i am confused. can we not claim the campaign rewards (regular and premium) on more than one character once the campaign is at 4000 currency on one/all character(s)??? what is the deal with claiming the rewards on each toon?
yesterday i purchased both the battle pass and the buyout but can only claim from the campaign all 8 items on ONE toon. Cannot claim any reward on any other toon through the campaign window.
And I log in today and see the Hawk and the 2 emotes in the rewards reclaim. Where are the rest of the items (2 artifact sets, *coal ward, reroll tokens, transmutes)? are there only some of the items allowed to be claimed on all the toons?
According to the store, both the pass and the buyout are account wide (with no restrictions listed). This is a mess. please clairfy. thank you.
You must OPEN the box on any character to claim rewards (under L) on the entire account. I'm really losing faith in people. . .
*Coal ward, reroll tokens are claimable only once per account
Better to feed the troll than listen to the idiot .
Bought the buyout, claimed the last rewards first and it locked the other 3. I never claimed the first 3 on any character, it wouldn't let me. Also not in the RCA.
Did not purchase anything, no problems with claiming the items available to me. The DPS artifact set being claimable on all toons turns out to be a really big deal for me as 8 out of 10 toons (including my paladin) switched over to it. My cleric had no use for it since I do not use the DPS path on that one and my Ranger still has that other undermountain set that I like for that one.
Based upon what I know, with this new artifact set and if I were to switch any of my toons from a level 1 or 10 guild into a level 20 guild for the boons that would be just enough to get my Bard into New Sharandar and my 3 primary toons would finally be at 45K.
also, those are purely visual, but the Hawk: 1) multiplies along with the clones from the Mirage weapon set; 2) doesn't display if you have certain companions summoned, for example Phoera, probably because it also floats above the character and somehow interferes with the Hawk's visual presence
The blog post states that progress and rewards are account wide. No restrictions listed.
No where in the campaign window can i find any restrictions on the items being claimed by multiple toons.
"Milestones Start Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st Final Milestone ends Jan 10 2022 Purchase a Battle Premium Pass for 2500 Zen and unlock the premium reward track for all 3 milestones If you have a premium pass you can still complete milestones after they're over Battle Premium Pass can be purchased up to Mar 31st 2022 Progress for premium pass holders can be done through Apr 30th 2022 There are also milestone buyouts that start at 1000 Zen per milestone. The cost is reduced by how much progress you've made in that milestone. The cost reduction is proportional to the progress made within each milestone. The Premium Pass allows you to complete milestones beyond the dates stated above (Nov 1, Dec 1, Jan 10) until Echoes of Prophecy ends on April 30. After that date, no more progress will be available for anyone as the campaign will go away. Rewards must be claimed before the final date of April 30, 2022. Premium Pass and Milestone Buyouts are both account-wide unlock. There is no leaderboard in Echoes of Prophecy. "
from the zen store: "a tear in the weave completions. buying this will complete the first milestone of echoes of prophecy. Account-wide unlock" FOR WHAT ITEMS?
from the zen store: "echoes of prophecy premium pass. purchasing this will unlock the ability to earn the premium rewards in echoes of prophecy. account-wide unlock. once purchased all characters on this account may earn premium rewards, and complete each milestone at their own pace" THIS TELLS ME THE 4 REWARDS ON THE BOTTOM ROW SHOULD BE CLAIMABLE BY ALL TOONS. which should with the buyout give all toons accessto all 8 rewards.
And btw: i cannot open any boxes. they are locked in the campaign. and where is the statement that *Coal ward, reroll tokens are claimable only once per account?
And also what about the artifact sets and the transmutes??? Can only "reclaim" the hawk and 2 emotes.
Again, THIS IS A MESS, information is not organized or given properly. and something is amiss, buggy, and not working as advertised.
is anything in this game WAI? and what is intended? need better communication.
thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. need a cryptic representative to please clarify what is intended, and/or fix the descriptions of what you actually get for each toon in the account in both the zen store and in the campaign window, and/or fix how to reclaim the rewards for all toons.
i purchased the buyout out of curiosity but now regret it.
Quest asks for a Major Heroic but requires an Epic one. Also, there are still the old bugs with Icewind Pass Epics as I completed Raid the Raiders (10+ and didn't get credit for the Event quest (or Sybella either)
I think you haven't got credit for the BHE at IWP because it's on Icewind Dale which is a different map than Sword Coast. You will get credit for any BHE on Sword Coast map like the ones at WoD, SH, DR and RD.
I think you haven't got credit for the BHE at IWP because it's on Icewind Dale which is a different map than Sword Coast. You will get credit for any BHE on Sword Coast map like the ones at WoD, SH, DR and RD.
You get credit for "minor" HEs on IWD though. The HE "type" bug affects the Legacy Campaign quests as well. It's super hard to get that one completed for Icewind Dale. I think only Remorhaz reliably completes it in Icewind Pass.
I can't equip this new artifact at the same time with the sparkling fey emblem it says "cannot equip any more of this item" this has to be a bug right? I spend alot of ad upgrading Neverwinters Standard to mythic and now I can't use it.
I have gotten credit and completed the quest solely in Icewind Pass and on another character, Lonelywood. The quest specifies the wrong type of HE. It says Major (5+) but it is looking for Epic (10+). It doesn't matter where the HE is as I'm sure it counts in Barovia and Avernus as well As Icewind Dale.
And yes, the Icewind Pass BHEs are all a bit broken and have been for some time. Remorhaz is the most likely to give credit but it shouldn't be like that - I've mostly stopped taking the Sybella Heroics quest for mod 3 because of this.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
I just do the Dragon run in ToD at :45 any hour and picks up small HE over there before that.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Hey folks! I'm currently gathering a list of upcoming fixes for certain issues but, in case anyone missed this, the issue where players can't claim rewards on other characters after getting the buyout will hopefully be fixed in a future patch. The issue is due to rewards being claimed out of order.
I was putting the new artifact packages on several on my alts, but after 9 pm cst on 10/4/2021, they disappeared from teh reclaim agent's Promo tab. I got them on a dozen characters, but I still have others that need the facy 1300 neck belt items and the nice artifacts.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
I was putting the new artifact packages on several on my alts, but after 9 pm cst on 10/4/2021, they disappeared from teh reclaim agent's Promo tab. I got them on a dozen characters, but I still have others that need the facy 1300 neck belt items and the nice artifacts.
Highlights The items Glistening Lion's Attire Package, Neverwinter's Standard Artifact Package, and Jewel of the North Artifact Package have been temporarily blocked for reclaiming in the Reward Claims Agent while we investigate and resolve an exploit. We expect them to be reclaimable with the next update. They can still be individually claimed, once per account, from the Echoes of Prophecy campaign.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Doohickey never did if you were wearing fashion gear, does that mean the hawk flies around all the time same as the doohickey rotates around all the time? Just curious.
Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
Hawk doesn't display if you are wearing Fashion Gear, instead of "adventuring equipment" (Doohickey doesn't display either)
I'm pretty sure this is not a bug and is working as intended.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
i am confused. can we not claim the campaign rewards (regular and premium) on more than one character once the campaign is at 4000 currency on one/all character(s)??? what is the deal with claiming the rewards on each toon?
yesterday i purchased both the battle pass and the buyout but can only claim from the campaign all 8 items on ONE toon. Cannot claim any reward on any other toon through the campaign window.
And I log in today and see the Hawk and the 2 emotes in the rewards reclaim. Where are the rest of the items (2 artifact sets, coal ward, reroll tokens, transmutes)? are there only some of the items allowed to be claimed on all the toons?
According to the store, both the pass and the buyout are account wide (with no restrictions listed). This is a mess. please clairfy. thank you.
They disabled claiming via rewards agent temporarily because of a bug of some sort.
i am confused. can we not claim the campaign rewards (regular and premium) on more than one character once the campaign is at 4000 currency on one/all character(s)??? what is the deal with claiming the rewards on each toon?
yesterday i purchased both the battle pass and the buyout but can only claim from the campaign all 8 items on ONE toon. Cannot claim any reward on any other toon through the campaign window.
And I log in today and see the Hawk and the 2 emotes in the rewards reclaim. Where are the rest of the items (2 artifact sets, coal ward, reroll tokens, transmutes)? are there only some of the items allowed to be claimed on all the toons?
According to the store, both the pass and the buyout are account wide (with no restrictions listed). This is a mess. please clairfy. thank you.
They disabled claiming via rewards agent temporarily because of a bug of some sort.
It was a potential exploit. Better they block it temporarily than dish out punishment afterwards to anyone tempted to abuse it.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
The blog post states that progress and rewards are account wide. No restrictions listed.
No where in the campaign window can i find any restrictions on the items being claimed by multiple toons.
"Milestones Start Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st Final Milestone ends Jan 10 2022 Purchase a Battle Premium Pass for 2500 Zen and unlock the premium reward track for all 3 milestones If you have a premium pass you can still complete milestones after they're over Battle Premium Pass can be purchased up to Mar 31st 2022 Progress for premium pass holders can be done through Apr 30th 2022 There are also milestone buyouts that start at 1000 Zen per milestone. The cost is reduced by how much progress you've made in that milestone. The cost reduction is proportional to the progress made within each milestone. The Premium Pass allows you to complete milestones beyond the dates stated above (Nov 1, Dec 1, Jan 10) until Echoes of Prophecy ends on April 30. After that date, no more progress will be available for anyone as the campaign will go away. Rewards must be claimed before the final date of April 30, 2022. Premium Pass and Milestone Buyouts are both account-wide unlock. There is no leaderboard in Echoes of Prophecy. "
from the zen store: "a tear in the weave completions. buying this will complete the first milestone of echoes of prophecy. Account-wide unlock" FOR WHAT ITEMS?
from the zen store: "echoes of prophecy premium pass. purchasing this will unlock the ability to earn the premium rewards in echoes of prophecy. account-wide unlock. once purchased all characters on this account may earn premium rewards, and complete each milestone at their own pace" THIS TELLS ME THE 4 REWARDS ON THE BOTTOM ROW SHOULD BE CLAIMABLE BY ALL TOONS. which should with the buyout give all toons accessto all 8 rewards.
And btw: i cannot open any boxes. they are locked in the campaign. and where is the statement that *Coal ward, reroll tokens are claimable only once per account?
And also what about the artifact sets and the transmutes??? Can only "reclaim" the hawk and 2 emotes.
Again, THIS IS A MESS, information is not organized or given properly. and something is amiss, buggy, and not working as advertised.
is anything in this game WAI? and what is intended? need better communication.
thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. need a cryptic representative to please clarify what is intended, and/or fix the descriptions of what you actually get for each toon in the account in both the zen store and in the campaign window, and/or fix how to reclaim the rewards for all toons.
i purchased the buyout out of curiosity but now regret it.
I was able to get the top row stuff on 4 of my characters the other 4 only the emote and hawk why not the neck belt and artifact? states account wide yup a big mess hope it's fixed
I have to agree with what's being pointed out in this thread. Nowhere does anything say that the coal ward and the reroll tokens are exceptions to the clearly stated "once unlocked, all premium rewards can be claimed account-wide" verbiage [paraphrased]. You sold the players a lie. Not cool. Please correct this. Deliver what you said you would deliver.
With all due respect, not sure how people managed to presume that the event reward consumables would be as reclaimable as equipment/tray items. delivering an endless supply of coal wards upon 1-time 2500 zen purchase directly contradicts the presence of a coal ward as a separate zen store purchaseable item, available for 1000 zen. Nobody in their right mind would refuse such a supply if legitimately available, but it's improbable that it will ever become a thing in reality. Especially considering the current state of ZAX back log and the already existing tendency of zen purchasers to make a profit selling store-bought wards on AH for AD, which would become even trendier if they got rid of the need to ever buy the said wards for personal upgrades due to owning an indefinitely reclaimable one. That not to mention all the profit such premium buyers would make mass-producing enchantments and runestones, ultimately burying the economy 6 feet under even relatively to its current state lol. daydreaming is fun though, I agree
If anyone did claim multiple coal wards I would recommend that they:
1. not use them 2. message CS Support and tell them you 'accidentally' gained multiple wards and they are unused & in your inventory and they are welcome to take them back.
This should avoid a potential account ban, Cryptic can be pretty unforgiving with this kind of thing so better to own up and return them and get points for honesty.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
"Milestones Start Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st" No where was this mentioned in game. Further, nothing indicating that progress could not be made in each section past the date is mentioned beyond the event post. Rather it is listed as 147days for the event (as of the current posting). As the format for every other event is to display the number of days for that section of the date, this was very misleading and caused me to not concentrate on this event in favor of the Contest of Liars event. As a result, I cannot gain any of the rewards from the first section of this campaign.
The new fashion items from the thirs part of the event modify the upper body but get put into the head slot. So they overlap with other fashion items and are invisible with most fashion items, that are part of the body slot.
I'm really losing faith in people. . .
*Coal ward, reroll tokens are claimable only once per account
Based upon what I know, with this new artifact set and if I were to switch any of my toons from a level 1 or 10 guild into a level 20 guild for the boons that would be just enough to get my Bard into New Sharandar and my 3 primary toons would finally be at 45K.
The blog post states that progress and rewards are account wide. No restrictions listed.
No where in the campaign window can i find any restrictions on the items being claimed by multiple toons.
"Milestones Start Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st
Final Milestone ends Jan 10 2022
Purchase a Battle Premium Pass for 2500 Zen and unlock the premium reward track for all 3 milestones
If you have a premium pass you can still complete milestones after they're over
Battle Premium Pass can be purchased up to Mar 31st 2022
Progress for premium pass holders can be done through Apr 30th 2022
There are also milestone buyouts that start at 1000 Zen per milestone. The cost is reduced by how much progress you've made in that milestone. The cost reduction is proportional to the progress made within each milestone.
The Premium Pass allows you to complete milestones beyond the dates stated above (Nov 1, Dec 1, Jan 10) until Echoes of Prophecy ends on April 30. After that date, no more progress will be available for anyone as the campaign will go away.
Rewards must be claimed before the final date of April 30, 2022.
Premium Pass and Milestone Buyouts are both account-wide unlock.
There is no leaderboard in Echoes of Prophecy. "
from the zen store: "a tear in the weave completions. buying this will complete the first milestone of echoes of prophecy. Account-wide unlock" FOR WHAT ITEMS?
from the zen store: "echoes of prophecy premium pass. purchasing this will unlock the ability to earn the premium rewards in echoes of prophecy. account-wide unlock. once purchased all characters on this account may earn premium rewards, and complete each milestone at their own pace" THIS TELLS ME THE 4 REWARDS ON THE BOTTOM ROW SHOULD BE CLAIMABLE BY ALL TOONS. which should with the buyout give all toons accessto all 8 rewards.
And btw: i cannot open any boxes. they are locked in the campaign. and where is the statement that *Coal ward, reroll tokens are claimable only once per account?
And also what about the artifact sets and the transmutes??? Can only "reclaim" the hawk and 2 emotes.
Again, THIS IS A MESS, information is not organized or given properly. and something is amiss, buggy, and not working as advertised.
is anything in this game WAI? and what is intended? need better communication.
thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. need a cryptic representative to please clarify what is intended, and/or fix the descriptions of what you actually get for each toon in the account in both the zen store and in the campaign window, and/or fix how to reclaim the rewards for all toons.
i purchased the buyout out of curiosity but now regret it.
And yes, the Icewind Pass BHEs are all a bit broken and have been for some time. Remorhaz is the most likely to give credit but it shouldn't be like that - I've mostly stopped taking the Sybella Heroics quest for mod 3 because of this.
The items Glistening Lion's Attire Package, Neverwinter's Standard Artifact Package, and Jewel of the North Artifact Package have been temporarily blocked for reclaiming in the Reward Claims Agent while we investigate and resolve an exploit. We expect them to be reclaimable with the next update. They can still be individually claimed, once per account, from the Echoes of Prophecy campaign.
Co-Guild Leader
Ghost Templars L20
Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
Alt: Warlock
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
1. not use them
2. message CS Support and tell them you 'accidentally' gained multiple wards and they are unused & in your inventory and they are welcome to take them back.
This should avoid a potential account ban, Cryptic can be pretty unforgiving with this kind of thing so better to own up and return them and get points for honesty.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
No where was this mentioned in game. Further, nothing indicating that progress could not be made in each section past the date is mentioned beyond the event post. Rather it is listed as 147days for the event (as of the current posting). As the format for every other event is to display the number of days for that section of the date, this was very misleading and caused me to not concentrate on this event in favor of the Contest of Liars event. As a result, I cannot gain any of the rewards from the first section of this campaign.
Guild: Zirkel der Weltenwanderer (Circle of the world travellers)
Characters: Betty Lou , Kermit
Guild: Masters of Muppets