability. This make good will include an extension of VIP for VIP members and additional gifts.
Update February 3, 2022
We continue to work on the build containing the fix for the existing freeze issue. We are also working on a makegood for PS players - this will be done once a fix is live and confirmed stable. Thank you again for all your patience.
Neverwinter PlayStation Players with a PS friends list above a certain threshold may be experiencing a freeze that was obscured by the crash resolved earlier today. Once detected, a fix was identified and we hope to have it out Feb. 2 or 3.
Thank you for your patience.
WHERE IS MY COMPENSATION? On PC. When will you earn 99 Glyphs of Power, 99 Catalysts and Solid Dust?
> @nitocris83 said: > Update February 8, 2022 > > As a thank you for your patience and understanding these past few days, all PS players can now claim the following gifts in the RCA. Items must be claimed by February 22, 7:30am PT.* Free Legendary Insignia Choice Pack > > * Free 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens > > * Free 20 Mount Upgrade Tokens > > * Free 10 Genie's Gifts > > > In addition, VIP members have had their membership extended by 8 days. > > **** > > > Update February 5, 2022 > > Maintenance will be performed today to address one of the crash issues. Patch Notes discussion thread is available here. > > **** > > Update February 4, 2022 > > Roughly 80-90% of crashes and freezes have been resolved after this morning's PS patch but we are aware of additional crashing reports on PS. We continue to attempt to internally repro these crashes, including with impacted character containers, and have narrowed it down to two separate issues. Each of the two issues is being worked on by a dedicated engineer and we aim to release a fix as soon as one is available. Because of this, future fixes may only address one issue at a time. > > We will provide additional updates when available. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. > > **** > > Update 2 February 3, 2022 > > A fix for this issue will be released tomorrow with a patch. Patch Notes discussion thread can be found here. > > A make good will be made available early next week once we have verified post-patch build stability. This make good will include an extension of VIP for VIP members and additional gifts. > > > Update February 3, 2022 > > We continue to work on the build containing the fix for the existing freeze issue. We are also working on a makegood for PS players - this will be done once a fix is live and confirmed stable. Thank you again for all your patience. > > **** > > Neverwinter PlayStation Players with a PS friends list above a certain threshold may be experiencing a freeze that was obscured by the crash resolved earlier today. Once detected, a fix was identified and we hope to have it out Feb. 2 or 3. > > Thank you for your patience.
I would LOVE to know who in their right mind thinks 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens, 20 Mount Tokens, 10 Genis Gifts, and a Legendary Insignia Pack, equaling 630k Astral Diamonds, that we cannot sell, because it's all account bound makes up for us MISSING out on 6 days worth of enchanted keys, 6 days worth of the new campaign currency, 6 days missing out on refining 100k astral Diamonds per day, 6 days worth of reapers challenges which 90% of people use on greater shards to upgrade Mount collars, and other countless items we would have received in 6 days from dungeons or progress rewards... This "Make Good" can hardly be called that. Feels more like a "Slap in the Face". Please address this and actually "Make Good". We missed out on ALOT.
My main has all of his insignias upgraded to at least legendary, so, thank you for the dust to get one slightly closer to mythic.
My main has 100% companion bolster, all of his active companions maxed, and all of the companion bonuses he wants maxed out. So, thank you for helping an alt get closer to that goal by a negligible amount.
My main has 100% mount bolster, all of the mounts in his stable maxed, and all of the mount powers he wants maxed out. So, thank you for helping an alt get closer to that goal by a negligible amount.
My main has every legacy campaign completed. So, thank you for helping an alt reduce the voninblod grind with the upcoming 2x SKT currency + the recent increase to voninblod provided by genie's gifts. Of course, that grind is still ridiculously high and 10 genie's gifts, even at 2x currency, will not make a huge dent in the campaign.
Last night, my main got CoDG for the random trial queue. Just as Acerak was downed and the barrier formed (basically, at a point where success was guaranteed), BLUE SCREEN. After logging back in, I found myself back in Dragonbone Vale. Totally missed out on any reward.
Every single subsequent random trial queue put me in an EMPTY Demo instance. I don't want to sidetrack this thread to complain about the fact that zoning back and forth in and out of empty Demo instances for half my play time is the opposite of fun. I mention it only to further highlight the annoyance that this instability is causing. If not for that bluescreen, I'd have received approximately 60k RAD from that CoDG (random bonus + 2 chests). Instead I received nothing but high blood pressure.
This alleged "make good" gesture was a nice first step in the right direction. If it's the last and only step, that's an indication to me (and likely other players) that either you're truly out of touch with your playerbase, or you just plain don't care. I've noticed the times of day, even on weekends, when some of @nitocris83 's posts are made, so I want to assume that you do care. Actions speak louder than words though, and the action of this poorly thought out, bare minimum "make good" gesture was about as worthwhile as the "Issue has been escalated" sophistry that we often get as responses to issues.
You still have crashing issues to fix. You still have a long way to go to earn some trust and respect from your playerbase, let alone to earn any chance at many of us ever spending on zen again.
So no clue on the two latest problems identified, but are being worked on.
It’s only the weekend, when most folks will want to play.
So maybe an update Monday or Tuesday.
Every Ps launch since mod 16 has gotten progressively worse. This launch has been worse than all combined.
From the snippets I’ve seen after spamming O, stuff looks cool.
Hope to play it for real.
New enchants will be gone and egg vendor, so that sucks and I heard the free VIP was only for people with VIP, which also seems lame.
Is what it is though.
And the illusion exchange many can be exchanged at rank 8 while some like frost is saying it needs to be rank 9 so something is clearly bugged there.
Also there is a bug where people are not receiveing all their old enchantments back, my girlfriend has at least 2 characters that did not get back 1 max rank enchantment and 1 max rank runestone which she had received from completing the adventure long before this update so that 4 max rank enchantments that she is missing, and I'm missing the same things from one of my characters
Oh and give the new combat and companion enchantments combined rating at least to help balance item level and stats better
I'm really not too keen on using either because of the negative impact to stats. 😕
what about people with no Vip that were "out of luck " what do they get ?
so 1 month free Vip tokens for all
Give the customers something shiny and they forget how angry they were and talk about instead good customer service.
Giving EVERYONE a month of free VIP is great marketing. Because everyone wins.
Players who have VIP will continue to play, new players will discover what VIP can achieve and some will PAY to continue. It’s why dealers give away drugs, first ones free.
They could actually make more money giving it away to compensate for this mess.
The fact with every new rework draws more vets away to play newer content. Personally I just play events more because they're the least broken. New areas and queues aren't fun so I could care less on any dungeons or new shinies or leveling of campaigns you make. It's ad naseum from how many have been made over the years. What's the point of leveling new gear, enchants if you simply scale things accordingly for dungeons? I can understand the higher vets concerns. I'm not going to bother pushing enchants to mythic because there's really no point to. The more you frustrate players the more they don't spend money. FYI if you want to make money it goes a long way to making players happy of all platforms. For starters for the yearly events like feast of lanterns returning, how about you bring back all previous items to sell like mounts and companions? All companions and mounts in the zen store that players can buy and reclaim on all their characters. It'd bring in more money for sure.
Also if you can't bring back the bonding trade in, I can somewhat understand that over concerns of backlog, but I think it's time that it goes up from 750. It should be a yearly review of how much that should be upto. It shouldn't be less than 1000 on psn and it's understandable in all this time as to why less might be inclined to buy zen to trade for AD due to the rate. If you have to increase it to 1500 max and as always just watch the players in how it goes accordingly. I doubt it would hit 1500 for some time but it's a better measure on seeing just how much it would go for players on all platforms. The goal should be no more longer backlogs. On psn it's already close to 3 months now in turn around, and I can only imagine pc is climbing closer to a year to get any at all. I'm sure xbox has been more healthy with little to no wait in turn around, but at the same time there's more money to be had at those that would probably buy more zen if they knew they were getting far more ad for it. You're going to need a lot more ad sinks since you removed all the things from the bazaar like potency and other refinement services which is something you may want to return in different ways. As it stands currently, you've made things worse than better.
If you really think of what players missed out on during theses issues it's not anything in the random handfull of items y'all tossed out, with exception of the extension of players VIP.
Predominantly players missed out on two other major things:
- Players missed out on the opportunity to make their 100k AD per day, something that would come in handy while upgrading the new enchantment system that they've been force fed.
- Players (some not all) missed out on being able to partake in the first weeks earnings of the new campaign. Putting them them a week behind other players in unlocking rewards and the new trial.
So first and foremost those two major things should have been considered.
Taking that into consideration any genuine attempt "make good"should have included first and foremost at bare minimum:
- An extension of existing VIP. Kudos to you on this one, but 8 days is pretty minimal. A true gesture of good faith in an effort to "make good" would have been to issue a 30 day free VIP coupon to all players who couldn't access the game, aka everyone. Some will say that 30 days is overkill when the loss of service was only 5 days but that good faith gesture would have went a long way. It's a proven fact that in any field of business happy customers are more likely to spend more on your product and almost as important more likely to recommend your product/service to others.
- 100k AD per day of lost service. Players missed out on the ability to earn and refine their 100k AD per day. A majority of your playerbase relies on that 100k AD per day almost like a paycheck in real life. This mod brings forth huge changes to the game, huge changes that necessitate a vast amount of AD to be spent making every bit crucial.
- 300 of the campaign currency. Players missed out on the opportunity to earn currency for the first weeks period of the new campaign. This will set them back 1 week behind other players on earning rewards and unlocking the trial.
These three things should have been the first things added to this random handfull of nonsense in the "make good". 😳
The result box is empty
> I can't upgrade my mirage weapon to legendary although the chance 100%
> The result box is empty
Send in a ticket.
> Update February 8, 2022
> As a thank you for your patience and understanding these past few days, all PS players can now claim the following gifts in the RCA. Items must be claimed by February 22, 7:30am PT.* Free Legendary Insignia Choice Pack
> * Free 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens
> * Free 20 Mount Upgrade Tokens
> * Free 10 Genie's Gifts
> In addition, VIP members have had their membership extended by 8 days.
> ****
> Update February 5, 2022
> Maintenance will be performed today to address one of the crash issues. Patch Notes discussion thread is available here.
> ****
> Update February 4, 2022
> Roughly 80-90% of crashes and freezes have been resolved after this morning's PS patch but we are aware of additional crashing reports on PS. We continue to attempt to internally repro these crashes, including with impacted character containers, and have narrowed it down to two separate issues. Each of the two issues is being worked on by a dedicated engineer and we aim to release a fix as soon as one is available. Because of this, future fixes may only address one issue at a time.
> We will provide additional updates when available. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
> ****
> Update 2 February 3, 2022
> A fix for this issue will be released tomorrow with a patch. Patch Notes discussion thread can be found here.
> A make good will be made available early next week once we have verified post-patch build stability. This make good will include an extension of VIP for VIP members and additional gifts.
> Update February 3, 2022
> We continue to work on the build containing the fix for the existing freeze issue. We are also working on a makegood for PS players - this will be done once a fix is live and confirmed stable. Thank you again for all your patience.
> ****
> Neverwinter PlayStation Players with a PS friends list above a certain threshold may be experiencing a freeze that was obscured by the crash resolved earlier today. Once detected, a fix was identified and we hope to have it out Feb. 2 or 3.
> Thank you for your patience.
I would LOVE to know who in their right mind thinks 20 Companion Upgrade Tokens, 20 Mount Tokens, 10 Genis Gifts, and a Legendary Insignia Pack, equaling 630k Astral Diamonds, that we cannot sell, because it's all account bound makes up for us MISSING out on 6 days worth of enchanted keys, 6 days worth of the new campaign currency, 6 days missing out on refining 100k astral Diamonds per day, 6 days worth of reapers challenges which 90% of people use on greater shards to upgrade Mount collars, and other countless items we would have received in 6 days from dungeons or progress rewards... This "Make Good" can hardly be called that. Feels more like a "Slap in the Face". Please address this and actually "Make Good". We missed out on ALOT.
My main has all of his insignias upgraded to at least legendary, so, thank you for the dust to get one slightly closer to mythic.
My main has 100% companion bolster, all of his active companions maxed, and all of the companion bonuses he wants maxed out. So, thank you for helping an alt get closer to that goal by a negligible amount.
My main has 100% mount bolster, all of the mounts in his stable maxed, and all of the mount powers he wants maxed out. So, thank you for helping an alt get closer to that goal by a negligible amount.
My main has every legacy campaign completed. So, thank you for helping an alt reduce the voninblod grind with the upcoming 2x SKT currency + the recent increase to voninblod provided by genie's gifts. Of course, that grind is still ridiculously high and 10 genie's gifts, even at 2x currency, will not make a huge dent in the campaign.
Last night, my main got CoDG for the random trial queue. Just as Acerak was downed and the barrier formed (basically, at a point where success was guaranteed), BLUE SCREEN. After logging back in, I found myself back in Dragonbone Vale. Totally missed out on any reward.
Every single subsequent random trial queue put me in an EMPTY Demo instance. I don't want to sidetrack this thread to complain about the fact that zoning back and forth in and out of empty Demo instances for half my play time is the opposite of fun. I mention it only to further highlight the annoyance that this instability is causing. If not for that bluescreen, I'd have received approximately 60k RAD from that CoDG (random bonus + 2 chests). Instead I received nothing but high blood pressure.
This alleged "make good" gesture was a nice first step in the right direction. If it's the last and only step, that's an indication to me (and likely other players) that either you're truly out of touch with your playerbase, or you just plain don't care. I've noticed the times of day, even on weekends, when some of @nitocris83 's posts are made, so I want to assume that you do care. Actions speak louder than words though, and the action of this poorly thought out, bare minimum "make good" gesture was about as worthwhile as the "Issue has been escalated" sophistry that we often get as responses to issues.
You still have crashing issues to fix. You still have a long way to go to earn some trust and respect from your playerbase, let alone to earn any chance at many of us ever spending on zen again.