I just noticed this part. Well, of course it is, HP have dropped on all characters, so the very same healing as before fills the bar whereas it only added a little before the update :-D I can almost heal myself fully with a radiant potion, but the potion isn't better, my health is much worse.
Then the glass is half full, isn't it? Rather than complain about your HPs being lower, why not revel in the fact that healing spells and potions actually work now? BTW I just finished Icespire Peak with my cleric and hit lv50. No problems. None. Still. And let me remind you that I am trash gearing. Stuff is taking longer to kill, but they aren't beating me because I am not letting them.
Please everyone, just rethink your complaints before you make them. All you may have to do to "fix" your "useless" characters is run with a different companion or use a different loadout. Don't just give in to despair and say the game is broken and unplayable, because I know for a FACT it is not. It just isn't man... I'm playing it. It's fine. Different, less forgiving, but fine.
This should not be happening, either what you are facing does need to be scaled down (things get missed, there are a lot of areas in the game), or something is bugged with your character. Most people are actually liking the changes, PE, forums, and discord noise is just the loud minority.
Actually there are quite a lot of people below lvl 80 complaining. I am sorry, but you will find threads in here about this, and if you ask people that just play this game casually or have mostly RP toons that did Shar/DR/you name it OR are still lvling are disappointed and ask what they can do to get back to where we've been before, which was stated WOULD NOT BE NECESSARY.
So I just did a DR lair on my level 70, 20k iL Thaumaturge with an augment where I just threw together random skills and feats because I haven't played that class since M15. Took about 15 minutes to do Phantasmal Fortress. Yes, mobs had more HP and they hurt a bit more, but it's not the OMG one shot killing that people are complaining about.
You are making the same mistake the devs do. You think that your personal experience with lvling is somehow relevant to all the other (new, opposite to you) players that do not like it. They will leave the game with a bad opinion and spread it - no matter if you take 15 minutes for a PF which is another topic about why I would even want to run a PF if it takes 15 minutes...
That's the thing though, I don't know how to play wizard. My Pre-M16 experience with it means nothing, I didn't even have a companion out to help dps. I was approaching it with a new player in mind. I was below the recommended item level even. Remember, this is an under geared character on what one of the worst dps classes taking 15 minutes, not an average player. My actual character did it much faster, < 3 minutes tops.
You cannot compare that. You cannot fake "new player" which is what Cryptic is doing with lvling too. I get that you mean well with this. But its not helping anybody else to basically say "what you think doesn't matter because I did it, I even cut an arm and a leg off and look, still working".
How does any of this have to do with getting one-shot though? Experience isn't going to magically give you more defense.
Okay, this here is defense as deflection
No, it's me trying to make sense of your point. You were the one responding to me saying that if one is getting one-shotted that there is a bug with the character, or that an area might have been missed with the preview testing. You brought DR into this, which is actually the first time someone mentioned a specific zone, so I went to check it myself.
And I am trying to make sense of how you are missing my point when you are telling me that you, as a vet that probably knows this game inside out, took 15 minutes to clear PF (I get it, its a noodle toon, you did not invest anything, its not even the class you play, yes) and because you did not get oneshot, it cannot be an issue for a new players? I quoted you because you stated most people like the changes - and I made that clear in my first post. As always since you started to "force like" everything they put on the table you are adjusting stuff to make a point. It's annoying when you try to force your opinion on somebody else, and when people do not swallow it, you act as if they cannot play the game because you can - which was my point. I can even highlight it.
As for the OP, you must be new. Let's see how you like the same thing happening within the next few mods.
As for the OP, you must be new. Let's see how you like the same thing happening within the next few mods.
A naked level 1 player has 50000 hp. You start off with 5000 TIL x 10. Show me the mobs in the leveling areas that are doing over 50k damage per hit. I'm not saying you don't make valid points about things taking longer and that being a problem for some people. I get it. The whole point of me starting this thread was to address those people who didn't know what to do about the changes, and maybe to have some kind of repository of tips for folks to get some ideas about how to move forward and be successful even though the game isn't exactly the same as it was, and in fact, plays very much like it did a very long time ago.
Maybe the devs will listen to your complaints and make the game super-easy again? I wouldn't count on it. This power creep issue was YEARS in the making. At long last, we are back to old Neverwinter. I am trying to help you guys see that it is doable, but some of you are pretty stubborn!
Let's get one thing right. If I'm past the level and gear in a zone doing pve quests and im still dying solo over and over then that's a problem they need to fix ASAP or they are gonna lose most of their playerbase. Most of the game is populated with casuals, low levels and alts. This update COMPLETELY destroys solo content
BTW I just finished Icespire Peak with my cleric and hit lv50. No problems. None. Still. And let me remind you that I am trash gearing. Stuff is taking longer to kill, but they aren't beating me because I am not letting them.
First thing, you are making me very curious to see this trash character of yours. Second thing, did you have fun doing that? Because I play for fun, and it is no fun having to struggle to grind contents that I wouldn't even play if it wasn't needed for a campaign, as I am (or was) somewhere else trying to actually progress.
Please everyone, just rethink your complaints before you make them. All you may have to do to "fix" your "useless" characters is run with a different companion or use a different loadout. Don't just give in to despair and say the game is broken and unplayable, because I know for a FACT it is not. It just isn't man... I'm playing it. It's fine. Different, less forgiving, but fine.
The game is not broken, the game has been made unbalanced and needs to be balanced again.
I feel you, man... I'm not missing the point. I'm simply pointing out that the phrase "level-appropriate" doesn't mean what you think it means anymore. There is no more facerolling. ANYWHERE. FOR ANYONE. A level 80 can get overwhelmed by lower-level goblins. In fact, if you read my first post here, you might even recall that the goblin hordes are now FAR more dangerous than the humongously slow and easily-dodged trolls that follow them around. Lots of little guys chipping away at you reduce your health bar quickly, and if you can't wipe them out with AoE fast enough, you need to RUN. And you also need to figure out you're losing before it's too late and they got you. One spell cast from a Wayward Wizard companion can make the difference between you getting away alive or waking up at the campfire.
And after that, you may need to rethink what happened. What went wrong? Did you just bite off more than you can chew, or is there a problem with what skills you are using? Maybe you need to switch your loadout for a bit and try new stuff. Different mob groups may need different tactics. You might want to use the terrain to your advantage if you are facing mixed forces (melee and ranged enemies) and pull melee mobs out of line of sight from the archers or casters so you aren't getting hit by everyone all at once.
Actually, you are still missing my point. Let's say I am level 40. I go into a level 40 appropriate are (or, let's say, an area where I have access once I am 40), but the tiniest mob there just one-shot kills me. I have to go back to lower level areas, where, however, I cannot drop or find or buy anything that can help me fight through the new area since THAT ONE is the area where I am supposed to get better equipment and start doing better in that very same area. First time I set foot in Avernus I was easily killed, but I struggled and advanced until I got better. Until Yesterday I still had to trhead carefully but I could stand my ground against mobs and bosses, it was hard but playable. With the current level, I cannot fight in River District with my Avernus gear without diying at least once per encounter, and believe me I know how to dive and duck. If I were there at the proper level, with the proper level equipment, I'd be dead meat as soon as a mob just looked at me askance, with no chance on Earth to ever improve my gear enough to survive since, you know, I'd need to actually be able to survive in there to do that. Do not look at the game from an 80-level PG perspective, look at it from the perspective of someone who is actually trying to play it from the start and advance through it, rather than get killed all the time everywhere with no chance to improve themselves enough to get through.
This should not be happening, either what you are facing does need to be scaled down (things get missed, there are a lot of areas in the game), or something is bugged with your character. Most people are actually liking the changes, PE, forums, and discord noise is just the loud minority.
Interesting.. where are you getting this "most people" and how are you determining other sources in disagreement to your perceived "most like" are just a loud minority? The scaling issues are real and yes there are issues all over this update, but then again it seems to me this update was never about fixing something it was about pushing players to buy ZEN to xfer to AD and spend it like it was going out of fashion so more Zen can be purchased. The Zenx is stuffed up royally, the amount of AD offered in xchange for your Bonding Runes is nowhere near reflective of how much they cost a player in first place and will not go nearly as far as is needed when players begin to look at how they need to respec their individual builds just to get them somewhere near their level of effectiveness pre update. I have no issues with some change, in fact some things needed some change for sure and I welcome it, but this to me just makes the whole game progression feel very much lacking now with all the hard work, time, effort and costs just washed down the toilet for maybe more than a few players.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
edited January 2021
The real progression now is related to the boons and the companions.
Mounts also gives a bunch of stats, that helps capping that stat you need to raise up, but comps are the real difference.
You can tune your stats at any level is more or less the same, but you have a 50% limit on each stat. The real difference is when you start getting % in the "other contributions" and that is done with boons and high quality companion.
A character with 50k item level is not doing the same than a 30k item level character in a 30k area. Even with scalled the 50k character is much more powerfull, assuming he has tuned his stats.
The problem is that is the first day, everyone has the stats messed up, and everything is overwhelming, but once people start tuning the characters they will change the opinion.
Other discussion is that if you like to rolfstomp everything or you like a bit challenge in old content. But the devs (Chris) said the next step is balance rewards, giving better rewards according with the new system.
They couldnt improve rewards when we can go from the start to the end of a dungeon in 5 mins.
You can tune your stats at any level is more or less the same, but you have a 50% limit on each stat. The real difference is when you start getting % in the "other contributions" and that is done with boons and high quality companion.
A character with 50k item level is not doing the same than a 30k item level character in a 30k area. Even with scalled the 50k character is much more powerfull, assuming he has tuned his stats.
The problem is that is the first day, everyone has the stats messed up, and everything is overwhelming, but once people start tuning the characters they will change the opinion.
Most of my stats are over 50% already. The problem is I don't even know how to tune them up. I did the best I could with companions (something that new players barely have) and mounts (ditto), and short of a radical change of equipment (but change with what? Most of the things I have are already supposed to be the best I can get, should I go down?) I have no idea what I should do. And I have some understanding of the game, think about a new player.
imo the dumbest thing they did was split the stat sources; 50% from yourself and 40% from 'other'. What's the point of that?!
Players should be able to get their 90% anyway they can.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
A naked level 1 player has 50000 hp. You start off with 5000 TIL x 10. Show me the mobs in the leveling areas that are doing over 50k damage per hit.
Yes, I am quoting myself here, but I think some folks missed it.
Nobody is getting one-shotted. What is happening is you are taking more damage than you expected to from "unworthy" opponents like trash mobs that were never a threat before, and you are freaking out. What is "unbalanced" is your expectations of what you can accomplish with your character because you are still stuck in yesterday's mindset. You simply haven't gotten used to the new (actually old) game. Read my first post in this thread. Actually read it. Nobody is shaming anybody, you're not a "noob", it's just that Neverwinter hasn't been like this for a long time. Old Neverwinter was actually really fun before all the power creep made 99% of it a joke.
ultramath low level players are basically getting killed instantly you're a fool if you think this patch was good. Haven't gotten used to the patch? Explain how I can get better when no matter how much little damage I put out now im still on the brink of death on basic mobs on a zone that I should be playing to progress the game further.
ultramath low level players are basically getting killed instantly you're a fool if you think this patch was good. Haven't gotten used to the patch? Explain how I can get better when no matter how much little damage I put out now im still on the brink of death on basic mobs on a zone that I should be playing to progress the game further.
Okay let's say you are right. Which mob in Blacklake is doing over 50k per hit? Is it the sludge zombies? The Nashers? Maybe the wererats are hitting for over 50k? I'm just curious. If this is the case, then I have no choice but to agree with you, as a level 5 mob shouldn't be doing over 50k damage. I admit that I assumed that none of the mobs were actually hitting that hard, because certainly none of them were hitting even 20k in Icespire Peak. Maybe if I missed a dodge fighting an ice giant? Can't say, because they didn't hit me that much.
Nobody is getting one-shotted. What is happening is you are taking more damage than you expected to from "unworthy" opponents like trash mobs that were never a threat before, and you are freaking out. What is "unbalanced" is your expectations of what you can accomplish with your character because you are still stuck in yesterday's mindset. You simply haven't gotten used to the new (actually old) game. Read my first post in this thread. Actually read it. Nobody is shaming anybody, you're not a "noob", it's just that Neverwinter hasn't been like this for a long time. Old Neverwinter was actually really fun before all the power creep made 99% of it a joke.
You are focusing too much on the "one-shot", have you ever heard of hyperboles? :-) What I expect from my character is just being able to play(*) the areas it is supposed to be in and not die continuously in areas it left behind long ago. And although I have been away for some time, I started playing in 2013, I know how "old NW" was.
(*) where "play" means I am ok with struggling in those areas, I don't want to kill everything I see just by hitting a button
Dude you are stuck on the oneshot issue because the rest of your argument is paperthin. If you are a new player in a zone surrounded by mobs now you are killed. If they call it a oneshot or not. And yes I know what oneshots are... Stop trying to educate ppl on your own opinion we got it. You think ancient pve solo content should be so hard new players struggle to do it. Thats not fun for many people. You can't talk around that.
Okay let's say you are right. Which mob in Blacklake is doing over 50k per hit? Is it the sludge zombies? The Nashers? Maybe the wererats are hitting for over 50k? I'm just curious. If this is the case, then I have no choice but to agree with you, as a level 5 mob shouldn't be doing over 50k damage. I admit that I assumed that none of the mobs were actually hitting that hard, because certainly none of them were hitting even 20k in Icespire Peak. Maybe if I missed a dodge fighting an ice giant? Can't say, because they didn't hit me that much.
There is actually no need for a mob hitting for 50k, all you need is 5 mobs hitting for 10k each at about the same time.
You are focusing too much on the "one-shot", have you ever heard of hyperboles? :-) What I expect from my character is just being able to play(*) the areas it is supposed to be in and not die continuously in areas it left behind long ago. And although I have been away for some time, I started playing in 2013, I know how "old NW" was.
(*) where "play" means I am ok with struggling in those areas, I don't want to kill everything I see just by hitting a button
I can feel you coming around already, elmandakar. Something tells me you are going to figure it out soon. More careful pulling aggro? A little more caution near extra mob groups so you don't get overwhelmed by multiple groups? A willingness to tactically retreat from a fight to de-aggro some mobs when you are losing so you can chug a pot and turn the tide? I don't know what it is going to be exactly, but I feel like you are going to solve this soon. Something is going to click, and you're going to start winning all the time.
Also, to the warlock concerned about running Icespire Peak:
Which part of it is giving you grief? I can help talk you through it on PM if you need specific tips. There are a couple of tricky areas that can surprise you pretty fast if you aren't ready for them, like the Hands of Lakkar Mission where you have to assassinate the Ice Giants on the glacier plateaus. They are surrounded by groups of trash mobs and ice wolves that are now far more deadly than the giants themselves.
from what i see so far a 32k il player is going to be much better off doing MEs then a 50k il player a 50k il player is going to get destroyed in ANY content lower then avernus however a 50k il player is going to be absolulty fine (almost same as before) in avernus and the new sharandar so me as a 50k il end gamer has instead of having a whole game world to play in now has vallenhus and avernus (LOMM wasnt to bad but took 45 mins instead of 15 with our normal group)
I'm a new player. Been playing about 10 days maybe more. I have several toons trying different classes and my Cleric which I'm playing the most is level 65. I don't know all of the mechanics of the game, I just learned about the power of companions and bonding stones 2 days ago. Until today, progression as I've leveled and moved from zone to zone has been smooth and really enjoyable.
Today, after the changes, I thought for sure I was buffed. I have harder hitting crits, crit way more frequently, I have 177k health up from I think it was 90k, yet I can't complete my quests. I'm not getting "one-shotted" per say, but the mobs are scaled so much higher than me, I'm severely underpowered for the content now.
I'm constantly dying to mobs (not overpulling, just going through the encounter one mob at a time), I've burned through my healing stones and don't have enough gold dropping to buy healing potions. Now I'm in a state where I have no healing, no gold, can't kill efficiently at all and my entire progression has essentially come to a halt because there is no better gear available for me to change my stats around if that's what I'm supposed to be doing.
I was honestly hoping this thread would help me, but it hasn't. Kiting the mobs that I can barely kill and kill me constantly isn't a solution. I suppose I have some healing skills as a Cleric, but I'm spec'd as Arbiter and haven't used any. I have no clue which companions or mounts CC mobs, but it certainly doesn't appear to be any I've gotten in the natural progression of the game.
I feel like they've been guiding me through the game quite well up to this point, but today, it's all off the rails. My friend who started with me instantly quit the game and I think I might have to as well as I can no longer make progress.
If I see a patch or something come through that they've tuned the ridiculously over-scaled monsters down, I'll try it again, but the game went from a blast to a burden and I don't have time for that.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
Nobody is getting one-shotted. What is happening is you are taking more damage than you expected to from "unworthy" opponents like trash mobs that were never a threat before, and you are freaking out. What is "unbalanced" is your expectations of what you can accomplish with your character because you are still stuck in yesterday's mindset. You simply haven't gotten used to the new (actually old) game. Read my first post in this thread. Actually read it. Nobody is shaming anybody, you're not a "noob", it's just that Neverwinter hasn't been like this for a long time. Old Neverwinter was actually really fun before all the power creep made 99% of it a joke.
You are focusing too much on the "one-shot", have you ever heard of hyperboles? :-) What I expect from my character is just being able to play(*) the areas it is supposed to be in and not die continuously in areas it left behind long ago. And although I have been away for some time, I started playing in 2013, I know how "old NW" was.
(*) where "play" means I am ok with struggling in those areas, I don't want to kill everything I see just by hitting a button
So which is it? Are you not exaggerating about being one-shot or are you using hyperboles?
I think the issue is scaling. At level 80 the old zones are the same challenge now regardless of level. The issue is there is still a reason (Boons) to go back through them at a higher level. So are Boons enough reward for the time/challenge? Once you out level the rewards for a zone Boons are the only reason to stay or go back there. I think it's either remove Boons or adjust the scaling. I would not go back to the old zones now just for Boons or the 3 weekly quest rewards. It's not worth the effort. I'll only do areas that are level appropriate that are worthwhile. My 2 cents.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
from what i see so far a 32k il player is going to be much better off doing MEs then a 50k il player a 50k il player is going to get destroyed in ANY content lower then avernus however a 50k il player is going to be absolulty fine (almost same as before) in avernus and the new sharandar so me as a 50k il end gamer has instead of having a whole game world to play in now has vallenhus and avernus (LOMM wasnt to bad but took 45 mins instead of 15 with our normal group)
I don't think you are understanding this system at all. A 50k iL player is going to do WAY more damage than the 32k one in MEs, just due to the difference between damage alone.
Even in scaled content though, that 50k iL player is going to have an edge due to having higher percentages, even if the rating portion is lower. Companions, boons, equip bonuses are all going to be better and will far outstrip the few percentages lost from lower ratings.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
I think the issue is scaling. At level 80 the old zones are the same challenge now regardless of level. The issue is there is still a reason (Boons) to go back through them at a higher level. So are Boons enough reward for the time/challenge? Once you out level the rewards for a zone Boons are the only reason to stay or go back there. I think it's either remove Boons or adjust the scaling. I would not go back to the old zones now just for Boons or the 3 weekly quest rewards. It's not worth the effort. I'll only do areas that are level appropriate that are worthwhile. My 2 cents.
Boons should still be easy, the zones aren't scaled, nor are most of the quests that take you to a separate area.
I'm a new player. Been playing about 10 days maybe more. I have several toons trying different classes and my Cleric which I'm playing the most is level 65. I don't know all of the mechanics of the game, I just learned about the power of companions and bonding stones 2 days ago. Until today, progression as I've leveled and moved from zone to zone has been smooth and really enjoyable.
Today, after the changes, I thought for sure I was buffed. I have harder hitting crits, crit way more frequently, I have 177k health up from I think it was 90k, yet I can't complete my quests. I'm not getting "one-shotted" per say, but the mobs are scaled so much higher than me, I'm severely underpowered for the content now.
I'm constantly dying to mobs (not overpulling, just going through the encounter one mob at a time), I've burned through my healing stones and don't have enough gold dropping to buy healing potions. Now I'm in a state where I have no healing, no gold, can't kill efficiently at all and my entire progression has essentially come to a halt because there is no better gear available for me to change my stats around if that's what I'm supposed to be doing.
I was honestly hoping this thread would help me, but it hasn't. Kiting the mobs that I can barely kill and kill me constantly isn't a solution. I suppose I have some healing skills as a Cleric, but I'm spec'd as Arbiter and haven't used any. I have no clue which companions or mounts CC mobs, but it certainly doesn't appear to be any I've gotten in the natural progression of the game.
I feel like they've been guiding me through the game quite well up to this point, but today, it's all off the rails. My friend who started with me instantly quit the game and I think I might have to as well as I can no longer make progress.
If I see a patch or something come through that they've tuned the ridiculously over-scaled monsters down, I'll try it again, but the game went from a blast to a burden and I don't have time for that.
You have Daunting Glow. Blast the mobs with at wills from range, and when they get close but not up to you, cast DG right in front of you and then step back. Not dodge, just run back a few steps. Your DG will smash them in the face and a lot of them will miss you. You should have a fighter or invoker companion from like level 15 or whatever. Man at arms, Wayward Wizard, whatever... somebody to help do damage when you are repositioning away from mobs and then back into their purple combat advantage zone which is where a mob is between you and your companion. Use a hardhitting single target skill when you have combat advantage on a mob. I use Geas, because I'm healer spec, but you have Forgemasters Flame which is like ten times better. Smash them when you are in the purple zone around their feet and then reposition away from their attacks. Cast, move, cast, move, etc., you get the idea.
If you get surrounded GET OUT. Don't ever let them surround you. Fall back, reposition, cast some at wills from range while they catch back up with you and then cast move cast move. When you get hurt -- and you WILL -- heal yourself! You have bastion of health, it's crazy good now. Don't wait until you're dying. I usually heal with an atwill called soothe (healer spec) or a bastion when Im around 50% or if my comp is about to go down, ill heal them so they keep fighting. When you do it right, it will seem like a dance, there is a kind of rhythm to it. Cast move, cast move, it's like a weird waltz or something.
Calling it now, OP is either trolling or a dev sockpuppet. Trying so hard to convince us poor fools that we don't understand it yet, but we will soon (condescending).
Reality is that most of us do see what they're doing and why (nerfing to reduce end game power creep), but what we the masses of players are seeing is that they missed the mark so badly they killed the whole game if you're not already loaded. Levelling is bad, midgame is bad, and most endgame shy of max BiS is atrocious.
They took a small problem, like a nail needing to be driven into wood, and instead of taking a Worn Ball-pein Hammer to it, they called a Starship Orbital Bombardment on it.
And we're trying to take shelter from the photon barrage.
Yes I mixed my Cryptic game metaphors.
Call me El, she/her only. Currently Professions-only until the next combat change fixes this mess.
Please everyone, just rethink your complaints before you make them. All you may have to do to "fix" your "useless" characters is run with a different companion or use a different loadout. Don't just give in to despair and say the game is broken and unplayable, because I know for a FACT it is not. It just isn't man... I'm playing it. It's fine. Different, less forgiving, but fine.
I quoted you because you stated most people like the changes - and I made that clear in my first post. As always since you started to "force like" everything they put on the table you are adjusting stuff to make a point. It's annoying when you try to force your opinion on somebody else, and when people do not swallow it, you act as if they cannot play the game because you can - which was my point. I can even highlight it.
As for the OP, you must be new. Let's see how you like the same thing happening within the next few mods.
Maybe the devs will listen to your complaints and make the game super-easy again? I wouldn't count on it. This power creep issue was YEARS in the making. At long last, we are back to old Neverwinter. I am trying to help you guys see that it is doable, but some of you are pretty stubborn!
Second thing, did you have fun doing that? Because I play for fun, and it is no fun having to struggle to grind contents that I wouldn't even play if it wasn't needed for a campaign, as I am (or was) somewhere else trying to actually progress. The game is not broken, the game has been made unbalanced and needs to be balanced again.
The scaling issues are real and yes there are issues all over this update, but then again it seems to me this update was never about fixing something it was about pushing players to buy ZEN to xfer to AD and spend it like it was going out of fashion so more Zen can be purchased.
The Zenx is stuffed up royally, the amount of AD offered in xchange for your Bonding Runes is nowhere near reflective of how much they cost a player in first place and will not go nearly as far as is needed when players begin to look at how they need to respec their individual builds just to get them somewhere near their level of effectiveness pre update.
I have no issues with some change, in fact some things needed some change for sure and I welcome it, but this to me just makes the whole game progression feel very much lacking now with all the hard work, time, effort and costs just washed down the toilet for maybe more than a few players.
Mounts also gives a bunch of stats, that helps capping that stat you need to raise up, but comps are the real difference.
You can tune your stats at any level is more or less the same, but you have a 50% limit on each stat. The real difference is when you start getting % in the "other contributions" and that is done with boons and high quality companion.
A character with 50k item level is not doing the same than a 30k item level character in a 30k area. Even with scalled the 50k character is much more powerfull, assuming he has tuned his stats.
The problem is that is the first day, everyone has the stats messed up, and everything is overwhelming, but once people start tuning the characters they will change the opinion.
Other discussion is that if you like to rolfstomp everything or you like a bit challenge in old content. But the devs (Chris) said the next step is balance rewards, giving better rewards according with the new system.
They couldnt improve rewards when we can go from the start to the end of a dungeon in 5 mins.
We will see.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Players should be able to get their 90% anyway they can.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Nobody is getting one-shotted. What is happening is you are taking more damage than you expected to from "unworthy" opponents like trash mobs that were never a threat before, and you are freaking out. What is "unbalanced" is your expectations of what you can accomplish with your character because you are still stuck in yesterday's mindset. You simply haven't gotten used to the new (actually old) game. Read my first post in this thread. Actually read it. Nobody is shaming anybody, you're not a "noob", it's just that Neverwinter hasn't been like this for a long time. Old Neverwinter was actually really fun before all the power creep made 99% of it a joke.
The game should get progressively harder, not easier
What I expect from my character is just being able to play(*) the areas it is supposed to be in and not die continuously in areas it left behind long ago. And although I have been away for some time, I started playing in 2013, I know how "old NW" was.
(*) where "play" means I am ok with struggling in those areas, I don't want to kill everything I see just by hitting a button
If you are a new player in a zone surrounded by mobs now you are killed. If they call it a oneshot or not. And yes I know what oneshots are...
Stop trying to educate ppl on your own opinion we got it. You think ancient pve solo content should be so hard new players struggle to do it.
Thats not fun for many people. You can't talk around that.
"You can still do everything you did before without changing anything"
Which part of it is giving you grief? I can help talk you through it on PM if you need specific tips. There are a couple of tricky areas that can surprise you pretty fast if you aren't ready for them, like the Hands of Lakkar Mission where you have to assassinate the Ice Giants on the glacier plateaus. They are surrounded by groups of trash mobs and ice wolves that are now far more deadly than the giants themselves.
however a 50k il player is going to be absolulty fine (almost same as before) in avernus and the new sharandar
so me as a 50k il end gamer has instead of having a whole game world to play in now has vallenhus and avernus (LOMM wasnt to bad but took 45 mins instead of 15 with our normal group)
Today, after the changes, I thought for sure I was buffed. I have harder hitting crits, crit way more frequently, I have 177k health up from I think it was 90k, yet I can't complete my quests. I'm not getting "one-shotted" per say, but the mobs are scaled so much higher than me, I'm severely underpowered for the content now.
I'm constantly dying to mobs (not overpulling, just going through the encounter one mob at a time), I've burned through my healing stones and don't have enough gold dropping to buy healing potions. Now I'm in a state where I have no healing, no gold, can't kill efficiently at all and my entire progression has essentially come to a halt because there is no better gear available for me to change my stats around if that's what I'm supposed to be doing.
I was honestly hoping this thread would help me, but it hasn't. Kiting the mobs that I can barely kill and kill me constantly isn't a solution. I suppose I have some healing skills as a Cleric, but I'm spec'd as Arbiter and haven't used any. I have no clue which companions or mounts CC mobs, but it certainly doesn't appear to be any I've gotten in the natural progression of the game.
I feel like they've been guiding me through the game quite well up to this point, but today, it's all off the rails. My friend who started with me instantly quit the game and I think I might have to as well as I can no longer make progress.
If I see a patch or something come through that they've tuned the ridiculously over-scaled monsters down, I'll try it again, but the game went from a blast to a burden and I don't have time for that.
Even in scaled content though, that 50k iL player is going to have an edge due to having higher percentages, even if the rating portion is lower. Companions, boons, equip bonuses are all going to be better and will far outstrip the few percentages lost from lower ratings.
If you get surrounded GET OUT. Don't ever let them surround you. Fall back, reposition, cast some at wills from range while they catch back up with you and then cast move cast move. When you get hurt -- and you WILL -- heal yourself! You have bastion of health, it's crazy good now. Don't wait until you're dying. I usually heal with an atwill called soothe (healer spec) or a bastion when Im around 50% or if my comp is about to go down, ill heal them so they keep fighting. When you do it right, it will seem like a dance, there is a kind of rhythm to it. Cast move, cast move, it's like a weird waltz or something.
Reality is that most of us do see what they're doing and why (nerfing to reduce end game power creep), but what we the masses of players are seeing is that they missed the mark so badly they killed the whole game if you're not already loaded. Levelling is bad, midgame is bad, and most endgame shy of max BiS is atrocious.
They took a small problem, like a nail needing to be driven into wood, and instead of taking a Worn Ball-pein Hammer to it, they called a Starship Orbital Bombardment on it.
And we're trying to take shelter from the photon barrage.
Yes I mixed my Cryptic game metaphors.