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Rage of Bel now on Preview!



  • theelusiveone#4954 theelusiveone Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    When you are fighting Bel and need to pickup the ammo for the catapult, it becomes impossible to do so when the whole area around the ammo pickup site is smothered in fire. You keep getting interrupted while trying to pick it up.
    Feels like you went somewhat overboard with the amount of fires, after a short while the whole area gets completely covered. At least make a small zone around the active ammo pickup safe from the fire, so that the one person that has to pick it up can actually do so.
    Guild Leader
    Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
  • jimmypdtjimmypdt Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    Bug? or bad tooltip...

    Ring of Bel +1, +2 and +3 give accuracy and Combat advantage. The +4 and +5 gives Defense and Combat Advantage.


    I agree with some people on here. The new HE grind is getting old very fast. Did what I needed to finish off the first quest. Now I need to do it all over again for a rare version.... then most likely again for Epic then again for legendary... and maybe again for mystic. It took 9 encounters to get 100% for the green version (on my 22K TR). After 3 HEs with my paladin (26.5K) I am at 5%. Healers and tanks are looking like it might take a long time to do this quest line.

    FYI for all. You get more rewards for doing Bel in a group.

    All the best,

  • bifflincultebifflinculte Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    Will there finally be a rework of the thaumaturge wizard ?

    The Smolder mechanics are still bugged. Smolder and Rimefire stacking is still possible. On hand hand, Smolder deals very low damage, but on the other hand, the Rimefire Weaving feat grants insane dr debuff. Smolder need an overhaul and probably the introduction of a new specific gameplay for thaumaturge.
    The thaumaturge has less dps than others damage dealer paragons, especially in boss fights, and is considered as a support class with some dps ability.
    Moreover, the Chilling Advantage feat still doesn't increase the critical severity.

    Most of the classes got smart reworks and are now efficient, free of bugs and fun to play with. The thaumaturge paragon should evolve and get some distance from its pre mod 16 "master of flame" legacy.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    hustin1 said:

    We want new dungeons. We want MORE dungeons

    Well, that's your opinion. I want more story and much more quest variation. Where there are dungeons, I want them to contribute to storylines in a meaningful fashion. I stopped caring about dungeons for their own sake when the difficulty got so high that you have to grind them a dozen times or more just to learn the mechanics. But then, I'm not a competitive person and I don't measure myself against other people based on whether I've done latest and greatest dungeon (not saying you are that sort of person, but I *am* saying that I think the devs are listening to that sort of person way too much to the exclusion of people who play for other reasons).
    I don't wish to start an argument (honestly), and please don't take it as some personal attack, but you brought up the "competitive" / "epeen" as the motivation several times, and I would like to explain that this is, at least for many I know is not the case. I will not speak for everyone, but for many, MMO is a group activity, and a good group activity is rewarding when the groups overcomes a challenge. Going to the grocery store is rarely memorable unless something happens. And the point of the social experience is creating memorable moments.

    In terms of story, the common trope is the "Hero's Journey", and from the The Odyssey to Star wars, it's all the same template, overcoming some challenge. The story will not be the same if the hero battles and overcomes his challenge in single line - I had an itch, I scratched an itch. The itch needs to be epic, and a challenge to scratch.

    One can read the entire story line from the WotC books, but that will not become a social experience on its own. Also notice that D&D as tabletop, a good DM will always keep the challenge right there, at the sweet spot of not easy, not trivial, where it takes effort, but with in reach with that effort. That what makes the effort rewarding and memorable.

    So, epeen or greatest or who else does what, has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't read a hero's journey book with where the hero doesn't overcome something, nor I would play a game that is banal and trivial to the level of a clicker. From Tetris and Minesweaper to the modern games, all have challange in mind.

    I apologize for the off topic.
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    Elite Whaleboy
  • the1truehunterthe1truehunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 211 Arc User
    @nitocris83 Could we get the Hood of Vallenhas for Dragonborn (normal and metallic) usable also? We are not expecting to see any old helmets usable any soon but please when your team design new appearance items take us in cosideration too. I am tired of using same helmets all the time and this one looks really cool with this shadow face. Also there is a problem wearing the new appearance pants. They don t show up on Metallic Dragonborn.
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    Got my... pendant key item thing to mythic and completed the quest chain yesterday. However, the item's tooltip shows a 0% progression. If it's done, that should be removed from the text if possible.
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer
    evemj said:

    Got my... pendant key item thing to mythic and completed the quest chain yesterday. However, the item's tooltip shows a 0% progression. If it's done, that should be removed from the text if possible.

    Greetings Eve,
    Roughly how long did it take you to reach Seneschal rank?
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    sgrantdev said:

    evemj said:

    Got my... pendant key item thing to mythic and completed the quest chain yesterday. However, the item's tooltip shows a 0% progression. If it's done, that should be removed from the text if possible.

    Greetings Eve,
    Roughly how long did it take you to reach Seneschal rank?
    On and off, all evening, so anywhere from 3-5 hours.
    Most of the farming I tried keeping to low number maps or HEs.
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    evemj said:

    sgrantdev said:

    evemj said:

    Got my... pendant key item thing to mythic and completed the quest chain yesterday. However, the item's tooltip shows a 0% progression. If it's done, that should be removed from the text if possible.

    Greetings Eve,
    Roughly how long did it take you to reach Seneschal rank?
    On and off, all evening, so anywhere from 3-5 hours.
    Most of the farming I tried keeping to low number maps or HEs.
    Also did a few HE bosses (the non-selfhealing ones), which seemed to make it faster (wasn't paying attention much, can't confirm how much more it granted).
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer
    arazith07 said:

    BUG: Bosses at the end of the HEs keeps resetting and going back to full health

    Are they resetting while you are fighting them?
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    BUG: Bosses at the end of the HEs keeps resetting and going back to full health

    Are they resetting while you are fighting them?
    Yes they were. They wouldn't go back to the spawn though, just reset health and you would get a repeated voice line. There were only 2 or 3 players in the area at the time. Happened with both Daemon the Bloodsomething and the Hellhound boss.
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    BUG: Bosses at the end of the HEs keeps resetting and going back to full health

    Are they resetting while you are fighting them?
    They remain in combat, but keep healing for 829k every 3-4 seconds.
    While fighting "something unmasked", there was a zariel audio playing over and over every 10 seconds or so about "removing your helmet". It disappeared at some point and another boss appeared instead, which was also healing itself for the same amount.
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer
    arazith07 said:

    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    BUG: Bosses at the end of the HEs keeps resetting and going back to full health

    Are they resetting while you are fighting them?
    Yes they were. They wouldn't go back to the spawn though, just reset health and you would get a repeated voice line. There were only 2 or 3 players in the area at the time. Happened with both Daemon the Bloodsomething and the Hellhound boss.
    Were you by chance on the outer edges of the insurgency?
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    BUG: Bosses at the end of the HEs keeps resetting and going back to full health

    Are they resetting while you are fighting them?
    Yes they were. They wouldn't go back to the spawn though, just reset health and you would get a repeated voice line. There were only 2 or 3 players in the area at the time. Happened with both Daemon the Bloodsomething and the Hellhound boss.
    Were you by chance on the outer edges of the insurgency?
    Sometimes, at the time there was a Rogue who sometimes took aggro and was trying to kite them in large circles, where I (a dps cleric) tried to stand more in the center and avoided moving too much except to dodge the red splat attacks when I had aggro.
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer
    arazith07 said:

    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    sgrantdev said:

    arazith07 said:

    BUG: Bosses at the end of the HEs keeps resetting and going back to full health

    Are they resetting while you are fighting them?
    Yes they were. They wouldn't go back to the spawn though, just reset health and you would get a repeated voice line. There were only 2 or 3 players in the area at the time. Happened with both Daemon the Bloodsomething and the Hellhound boss.
    Were you by chance on the outer edges of the insurgency?
    Sometimes, at the time there was a Rogue who sometimes took aggro and was trying to kite them in large circles, where I (a dps cleric) tried to stand more in the center and avoided moving too much except to dodge the red splat attacks when I had aggro.
    Awesome, that helps a bunch. Thanks for the quick responses. If there are any other details you think might help throw them up here.
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer

    When you are fighting Bel and need to pickup the ammo for the catapult, it becomes impossible to do so when the whole area around the ammo pickup site is smothered in fire. You keep getting interrupted while trying to pick it up.
    Feels like you went somewhat overboard with the amount of fires, after a short while the whole area gets completely covered. At least make a small zone around the active ammo pickup safe from the fire, so that the one person that has to pick it up can actually do so.

    Next patch the fires should go away after some time. There was an issue preventing this from happening sorry for the error.
  • aragon#8379 aragon Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    In order to "Absorb the residual chaotic energy" and fill your Percentage Charged, you must land the killing blow on the mobs in the arena. I assume this is working as intended. But then how is this fair on the support classes who don't excel in killing stuff?

    I hope this can be changed to gain residual energy by assisting in a kill, or perhaps by healing a certain amount and taking a certain amount of damage. I realize that having the ability to absorb residual energy through assisting can lead to many just afking.
  • badnickname#3262 badnickname Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    There is too much boring grind. I have made 2x100% on my wizard and i feels sick. I don't even want to think how much time it take to do this on my paladin or healer. The progress should be shared in party like in those quests from Sybella (killing mobs on specified map). The progression is really slow, sometimes we have to kill several mobs to gain just 1%. During this time we are forced to use stones of health if there is no healer, and there is no point to play as healer here, becuse quest progress is noth shared.
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer

    In order to "Absorb the residual chaotic energy" and fill your Percentage Charged, you must land the killing blow on the mobs in the arena. I assume this is working as intended. But then how is this fair on the support classes who don't excel in killing stuff?

    I hope this can be changed to gain residual energy by assisting in a kill, or perhaps by healing a certain amount and taking a certain amount of damage. I realize that having the ability to absorb residual energy through assisting can lead to many just afking.

    It should not be requiring a killing blow. Will have to look into that.
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    I don't think it does require a killing blow. Was running with a tank yesterday and he was basically just aggroing mobs around the place and he gained % as fast as me, sometimes even faster.
  • theelusiveone#4954 theelusiveone Member Posts: 177 Arc User

    I don't think it does require a killing blow. Was running with a tank yesterday and he was basically just aggroing mobs around the place and he gained % as fast as me, sometimes even faster.

    Yeah think you are right. I know for a fact I did the killing blow on some mobs, cause I was the only one there with the mob.
    Yet it didn't always increase and other times doing the same, it increased by several percent, so can't figure out what the trigger is.
    Guild Leader
    Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer

    I don't think it does require a killing blow. Was running with a tank yesterday and he was basically just aggroing mobs around the place and he gained % as fast as me, sometimes even faster.

    There is a chance to absorb energy on kills for each person, at least that is the intent. Will have to review the description text to make sure that is called out. But I would like to confirm that people are seeing an increase without getting the killing blow right now.
  • aragon#8379 aragon Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    I went back and retested for a while on the heroics. My initial impression was incorrect, that you'd only get the % to increase upon landing the killing blow.

    You do get an increase in % when you assist, but compared to landing the killing blow every time, it's very slow. Comparing with running the Heroics in my aoe loadout to my single target loadout and focusing on kills, I get a lot faster completion time from 0-100% with my single target loadout.
  • viraaalviraaal Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    sgrantdev said:

    I don't think it does require a killing blow. Was running with a tank yesterday and he was basically just aggroing mobs around the place and he gained % as fast as me, sometimes even faster.

    There is a chance to absorb energy on kills for each person, at least that is the intent. Will have to review the description text to make sure that is called out. But I would like to confirm that people are seeing an increase without getting the killing blow right now.
    I was the tank with @rainer#8575 and all I was doing was running around pulling the mobs into a group to make it easier for the dps to kill. I would have been killing, but not as often as the dps, and my bar was progressing as fast as them, and as stated, sometimes even faster. I think it has to do with being engaged with the mob, as the tank I will have some level of threat on most mobs. If I am progressing faster then a dps, they might only be focusing on a few targets. This means I should go up faster then them, as im engaged with more targets then they are, which alligns to the idea of not needing the killing blow.
  • sgrantdevsgrantdev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 81 Cryptic Developer
    Next update this should work much better. Thanks for the info all.

  • sundancewanderingwolfsundancewanderingwolf Member Posts: 93 Arc User

    Need feedback? No problem. But I have one question... only one. Are you going to ignore us like always, or are you gonna start listening?

    We'll see that

    Same question for the devs, I'm still very angry a year later about Mod 16 when Foss admitted he didn't listen to our reports.
    Please devs regain our trust in you and listen this time.
    I'll get on test this week and hope to be able to contribute.
  • xdavidep96xdavidep96 Member Posts: 82 Arc User

    Need feedback? No problem. But I have one question... only one. Are you going to ignore us like always, or are you gonna start listening?

    We'll see that

    Same question for the devs, I'm still very angry a year later about Mod 16 when Foss admitted he didn't listen to our reports.
    Please devs regain our trust in you and listen this time.
    I'll get on test this week and hope to be able to contribute.
    That's the problem. I wrote this comment because I got the impression that they are slowly returning to their "ignore" bubble like in the past. They are still recovering for all the mistakes... huge mistakes made in the past. Now they can't afford any other mistake like the mod 16. Another mistake like this and neverwinter is gone, bye bye, hasta la vista
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User

    Need feedback? No problem. But I have one question... only one. Are you going to ignore us like always, or are you gonna start listening?

    We'll see that

    Same question for the devs, I'm still very angry a year later about Mod 16 when Foss admitted he didn't listen to our reports.
    Please devs regain our trust in you and listen this time.
    I'll get on test this week and hope to be able to contribute.
    At that point I completely gave up on testing anything. One thing I won't abide is having my time wasted.
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