> @trgluestickz said: > Some Mount Powers Still Have Duplicates: > I have both the mythic king of spines and the warpainted tyrannosaur, their combat powers are still separate from eachother, instead of the weaker legendary copy disappearing like it should have when I equipped the mythic king of spines.
They shouldn’t disappear, because they are two different mounts. Their combat power is named differentl so you can tell which is which. Even if the bonus is the same. As of right now there are actually 3 different types of T-Rex: King of Spines, Warpainted and Commander.
Mount Update Quality Of Life Issue: Currently, there appears to be no way to see which combat powers/stats equipped mounts grant. I had to spend hours using a list of most mounts in the game and looking them up individually on the auction house and zen market just to see which of my equipped mounts had what. And there are a lot of mounts I own that weren't on that list so I have no clue what they grant. Please introduce a way to check our equipped mount's stats/combat power in the future.
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
There are some reports of CON Score not giving its HP bonus at the moment. By rough math on your situation, that could account for ~10% loss in HP which could be the issue.
Give them some time to sort out the issues and see if it makes a difference.
Yes, if CON is bugged that accounts for some of the HPs loss certainly. But something else is going on too.
I upgraded war tritop to mythic: NO HP gain
Today I upgraded my other 2 leg mounts to mythic (swarm and warhorse): My HPs decreased by another 3k hps
My bolster is now up at 56% if I recall correctly. There must be some bug if upgrading the HPs mount to mythic doesnt increase hps and especially if increasing bolster DECREASES hps.
Butterfly Swarms in the Zen market show strange HP/movement speed bonus (the bonus combination has been there before the patch, but now it is negligible).
The pack of Mount upgrade tokens suggests it is used to upgrade companions (copy-paste error in the tooltip). (Honestly, you should have made the upgrade tokens universal, not duplicate the absolutely same thing just for added complexity, errors, frustrated players, and bugs.)
Generally: You removed the major reasons to have better mounts (mount speed, mount combat power, and practically part of the mount stats), and created a rather niche Zen-market ecosystem. The legendary mounts were not exactly excelling in the "bang for the buck" category, now it is much much worse.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
1. I bought quite a few companions over the last years, NONE of them showed up to be claimed by any of my alts.
Why would they? I never saw where they said it would be retroactive. Generally speaking, making it retroactive is pretty much impossible to implement.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Why would they? I never saw where they said it would be retroactive. Generally speaking, making it retroactive is pretty much impossible to implement.
They actually did say it would be retroactive. If you purchased the Chultan Tiger from the Zen store back when it was BIS then it is now FREE in the Zen store for all of the characters on your account.
NOTE: Mounts and Companions purchased from the Zen store will not show up at the claims agent. They are in the Zen store and listed as Free.
My Suggestion On What to Reduce Mount Combat Power DPS To: I mentioned earlyer in this thread that 2 of the single target mount combat powers currently have 3k magnitude when maxed out and that this is overpowered.
For a possible adjustment to mount powers, would suggest 1,000 mag at most for single target powers and 333 or 500 for AOE powers. Would be more reasonable, but 1,000 seems a little high even.
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
Can I have a suggestion Cryptic? Can you finally hire people that are skilled in game development? This is yet another pseudo-new content you are trying to sell - yes, sell, because this game is pay to win now more than any Asian mmo. This is actually a slap in the face of players. You have learnt nothing from your past mistakes and when you don't learn, it is over. Get another job, sell the title, let some skilled people make NW playable and fun again.
Cryptic is owned by Perfect World, a Chinese video game developer/publisher specializing in MMORPG's that generally use a pay-to-win business model. Why is anyone surprised that Cryptic have turned NWO and STO into pay-to-win games? *shrug*
Playing STO since August 2010
Playing Neverwinter since July 2014
Why would they? I never saw where they said it would be retroactive. Generally speaking, making it retroactive is pretty much impossible to implement.
They actually did say it would be retroactive. If you purchased the Chultan Tiger from the Zen store back when it was BIS then it is now FREE in the Zen store for all of the characters on your account.
NOTE: Mounts and Companions purchased from the Zen store will not show up at the claims agent. They are in the Zen store and listed as Free.
I bought the Chultan Tiger for 4-5 of my characters, but I have no option to claim it on other characters. It would be nice to have some clarification as to what is WaI, and what is not, because this update was in no way ready to be released... ( I probably used a 50% off Jubilee coupons for some(most?) of the Tigers, if that matters)
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Epic versions of the Legendary mounts (such as the Legendary Carpet of Flying vs. the Carpet of Flying) come with a different power than the Legendary mounts. You can reference which power a particular mount has by looking at the collections entry by pressing Ctrl + J and clicking the Mounts section.
That's fine cryptic39#8917 except what about mounts that are not in the collection pages? There are several promo mounts that are not included there.
> @rafael#5355 said: > PC > > I upgraded my epic toad mount into legendary, but its apparence doesn't change...
That's not how it works sadly. You are just upgrading the mount for bolster status. If you want a mounts legendary look and combat power you need to purchase that mount and upgrade from there.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
They actually did say it would be retroactive. If you purchased the Chultan Tiger from the Zen store back when it was BIS then it is now FREE in the Zen store for all of the characters on your account.
NOTE: Mounts and Companions purchased from the Zen store will not show up at the claims agent. They are in the Zen store and listed as Free.
Okay, thanks for that. The Chultan Tiger and the Owl I purchased before were there. Others were not.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Epic versions of the Legendary mounts (such as the Legendary Carpet of Flying vs. the Carpet of Flying) come with a different power than the Legendary mounts. You can reference which power a particular mount has by looking at the collections entry by pressing Ctrl + J and clicking the Mounts section.
That's fine cryptic39#8917 except what about mounts that are not in the collection pages? There are several promo mounts that are not included there.
Like the Enlarged Chicken, I do have no idea what do I boost if I upgrade my precious
Are we getting a refund for the incorrect charges to post items in the ah? You were quick to ban players for exploiting an ad making glitch in barovia so where is the quick respose to issue refunds of the fees charged to post items in the auction house. I would like my ad back
I suppose they will not per se refund all the incorrect posting fees, as they usually are automatically returned as soon as an item is sold in the AH. Only in case the item returns unsold, your posting fee is lost. So we probably will have to wait a few more days in order so see if that will be the case. Jmho
They actually did say it would be retroactive. If you purchased the Chultan Tiger from the Zen store back when it was BIS then it is now FREE in the Zen store for all of the characters on your account.
NOTE: Mounts and Companions purchased from the Zen store will not show up at the claims agent. They are in the Zen store and listed as Free.
Yes, they did indeed in the mount changes blog. Unfortunately for me that was not the case either. Although I half-expected not to find those that were (re-)moved to the tarmalune store (Ioun Stone of Allurement, Wild Hunt Rider, Cantankerous Mage), I had NONE marked as free (Will-O'-Whisp, Siege Master).
> @zimxero#8085 said: > Please provide clarification (with an example) of which mount collars can and cannot be used together in a player's stable.
The very first word in each collar is the type... sturdy, wayfaring, unified, practical, and supportive. You can only equip one of each of these 5 types.
The Mount blog (https://arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/11477413-mount-changes-%26-upgrades) said: "One extra unique aspect of these collars is that they come in specific types. A character can only benefit from one of a given collar type at a time so make sure to get all 5 types to maximize your benefits." If you look at the choices in your free "epic mount collar choice pack", the five types should be named practical, sturdy, supportive, unified and wayfaring.
Due to the following facts: 1) You can't buy zen for astral diamonds (there are many-month queues). Why do you think price of zen is limited? Right for this. 2) You can't get collars by adequate ingame sources. There are 0 drop chances. And they are not available in craft. 3) You can't get resources for upgrade collars by ingame sources.
1. This is a PC issue that cannot be helped. There have been many AH and Profession exploits over the years that resulted in literal Trillions of AD gain for players, which has caused years worth of backlog in ADX.
Often you can buy things off the AH cheaper than it would cost you in Zen or at least an equivalent cost. That's what PC players should do with their AD for now.
2. Solo'd Master of the Hunt Queue several times in an hour. Got 6 collars in total. That is more than adequate.
3. The upgrade materials literally drop everywhere, especially in Avernus.. The only time investment is Insignia Powder and the 150 Legendary Shards needed for a Mythic collar.
My Suggestion On What to Reduce Mount Combat Power DPS To: I mentioned earlyer in this thread that 2 of the single target mount combat powers currently have 3k magnitude when maxed out and that this is overpowered.
For a possible adjustment to mount powers, would suggest 1,000 mag at most for single target powers and 333 or 500 for AOE powers. Would be more reasonable, but 1,000 seems a little high even.
I'm disagree on this point. If your mount roster is at 100% it's not too big, you have to consider than you have 10 Mythic mounts. This is not negligible and only few players can have them.
Brewald - GWF 18.3k Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k Valrik - DC AC 18.2k Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
My Suggestion On What to Reduce Mount Combat Power DPS To: I mentioned earlyer in this thread that 2 of the single target mount combat powers currently have 3k magnitude when maxed out and that this is overpowered.
For a possible adjustment to mount powers, would suggest 1,000 mag at most for single target powers and 333 or 500 for AOE powers. Would be more reasonable, but 1,000 seems a little high even.
3,000 magnitude on mount power is a lot less than 3,000 magnitude on Daily or Encounter. Does it critical hit? Critical increases damage by 1.5x or more Does it get CA? Combat Advantage increases damage by 1.5x or more
The 3,000 magnitude mount power is equal to 1,000 magnitude. On top of that, they have long animations.
For top end DPS, having a 3,000 magnitude mount power will add about 5% to their DPS total... if and only if every hit deals full damage. Compare this to Swarm (non-stacking now)... Swarm gives 30% more damage for 10 seconds. It's pretty close to the same. We need to wait and see. Now is NOT the time to over-react and start nerfing mount powers.
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
It's a ballache to find which of your mounts has the power you want to upgrade.
Example. I have one account wide Legendary Mount, and most of my toons have at least one other Character Bound. Up till the change the majority of my stables were made up of individual and account wide Epics with some blues and greens as skins/easy routes to Insignia Bonuses. My Main had a Swarm and a Tensers at Legendary but I wanted to bump up my Epic Dominant Force Mount Power to grab some of that sweet sweet Power. So I looked in my stable... and could not for love nor money find a view that shows the Mount, along with it's Bonus Power in order to find which Epic Mount to Upgrade. I eventually found it by farting about with Collections and, ultimately, the Zen Store... and duly upgraded my fat ugly Basilisk to Mythic. But this is something that could be sorted out quickly and easily in conjunction with the issue @thefiresidecat mentioned over the simple switch to having the list show the standard coloured borders rather than... White.
...And I'm going to assume that because they don't currently have any impact, "Mount Discount" vouchers don't work like "Mount Discount" sales and apply to Upgrade Tokens and Collars in the Zen Store?
But on the off chance that those vouchers SHOULD be offering their discount across the whole category, they aren't at the moment.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
1. This is a PC issue that cannot be helped. There have been many AH and Profession exploits over the years that resulted in literal Trillions of AD gain for players, which has caused years worth of backlog in ADX. That is more than adequate.
Comes a point that people need to stop blaming the current situation on something that happened years ago and was resolved.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Platform: PC Name@handle: The Chosen One@kurka5555 Amount of astral diamonds lost due to the posting fees: about 3000000. Items posted with the fee: 6x King of spines(deleted and posted), legendary Tyrranosaur Pack, and much more items i opened 150 lockboxes and sell ale the items on ah, there are still much items on my auction list, please investigate my account and tell me what to do. Issue: I want my posting ad back.
> Some Mount Powers Still Have Duplicates:
> I have both the mythic king of spines and the warpainted tyrannosaur, their combat powers are still separate from eachother, instead of the weaker legendary copy disappearing like it should have when I equipped the mythic king of spines.
They shouldn’t disappear, because they are two different mounts. Their combat power is named differentl so you can tell which is which. Even if the bonus is the same. As of right now there are actually 3 different types of T-Rex: King of Spines, Warpainted and Commander.
Currently, there appears to be no way to see which combat powers/stats equipped mounts grant. I had to spend hours using a list of most mounts in the game and looking them up individually on the auction house and zen market just to see which of my equipped mounts had what. And there are a lot of mounts I own that weren't on that list so I have no clue what they grant. Please introduce a way to check our equipped mount's stats/combat power in the future.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
I upgraded war tritop to mythic: NO HP gain
Today I upgraded my other 2 leg mounts to mythic (swarm and warhorse): My HPs decreased by another 3k hps
My bolster is now up at 56% if I recall correctly. There must be some bug if upgrading the HPs mount to mythic doesnt increase hps and especially if increasing bolster DECREASES hps.
The pack of Mount upgrade tokens suggests it is used to upgrade companions (copy-paste error in the tooltip). (Honestly, you should have made the upgrade tokens universal, not duplicate the absolutely same thing just for added complexity, errors, frustrated players, and bugs.)
Generally: You removed the major reasons to have better mounts (mount speed, mount combat power, and practically part of the mount stats), and created a rather niche Zen-market ecosystem. The legendary mounts were not exactly excelling in the "bang for the buck" category, now it is much much worse.
NOTE: Mounts and Companions purchased from the Zen store will not show up at the claims agent. They are in the Zen store and listed as Free.
I mentioned earlyer in this thread that 2 of the single target mount combat powers currently have 3k magnitude when maxed out and that this is overpowered.
For a possible adjustment to mount powers, would suggest 1,000 mag at most for single target powers and 333 or 500 for AOE powers. Would be more reasonable, but 1,000 seems a little high even.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Playing Neverwinter since July 2014
It would be nice to have some clarification as to what is WaI, and what is not, because this update was in no way ready to be released...
( I probably used a 50% off Jubilee coupons for some(most?) of the Tigers, if that matters)
I upgraded my epic toad mount into legendary, but its apparence doesn't change...
> PC
> I upgraded my epic toad mount into legendary, but its apparence doesn't change...
That's not how it works sadly. You are just upgrading the mount for bolster status. If you want a mounts legendary look and combat power you need to purchase that mount and upgrade from there.
Only in case the item returns unsold, your posting fee is lost. So we probably will have to wait a few more days in order so see if that will be the case. Jmho Yes, they did indeed in the mount changes blog.
Unfortunately for me that was not the case either.
Although I half-expected not to find those that were (re-)moved to the tarmalune store (Ioun Stone of Allurement, Wild Hunt Rider, Cantankerous Mage), I had NONE marked as free (Will-O'-Whisp, Siege Master).
> Please provide clarification (with an example) of which mount collars can and cannot be used together in a player's stable.
The very first word in each collar is the type... sturdy, wayfaring, unified, practical, and supportive. You can only equip one of each of these 5 types.
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
"One extra unique aspect of these collars is that they come in specific types. A character can only benefit from one of a given collar type at a time so make sure to get all 5 types to maximize your benefits."
If you look at the choices in your free "epic mount collar choice pack", the five types should be named practical, sturdy, supportive, unified and wayfaring.
For how expensive the mounts are and how long this has been going on....why isn't this fixed?
Often you can buy things off the AH cheaper than it would cost you in Zen or at least an equivalent cost. That's what PC players should do with their AD for now.
2. Solo'd Master of the Hunt Queue several times in an hour. Got 6 collars in total. That is more than adequate.
3. The upgrade materials literally drop everywhere, especially in Avernus.. The only time investment is Insignia Powder and the 150 Legendary Shards needed for a Mythic collar.
I'm disagree on this point.
If your mount roster is at 100% it's not too big, you have to consider than you have 10 Mythic mounts.
This is not negligible and only few players can have them.
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
Does it critical hit? Critical increases damage by 1.5x or more
Does it get CA? Combat Advantage increases damage by 1.5x or more
The 3,000 magnitude mount power is equal to 1,000 magnitude. On top of that, they have long animations.
For top end DPS, having a 3,000 magnitude mount power will add about 5% to their DPS total... if and only if every hit deals full damage. Compare this to Swarm (non-stacking now)... Swarm gives 30% more damage for 10 seconds. It's pretty close to the same. We need to wait and see. Now is NOT the time to over-react and start nerfing mount powers.
It's been 2 years and "Remember Checkbox Value in Stable(Swap Mount Menu)" bug is still here can u fix it?
Also RIP Axe Break (Legacy) Equip Power - it's epic now not legendary.
I have one account wide Legendary Mount, and most of my toons have at least one other Character Bound. Up till the change the majority of my stables were made up of individual and account wide Epics with some blues and greens as skins/easy routes to Insignia Bonuses.
My Main had a Swarm and a Tensers at Legendary but I wanted to bump up my Epic Dominant Force Mount Power to grab some of that sweet sweet Power. So I looked in my stable... and could not for love nor money find a view that shows the Mount, along with it's Bonus Power in order to find which Epic Mount to Upgrade.
I eventually found it by farting about with Collections and, ultimately, the Zen Store... and duly upgraded my fat ugly Basilisk to Mythic.
But this is something that could be sorted out quickly and easily in conjunction with the issue @thefiresidecat mentioned over the simple switch to having the list show the standard coloured borders rather than... White.
But on the off chance that those vouchers SHOULD be offering their discount across the whole category, they aren't at the moment.
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
Name@handle: The Chosen One@kurka5555
Amount of astral diamonds lost due to the posting fees: about 3000000.
Items posted with the fee: 6x King of spines(deleted and posted), legendary Tyrranosaur Pack, and much more items i opened 150 lockboxes and sell ale the items on ah, there are still much items on my auction list, please investigate my account and tell me what to do.
Issue: I want my posting ad back.