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M21 Leveling Experience



  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    It's impossible to enter in the last dungeon of the quest "Undead and the dying" in Neverdeath, so it's impossible to end the neverdeath zone.

    I've done it.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • faldaril#4027 faldaril Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    It's impossible to enter in the last dungeon of the quest "Undead and the dying" in Neverdeath, so it's impossible to end the neverdeath zone.

    I've done it.
    Good for you :)
    I've tried 4 times, every time there is some sort of collision plane blocking the entrance.

    "Siamo solo delle piadine in mano hai potenti della terra" (Cit. Complottista Anonimo Facebook)- Professional AoE Tester - Doom of Healers and Tanks
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Did you finish all the quests offered up to that point?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • faldaril#4027 faldaril Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    Yes, I have this problem only with the bard. I killed all the mobs I have to kill and I'm out of combat. I can see the door "shine" white, but I can't activate it.
    "Siamo solo delle piadine in mano hai potenti della terra" (Cit. Complottista Anonimo Facebook)- Professional AoE Tester - Doom of Healers and Tanks
  • faldaril#4027 faldaril Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    This morning I try again, the quest is not completable for my bard. I made a little video to show the problem.
    "Siamo solo delle piadine in mano hai potenti della terra" (Cit. Complottista Anonimo Facebook)- Professional AoE Tester - Doom of Healers and Tanks
  • kohanaskohanas Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    This morning I try again, the quest is not completable for my bard. I made a little video to show the problem.

    I have had this EXACT same experience. Created and was playing a Bard. My friend brought his rogue. Neither one of us could get in. The door sparkles, indicating that we can enter, but we can't. It's as if the door doesn't exist. I talked to several others who have had the same problem.

    I was enjoying the leveling experience up to that point, but I can't go any further in the story, and as such, I can't continue to try it out.
  • eminnerdev#8159 eminnerdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 32 Cryptic Developer
    We should have a fix out for the blocked door this week. Apologies for the inconvenience! Thank you for your reports!
  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:

    Feedback: from what i saw so far of the leveling zones, im dissapointed the nashers "civil war" storyline wiped of the game, wich was key questline to later understand nasher supporting the threat in riversdistrict, the removel of linkletter storyline to learn about the spellplague origin to enter chasm and the removal of chasm spelplague cavern dungeon, the butchering of content and lore of the game is so stupid and don't come telling me its evolving world because its not, this is core history of the game, devs go play on live server to understand better the history/lore of the first days of the game before removing zones of the game, wiping game world history/lore is not good at all.

    I have no proof of this, other that we all are seeing, but it's clear that NW is moving away from it's RPG/lore roots. I suspect story is not even something they are pretending to care about any more. The money is in fast moving action co-op games with as little (if any) story sprinkled in here and there. Get the players maxed out ASAP and get lots of FOMA going. I am NOT saying this as a bad thing per say as it's solid from a business POV but as long timers who follow the story and like the RPG elements are being pushed out.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • jadebleurose#3318 jadebleurose Member Posts: 24 Arc User

    This morning I try again, the quest is not completable for my bard. I made a little video to show the problem.

    I've been having the same problem for 2 days now. This is my second bard in the preview server. Just wanted to try it again with male character design. Created a female bard when class first became available in preview, and ran with a partner in play all the way to The Chasm with minimal interaction glitches with the quest givers, so far. Those characters accessed the Soldier's Tomb with no problem. But, that was at least a week or so before I created my second one, who cannot access the Soldier's Tomb or finish Neverdeath.

  • bronto111bronto111 Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    on PC just tried my main barbarian on preview ...
    i had completed EVERY campaign before copying it over to preview but on preview EE spinward rise says i have 0% completed and only the quest trouble on the winds is ticked and cant get any more quests at spinward rise...
    In addition all legacy campaigns now have one quest not completed yet they are all 100% completed on live.
  • derdrakonderdrakon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
    My leveling experience with the bard so far...

    I'm now Level 11, just finished Ebon Downs.

    All in all very smoth progress, and the tutorials nicely woven in.
    For an experienced player it's mostly a walk in the park, for a new player sometimes challenging, but not too hard, I think.

    I really really like, that mimics now drop usefull items. It really makes sense to look for them and risk the fight. Maybe you could make it so, that the mimic spits out a few bones together with the items? ;)

    What I don't like:

    - Bossfights:
    They are far far to short! This is also what my audience on YouTube thinks. It takes longer and is more difficult to fight 10 Zombies on the way to the boss, then to fight the boss itself. In most cases. This is so disappointing! I'm not joking, I am stalling the fights, not using all skills and items, just to be able to show the boss a bit longer and to see what he can do.
    An exception was the Fight with Idris, but only, because she summons so many monsters.
    Now I don't suggest adding more monsters to every bossfight, please no. I would suggest to give the solo bosses 2-3 times more hp and to make them hit 10% stronger. This is important, because right now I can beat every boss, so far, in under 10 seconds just by using the available powers and items. No challenge, you learn nothing from the fights, you don't remember them in the future, it doesn't feel like you have achieved something.

    If a player, for whatever reason, cannot beat the boss or the dungeon: Make a NPC pop up near the last campfire that has been activited. Make him say something like "I have seen you enter, and I followed you here". The player can hire this NPC, or a band of Adventurers, to help with the fights.

    - Drops from bosses:
    I just finished "The Throne of Idris" and got two special blue rings. One from the bonegolem one from Idris. These rings are both IL 156 or so, and completely useless. At that point I already had two IL 400 rings from questrewards. Please make the drops from the bosses usefull.

    - Lost content/quests:
    The maps are only half explored, when youre done with the last quest.
    Maybe you could scatter more ressources or lore or special items/transmutes, maybe 1 hidden pet per map (a mini skeleton, a mini werewolf), to encourage exploration a bit more?

    Thats it for now

  • massey08massey08 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    Something to try here, since no prompt is comming up, You could try typing "/interact" in the chat window; this is different in that it ignores any prompts that may pop up and interacters with only inanimate objects or NPC's. "F" is "/interactandloot" or something like that.

    This got me past a duplicate NPC spawn for one of the maze campaign quests. The NPC at the time would spawn in the bar for 2 different questlines ( i think quest 5 and 8?) but quest 5 was inaccessible due to the duplicate spawn. It was resolved with this method of "/interact" while targeting the NPC that had no "F to interact" prompt for bringing up his dialogue.

    Edit. this particular fix might not apply to doors though but it's worth a shot; It does not work in VoS after the maze in the event that the final boss gate gets bugged, which would result in having to start over as if you failed.
  • omack#6690 omack Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    So with this new update, you are telling me that my level 80 toon will be nurfed and reduced to a level 20? Ohhh geee thanks, nicee way to tell me I wasted hours to get to level 80. I am glad I am a non coiner.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    So with this new update, you are telling me that my level 80 toon will be nurfed and reduced to a level 20? Ohhh geee thanks, nicee way to tell me I wasted hours to get to level 80. I am glad I am a non coiner.

    Except it literally means nothing if you are already max level. Stats are not being changed.
  • caldochaud#4880 caldochaud Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    To be honest, while I sincerely love the Bard and applaud its inclusion into the game, I really don't like the new level cap and leveling system. It feels as if you have severely dumbed-down the game worse than Mod 16, and are treating the player like a complete idiot. It is an issue of presentation. I understand that you are trying to make the game line up with D&D 5e rules, but those rules only work well in a two-hour table-top D&D gaming session, not a video game that takes months (and years) to really get into.

    As for those TROLLS "players" who have complained about not knowing what to do after reaching level 80, whatever happened to the Journal Tutorial Sabella leads every player through?

    That tutorial was intended to lead players into Campaigns... not that the TROLLS complainers didn't already know that. They just conveniently forget to actually learn how to play the game and demand short-cuts.

    (I still miss Mod 15. Oh, those skill-trees and power-points. The wonders I could work with them!)
    "Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire." - Sir Bernard Williams
  • dameon2kdameon2k Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    I like the leveling experience so far. Most of the bugs I have discovered are already covered in this post so I will not rehash them here. The leveling experience works well and is fun. It is also nice to finally start the game with Valindra as the main objective and have her be the final boss. I like the reworked dungeons and I feel like everything within leveling (gear and rewards) is done well. I think you all are moving in the right direction.

    Feedback: That being said there are three issues I can think of that cause continuity issues in the leveling story. The first is the elimination of all things Nashers. I realize you have added NPC's in areas that tell us stories about the quest chains we lost, but might I suggest making them easier to find and applying cutscenes that explain what happened. If you do not do the Nasher quests or find the NPC that gives the quest, the explanation for the Nashers later on will make little sense.

    Feedback: There is also an issue in the leveling story where we do not receive the Linkletter special quest until level 20. The issue with this is that Linkletter references this event in the Chasm area. Players should be forced to do the special quests for Linkletter prior to the Chasm zone. In fact, they would flow nicely into one another, I think.

    Feedback: Another issue, as far as adventures are concerned, is that gear in them, especially early on (Underdark for example) are lower than gear you received in leveling. There is also the issue of having higher ilvl gear that does not contain slots for your enchantments. If we have full slots open by the time we finish the leveling story then all gear we receive later should have slots. If you do not want to change all the gear, maybe consider giving us other rewards such as mounts, companions, wards, enchantments, runestones, companion gear, and so on. I feel with adventures you have a great opportunity to help new players catch up to end game while playing the game.
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    Bug 1 :

    Stronghold food is still broken.

    Bug 2 :

    In the quest "Training Day", the step where you have to use special mechanic (TAB) is instantly completed for Fighter and Paladin. Player does not have to touch TAB to complete the step.

    Bug 3 :

    When completing the quest "Training Day", you are asked to return to Sgt. Knox. Player gets option to ask Knox what to do next before dialogue stops. Upon exiting conversation, the quest log promts player to return to Sgt. Knox to complete mission.

    Bug 4 :

    Rings provided by the Adventurers Seals vendor still have extremely high stats.
    Elite Whaleboy
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    Feedback :

    The buff to the Dusk set that is rewarded from the Dwarven King adventure (item level now 1125), is extremely nice to see!

    As usual I have found something to nitpick on and I think that fixing this small issue would help enforce the "fast track to epic level content" goal of Mod21 ;

    1. Wearing three pieces of Dusk or Underdark gear gives the "Underdark Mount and Companion Affinity" equip bonus :

    When the set was introduced, 3 companions (Quasit, Shadow Demon and Grazilaxx) and 1 mount (Gas Spore) were affected by this bonus.
    After the Combat Ratings Rework, Grazilaxx and Gas Spore lost (part) of their Underdark Mount/Companion status, while the Quasit and Shadow Demon is working as intended.

    2. Giving the Dusk set 2set bonus a small adjustement to match the increased item level and even removing the Stronghold requirement for the 3 set bonus would make it a very viable option for support players that are not yet able to get the latest and greatest tank gear.

    Post edited by wilbur626 on
    Elite Whaleboy
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited June 2021

    With XP removed, Azures are giving movement speed. Prior experience with movement speed is a real problem in Queues, as full-movement spec'd players just run ahead while those still leveling up and learning never really get a chance to participate.

    Suggestion: instead of movement speed, have those enchantements/runestones instead provide outgoing healing. This would match tactical (incoming healing) and give healers more choice (forte .vs. OGH) in their utility slots.

    Personally I'm in the middle ground on this subject. I've missed movement speed and I like the idea of having it back but I do think +40% is a bit insane.

    I think it was lazy of the devs to change all XP sources to movement. They could (for example) keep it on the Azures but change the XP guild boon to outgoing healing and make XP bonuses on companions/mounts give some other utility stat (e.g. Forte).

    As for dps that sprint far ahead of support, most of them tend to regret it very quickly - but it can be situationally very useful for melee dps to get into battle within an effective timeframe without having to dedicate a slot to gap-closing encounters or class features.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
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    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    With XP removed, Azures are giving movement speed. Prior experience with movement speed is a real problem in Queues, as full-movement spec'd players just run ahead while those still leveling up and learning never really get a chance to participate.

    Suggestion: instead of movement speed, have those enchantements/runestones instead provide outgoing healing. This would match tactical (incoming healing) and give healers more choice (forte .vs. OGH) in their utility slots.

    Personally I'm in the middle ground on this subject. I've missed movement speed and I like the idea of having it back but I do think +40% is a bit insane.

    I think it was lazy of the devs to change all XP sources to movement. They could (for example) keep it on the Azures but change the XP guild boon to outgoing healing and make XP bonuses on companions/mounts give some other utility stat (e.g. Forte).

    As for dps that sprint far ahead of support, most of them tend to regret it very quickly - but it can be situationally very useful for melee dps to get into battle within an effective timeframe without having to dedicate a slot to gap-closing encounters or class features.
    Pretty sure there is a movement speed nerf waiting for us down the road.
    - bye bye -
  • mparcher#3106 mparcher Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    Can we have more speed? Speed was supposedly removed because the game engine couldn't handle it, but thats not true at all because it can. The Azures are the tip of the iceberg of what the NW team can provide us. Would be great to have our 180% movement speed again so we didn't have to ride around on dumb mounts which have animations that take much too long anyways.
  • kohanaskohanas Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    I understand that you are trying to make the game line up with D&D 5e rules, but those rules only work well in a two-hour table-top D&D gaming session.

    This is the kind of thing I'd expect someone who's never played a noteworthy D&D game to say...
  • kohanaskohanas Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    So with this new update, you are telling me that my level 80 toon will be nurfed and reduced to a level 20? Ohhh geee thanks, nicee way to tell me I wasted hours to get to level 80. I am glad I am a non coiner.

    No, the new level cap is level 20. The leveling experience has been adjusted so that you'd have the same stats and abilities at level 20 that you previously had at level 80. Perhaps take a screenshot of your level 80 character's stats, then transfer a copy to the preview server and take a look. Compare the stats. You won't see much difference.
  • nickybarlow1nickybarlow1 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2021
    Will the combat changes be removed? If not people are going have trouble getting through certain zones since they won't be able to out level it anymore due to these new changes.
    Post edited by nickybarlow1 on
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    > @nickybarlow1 said:
    > Will the combat changes be removed? If not people are going have trouble getting through certain zones since they won't be able to out level it anymore due to these new changes.

    This is absolutely not an issue in the new leveling system
    Elite Whaleboy
  • supremejedilord1supremejedilord1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Sorry I'm not able to test for feedback, but perhaps a consideration. Characters that have already made it to level 80 and completed the initial story quests received rewards that were on par with the game at the time. New characters will receive epic mounts, bags, and other very nice items. Will old, level 80 characters have the opportunity to receive these rewards? (Basing the reward content off of several videos made by popular Neverwinter YouTubers.)
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    Yes every character that has finished the campaigns/zones etc will also receive the same rewards.
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