Please give any and all feedback on the new 1-20 leveling experience here!
Many things have changed in our reimagining of the journey to level cap. The best way to experience this is to start a new character but existing characters are supported as well.
Feedback is welcome on quest flow, tutorials, the new Adventure system in the journal, rewards, class progression and skill unlocks, and anything else you encounter on your journey to 20!
Please format your feedback like this:
Example bug
Example opinion
Thank you and enjoy!
Paladin can not get past the "Use your special ability" part of the quest "Training Day". Activating the special ability does not trigger quest progression.
On Entering PE for the first time at Level 1, I didnt talk to Makos before entering the Adventurers Guild. When I then spoke to Sgt, Knox gave me the Cloaked Ascencency opener Quest - The Dead * The Defeated
Does "vaulting" mean that some of the older content has been removed, the way original Sharandar has been removed?
New Sharandar is a plotless series of bounty hunts and hunt-and-kill missions. All of the layers of plot and character development in the original have been stripped away in favor of endless combat. If more original content is lost, should we expect more of these styles of games coming in the future?
When we first learned that Sharandar was being removed, there was a statement (somewhere) that the original design team had gone, and the amount of labor and re-learning involved in maintaining it was insurmountable. Is this evidence that more original, high-quality content is about to disappear for similar reasons, or was that statement untrue?
Many of us enjoy meeting old friends like Knox, Celeste, and the rest. We spend time with them by playing old content as well as looking forward to new chapters that may include them. Will we be losing touch with our virtual friends through this "vaulting" process? Some of us who enjoy the NPC interactions are less enthused about mindless combat grinds, especially when they now take the place of said interactions.
with the removal of content does that mean all new alts are going to have to trudge through the same content every time we make a new one? will there be enough content for leveling that we can level multiple alts via different sets of outdoor content?
How will this impact boons?
I'm currently replaying the entirety of Acquisitions Incorporated on a weekly basis, plus a dozen repetitions of Basement Exploration to reach 175 acorns and get a boon. I've done this three times at the moment, and have two more weeks to go (because the first time was done to complete the campaign and reach 100%). That's a lot of drudgery to get a boon that I personally value quite a bit.
Am I wasting this time?
the initial quest which asks to use the shift key to activate the power of the characters does not advance using the shift key.
Edit: I understand my error, it works. It's necessary to use the shift key inside the red area to let it work.
In general, I like the little that I have seen but I am very afraid that this leveling system will lead to an exponential growth in the number of players able to play endgame but absolutely lacking any other notion of the game.
Edit: I spend sometime playing the bard, it's not my favourite class atm, but the leveling system, if i understand how it works, requires to do quests to gain levels and not to kill mobs. If it is so, I like it very much
so will there be a return to cloth/leather/metal wearing for different classes, because this was fundamental in D+D..a wizard couldnt wear metal as it interfered with casting..hence cloth will they lose their steel pants, metal necklaces, rings...will cloth users take more dmg than say a paladin as they should really do..
or is it just a partial return which involves Cryptic removing more money from players.
in short is it a return to D+D core or does the Core d+d gameplay depend on what is profitable?
- You seem to have done away completely with experience points and now levels are awarded as quest rewards (What would be considered "Milestone experience" in D&D). This is great for those who follow the normal quest progression, but it really doesn't leave any alternative to the normal quest progression to level up a new character. I personally like the revised leveling process, but I also know people who will be pulling their hair out when they discover there is no way to level a new character without running Velllosk ... again.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
question: Mastercraft materials in the zones that have been removed.. what is happening there? I still see the charts for sale in the stronghold but there is no way to retrieve those mats? are the recipes using them being discarded or are they being added back to other areas? (I haven't read this thread so if I'm doubling up sorry)
- The Workshop Quest Line still requires players to reach level 20 (now max level) to continue and upgrade their Workshop to level 2.
- Levels are not scaled from Module 20 -> 21. A character level 20 will still be level 20 (the new max)
The quest flow feels nice so far and the gear progression makes much more sense. Generally I do not mind the rework as the adventure zones where no longer in sync with character progression.
Gating leveling up behind quest completions isn't great. I always felt like introductory/story quests should be skippable after their initial run because there's little enjoyment to go through the same quests over and over again. A prime example has always been the Storm Kings Thunder campaign, specifically Sea of Moving Ice. There's simply no way you should be forced to go through that pile of quests just to start the campaign. Do it with one character and unlock it for your account with the ability to opt in and replay the story. At least in later campaigns the progression quests also added to the Weekly Haul and weren't completely pointless.
There has to be a way other than the ZEN market to bypass the leveling experience. Maybe start with unlocking praying right after the intro and adding a level-up token for 14 Celestial Tokens to the Vault of Piety. That way you could at least over time advance characters. Or add those tokens to the Wondrous Bazaar, Seal Vendors, etc. If people want the rewards (and there are great ones for completing the zones) they can still choose to complete areas.
I'm already not looking forward to having to go through the same story on live with the Bard. It should be a one and done.
I gave it a try, and with all the jank still left in bard, throwing someone straight into neverdeath without a few chapters to get the hang of things and earn some experience with the class is stupid. The hoardes of foes are balanced for someone who has a firmer grasp on what a class does and how it plays than what is being offered. That is why the zones before neverdeath were so useful, they let you experiment and figure out how to interface with a class and powerset.
You took all that away. I get you are going for a more "curated" experience but hacking and slashing off bits of something that was already planed out is not curation it is butchery.
the leveling experience you are offering in M21 is vastly inferior that what came before.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
-Profession worker levels got reduced, but also their skills, so it is impossible to craft any mastercraft item. lvl20 workers have about 130 skillpoints only.
-Upgrading a doohickey would need 2 billion refinement points.
-After getting the blue collar from Rare collar pack, tried to refine it, but the ward slot was not working.
-At low level areas I get attacked. Previously 10 lvl difference caused mobs not to attack, but now 10 lvl means nearly all low lvl areas.
We see some old transmutes as quest rewards in leveling areas now. I think this is great, many people were wanting those pieces. Its a perfect time to bring those old unobtainable transmutes in my opinion. Great work on that!
I have seen few pieces such as Cloak of the Aboleth or Frostwolf Pelt. I would like to see few more of them. If its possible can you add these into some quests rewards or as dungeon drops anywhere in game?
First of all I would love to see a piece for my class, Barbarian. And I am pretty sure every Barbarian would agree with me on this. We want the "Sword of the Shadow Wolf". This was a drop from Gray Wolf Den last boss before mod6. I did Vellosk questline on preview, and I think this weapon can be added as a reward to one of the last 2 quests there(quest names are: "Leaders of the Pack" and "Into the Wolf Den"), just before we get in Gray Wolf Den leveling easy version. One of those quests already has a reward of a basic mainhand weapon, so I think it can easily be replaced. Or this weapon can be added as drop from this Gray Wolf Den mini dungeon quest.
Community has been asking for this weapon to come back for so long. For this time please bring it back. Im adding the weapon's visual here incase people wanna see how it looks:
And following items can be added for all classes since they are not weapons. I don't know if some of them are already added, I am just listing some of the old unobtainable items here that I know. Maybe other players know different items which can be added and they can write them here aswell:
-Greywolf Breastplate
-Shadowwolf Headdress
-Frostwolf Pelt
-Betrayer's Claw
-Hat of the Pirate Host
-Cloak of the Volcano
-Dark Blight Armor
-Firegiant Crown
-Icefall Gauntlets
-Many Arrows Bloodied Armor
-Boots of the Chieftain
-Cloak of the Aboleth
-Lizardfolk War Mask
-Lizardfolk Bracers
-Bleached Bone Belt.
If its necessary I can provide screenshots of these items. For most people, visuals and transmutes are very important, so I hope this gets some attention. I would love to see getting a reply on this if its possible, great work once again!
@eminnerdev#8159 @nitocris83
I do share some concerns already mentioned above however overall I like the experience so far. The Bard is amazing. I hope PVP does not tear it apart and request nerfs. Just keeping it 100%.
> Feedback:
> We see some old transmutes as quest rewards in leveling areas now. I think this is great, many people were wanting those pieces. Its a perfect time to bring those old unobtainable transmutes in my opinion. Great work on that!
> I have seen few pieces such as Cloak of the Aboleth or Frostwolf Pelt. I would like to see few more of them. If its possible can you add these into some quests rewards or as dungeon drops anywhere in game?
> First of all I would love to see a piece for my class, Barbarian. And I am pretty sure every Barbarian would agree with me on this. We want the "Sword of the Shadow Wolf". This was a drop from Gray Wolf Den last boss before mod6. I did Vellosk questline on preview, and I think this weapon can be added as a reward to one of the last 2 quests there(quest names are: "Leaders of the Pack" and "Into the Wolf Den"), just before we get in Gray Wolf Den leveling easy version. One of those quests already has a reward of a basic mainhand weapon, so I think it can easily be replaced(or keep the items name, just change its appereance). Or this weapon can be added as drop from this Gray Wolf Den mini dungeon quest.
> Community has been asking for this weapon to come back for so long. For this time please bring it back. Im adding the weapon's visual here incase people wanna see how it looks:
> And following items can be added for all classes since they are not weapons. I don't know if some of them are already added, I am just listing some of the old obtainable items here that I know. Maybe other players know different items which can be added and they can write them here aswell:
> -Greywolf Breastplate
> -Shadowwolf Headdress
> -Frostwolf Pelt
> -Betrayer's Claw
> -Hat of the Pirate Host
> -Cloak of the Volcano
> -Dark Blight Armor
> -Firegiant Crown
> -Icefall Gauntlets
> -Many Arrows Bloodied Armor
> -Boots of the Chieftain
> -Cloak of the Aboleth
> -Lizardfolk War Mask
> -Lizardfolk Bracers
> -Bleached Bone Belt.
> If its necessary I can provide screenshots of these items. For most people, visuals and transmutes are very important, so I hope this gets some attention. I would love to see getting a reply on this if its possible, great work once again!
> @eminnerdev#8159 @nitocris83
Also the bahamut great sword as this was linked to tyranny of dragon campaign with the release of dragon race
When you finish clockwork tomb, and hand it in with chettlebell, you have no quests left in jour journal whatsoever. You need to walk over to the Harper and accept her quest to report back to knox in order to continue, but there is no indication that this is the case. Since Clockwork Tomb is the very last quest, it would make sense to either have chettlebell make you report back to knox, or to ask you to ask the harper if there is anything left to do and her going 'yeah no it's all fixed thx'.
The quest 'History Lessons' in Neverdeath Graveyard already rewarded a unique class armor that wasn't obtainable elsewhere. By replacing it with the Ruined Cape, you removed one unique transmute for every existing class and replaced it with that one cape that's the same across classes. It might make more sense to reward the cape in a different quest, and leave the old History Lessons rewards - or add them somewhere else. I have marked the items that appeared in the 2018 jubilee Anniversary Transmute Box in blue. I have also spell checked and corrected them. This list included all items that were in that box. It might be nice to have that back every jubilee.
Also, some of the items you mentioned are available as hunt items. Go explore the collections pages for Ravenloft, Chult and Avernus hunts
I have additions (disclaimer: some of the class armor might in fact still be available as quest rewards, or could have been removed like the History Lessons reward):
- Whatever armor was the reward for 'History Lessons' in Neverdeath Graveyard for that specific class, as mentioned before.
- The Undermountain and Ravenloft sets that you get when you start those campaigns. Many people discarded them, because appearance library wasn't in the game yet, and they are cool looking.
- Dragonbone weapons for every class
- Illiyanbruen Ancestral and Fabled Illiyanbruen weapons, both for every class - only one of the two is available at the Maze Engine store, and the other is then unavailable for that class.
- Fabled Illiyanbruen Orb, wizard (specifically, it's SO much cooler than the Ancestral one, which is available)
- Robes of the Beguiler, wizard (quest reward somewhere, this is possibly it's old name from before the level rebalance years ago)
- Skyhold Robes / Robes of the Drowned dagger, wizard
- Heroic Enchanters Embroidered Robes, wizard
- Thunderhowl Wraps
- Senobith's Boots
- Cloak of the Ashmadai
- Maelstrom Cloak
- Ormsha's Cloak
- Piercing Valiant Amulet
- Trokar's Belt
- Ironskin Belt
- Corsair's Sash
- Baleful Leather Armor, warlock
- Belt of the Many Arrows
- Bracers of Corruption, warlock
- Rohini's Mask, warlock, cleric, wizard
- Burial Mask, warlock
- Custodian's Helm, paladin
- Victor's Helm, paladin
- Ice Armor, paladin
- Squire's Plate Armor, paladin
- Armor of Fortification, paladin, fighter
- Warforged armor, paladin
- Armor of the Skull Fortress, paladin
- Gauntlets of Might, paladin
- Lizardfolk Greaves, paladin
- Vanguard's Greaves, paladin
- Helm of the Fallen Guard, fighter (actually I think this whole set is available as an adventure reward)
- Foebiter, fighter, main hand
- Riccochet Shield, fighter, offhand
- Marauder's Garb, barbarian
- Reaver's Blade, barbarian
- Blue gauntlets with a whirlpool icon - Because of the current Jubilee Garden bug I will not be logging in to my cleric for now, who has them in her bank. I can check their name after it gets fixed, or if it is confirmed that the 'memory' of having access is not deleted.
Please do not forget to take a look at the rewards from the refer-a-friend packs.
Feedback 2 :
I would love to see the gear that is rewarded from Adventures match the item level that the gear from the Adventurer Seal Trader provides. An example : Dusk Gear set rewarded from The Dwarven King adventure requires lvl 17 and is item level 567. The Adventure Seal Trader provides lvl 17 gear at item level 900.
Feedback 3 :
The artifact Bruenor's Helm should be a reward for completing The Dwarven King adventure. This would make it possible for existing players to reclaim this "unobtainable" artifact. I'm guessing I'm not the only one that used this as a feeder artifact years ago.
Feedback 4 :
There is no explanation to threat generation in the Training Day quest. This should be mentioned for tanks as an important mechanic.
Feedback 5 :
The Drowcraft Armor set, the Twisted Weapon set and the Dusk Armor set should have their item level adjusted to match the item level required to obtain them. As of now you can not get these before you are high enough item level to start farming the Avernus Campaign, rendering them useless before you can even get them.
Feedback 6 :
The companion vendor in the adventurers guild/emporium offers a lot of companions for trade bars.
These companions are not available for purchase at the trade bar vendor.
The trade bar vendor offers epic quality companions for the same price as green/blue at companion vendors.
This will be confusing for new players looking to spend their trade bars.
Feedback 7 :
New players should be informed about the differences between the different companion types ("Healer"/"Tank"/"DPS"). Number nerds and eager testers like myself can find these differences by combing over combat logs and testing different stat combinations, whereas new players are not given a single hint that such differences even exist.
Feedback 8 :
The gear/mount/companion aquired from the "Adventurers Loot Cache" rewarded to level 20 toons is completely overshadowed by actual leveling rewards. All rewards apart from the artifact neck/belt and the adventurers seals (seal gear outperforms gear from loot cache) should be replaced.
Feedback 9 :
I really like the new and improved leveling rewards, but these would be even better if epic companion (Phoera from Icespire Peak) and epic mount (from Ebon Downs) was replaced by a choice pack holding alternatives for tank/DPS/healer.
Feedback 10 :
The different seals vendors should be merged into one. During leveling, I still had to run back to the adventure zones starting position for gear upgrades even if I was able to summon a seal vendor from VIP.
Feedback 11 :
Gold income during leveling is extremely low compared to the cost of moving enchantments around as I gear up. From level 1-12, I did 3 major gear updates with seals but could only afford moving 1 enchantment to the upgraded gear.
Feedback 12 :
We are rewarded companion runestones at Icespire Peak completion, but we dont have access to companion gear yet ?
Feedback regarding Training Room :
- The illusions we can spawn are far too weak for testing high item level toons.
- Having illusions that deal a fixed amount of damage would be really helpful for testing tank powers/damage reduction.
- New players may be confused when setting ratings, better explanation of the ratings system is needed.
- The wounded illusions can not be healed by powers that are specified as for party members.
Bug 1 :
In the Neverdeath quest "The Emissary of the Dead", you can enter the crypt where you kill Arleon the Unforgiven and repeat the quest step after inital completion. When exiting the first time, player spawns facing the entry and not the NPC you need to talkt to to finish quest, this can be confusing for new players.
Bug 2 :
Guild food is broken, gives extremely low stats
Bug 3 :
Garret Andreas NPC by the training dummiesin Protectors Enclave is babbling about some removed quest content and keeps telling me im a "fellow hunter".
Bug 4 :
Jim Darkmagic still gives AI daily quests.
Bug 5 :
Bael an Ashok in the Grand Emporium provides outdated information regarding compaions and how to increase their level.
Bug 6 :
We are no longer able to get Omins IOUs, meaning the currency to buy Gallant armor is unobtainable.
Bug 7 :
Acquisitions Incorporated daily quests still reward Acorns and Wooden Tokens, but there is no vendor accepting this currency.
Bug 8 :
Clicking "View the rewards for the queue in the collections window" while having Vault of the Stars selected takes you to the wrong tab in the Sharandar part of the Collections window. This also happens with Illusionist's Gambit, Castle Ravenloft and The Infernal Citadel.
Bug 9 :
The rings that we can purchase from the Adventurer Seal Trader (Guiding ilvl 1000) needs to have their stats adjusted.
So I see you tried to streamline quests by giving them to a central quest giver first then taking to a secondary person. "Lich's Lament" in Neverdeath, "Hungry like a Wolf" and "Scales of Kelmevor" in Ebon Downs are the first examples. When you did that you kept the voice lines for the secondary person you talk to and gave their voicelines and voice to the new primary quest giver. Such as Zarifax's lustrous voice coming out of the doomguide's mouth then having the following instances of where he talks when he comments on the different locations to be incorrect or not play at all. So I guess new voicelines will need to be recorded for the primary quest giver's so that they can match up? Also, I was somehow able to grab "The Ashen Battlefield" Quest almost immediately after the intro quest line and was also able to grab "To Icewind Dale" quest shortly after I unlocked the Workshop. Now that may have been because that was my first time next to the good captain but a little out to grab them so early on.
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
The training room quest cannot be completed by a warlock. The shadowslip capability makes the user IMMUNE to damage and does not register as a DODGE. So the first task to demonstrate defensive skills cannot be completed.
Your feedback is awesome dude! There's just some things you don't know about:
The companion vendor trade bar section is live already. It's a good point but I guess it doesn't belong in this thread.
There is a vendor that basically has all the different area currency stores in him, except for Chasm because that one is missing for some reason. He's in the market place across from the end game seals vendor.
Feedback in addition to Wilbur's Feedback 10:
maybe the player can be lead to that vendor.