i apologize for my bad english. but i want to pay my indignation and sadness because i play neverwinter since 2012 and i saw this game be the best MMORPG in the world in 2014 2 2015. today i see neverwinter poor, no PvP, no possibility to farm AD in dungeons he trials. the paladin that was full support is weak, undamaged, practically useless. the game is extremely dps focused. lost the old-time magic where you had PvP day and night to play. fast and super fun combinations that you played at any level from level 10. neverwinter was an amazing and wonderful game with 3 talent pages for you to customize, the powers had customizable levels. it was a sensational game. it's been my fun for many years, mostly because neverwinter has the greatest story ever. an amazing game based on Dungeons & Dragons, extremely addictive, incredibly fun. I have high praise for Neverwinter 2014. I ask the developers... I beg you. bring game back, bring free PvP back based on item level leveling. what did you guys do with such an amazing game? why? Who was this good for? I'm an ex gamer, ex vip who've been playing other MMORPGs like Black Desert and New World... but look... I miss my house. I miss Neverwinter. where is my game, guys? what did you do with my game?
Hoping this Gearbox acquisition means some business and operational changes for the better. Been feeling pushed away for some time now.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Say, if they include r9 for exchange, base on the current scale (for imaginary calculation purpose), it will need 60 r9 to get one r1.
One the other hand, one stat r1 costs 100K AD in Sage shop.
i.e. say, if you do have 60 r9, what you lose is 100K AD.
dont you devs realized many had invested 50-80 coalenscene wards and 800-1,200 preservation wards in processes, i see not one compesation. i considered Devs are Grief Designers, play us like ugly harps
i dont see any apologizing from devs, saying we the players are suckers, how rude,
it took me years to build up my enchantments and went on 18 months break from NW), and came back to check out Bard class, and see so many changes on skills and level nerf. wow, still too much and depressing, devs dont care about players.
I am still lost and confused what to play NWO since i had old friend mentored and help build my class characters. i check class build websites, none of them are solid archtypes.
devs, what you did, lot of damages to players' trust, i assumed that NWO may have about 800,000 accounts or more and i predict NWO will lose 300,000 players in few weeks. bad for business.
I hope that is the final reset to NWO and do again, NWO begin to die. it start out as good game until enchantments 1st nerfage and retiring. now this is complete wipe of players investments that take years, and they get back, more junks? changing enchantments buff into a trick pony special effect that do nothing but for looks? mobs in game dont care how you looks or see how cool, they just want to kill you. plain and simple.
if i own a brand new online game, i wouldnt hire anyone because i no longer trust anyone in that dev team.
betrayal hurts.
explain to me what best way to trade in for retired items, i expect equal quality or better. no downgrades ever.
I haven't been active for a long time now. I came here to look at the forums. I am patching and reading as I patch. This is what I have found changed just reading these forums.
1. GearBox bought up the PW game division. Why? $103 is way too much for this, it is like someone told me they bought Bill Gates used car, a 1995 Geo Metro at auction for on $50,000. All I can say to that is, what a bunch of suckers.
2. Module 21 has zero content, just revamped the whole game and added bards. This was last summer and I was waiting to see the next module, spend some money, and kill stuff. I don't see a lot of talk about any new content. Wondering what is the content? Someone said we are fighting the Cult of Dragons again? Does this mean my new content will just be the Well of Dragons part 2?
3. Enchants are removed. That sucks. I know one of you is going to tell me the enchantments are just different and more diverse now. No. According to everything I read, I MUST retrieve my useless enchantments from my mailbox and sell them to a vendor who gives me 1 enchantment for my weapon or armor, not both. They no longer slot into the armor or weapons we just carry them in our pockets and throw them at the bosses.
4. I think my last purchase was only $200, I hope that keeps those families fed. I have other games I have been playing and spending my money on since then. I guess I will jump online and see what new content is available for me. I was able to play end game content before they pitched the enchants. If I cannot access end game without buying new enchants, what is the point of playing new content no one can play with you?
I am back... why am I thinking it might be Hello and Good-bye?
I cashed in my old enchants and got 141 points to spend on new enchants. That store is a poor joke on the players. I have no clue what is inside those boxes until I buy them. How do I know how I should spend my pathetic points? Not all enchants were able to be sold either. Seems like my barkshield will only be a costume? This is really stupid. Who doesn't turn off the bark shield effect or should I ask, who likes the visual?
I might get online after that next patch tomorrow or maybe I will be playing games on my playstation instead. I am not liking the looks of this at all. If I thought the game was worth it, I would buy zen, as I have done before, and a get the enchantments. I am not spending my money to win, whoever thought pulling the rug out, thought wrong. Anyone want to tell me how this works? How am I suppose to play the new content with lint from the dryer? I know there must be at least three players running around in the new content, saying how cool it is, and it only cost them $500 each.
When this VIP expires, I will not be spending another penny on this game.
I've played since 2013. With the update that introduced the bard, lowered the levels to 20 and REMOVED so much content, I was very disappointed. I enjoyed the stories. I enjoyed the race quests, I enjoyed the class quests. All of that is gone.
With this last "update" the developers have completed flushed so much player effort.
Have fun with this "new" game mechanic, I will collect keys until VIP runs out.
I get it that everyone playing how they want, but you just level up, delete, restart?
@micky1p00 the point here isn't what quality you had on your character before, it matters we had something, now we have less than nothing. Would you like it if you made monthly payments to a bank for a car, one day they repossess the car? They tell you the car is obsolete, doesn't look good, and we recycled the car. Meanwhile here is a loner car for a week and you should go buy a new car soon.
We earned those. We worked and paid for those things. They reclaimed them from us. Feel free to grab your ankles for the next module. GearBox is nuts for acquiring Cryptic Studios. I will come back and to see what GearBox might do with these games, but I am done. I will be amazed, if they don't just recycle the whole dumpster fire. On the bright side they still got Star Trek out of this deal. I believe that is what they were after anyways.
2. What did you have in mod 21? Assuming one has 24 r15 for enchantment and 2 r14 for armor/weapon enchantment in mod 21, losing all of them means losing: 24 x 200 + 800 x 2 = 6400 item level. If you were loaded like this, you could trade in to get new enchantment.
3. Figure out how much item level you actually lose because of enchantment. Then, find out the real price of getting back the same item level.
I took 2 more hours looking at my main tonight and I don't see anything here I want to buy or keeps me playing. A video teaser got me back telling me they had something new and improved. I just keep finding the same old and lousy instead. I will return when GearBox is in full control, I trust they will replace the antiquated obsolete Cryptic engine for the Unreal 4 they use. Maybe they will fix the bugs and actually improve the game mechanics too? While they are at it, maybe they can replace the staff who thought this was going to be a huge benefit.
I have to spend 100,000+ AD per enchantment to get back to where I was prior. Across multiple characters.
Aaaand I'm not doing it. I'm not grinding AD or putting money into the game. No way no how.
I'm not grinding and regrinding every time this game drops a new update. I used to complain that Star Trek Online lacked depth and detail, but at least I don't have to re-grind and re-roll my characters every few months. I have original characters from launch that I still play... I haven't had to re-grind everyone every time the game updates.
Neverwinter can jump in the proverbial lake on this one. If they want me to continue playing (and I'm sure I don't matter one whit to them) I'll need either my loaner enchants to not expire in three days OR I will need a means to turn all of my sub-10 enchants into something I can use.
Not playing, not logging in until this is done.
Good work, Neverwinter Team. You lost a long-time player.
In the past, one expensive rank 15 enchant will only give 200 item level. A rank 15 enchant will easily cost you 750k AD. Today we can get 300 item level basic enchant at only 100k AD. If you use rank 8 or 9 enchants, that's only 80 item level, so 300 is 5 times that number. You should be able to trade in 5 old rank 9 enchants for 1 new green enchant.
What happened is that they raised the item level gap. Legendary to mythic enchants are crazy high 1300 to 1500 item level each. Those are SUPER next-level rank 20 enchants. Had they add the supers into the old system, it could have cost you 50million AD. Somehow they redesign it and you can become super strong if you buy coal wards with 1million AD (100k x 10 days) or from zen store. Mod22 allows you to improve your character to new heights slowly for 3-4 more months, keeping players busy. But of course those paid players got there immediately.
What they did wrong is to give you a temporary legendary super enchant, and deleting them in 7 days. Perhaps to them it's a work of advertisement, but to us we feel we've lost value in building our characters. It felt discouraging to have character stats lost. They forgot to pay attention into our feels.
If many players stopped playing after the SUPER enchants disappear, who knows if they will announce a gift away to restore it after it upset the players.
There are some other problems, for example speed bonus only gives 15% while old enchants can give up to 25% if you socket 5% speed into 5 gear slots. I lost speed in this module and don't find the game as fun due to muscle memory and stuff. I've made a separate topic about it.. hopefully it can gain developer's attention a little.
But the grind and the HEs didn't disappear.
The rank 1 choice pack you can get for 100k AD are more stats and item level than the previous rank 15. So even if you have to go and buy 12 packs, it's less than two weeks of doing two quests that most people do daily anyways, RTQ and RADQ, which net you nearly the daily refinement cap. You've had 7 days of an inflated item level, you could be half way done grinding for those new packs if you got out there and played.