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[Temporarily Closed] CDP Topic: Quality of Life Improvements



  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    I'd recommend the team selecting a few ya like so we can have direction on what were were going to discuss over us just randomly talking about things in here~
  • winteranestiwinteranesti Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    More account wide sales of legendary mounts in zen store in packs we choose from and vanity pets please Could even make exclusive skins mounts. Loved last years mossy snail and cosmic stag. Just an idea. :D I bought the bel <3 Love it. Maybe Zariel? Or pet LULU <3 I would die for an even smaller LULU. If this is the wrong area to put this, my apologies to everyone reading my spam.
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    I’d like to be able to sort my characters appearance items by alphabet. It’s a pain to even figure out if I already own an armor piece by looking at dozens of icons. I’d like to buy/collect what I’m missing more efficiently.

    Should also have a button to revert to whatever method is used now, so as not to confuse people who like the current order.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • bspallybspally Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    dolrey said:

    Introduce rewards for victory in PvP queues comparable to rewards from random queue. And also add daily rewards for victory in PvP.

    Because players say that they stopped play PvP after you deleted daily quest for PvP and made PvP equipment useless.


    Also make seasonal BEST IN CLASS rewards due to bad class balance in pvp.

    And please find a way to separate top-geared players from newbies! We are asking about it here... since hm... m15


    PVP used to be a great part of this game - please bring it back
    Make Neverwinter's players willing to buy Zen great again!
  • award9award9 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 87 Arc User
    I'd like to see a toggle for character portaits and was disappointed when they were removed.

    Zoning into PE at the Protector's Garden would be nice. All I do with it now is park some alts there because I like the look. IMO having to zone in clear across the map and run/ride by all the services offered defeats the purpose of the services being up there.
  • vaultingfrog#2497 vaultingfrog Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    Goal: adding new search filters to the auction house.

    Discription: Allow us to filter searches in the auction house for companions by bolster catagory.

    Effect: Ease of use for the trade house in finding companions that we actually need for improving our bolster instead of guessing what catagory they fall under.

    Drawbacks: none that I see
  • marcuswelby#9526 marcuswelby Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I apologise in advance if this is a repeated request, but I did not easily find a function to search this thread.

    I think that the ability to show the entire buff bar would be a great benefit to all players and classes. Not being able to track certain buffs creates difficulty for those wishing to optimise their play.
  • silver2020#1958 silver2020 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    Goal: bring back dc channel divinity to pray and restore Divinity.
    Description: not move or attack while under the effect of Channel Divinity destroys the game as dc. There is no logic in this.
    Effect: it will be possible not to stand as an unnecessary part of the group. Improve survival in situations where divinity is essential.
    Drawbacks: will reduce sales of scrolls and stones and the purchase of zen.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    I apologize for the length of the following 2 posts, but once I got started, it was too hard to stop.
    Post edited by adinosii on
    Hoping for improvements...
  • bookflirtbookflirt Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Some suggestions:

    1. Account wide RP, most other sources can be deposited into the shared bank account and I dont see why RP could not be added as well. Even if this would need to be capped in the bank for code purposes I feel this would be an amazing tool to those who desire to play multiple toons.

    2. Legacy campaigns to included stronghold missions. Kill 100 enemies, quests, or even heroics, etc. I believe this will bring some attention to strongholds as we all know they have been put on the back burner for various reasons. This will also encourage guild activity and aid in growth for those who wish to experience a growing environment. So many want to be a part of something new as being new themselves, but struggle to find momentum. To try to mold into an already established guild, which can be at times a discouraging or even toxic environment, can deter a player to experience or find a group of individuals to journey together that can have a positive impact down the road.

    3. BtC, BtA, etc. This needs to simplified. Having three spaces for the same item is frustrating especially if it's an enchanting stone or mark. I agree with another suggestion of making more items BtA or to shift in that direction.

    4. Increase of profession bag would be helpful. So many resources are needed to be saved to even attempt the multiple tries for successes to build up their professions. If there are talks of new maps and upgrade, more space will be needed.
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User

    "Update tank power tooltips to include numbers for threat generated Without a full understanding of how threat is calculated, I am not sure this is feasible."

    This is easily implemented. Tank threat multiplier is x3.6, apart from skills with tooltips currently reading "increased threat". "Increased threat" is Cryptics way of writing x8.

    See https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1254761/my-observations-feedback-ramblings-on-fighter-vanguard-powers-feats-as-of-current-build-m18 for details.
    Elite Whaleboy
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    @adinosii on the larger list not the refined personal one: that's a mighty long list.. but still.. why not have all? . I'd say Devs. there is your shopping list. have fun.
  • erevel09erevel09 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Great list @adinosii. That must have took some time to nail down. I'd like to point out that according to roadmap for 2020, we will soon get new masterwork stuff. That - in my opinion - means, that we should expect something will happen to professions too and it would be nice to have some QoL added in that area.

    As for the short lists: I like those ideas. Especially account-wide stuff, trial queue changes and all present BtC reduction.
  • Make Vanity pets useful.
    Right now vanity pets don't do anything special, they're pretty much bootleg augments. It would be nice if they could do something, anything. For example the legendary vanity pets could help pick up loot in dungeon runs, or epic vanity pets could pick up gold etc. That would make them more sought after and they wouldn't be just cosmetic.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    erevel09 said:

    Great list @adinosii. That must have took some time to nail down. I'd like to point out that according to roadmap for 2020, we will soon get new masterwork stuff.

    Yes, but...

    The problem is that I am afraid they will make the mistake of only adding a new masterwork tier, which will make crafting useful for a while, until a new equipment tier makes the Masterwork items useless again.

    I have a proposal for how to make crafting permanently useful (and solve a few other problems at the same time), but unfortunetely I don't think they will go for anything like that. See https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1256953/four-problems-and-one-proposal
    Hoping for improvements...
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    IMO the CDP structure doesn't fit the topic well. There is no point in picking 1 or 3 or discuss much about this.

    The relevant Devs need to get over the list, assign rough estimate of time cost (something that they will need to do in any case, even just on the way). Then someone who has a word about the resource allocation and scoping can chime in and say, we can allocate X system days for that for mod 20, and Y days for m21, or better yet, we can allocate Z hours per month / episode for QoL, lets prioritize.

    Now we can talk about priorities and to which depth a solution can be done, for example. from entire rework of the mail system with "sent mail", multiple receivers, filters, tags, and what not that will take all the time bank, to a simple button "delete all empty AH mails", "display mails with items" which will take an hour of work, and allow the completion of all the other small requests by next episode.

    Otherwise, as I see it, the discussion is moot, the list of items already there, and hopefully people will add more stuff, but any prioritization is without enough information and the validity is too subjective.
  • polysatyr81polysatyr81 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    So this is a minor request and it may be because I'm mainly a Console player but there needs to be easier access to VIP Benefits on PC. On Console I pull up the one tab and boom it's there. On PC I have to go through Items, VIPS INFO then benefits or hit something else that pauses the game and go to the VIP Icon at the top of the screen. Maybe add a VIP Benefit button shortcut like their is for Collections? Maybe make it Control-N?
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited August 2020

    So this is a minor request and it may be because I'm mainly a Console player but there needs to be easier access to VIP Benefits on PC. On Console I pull up the one tab and boom it's there. On PC I have to go through Items, VIPS INFO then benefits or hit something else that pauses the game and go to the VIP Icon at the top of the screen. Maybe add a VIP Benefit button shortcut like their is for Collections? Maybe make it Control-N?

    You can bind a key to any of the ViP stuff:

    /bind key "gensendmessage Vipaction_Bankvendor activate"
    /bind otherkey "gensendmessage Vipaction_Professionvendor activate"
    .... "gensendmessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport activate"

    or alias them:

    alias bank "gensendmessage Vipaction_Bankvendor activate"
    alias shop "gensendmessage Vipaction_Professionvendor activate"
    alias tp "gensendmessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport activate"

    You can also bind / alias the ViP choice menu:

    /bind key "gensendmessage Statusself_Vip activate"

    In the ctrl+n example it will be:

    /bind ctrl+n "gensendmessage Statusself_Vip activate"
  • ikh4osikh4os Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    make more dungeons and less focus on trials. Its dungeons and dragons not trials and errors. First of all all these trials drop the weapons that are bis for everyone and not everyone has the time to practice these things to do all the mechanics dungeons have less mechanics and are usually more fun of you want to do trials make them give rewards you don't need to progress in the game. We are already nerfed to the ground in most cases. Make campaigns that focus on doing the dungeons instead of weekly or daily quests to complete and not make a bunch of impossible mechanics to overcome less people will not quit for frustration of the game
  • lordaeoloslordaeolos Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    micky1p00 said:

    IMO the CDP structure doesn't fit the topic well. There is no point in picking 1 or 3 or discuss much about this.

    The relevant Devs need to get over the list, assign rough estimate of time cost (something that they will need to do in any case, even just on the way). Then someone who has a word about the resource allocation and scoping can chime in and say, we can allocate X system days for that for mod 20, and Y days for m21, or better yet, we can allocate Z hours per month / episode for QoL, lets prioritize.

    Now we can talk about priorities and to which depth a solution can be done, for example. from entire rework of the mail system with "sent mail", multiple receivers, filters, tags, and what not that will take all the time bank, to a simple button "delete all empty AH mails", "display mails with items" which will take an hour of work, and allow the completion of all the other small requests by next episode.

    Otherwise, as I see it, the discussion is moot, the list of items already there, and hopefully people will add more stuff, but any prioritization is without enough information and the validity is too subjective.

    I disagree, feasibility analysis this early in the process stifles innovation.. right now is not the time to talk about what the dev team can or cannot do.. but talk about ideas that have been shared, and let our imagination run wild with the possibilities. Even if an idea isn't feasable, it may spark an idea from a developer that could get us something similar, or make the QoL request redundant and no longer needed. So lets stay focused...

    I've noticed a couple of common themes in many of the QoL posts (there are more topics obviously, and a LOT of great posts):

    - space (like professions space)
    - finding/ searching for something
    - Binding

    I can agree with each of these main points as being "sore spots" that could use some QoL love... but I really prefer solutions that are more thematic to the setting/ make sense.

    For example: we have a workshop for crafting, and we have artisans that are doing the work... so why then are we as characters running around all over the forgotten realms with the materials those artisans need to accomplish their work? Integrate that inventory as a storage bin or something in the workshop, get rid of the special professions bags entirely, and allow professions items and tools to go into normal inventory slots (buy/ sell/trade/banking would all be a lot easier). Imagine the artisans, artisan #1: "Wow, I just need some raw blood rubies, but the manager is out running with all the supplies...AGAIN" artisan #2: "No problems, we can take a nap in the loft, not like the owner will be stopping by anytime soon"

    Another example: Binding... I as a person have no items bound to me (well is suppose the cavity fillings are "bound items").. and as a pen and paper D&D player items that are bound to a specific character are exceedingly rare, and are either very powerful, or very bad for you... pretty much everything can be bought, sold, traded, pilfered.... whatever. I understand the MMO economic considerations that necessitate bound to Account items, but bound to Character items shouldn't be needed at all in a well designed system. So how do we go about making a closer to thematic binding system? 1. eliminate bind to character entirely... and create a degradation system for bound equipment... this could be as simple as requiring a currency spend to transfer, to a loss of quality that would need to recovered through "restoration"... Imagine if you will: "Are you sure you wish to remove the bracers of devil banes +5? the magic in that item has grown comfortable with your piety, and will lose potency if removed" ...

    I challenge anyone seeing this to respond to QoL ideas and imagine the Dialog that would go with your ideas or critiques... show us what that dialog looks like!

    The CDP process is about building worlds together.. so lets build some worlds..
    "Lord Willow"
    Guild Leader: Mistaken Identity (formerly Midnight Express)
    My Twitch Stream
    See my Youtube Channel for guides and more

    "Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I'd want the dev feedback before spending any time on this at all. as I see it they should do everything we asked unless it's unreasonable for their time. Spongebobs box of imagination is great but it does no good in real life scenarios.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    My list of preference and order:

    1. Make all stackable with one stack size of 1000. I have to support my own proposal. :)
    2. Account wide professions inventory.
    3. Crafting bag size increase.

    I only look at QoL aspect that I can use.
    I try to choose something simple and supposed to be easy to do.
    I do not consider the suggestions of bug fix, major game change (in terms of amount of development effort), major game changer (in terms of play), etc.

    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • statto12345statto12345 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    how about letting us buy shards with guild marks at a special vendor it will help small guilds upgrade and attract new players to the guilds

    ease of use

    no cons
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    I apologize if it seems that I'm against discussion or creative ideas. On the contrary, the more the merrier. (I'm not sarcastic)

    My main concern / point is that QoL as a topic is very wide and varied between different people. Players have those different pesky things that annoy them and will ease their play time if changed. Because of the relatively large variance and the large amount of topics touching so many systems, I would rather see as many as fixes as possible over some fancy and expensive (in terms of devs resources) solution. I think it will be more satisfactory if a lot of the smaller , easier to do things are prioritized, due to the chance of touching the game-play for more players.

    To get something like this done to the user satisfaction within a time frame, IMO takes a feedback and a ping pong.
    Incidentally this is something I do right this moment (or actually procrastinate from, while typing this post). A ping-pong about a software I'm responsible for. Sitting and writing possible fixes/solutions for asked for features / changes. "I can throw in a button that does this, and it will take X time or I can pull the data from elsewhere and do a fancy thingie and it will take a week to do" - Then there could be an informed decision what is more important and what are the trade-offs. In many aspects, this is both the creed of Agile development and the "building software together" where everyone have a constant agency and involvement in the outcome.

    ofc, this is my opinion only, and meant to use dev feedback to improve upon and discuss the brought up ideas.

    Post edited by micky1p00 on
This discussion has been closed.