all complain for the heal changes but in reality ic tomm can be done with that if all do their part...
No one is saying you can't do the content. That's not the point.
hope the up on heal magnitudes that will be on today is a way to stop that argue about nerfing ... the point is that ppl got used of ovrhealing and didnt give a dime about avoiding dmg etc ...thats one part of the problem
I also used to have that way of thinking and even though i do agree that there are lazy people you do also have to realize that there are people who play with 300+ ping right? so standing in red zone is kinda not their fault...
And the only people who got used to overheal were clerics... Paladins were only broken after a cetain point or should i say ammount of power/crit, because new players without those were strugling to shield/heal... And warlocks were nerver good at healing but at least they had decent, yeah decent buffs/debuffs (which had a massive nerf in mod 19)
And the 25,30,50,20 magnitude increase in healing encounters won't do HAMSTER at least for the warlock, tab mechanic will still be bugged and the aim assist we have is HAMSTER, but as i said give them 2 weeks and they will start making changes again because this game is not sustained by end gamers and these changes were extremely bad for new players who were already strugling befre mod 19
Im 100% with you. Also, i found out a lazy build that works most of the times if you are a soulweaver. Revitalize + Infernal Barrier + Feypact. Spam Infernal Barrier now and then (even out of combat), revitalize when you want.. And if you want to help with "dps" slot BoVa and give it to one of them. Since we lost our core powers and feats, at least this way we can feel "usefull"... As long the team KNOW how to play their classes. The tab is kinda tricky tho, don't know the rest but i have a 1-2 seconds delay with that power, so i try to keep them alive without it (more challenging tbh).
i don't even use tab most of the times (too cluncky/buggy), in dungeons i only use it if it really is needed, soul reconstruction is doing the job just fine.
I'm also using bova/armored griffon to help the tank and sometimes wraith's shadow depending on the situation
My normal encouters would be revitalize to heal 1 or 2 players at most, bova, and either arms of hadar or (i can't even belive i'm saying this) dreadtheft xD
Pillar or power now will only be used in pre made groups were i have coordenation.
As i said in another post game is not progressing it is degression when u take and don.t give. There is no way to go but down. they said that there scaling was to keep game progressing while letting new players do low level areas this is a joke just make the lower areas give less to higher players . of course you can still go help lower players all that will do is stop some campaign buy out s from being bought . those same people might enjoy the game then and spend that money somewhere else .
This new change SUCKS major and killing the fun from the game. And I gave it a fair trial but I can not say a single good word about it.
Reading the post here helps little but what I see is that those in “support” of the new system talk only about end-content players. The players who most likely farm ToMM and can afford buying scrolls of mass life (10 for around 150K AD ) and stones of health (50 pack ~ 90K AD). BUT this is maybe the 10% of the players. What of the rest? The game pushes player to get to level 80 and most can get IL required for REDQ and RTQ in what 3-4 months. And there like 33 skirmishes, dungeons, and trials. Yes, players need to learn mechanics of the dungeon (I fully support this) but how this is expected to be done? This is a GAME and expecting every player to watch and study videos of every dungeon is preposterous. The way how is now players find guilds or friends who are willing to help and train them. But many just sign up for RTQ and REDQ and hope for best – like they do not get LoMM or CR. Now what this have to do with healing. Well everything. Having good heals enabled training groups and successful runs. Having good heals enabled having less time-consuming runs -- Who wants to stay in CR for 3-4 hrs???? Yes often heals were overpowered but it helped to train people. Let’s see how many healers will sign up for RTQs and REDQs now… especially for the public ones. If there was a long waiting time for time before I have a feeling it will be now forever to get the queue pop. Myself I am retiring from healing REDQs and will only help my guild with RTQ unless something changes. I do not need the stress. I do not need to feel depreciated and treated as a disposable commodity. Heal stones heal better. I do not want to spend my time in panic to try to heal people who are often all over the place due to dodging while I am trying to target them among all the mobs. Oh yeah, when I finally find them they just dodge my heals.
I am a paladin playing for year and half and I did invest a lot to build my char and made it to be the best it can be, including max out enchants and companions. Yesterday I tested the heal with another OP with less specs and we had the same shield and heal. So basically, I was slapped in face and called stupid by CRYPTIC for investing in my character. There is really no need anymore to bother upgrading anything. Actually, my stalwart lion gives bigger shield ATM LOL. OP heals are really shielders – placing around a 5 or 10% (after crit) shield on players is useless. They have little means to heal a party – like we were in CODG and all 10 players got health below 50%. With Tab mechanic I might heal one – but that mechanics is slow and in time I cast it the rest will die. The people are scattered on platform and that is because they need to dodge. My divine shelter can reach many but will give max 10% of their HP. The other healer was struggling too. Now should I just let the trial fail?? Maybe but then how many I should do to succeed? Am I now expected only to play with experience players and disregard all the rest?? And what about health checks like in LOMM the electrical charges at the 2nd boss. I WANT Cryptic to tell us how an OP healer should pass that heal check!!! The microscopic shields that disappears in second need to be spam casted. BUT the caster is also targeted and no matter how far I am also knocked of my feet and I loose crucial moments. My attempt to heal was 3 skulls at bore warm boss and 3 scrolls of mass life. I am not going to waste scroll on it again.
I can go on – but those who say the new system is good should not say a single world unless they are 1) OP healers , 2) the tested several dungeons like LoMM, CR, CoDG and 3/ they run in other then premade expert parties. When you do all 3 I will be happy to learn from you how to improve my OP heal to be relevant again! But ATM I am furious and upset … and I do not see how this change helped anyone to improve and make the game fun. Things might be looking good on paper but making heals relevant only for Zariel trial was a big mistake and it is clearly a slap in face of healers. It is not about that there was no need for changes but that going from everything to nothing is bad, very bad! IMPO having a huge full shield has its place in the game (like as above mentioned worm phase) but maybe should be changed to daily so it is not like before that people can be fully covered all the time. Or maybe Cryptic just doesn’t like OP healers ☹
As i said in another post game is not progressing it is degression when u take and don.t give. There is no way to go but down. they said that there scaling was to keep game progressing while letting new players do low level areas this is a joke just make the lower areas give less to higher players . of course you can still go help lower players all that will do is stop some campaign buy out s from being bought . those same people might enjoy the game then and spend that money somewhere else .
what lower dungeons/areas need to give to higher players beside the campaign currency that prolly needs for boons ?
well i gave up on my cleric healing with that new 3 second chanel divinity TAB key heal for single target. Went to my warlock. Its still the same on warlocks but better now so they are good healers now.
I thought the same. Too bad they nerfed out damage output though.
This new change SUCKS major and killing the fun from the game. And I gave it a fair trial but I can not say a single good word about it.
Reading the post here helps little but what I see is that those in “support” of the new system talk only about end-content players. The players who most likely farm ToMM and can afford buying scrolls of mass life (10 for around 150K AD ) and stones of health (50 pack ~ 90K AD). BUT this is maybe the 10% of the players. What of the rest? The game pushes player to get to level 80 and most can get IL required for REDQ and RTQ in what 3-4 months. And there like 33 skirmishes, dungeons, and trials. Yes, players need to learn mechanics of the dungeon (I fully support this) but how this is expected to be done? This is a GAME and expecting every player to watch and study videos of every dungeon is preposterous. The way how is now players find guilds or friends who are willing to help and train them. But many just sign up for RTQ and REDQ and hope for best – like they do not get LoMM or CR. Now what this have to do with healing. Well everything. Having good heals enabled training groups and successful runs. Having good heals enabled having less time-consuming runs -- Who wants to stay in CR for 3-4 hrs???? Yes often heals were overpowered but it helped to train people. Let’s see how many healers will sign up for RTQs and REDQs now… especially for the public ones. If there was a long waiting time for time before I have a feeling it will be now forever to get the queue pop. Myself I am retiring from healing REDQs and will only help my guild with RTQ unless something changes. I do not need the stress. I do not need to feel depreciated and treated as a disposable commodity. Heal stones heal better. I do not want to spend my time in panic to try to heal people who are often all over the place due to dodging while I am trying to target them among all the mobs. Oh yeah, when I finally find them they just dodge my heals.
I am a paladin playing for year and half and I did invest a lot to build my char and made it to be the best it can be, including max out enchants and companions. Yesterday I tested the heal with another OP with less specs and we had the same shield and heal. So basically, I was slapped in face and called stupid by CRYPTIC for investing in my character. There is really no need anymore to bother upgrading anything. Actually, my stalwart lion gives bigger shield ATM LOL. OP heals are really shielders – placing around a 5 or 10% (after crit) shield on players is useless. They have little means to heal a party – like we were in CODG and all 10 players got health below 50%. With Tab mechanic I might heal one – but that mechanics is slow and in time I cast it the rest will die. The people are scattered on platform and that is because they need to dodge. My divine shelter can reach many but will give max 10% of their HP. The other healer was struggling too. Now should I just let the trial fail?? Maybe but then how many I should do to succeed? Am I now expected only to play with experience players and disregard all the rest?? And what about health checks like in LOMM the electrical charges at the 2nd boss. I WANT Cryptic to tell us how an OP healer should pass that heal check!!! The microscopic shields that disappears in second need to be spam casted. BUT the caster is also targeted and no matter how far I am also knocked of my feet and I loose crucial moments. My attempt to heal was 3 skulls at bore warm boss and 3 scrolls of mass life. I am not going to waste scroll on it again.
I can go on – but those who say the new system is good should not say a single world unless they are 1) OP healers , 2) the tested several dungeons like LoMM, CR, CoDG and 3/ they run in other then premade expert parties. When you do all 3 I will be happy to learn from you how to improve my OP heal to be relevant again! But ATM I am furious and upset … and I do not see how this change helped anyone to improve and make the game fun. Things might be looking good on paper but making heals relevant only for Zariel trial was a big mistake and it is clearly a slap in face of healers. It is not about that there was no need for changes but that going from everything to nothing is bad, very bad! IMPO having a huge full shield has its place in the game (like as above mentioned worm phase) but maybe should be changed to daily so it is not like before that people can be fully covered all the time. Or maybe Cryptic just doesn’t like OP healers ☹
Besides the shields, you just described Mod 18 Soulweaver, being targeted when trying to heal in lomm and so. Now, blue bars WERE a big problem cuz most content was created around it and ppl only wanted pallyheals for extra immortality (if the pally was good, of course). More than killing the shields they needed to increase DC and SW mags or buffs to make them viable as having a pally, that way any combination of the three would always have a place in trials or dungs.
I might not play pallyheals but i DO pug ALONE every single day cuz im a Soulweaver and the only moments i played IC was as "dps" and getting carried by my awesome alliance. I DID play Lomm, CR, Codg and the rest of the dungs and trials. LoMM in pug is the same as ever, everyone quit at the begining, others try it. Sadly the only group that wanted to try had the mimcis bugged (the endless one) and we needed to give up, but i was abble to heal (and god damn, my biggest aoe heal is less powerfull than yours) the coccoon. Also played CR, guess what? same as LoMM most ppl just leave, but some groups tried it (mostly new players), one time we couldn't pass the second boss and the rest we get to strad, most times getting wiped at the sword mechanic for bad timing. Codg it IS a problem for any healer but it is NOT imposible even in pug with new players (as long as they understand english and read the chat).
I am NOT BiS and yet i know that ppl crying about "i have less outgoing than before!" and "i put too much AD on my companions!" its dumb. You still have the BiS outgoin healing if have all companions maxed, and the rest of us will have it worst cuz less healers means the prices of those companions will increase, they will become like a legendary mount. Have max ench and runestones? Thats awesome, you only need to wait for the small increases they will be doing overtime.
And don't get me wrong, i am not defending the devs nor saying i like this changes. I just can't understand why ppl that are still better than Soulweaver complain that much. Who cares if they need to use stones? if they can't afford them they just need to go potion boons and buy potions. Can't afford scrolls? They will learn how to stand, and if have ping to play even smarter. If they blame healers for not being able to heal them when they stand in front of the boss just report them or put them on your ignore list to never play again with them. I get your rage and frustration, but from my point of view you are still in a damn better place.
The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
I play cleric and have fairly decent gear - about 26.5k.
- Marking the tank (or other player) with the tab target thing is awkward and clunky. It keeps disappearing from the player, obscured by health bars, mobs etc., so you don't know if it's still up - and waste time checking to see that it is.
What if quickly pressing the tab rotates through your party who is marked and puts a big red + beside their name? It would stay there until tab is quickly pressed again. Holding tab channels heal to the marked person as long as they are within 100 feet of you.
baalhashmalMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 65Arc User
> I find it interesting they also added scroll of life to the tarmalude trade bar shop. Hmm. As if though they expect tons of deaths now.
Those have always been there
Incorrect. Let me get specific for the final time for Selune's sake.
Scroll of Mass Life yes.
Scroll of Life, no. That was added as of this mod.
Not too important in the grand scheme of things; just an interesting observation.
Cleric:Marquis Elmdore - Current Main Wizard: Iamblichus Fighter: Anna the Titan Barbarian: Anann Valkyrja Ranger: Minerva Cory'phaia Warlock: Suri Coralyne Reid
Bastion - 200 to 300k non-crit, 500 to 800k+ crit AoE Heal every 2 seconds Healing Word - 60 to 100k non-crit, 150 to 250k crit permanent Heal over Time on everyone Intercession - 300 to 600k non-crit, 800k to 1.6 mil crit single target burst Heal every 25 secs but almost never used as it wasn't needed Divinity percentage - no less than 90-100% at all times
I usually run a tank through ToMM or TIC, but I can say numbers like these seem reasonable to me based on what I was seeing last mod. In general, even with 800K+ HP one or maybe 2 bastions from a endgame DC would heal me back to full from a near death state ... and was exactly the problem with both healing and damage. Everything hit so hard it either killed you or it left you near death and that which did not kill you was basically healed instantly by the healer. So HP were either at full or near zero all the time, no in between. So now they have fixed the healing part .... but left the damage the same, which means everyone needs to make major changes to playstyle to deal with the new normal.
They need to nerf damage if they fear DPS is ripping through end game so much they do not need heals. Something to think about. I ran a random dungeon with pugs who were all end game decked out while on my SW who is TOMM stated, legendary mounts, legendary companions that are outgoing heals, and all rank 15 enchants, bondings,ect. almost completely geared TOMM weapons. The dungeon was Tong and my heals did nothing to save us. I struggled to get the bar even to half way and ran out of soul sparks even with all my feats into regenerating it back faster. In the end, everyone died 3 times, I died 4 times, and a dps completely died. My own heals could not even help myself with incoming heals. I had to use my stone of heal and scrolls of mass life..for what 40,000 AD and a gem at the end? I lost way more AD trying to finish that what it was worth and everyone was upset they died so many times over. The tab mechanic failed so many times even with the tank in my face. This game is no longer worth it for healers and each time a player who makes an opinion without walking in another persons shoes is upsetting. I could say stuff like nerf dps 50% and nerf tanks 50% so they think twice about staying in red also since I can't do anything for you anyway as a healer. Seriously there is a problem with healing and soon enough..ques will start to die down as wait times increase..the punishment does not fit the effort to take abuse, hate, and neglect from other players as well as cryptic. Believe me, its taking everything in my heart to stay when all I want to do is wash my hands of this game and go elsewhere. This is no longer enjoyable for me, but I am sure others as well as they voice their concerns.
> @baalhashmal said: > (Quote) > Incorrect. Let me get specific for the final time for Selune's sake. > > Scroll of Mass Life yes. > > Scroll of Life, no. That was added as of this mod. > > Not too important in the grand scheme of things; just an interesting observation.
Correct. Xbox only has scroll of mass life currently, no scroll of life.
Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
I will say that these are my OPINIONS and I'm not going to get into an argument over MY opinions. You are welcome to have your own opinions too and I do like some of the ones shared so far. Healing needed to be addressed as a whole but not in the way Cryptic did.
My major problems with the heal changes (have both endgame DC and OP running with very skilled group of players)....
Major changes to healers without giving a free respec (never done in any mmo I have played before)
Trying to cram a single target based heal system into a game not designed for single targeting. There is no ability to quickly target a player especially when they are in a group pull. You can't use overlays, add-ons, or even click on party members using a mouse (please don't even consider mouse cursor targeting).
Removing the "target" command from the game. Whoever made this decision is just a complete jerk. This is nothing more than a move to make things unnecessarily difficult because that was our only way to fast target our party members with hotkeys.
Removing divinity channeling because of the claim by the devs that it is "boring" only to replace it with a slow channeled How does that even make sense? We are still having to channel but now we channel every time we want to heal the tank.
Devs trying to balance healing by taking a wide brush and reworking most of the heal mechanics on the PLAYERS' side. The person responsible for that decision needs to be reassigned ASAP. It could have easily been accomplished by adjusting all the new content coming out in the future and a small percentage of the old content encounter scripts and mechanics. The warlock could have been buffed without touching the other healers. Worried about the difference in healers? Script the encounters to have multiple attacks that counter the advantages that some heal classes have over others. For example, OP shields can be countered by having an attack that completely removes any shield on the first tick. Cleric large heals can be countered with a debuff that reduces healing by a percentage. Hey devs, see where I am going with this.
Only reason OP's became the preferred healer, is the lack of QA in your releases in addition to the poorly scripted encounters. Every time you release new content there are bugs related to players taking excess damage or poorly scripted invisible/unavoidable attacks. The OP was the only thing that gives us a chances on initial releases because of all the bugs in the initial release of new content. The OP also helps us in poorly scripted content. Here are just a few examples of bad encounter scripting where the OP really helps counter it (all is doable with a DC no problem but OP was just better).
Spellplague Caverns - Bugged fire pool that ticks for 300,000+ damage from a trash mob.
IC trash mobs - Getting stunned even when you are clearly out of the red.
IC Morzach - animations not happening before some attacks
IC Zaphael - cleave hitting people who are clearly standing behind him or way off to the side of him.
IC Zaphael - imps spawning in a pool of fire and dragging a person into the pool.
IC Hellfire Engine - unavoidable damage from the crowd above
IC Hellfire Engine - getting multiple circles on DPS during rotation phase (one right before rotation starts and another before the first one falls off) which sometimes requires multiple beam hits on the DPS while the healer is trying to save divinty for the chain phase.
HUGE tank busters in newly released content that usually requires damage mitigation prior to a patch later that adjust the damage level.
I could go on but that is just a few examples of why the OP became the preferred healer.
The claim that we are "bored" as healers or not busy is just stupid. There might have been a total of 5% of the healer population that was completely bored. Sure, when I get fully geared and know the mechanics of an encounter it gets much easier but bored is not a word I would use. If I wanted to micromanage healing, I'd go back to WoW where I could have all my overlays and spend all my days running multiple party raids or open world PvP where I have to coordinate with other healers to not over-heal.
Trying to bring low level healers up to be almost as powerful as endgame healers. Let me get this straight, you want to reward the players who have not spent as much time, AD, and possibly real-world money as the endgame players just so they do not feel inadequate? Are we giving out participation trophies in game now?
The warlock needed a major fix on their heal spec and they should have been brought inline with the other healers without nerfing everyone.
A small magnitude adjustment two days after go live...gee thanks.
Healing pots heal more than non-crit at-will and AE (when hitting multiple targets)
Crit reduced from 100% to 50% on already weak-sauce heals
Devs ignored all the negative feedback in closed testing from what I have been told.
Whole Tab mechanic sucks like a Hoover.
I might add more later but right now I am not a happy camper with the way this was handled. I am refusing to play my healers for now. I admit that it is mainly out of spite at this point but I am also keeping my wallet closed because I am mad.
I have promised myself long ago, not to vent here anymore, but as a guild leader of a casual guild (Semper-Fidelis) i have to take the virtual pen in my hand now.
You need to change this healing mess ASAP and i don't use say asap lightly, trust me. I do understand your business point of view, why all these changes were made to the healing aspect of the game. I guess your suits saw the numbers, that players were sitting on a bunch of unspent AD, trade bars, stones, scroll and they were not willing to spending as much as you, the company wanted and you had to find a way to force players hand to spend. Got you!
BUT let me tell you, the changes went way to far. We are at the point, that huge parts of the game are unplayable and if you let me, i will give you the real insight. Maybe it's not, what your interns are telling you and maybe it's not what pure numbers tell you, but numbers can be deceiving.
On paper you might have enough randoms going on, but numbers will not tell you about player's frustration and as we all know, gamers, who feel bad won't spend or will search for something else to play and will spend their money there.
The game is at the point, that many qualified-, emphasis on qualified- healers don't even attempt to play, the nerf to their companions, which by the way costed many thousand dollars or millions of AD, was devalued to a pitiful thing over one night. This harsh move so shortly after the huge changes of Mod16 was to many the last straw.
Now let's speak about the randoms, yes they are happening, but i beg you to look at them how many tries it takes for the average player to finish a simple Drear Ring skirmish, what a pain in the neck a simple Svardborg can be and i could go on and on.
Reality is, that 80-90% of the players are either under geared, have a bad build and don't even let me start about the tons of leeches and AFKers.
It was already very hard before the changes for the decent players to cope with all the "campfire warmers" and the many people, who were just there to have an easy carry on the back of other players, but imagine how hard it is now.
Small example, did you just take a look at the insurgencies at Vallenhas, they are pile of broken mess right now. Many people go in there, they try to get their percentage and they are off, people are dying left and right. When a boss summons by accident, it's a sight of mass graves.
With not enough people willing to play a healer now harder dungeon runs are happening less and less. Did you look at a simple LoMM, well simple for some of us in the past, but many people were already struggling with it before the changes to healing.
Everything is a giant frustration!
If the new Mod would be flawless and full of content, it could capture people's attention, while you are tweaking healing, but since the new Mod is a pile of bugs too and pretty lackluster, it can not occupy people's attention for too long and no, unlocking Zariel's trial will not help much, since it's so elit and not accessible by the vast majority.
I have looked at our roster, at the arrival of the new Mod many players on hiatus came back, but shortly after they discovered the healing changes they were off again.
This is reality right now dear Devs!
Last thing i want to mention is about numbers again, yes we still have randoms going, yes we still have healers, but i would not call most of them qualified healers, i mean what good is a healer, who comes in to CoDG for example and has mostly the cursed artifacts from Barovia and a mixture of green and blue gear and no this is not me exaggerating things, this happens in Tiamat and all the places, you name it.
I mean how bad are things, if the best healers from my guild or our alliance are off to EQ2 again. Holy Jesus!
Oh yes and while i don't forget it, the majority of healers left are useless, they are just out for the extra AD that their role gives them, but you will barely see any heals coming from them.
Dear Devs, heed my words, look at the reality, come down to the average players' level, see for yourself and the most important, next time don't make hasty changes just by the word of a few interns, who are geared and trained to the top of their head, try to look at the bigger picture, please!
Thank you for your time!
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
baalhashmalMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 65Arc User
All these changes happened because of us, in CDP topics. Stop this whining, and get used to the changes you've chosed.
I didn't choose these changes, nor did I comment in CDP topics.
Do you play a Cleric, @exgardian ? Are you complacent with the changes?
Cleric:Marquis Elmdore - Current Main Wizard: Iamblichus Fighter: Anna the Titan Barbarian: Anann Valkyrja Ranger: Minerva Cory'phaia Warlock: Suri Coralyne Reid
IF they want healing to be a tab targeting thing now, they NEED to free our mouse so we can target players faster, current system is NOT build for fast response single target heals. if they wanted players to die more or have 'red' areas be bad, they could have gone the route of punishing bad play (standing in red - standing in front of mobs with tank etc etc) more lethal and let healers be able to actually heal those who play well and just take 'normal' damage... now... can barely even keep those guys up
IF they want healing to be a tab targeting thing now, they NEED to free our mouse so we can target players faster, current system is NOT build for fast response single target heals. if they wanted players to die more or have 'red' areas be bad, they could have gone the route of punishing bad play (standing in red - standing in front of mobs with tank etc etc) more lethal and let healers be able to actually heal those who play well and just take 'normal' damage... now... can barely even keep those guys up
I mean, you don't need to heal that kind of ppl. If they are new you only need to explain them how to fight. If they have ping you can either heal them (that won't fix their ping) or revive them. We are in a "meta" that won't let healers be babisiters anymore, so dps (and some tanks) will be punished. And if after that they choose to blame you, put them on the ignore list, we have to deal with enough shhit to care about their egos being destroyed by their own incompetence.
The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
IF they want healing to be a tab targeting thing now, they NEED to free our mouse so we can target players faster, current system is NOT build for fast response single target heals. if they wanted players to die more or have 'red' areas be bad, they could have gone the route of punishing bad play (standing in red - standing in front of mobs with tank etc etc) more lethal and let healers be able to actually heal those who play well and just take 'normal' damage... now... can barely even keep those guys up
i agree 100% the whole set up on neverwinter eleminates the ability to single target heal fast enough to keep people up most other games i have played as healer (built a healer here as first char and its been in retiremant since hitting 80) and love playing healer but if i cant use f1 to f5 or f1 to f10 to hard target or use mouse pointer to hard target a party member then single heals are just not able to happen fast enough when people have 65k+ dmg coming in each hit hell one mob in avernus hit me for 650k (anyone who has faced it can guess which one) people keep saying extend the cooldown of heal stones but with the nerfs to healers all that will do is chase away the dps instead remove all cooldowns on heal pots and stones and at least let dps self heal if dps could self heal that would remove the need for all the pain of the nerf
I also came from other mmo's of the standard healer, stand out the way and either create hot keys to heal group members or mouse over click their name and hit the heal button.
When i started playing I was told no this is a fast moving game, the healer is in the mix and need to be nimble and be able to dodge the red areas so everything (except intercession) is aoe or group heals. just due to the game mechanics its just not possible to do the whole /target single heal game play.
And they were right!!!! This game mechanics does not allow specific single target healing. If they want single target healing then the game needs a 100% complete mechanics change
I have thought about putting up a serious post several times since the preview but I honestly don't have the energy. If the people in charge thought this was a good idea there is nothing for me to say.
DC was my main. I logged in to give it a try on patch day, it ended in alt f4. I can't see myself coming back to the game like this.
As I said once I say again. They're on full "milk it until it's dead" mode with this game. They don't even care anymore. If this game survive long enough to see the end of that shiny roadmap they revealed it'll probably be the case someone left the office and forgot to unplug the server.
As I said once I say again. They're on full "milk it until it's dead" mode with this game. They don't even care anymore. If this game survive long enough to see the end of that shiny roadmap they revealed it'll probably be the case someone left the office and forgot to unplug the server.
And they were right!!!! This game mechanics does not allow specific single target healing. If they want single target healing then the game needs a 100% complete mechanics change
The mechanism with mark target would work well if you could trust the mark to stay(on tank). That way you could heal someone without seeing where they are.
The current mark mechanism is too unreliable though, it keeps falling off all the time.
The only reason a mark should fall off is if it is recast on someone else. Death or distance should not kill the mark.
And they were right!!!! This game mechanics does not allow specific single target healing. If they want single target healing then the game needs a 100% complete mechanics change
The mechanism with mark target would work well if you could trust the mark to stay(on tank). That way you could heal someone without seeing where they are.
The current mark mechanism is too unreliable though, it keeps falling off all the time.
The only reason a mark should fall off is if it is recast on someone else. Death or distance should not kill the mark.
thats why hard targeting works so much better you dont need to see who you want to heal you dont need to aim at them you click / hit a button and as long as they are in range that is the person you will heal
has anyone noticed this yet? It feals like the AOE heals are getting divided up between all players in the aoe circle regardless of if they need any heals or not. I believe thats whu AOE herals dont work if stacking
The worst part is that u cant even find healers anymore lol. The devs should have thought this throu or actually listening to the majority of healers and not the elite minority. Im no healer myself, but literally all my healers friends quit before it even went live. This has actually become worse than mod16 and the game is just feels more like a chore than fun at this point. Too many unnecessary changes made without the opinion of the playerbase taken into account.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
has anyone noticed this yet? It feals like the AOE heals are getting divided up between all players in the aoe circle regardless of if they need any heals or not. I believe thats whu AOE herals dont work if stacking
It was mentioned in the patch notes, the heal is divided between up to 5 players in the AOE...
This is what you get when players worked their behind off to reach this level of playing..
Let the 1% (as some folks are saying) have their moment of fun too please. As for the ECL (Everlasting Complain Legion) community... Keep working on improving your character (on all levels) and you might be fighting there too (by joining the 1% club).
Imo, and to take into account the majority of healers (that don't have endgame stats), the heals should have an additional 30-35% magnitude buff, at least for the healing at-will and the Tab.
Non-crit heals/shields are really disappointing.
Because of low magnitudes and non-crit, the main problem is the lack of burst when people receive a big damage and are going to die in the next attack.
I'm also using bova/armored griffon to help the tank and sometimes wraith's shadow depending on the situation
My normal encouters would be revitalize to heal 1 or 2 players at most, bova, and either arms of hadar or (i can't even belive i'm saying this) dreadtheft xD
Pillar or power now will only be used in pre made groups were i have coordenation.
Reading the post here helps little but what I see is that those in “support” of the new system talk only about end-content players. The players who most likely farm ToMM and can afford buying scrolls of mass life (10 for around 150K AD ) and stones of health (50 pack ~ 90K AD). BUT this is maybe the 10% of the players. What of the rest? The game pushes player to get to level 80 and most can get IL required for REDQ and RTQ in what 3-4 months. And there like 33 skirmishes, dungeons, and trials. Yes, players need to learn mechanics of the dungeon (I fully support this) but how this is expected to be done? This is a GAME and expecting every player to watch and study videos of every dungeon is preposterous. The way how is now players find guilds or friends who are willing to help and train them. But many just sign up for RTQ and REDQ and hope for best – like they do not get LoMM or CR. Now what this have to do with healing. Well everything. Having good heals enabled training groups and successful runs. Having good heals enabled having less time-consuming runs -- Who wants to stay in CR for 3-4 hrs???? Yes often heals were overpowered but it helped to train people. Let’s see how many healers will sign up for RTQs and REDQs now… especially for the public ones. If there was a long waiting time for time before I have a feeling it will be now forever to get the queue pop. Myself I am retiring from healing REDQs and will only help my guild with RTQ unless something changes. I do not need the stress. I do not need to feel depreciated and treated as a disposable commodity. Heal stones heal better. I do not want to spend my time in panic to try to heal people who are often all over the place due to dodging while I am trying to target them among all the mobs. Oh yeah, when I finally find them they just dodge my heals.
I am a paladin playing for year and half and I did invest a lot to build my char and made it to be the best it can be, including max out enchants and companions. Yesterday I tested the heal with another OP with less specs and we had the same shield and heal. So basically, I was slapped in face and called stupid by CRYPTIC for investing in my character. There is really no need anymore to bother upgrading anything. Actually, my stalwart lion gives bigger shield ATM LOL.
OP heals are really shielders – placing around a 5 or 10% (after crit) shield on players is useless. They have little means to heal a party – like we were in CODG and all 10 players got health below 50%. With Tab mechanic I might heal one – but that mechanics is slow and in time I cast it the rest will die. The people are scattered on platform and that is because they need to dodge. My divine shelter can reach many but will give max 10% of their HP. The other healer was struggling too. Now should I just let the trial fail?? Maybe but then how many I should do to succeed? Am I now expected only to play with experience players and disregard all the rest?? And what about health checks like in LOMM the electrical charges at the 2nd boss. I WANT Cryptic to tell us how an OP healer should pass that heal check!!! The microscopic shields that disappears in second need to be spam casted. BUT the caster is also targeted and no matter how far I am also knocked of my feet and I loose crucial moments. My attempt to heal was 3 skulls at bore warm boss and 3 scrolls of mass life. I am not going to waste scroll on it again.
I can go on – but those who say the new system is good should not say a single world unless they are 1) OP healers , 2) the tested several dungeons like LoMM, CR, CoDG and 3/ they run in other then premade expert parties. When you do all 3 I will be happy to learn from you how to improve my OP heal to be relevant again! But ATM I am furious and upset … and I do not see how this change helped anyone to improve and make the game fun. Things might be looking good on paper but making heals relevant only for Zariel trial was a big mistake and it is clearly a slap in face of healers. It is not about that there was no need for changes but that going from everything to nothing is bad, very bad!
IMPO having a huge full shield has its place in the game (like as above mentioned worm phase) but maybe should be changed to daily so it is not like before that people can be fully covered all the time. Or maybe Cryptic just doesn’t like OP healers ☹
Now, blue bars WERE a big problem cuz most content was created around it and ppl only wanted pallyheals for extra immortality (if the pally was good, of course). More than killing the shields they needed to increase DC and SW mags or buffs to make them viable as having a pally, that way any combination of the three would always have a place in trials or dungs.
I might not play pallyheals but i DO pug ALONE every single day cuz im a Soulweaver and the only moments i played IC was as "dps" and getting carried by my awesome alliance.
I DID play Lomm, CR, Codg and the rest of the dungs and trials.
LoMM in pug is the same as ever, everyone quit at the begining, others try it. Sadly the only group that wanted to try had the mimcis bugged (the endless one) and we needed to give up, but i was abble to heal (and god damn, my biggest aoe heal is less powerfull than yours) the coccoon.
Also played CR, guess what? same as LoMM most ppl just leave, but some groups tried it (mostly new players), one time we couldn't pass the second boss and the rest we get to strad, most times getting wiped at the sword mechanic for bad timing.
Codg it IS a problem for any healer but it is NOT imposible even in pug with new players (as long as they understand english and read the chat).
I am NOT BiS and yet i know that ppl crying about "i have less outgoing than before!" and "i put too much AD on my companions!" its dumb. You still have the BiS outgoin healing if have all companions maxed, and the rest of us will have it worst cuz less healers means the prices of those companions will increase, they will become like a legendary mount.
Have max ench and runestones? Thats awesome, you only need to wait for the small increases they will be doing overtime.
And don't get me wrong, i am not defending the devs nor saying i like this changes.
I just can't understand why ppl that are still better than Soulweaver complain that much. Who cares if they need to use stones? if they can't afford them they just need to go potion boons and buy potions. Can't afford scrolls? They will learn how to stand, and if have ping to play even smarter. If they blame healers for not being able to heal them when they stand in front of the boss just report them or put them on your ignore list to never play again with them.
I get your rage and frustration, but from my point of view you are still in a damn better place.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
Scroll of Mass Life yes.
Scroll of Life, no. That was added as of this mod.
Not too important in the grand scheme of things; just an interesting observation.
Cleric: Marquis Elmdore - Current Main
Wizard: Iamblichus
Fighter: Anna the Titan
Barbarian: Anann Valkyrja
Ranger: Minerva Cory'phaia
Warlock: Suri Coralyne Reid
Guild: She Looked Level 18.
Alliance: Imperium
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
> (Quote)
> Incorrect. Let me get specific for the final time for Selune's sake.
> Scroll of Mass Life yes.
> Scroll of Life, no. That was added as of this mod.
> Not too important in the grand scheme of things; just an interesting observation.
Correct. Xbox only has scroll of mass life currently, no scroll of life.
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
My major problems with the heal changes (have both endgame DC and OP running with very skilled group of players)....
- Major changes to healers without giving a free respec (never done in any mmo I have played before)
- Trying to cram a single target based heal system into a game not designed for single targeting. There is no ability to quickly target a player especially when they are in a group pull. You can't use overlays, add-ons, or even click on party members using a mouse (please don't even consider mouse cursor targeting).
- Removing the "target" command from the game. Whoever made this decision is just a complete jerk. This is nothing more than a move to make things unnecessarily difficult because that was our only way to fast target our party members with hotkeys.
- Removing divinity channeling because of the claim by the devs that it is "boring" only to replace it with a slow channeled How does that even make sense? We are still having to channel but now we channel every time we want to heal the tank.
- Devs trying to balance healing by taking a wide brush and reworking most of the heal mechanics on the PLAYERS' side. The person responsible for that decision needs to be reassigned ASAP. It could have easily been accomplished by adjusting all the new content coming out in the future and a small percentage of the old content encounter scripts and mechanics. The warlock could have been buffed without touching the other healers. Worried about the difference in healers? Script the encounters to have multiple attacks that counter the advantages that some heal classes have over others. For example, OP shields can be countered by having an attack that completely removes any shield on the first tick. Cleric large heals can be countered with a debuff that reduces healing by a percentage. Hey devs, see where I am going with this.
- Only reason OP's became the preferred healer, is the lack of QA in your releases in addition to the poorly scripted encounters. Every time you release new content there are bugs related to players taking excess damage or poorly scripted invisible/unavoidable attacks. The OP was the only thing that gives us a chances on initial releases because of all the bugs in the initial release of new content. The OP also helps us in poorly scripted content. Here are just a few examples of bad encounter scripting where the OP really helps counter it (all is doable with a DC no problem but OP was just better).
- Spellplague Caverns - Bugged fire pool that ticks for 300,000+ damage from a trash mob.
- IC trash mobs - Getting stunned even when you are clearly out of the red.
- IC Morzach - animations not happening before some attacks
- IC Zaphael - cleave hitting people who are clearly standing behind him or way off to the side of him.
- IC Zaphael - imps spawning in a pool of fire and dragging a person into the pool.
- IC Hellfire Engine - unavoidable damage from the crowd above
- IC Hellfire Engine - getting multiple circles on DPS during rotation phase (one right before rotation starts and another before the first one falls off) which sometimes requires multiple beam hits on the DPS while the healer is trying to save divinty for the chain phase.
- HUGE tank busters in newly released content that usually requires damage mitigation prior to a patch later that adjust the damage level.
- I could go on but that is just a few examples of why the OP became the preferred healer.
- The claim that we are "bored" as healers or not busy is just stupid. There might have been a total of 5% of the healer population that was completely bored. Sure, when I get fully geared and know the mechanics of an encounter it gets much easier but bored is not a word I would use. If I wanted to micromanage healing, I'd go back to WoW where I could have all my overlays and spend all my days running multiple party raids or open world PvP where I have to coordinate with other healers to not over-heal.
- Trying to bring low level healers up to be almost as powerful as endgame healers. Let me get this straight, you want to reward the players who have not spent as much time, AD, and possibly real-world money as the endgame players just so they do not feel inadequate? Are we giving out participation trophies in game now?
- The warlock needed a major fix on their heal spec and they should have been brought inline with the other healers without nerfing everyone.
- A small magnitude adjustment two days after go live...gee thanks.
- Healing pots heal more than non-crit at-will and AE (when hitting multiple targets)
- Crit reduced from 100% to 50% on already weak-sauce heals
- Devs ignored all the negative feedback in closed testing from what I have been told.
- Whole Tab mechanic sucks like a Hoover.
I might add more later but right now I am not a happy camper with the way this was handled. I am refusing to play my healers for now. I admit that it is mainly out of spite at this point but I am also keeping my wallet closed because I am mad.@nitocris83 @chriswhite10807
I have promised myself long ago, not to vent here anymore, but as a guild leader of a casual guild (Semper-Fidelis) i have to take the virtual pen in my hand now.
You need to change this healing mess ASAP and i don't use say asap lightly, trust me. I do understand your business point of view, why all these changes were made to the healing aspect of the game. I guess your suits saw the numbers, that players were sitting on a bunch of unspent AD, trade bars, stones, scroll and they were not willing to spending as much as you, the company wanted and you had to find a way to force players hand to spend. Got you!
BUT let me tell you, the changes went way to far. We are at the point, that huge parts of the game are unplayable and if you let me, i will give you the real insight. Maybe it's not, what your interns are telling you and maybe it's not what pure numbers tell you, but numbers can be deceiving.
On paper you might have enough randoms going on, but numbers will not tell you about player's frustration and as we all know, gamers, who feel bad won't spend or will search for something else to play and will spend their money there.
The game is at the point, that many qualified-, emphasis on qualified- healers don't even attempt to play, the nerf to their companions, which by the way costed many thousand dollars or millions of AD, was devalued to a pitiful thing over one night. This harsh move so shortly after the huge changes of Mod16 was to many the last straw.
Now let's speak about the randoms, yes they are happening, but i beg you to look at them how many tries it takes for the average player to finish a simple Drear Ring skirmish, what a pain in the neck a simple Svardborg can be and i could go on and on.
Reality is, that 80-90% of the players are either under geared, have a bad build and don't even let me start about the tons of leeches and AFKers.
It was already very hard before the changes for the decent players to cope with all the "campfire warmers" and the many people, who were just there to have an easy carry on the back of other players, but imagine how hard it is now.
Small example, did you just take a look at the insurgencies at Vallenhas, they are pile of broken mess right now. Many people go in there, they try to get their percentage and they are off, people are dying left and right. When a boss summons by accident, it's a sight of mass graves.
With not enough people willing to play a healer now harder dungeon runs are happening less and less. Did you look at a simple LoMM, well simple for some of us in the past, but many people were already struggling with it before the changes to healing.
Everything is a giant frustration!
If the new Mod would be flawless and full of content, it could capture people's attention, while you are tweaking healing, but since the new Mod is a pile of bugs too and pretty lackluster, it can not occupy people's attention for too long and no, unlocking Zariel's trial will not help much, since it's so elit and not accessible by the vast majority.
I have looked at our roster, at the arrival of the new Mod many players on hiatus came back, but shortly after they discovered the healing changes they were off again.
This is reality right now dear Devs!
Last thing i want to mention is about numbers again, yes we still have randoms going, yes we still have healers, but i would not call most of them qualified healers, i mean what good is a healer, who comes in to CoDG for example and has mostly the cursed artifacts from Barovia and a mixture of green and blue gear and no this is not me exaggerating things, this happens in Tiamat and all the places, you name it.
I mean how bad are things, if the best healers from my guild or our alliance are off to EQ2 again. Holy Jesus!
Oh yes and while i don't forget it, the majority of healers left are useless, they are just out for the extra AD that their role gives them, but you will barely see any heals coming from them.
Dear Devs, heed my words, look at the reality, come down to the average players' level, see for yourself and the most important, next time don't make hasty changes just by the word of a few interns, who are geared and trained to the top of their head, try to look at the bigger picture, please!
Thank you for your time!
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Do you play a Cleric, @exgardian ? Are you complacent with the changes?
Cleric: Marquis Elmdore - Current Main
Wizard: Iamblichus
Fighter: Anna the Titan
Barbarian: Anann Valkyrja
Ranger: Minerva Cory'phaia
Warlock: Suri Coralyne Reid
Guild: She Looked Level 18.
Alliance: Imperium
if they wanted players to die more or have 'red' areas be bad, they could have gone the route of punishing bad play (standing in red - standing in front of mobs with tank etc etc) more lethal and let healers be able to actually heal those who play well and just take 'normal' damage... now... can barely even keep those guys up
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
most other games i have played as healer (built a healer here as first char and its been in retiremant since hitting 80) and love playing healer but if i cant use f1 to f5 or f1 to f10 to hard target or use mouse pointer to hard target a party member then single heals are just not able to happen fast enough when people have 65k+ dmg coming in each hit
hell one mob in avernus hit me for 650k (anyone who has faced it can guess which one)
people keep saying extend the cooldown of heal stones but with the nerfs to healers all that will do is chase away the dps instead remove all cooldowns on heal pots and stones and at least let dps self heal
if dps could self heal that would remove the need for all the pain of the nerf
When i started playing I was told no this is a fast moving game, the healer is in the mix and need to be nimble and be able to dodge the red areas so everything (except intercession) is aoe or group heals. just due to the game mechanics its just not possible to do the whole /target single heal game play.
And they were right!!!! This game mechanics does not allow specific single target healing. If they want single target healing then the game needs a 100% complete mechanics change
DC was my main. I logged in to give it a try on patch day, it ended in alt f4. I can't see myself coming back to the game like this.
The current mark mechanism is too unreliable though, it keeps falling off all the time.
The only reason a mark should fall off is if it is recast on someone else. Death or distance should not kill the mark.
Let the 1% (as some folks are saying) have their moment of fun too please.
As for the ECL (Everlasting Complain Legion) community... Keep working on improving your character (on all levels) and you might be fighting there too (by joining the 1% club).
Non-crit heals/shields are really disappointing.
Because of low magnitudes and non-crit, the main problem is the lack of burst when people receive a big damage and are going to die in the next attack.