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Recruitment Event Fixed?

reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
edited July 2021 in Bug Reports (PC)
I seen the post that the recruitment event is fixed and been extended, but what about the currency for the 7 levels and boxes I opened yesterday. Does this mean I need to make 2.5 characters and have the currency split between #1 and #3?

Added this as a post below, figured I'd update the original post.

My biggest issue with the "fix" is that my new healing character Bard can't get the healing pet from the event vendor. it's 100 currency for the Neverember Guard(Outgoing healing/Awareness). I might be spouting off too early, but I'm level 12 with 28 Neverember's Incentives currency. I don't see me reach 100 in the next 8 levels but I could be wrong...
Post edited by reg1981 on


  • anomaleaanomalea Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    Exactly what does 'fixed' mean? I've started a character already and have opened boxes and received no currency from them. There are no incentives on that character today after the fix. So, will I have the full currency by the time I reach level 20? Should I quit and delete and start again? In the past there was only enough for two characters to reach max. Is this character hosed? Gah, more info. Always more info.
  • miliantriciamiliantricia Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    @nitocris83 The problem is not solved by extending the event. Give the opportunity to get the missing amount of currency.
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    My biggest issue with the "fix" is that my new healing character Bard can't get the healing pet from the event vendor. it's 100 currency for the Neverember Guard(Outgoing healing/Awareness). I might be spouting off too early, but I'm level 12 with 28 Neverember's Incentives currency. I don't see me reach 100 in the next 8 levels but I could be wrong...
  • zactorzactor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 57 Arc User
    its not working for me, still nothing after the "fix"
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    somveraa said:

    They do this sometimes when they want to try to quickly fix something and move on to something else, unless alot of people get vocal, on multiple places on this forum, facebook/twitter, even dming everyone you can to annoy them into fixing this properly, they won't.

    I'm in the same boat myself, I started getting the currency in like the lvl 17 box cause it was mid "fix".
    They fully expect you to delete that character and just start it again, to get the rewards, instead of them figuring out how to reimburse you what you actually lost.

    I'd actually do that, cause it's annoying and time comsuming to do so, but it'd work.

    Problem is, I liked this character I rolled enough to put a Xuna on it, I don't have any more character slots to just level a holder to make up the difference, and I can't delete this one without losing my Xuna.

    @nitocris83 @nholmesdev#5601 Please fix this properly.

    @everyoneelse Annoy the HAMSTER out of them and every other dev, or they prolly won't, track record and all.

    I put Xuna on mine as well. Was 5 Mil AD for the box. Also have a Star set all ranked up and ready to go, artifact is already in use in my 2nd arti slot. These are things I can't undo and move to another toon. The account bound mounts and pets are no issue but I'm probably 8 Mil AD deep into this new Bard that can't come to another toon. Please add the missing currency to the reclaims vendor or something!!
  • rainbow#6026 rainbow Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    @nitocris83 What about characters who had already made progress in the game before your fix and didn't get full rewards from the boxes? Will they be given award later? Please don't leave us without attention and let us know if you fix it too (or not)!
  • amascus#1899 amascus Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    I have the same question, what option do we have to receive all of the incentives other then to delete and restart? The extra day does not help even if deleting is the answer if we have to wait an extra day to find out that is the only way.

    "We received an update on the Neverember's Recruitment issue mentioned during the stream - this has been fixed and the event has been extended by one day! New end date is August 27 for #NWPC"
  • redmage#9046 redmage Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I put in a ticket requesting details on this too, I've already invested items and ad into my bard and having to delete him would be a total waste of those resources.
  • somveraasomveraa Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    They did something very similar to this when they had the 5 comp and 5 mount upgrade token packs in the redeemed citadel, it bugged out, and they "fixed" it, by just fixing it going forward, and refusing to give you the actual number of them you were supposed to get.

    We are gonna get screwed here, this being the second time something similar has happened to me...Do it again and I'm gone. All this has happened in the last year by the way.
  • somveraasomveraa Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2021
    This is how many incentives I managed to get more than midway through the "fix". Anyone know how many we were supposed to get, 100 wasn't it?

    The number is 46, for those who don't want to click the link.

    Could you guys please issue another fix, that just makes sure every character that reached 20 during this event, gets the amount they are supposed to have, please.
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    Hopping on this bandwagon, this is yet another "fix" that isn't a fix at all. If you insist on hotfixes, do them bloody right. On top of that, more transparency and clarity. Throwing out a fix and just saying, "it should be working now" is useless, many players, even outside of the new issues, are clueless as to how it works when they had either already started or considering starting again, will it work next time round? Who knows. As people have mentioned above, there are a lot of other things to take into consideration, players don't want to start again, to get screwed again because they're told it's fixed then make "bound" commitments only to find it's still not working and now they've wasted a tonne of resources on a character that can't benefit from the incentives.

    This is honestly incredulous.
  • anomaleaanomalea Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    Still waiting for a response. There goes the extra day it was extended.
  • miliantriciamiliantricia Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    @nitocris83 When will this be fixed? I don't understand whether it's worth playing at all anymore? Even the support ignores, cool.
  • seazombie64seazombie64 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Happened to me too..got my bard to 20 today..with 92 incentives. last time the event worked for me on 2 characters, but not so far on my 1st this time.
  • joey#5668 joey Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    i didn't even get a single incentive, not even 1
  • rainbow#6026 rainbow Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    @percemer what about this? Are you working on it? Or we like Elsa - let it go let it go and the dev team is preparing a fixis just the return of the Summerfest Artisan so far?
  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User

    The dev team is currently looking if there could be a retroactive fix because there are also some technical issues.

    In the meantime, we invite you to please contact the support team

    EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
    Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
  • miliantriciamiliantricia Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    percemer said:


    The dev team is currently looking if there could be a retroactive fix because there are also some technical issues.

    In the meantime, we invite you to please contact the support team


    Recruitment event.Support wrote that they sent a bug report. And there was no other answer.
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
    ...and the support team always push people to this forum.
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • tamtoucantamtoucan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited July 2021
    Just adding to the responses above. Your post about it being "fixed" and extending the event completely misses the actual problem.

    For someone who started on day1, created a toon, played it....they have the bug. Giving them an extra day doesn't give them the missing incentives. There is no way for that toon to reach 100.

    For someone who started on day2, they now have an extra day to reach lv20....so that's a reward for them that they didn't have an reason to get since they weren't affected by the bug. They shouldn't actually get an extra day, since they missed the first day of the event.

    So the "fix" benefits those that don't need it and does nothing for those that do.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited July 2021
    tamtoucan said:

    Just adding to the responses above. Your post about it being "fixed" and extending the event completely misses the actual problem.

    For someone who started on day1, created a toon, played it....they have the bug. Giving them an extra day doesn't give them the missing incentives. There is no way for that toon to reach 100.

    For someone who started on day2, they now have an extra day to reach lv20....so that's a reward for them that they didn't have an reason to get since they weren't affected by the bug. They shouldn't actually get an extra day, since they missed the first day of the event.

    So the "fix" benefits those that don't need it and does nothing for those that do.

    It benefit the 3rd group (which properly still does not need the extra day). The 3rd group are those who started on day 1. Delete the character and start again after the fix. I am in the 3rd group. I understand most cannot delete their heavily invested character just for the 'incentive'.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    We will keep you informed as soon as possible
    EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
    Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
  • rainbow#6026 rainbow Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    @percemer thank you for feedback!
    Let the force be with you)
  • somveraasomveraa Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    @percemer Thank you for your response.
  • oldschooldndplyroldschooldndplyr Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2021
    */em digs in his pockets, pulls out a couple of coins, and tosses in his 2 cp*...

    This event is so broken it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. I've been burned TWICE by this recruitment event, both the last time they had it, and now.

    The last time I heard about the event, I was excited, "hey, I've got 2 empty character slots, I can level a couple of characters and get some nice stuff to boot! Sign me up!" So I created a couple of classes I hadn't tried before, leveled them up a bit, and found I didn't care for them, so I deleted them and started again.
    somveraa said:

    They fully expect you to delete that character and just start it again, to get the rewards, instead of them figuring out how to reimburse you what you actually lost.

    I'd actually do that, cause it's annoying and time consuming to do so, but it'd work.

    Eh....not-s'much....What Cryptic DIDN'T say in their event description was: although the Neverember Incentives are account-bound, they're also CHARACTER BOUND. Sounds like a catch-22 right? Let me explain... If you opened even ONE leveling box and got the incentives out of it, they were stuck on THAT CHARACTER. Doesn't matter that there's nowhere to monitor these "account bound" currencies (like Zen), if you delete a character with any Neverember Incentives, they're gone, BUT they STILL count towards the total Incentives you can get. So because of this, I was unable to get to the full 100 on either character.

    I thought I learned my lesson, so this time, I made SURE I was going to keep the character (a bard) that I created all the way from level 1 to 80, er 20. But to my surprise, after passing 4 levels and opening 4 boxes I only received 2 Incentives (for the last box I opened, post-"hot fix".

    When I sent in a ticket to explain my problem, here was the response:


    Thank you for contacting player support. My apologies for the delayed response due to the volume of tickets we are receiving.

    I am sorry to hear that your character "**********" is not getting Neverember’s Incentives.

    Based on the recent patch, this should be fixed. While there are no specifics yet for the users that got affected prior to the hotfix last Wednesday, it should be awarded moving forward. For more information about this patch, you may check the link I have provided below.


    I hope that this clarifies your query. Should you need assistance with other matters, please inform us by creating a new support ticket and we'll be glad to offer help.
    GM Valxr

    ..."this should be fixed". Well, I suppose what your definition of "fixed" is. ALOT of loyal players getting screwed out of something due to Cryptic's error, isn't a "Fix" in my opinion.

    Look, we get it, mistakes happen. But it's HOW you respond to those mistakes that really shows what kind of company you are. It's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Just reimburse those missing Neverember Incentives to those players that didn't get them before the hot-fix and we'll be good. Or at least I will be. That's all I'm asking.


  • chucknorris#1854 chucknorris Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    Just a question :

    I deleted a pre-patch boon level 5 which have 2 incentives instead of 10.
    then created a second boon which get all 100 incentives at level 20.

    but know, I wish to create a third boon. Can I get him to 100 incentives too, or did the 2 that my first boon count in the "200 incentives limit by account" so I'll be stuck to 98 ?

  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User

    Just a question :

    I deleted a pre-patch boon level 5 which have 2 incentives instead of 10.
    then created a second boon which get all 100 incentives at level 20.

    but know, I wish to create a third boon. Can I get him to 100 incentives too, or did the 2 that my first boon count in the "200 incentives limit by account" so I'll be stuck to 98 ?


    The first 2 will count and you would be stuck at 98 with no future way of obtaining those 2.
  • panzer88panzer88 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Any incentives received, whether used or not, will count towards your 200 max, even if you delete that hero and make another.

    Found out the hard way. and now im missing 40ish on my second (first hero that made it to 20 got all 100 fine).

    This is not cool imo, many people are now prevented from doing a second hero for this event because they wont be able to get 100 from it. - Who wants to level a second when you know you missed out on half the potential rewards and it isnt your fault?
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