I admit, today I'm in a crabby mood. Don't ask me why, because I don't know why. Anyway, this is on my mind:
Obnoxious player behavior when you're just standing around.
No naming and shaming here; this is just about behavior and how you deal with it. Here are some things I find obnoxious to get it started:
- Nonstop swinging of one's weapon, usually in a way that's extremely noisy
- Humping your mount
- Nonstop mount flourish
- Nonstop unsummoning and resummoning of one's companion
- Nonstop jumping jumping jumping jumping jumping jumping, usually in a circle around you
Sometimes I throw a water balloon at them. Sometimes I tell them to get lost. If I'm feeling particularly snarky, I might tell them to take their meds. Sometimes I just change instances. Often I also add them to the block list just because I don't want to ever have to communicate with someone that immature.
What do you think?
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured 6
The jumping and weapon swinging don't bother me anymore. Kids will be kids - whatever age they are. My pet peeves are:
I start by not making it my issue. But a few nights ago there was a flat Earth troll in the main hub. I engaged with him for a little bit of fun, but he fell flat rather quick, or there just wasn't enough people online to keep him going. I find the flat Earth trolls amusing, otherwise I don't feed trolls. I seriously can't believe there are "real people" who believe the Earth is flat. If you find yourself triggered by what you see in chat, turn it off.
I know what you are about to say, you cannot turn off chat in Neverwinter. When I was play testing, I found that one odd too. But here is how you do that for this game;
- click the gear icon by your chat window.
- create a new chat tab with the "New Chat Tab" button.
- name it Off or something like that.
- uncheck all the stinking boxes on the right and you are done.
The only thing you should see is admin notices.I never tell people to get "thicker skin" or "I have seen worse". Bad behavior is from them having the issue, I just feel sorry for them and their parents. My wife has what she calls amnesty and removes everyone from the ignore list at the start of each month. I have always felt, if they remove the anonymity from these games, trolls would dry up pretty quick. I am not really bothered by someone saying something derogatory about Hotfrostworm. That is just a handle, even if they know my RL name it wouldn't get to me. But for a troll to use his RL name is unheard of and that is their armor. If these games kept a record of who was actually playing the game, there would be fewer trolls, but also a few players who don't wish to be known at all.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
The Barbie slamming their sword around bugs me too, but I noticed on my Barbie alt that it sometimes does that all on its own, so I'm a bit more forgiving about it. (Seriously - logged in, invoked, cleared professions, and noticed that the @#$% slamming their sword around was.... me.)
PE beggers are also high on my list. If you've gotten far enough to open up zone chat, you've gotten far enough to put together 2g for a mount.
My peeves - AFK players in Q'd content, other players using knockback in group content (looking at you DC's with sunburst and the Pally attack for gaining AP).
Oh the joy of coming across the Rocket Launcher!
As to annoying player behaviour, when a player steals your node after you just wiped out some mobs pisses me right off
Barbarians in general seem to have serious impulse control problems.
But nowadays it is mostly that enqueue for a content and go AFK.
However, if I exclude players... some companions really should just shut up. Honestly, it is a long time now since I choose my companion not by any kind of performance, but according to the ability not to make annoying noises.
It's a very enjoyable mini educative game :P
I usually don't put anyone in my ignore list when it's an actual player (since 2016, only 3 managed to bother me enough to get in it, were trolls who flooded me with insanities or stupidities in pm. I don't count the AD/gold-sellers who were numerous back 3 years ago) .
The behaviours i can't stand are :
- total lack of minimal politeness (aka : verbal assault for no apparent reason [and NO, even if one player is the very reason why your group failed a dungeon doesn't justify to verbally assault him]).
- people who think they know everything better and give you orders rather than asking if advices are needed. It's sometime funny as a lot have no clue about how to play classes other than the 1 or 2 they play themselves, or when it's clear they only know the "meta" way to go through the dungeon while not being able to think outside this "meta".
- dps running ahead of everyone, dying AND complaining that others don't keep the pace (""What are you doing lagging behind ???" => my usual answer "What are you doing dying far ahead ???"). Happens a lot in ToNG after the 3 tombs are triggered, a lot of dps forget the last mobs before the now opened door (you can sometimes avoid to trigger them, but in random queue you are likely to get at least one player who will go fight them... ), then go straight into the hands of the 3 (if i remember correctly) shadows, get "forced choke" and die while the rest of the party are fighting the mobs in the previous room...
Players who afk in the middle of a dungeon are an annoyance, but I always assume that's the explaination is something happening IRL (emergency, mommy or daddy call to shutdown the computer, important phone call, doorbell ringing, etc), not jumping to the "it's a free-rider" conclusion right away.
I'm although more forgiving in the leveling queue than in epic dungeon or trial queues.
Other than that, i walk away peacefuly if i'm annoyed by some noisy player with their weapon/encounters/mount/pet (but honnestly i usually barely realize there are noises as my NWO is nearly muted)
I'm not too concerned about people queueing into content they can't really handle - that's more of an issue with Cryptic setting the entry requirements/scaling wrong - but getting into content you won't even assist with is pretty annoying.
As for the jumpers/weapon swingers, I usually have very little reason to stand near them for any length of time.
As for most of the OPs "annoying" behaviors, I only ever experience that from friends when they're trying to get my attention. I can't say some random person has ever started mount humping me or slashing me incessantly for no reason. Maybe once or twice but that's not a bother at all.
People AFKing? I can either finish the content, kick or leave. Either way I find something else to do and continue to enjoy my time.
Node thieving? Minor annoyance but 95% of the time I shrug it off because who really cares. The other 5% of the time, well I may report you, chase you around, drag mobs, make the next 5 minutes of your life a roller coaster of fun.
People giving advice? I may try it, I may not. No harm and certainly not ruining my day.
It's an MMO. Part of that is a social game and just like in real life, some days you just have to deal with people you don't like and move on.
People who queue for a trial on a tank loadout so they get it to pop instantly, but clearly have no idea how to use their tanking skills, or don't even try and just pretend to be a dps.
During this past cta, I queued with some wizard who stood in the middle of the map and endlessly spammed lightning strikes on top of himself the entire match - every single second of the match. That was the most irritating thing I've come across so far.
- Afkers suck, but what about the ones that know they can't get kicked and rub it in your face by pulling out a throne
- The butthead who races across a zone trailing enemies behind him and depositing them on everyone else
- and I agree about node thieves. They're just another form of leech. No, I don't have my name on that node, but I don't have my name on my socks and pants either. Anyone with a brain and a sense of decency should know better - does know better.
- when some flaming ego vaults in and wipes out the mob you're working on in somezone. It strikes me as particularly pathetic to see someone decked out in legendarys and mythics stomping through a place like Sharandar.
Ya' lead, ya bleed... anyone who doesn't have the hit points should stay with the party not run off with expectations of rescue every time they go down. I'll happily wait for them to reanimate at a healing circle and catch up rather than run to their rescue multiple times.
To a lesser extent those players who run past mobs without even engaging them, trying to leave them for everyone that follows to take care of... but then sometimes I find those players who persist in running ahead, ignoring mobs are also the ones who wind up repeatedly getting stomped and that tends to bring a smile to me - KARMA is a dish best served cold.
The nuisance of beggars in PE or anywhere else has become real easy for me to ignore... of all the people who I might consider giving something to, the beggars are (waaaaay) at the bottom of my list, so far down the list that I never seem to have anything left to give them - even if I do.
I've never been peeved by a more experienced player offering suggestions on how to better play my character class, as a matter of fact I kind of miss it as it used to happen a lot more often about a half-a-dozen Mods ago... More experienced players trying to help lesser experienced players with some 'take it or leave it' constructive advice... That being said there is a none too fine line between offering advice and trying to beat another player over the head with it, but some people obviously lack even basic civil communication skills I figure.
Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.
The Small Bandexample:
An FBI dungeon queue i did today... The bottom two at DPS were the other two DPS.
Assassin (me) 53 million damage
Juscticar (the tank) 10 million damage
Healer 6 million damage
Thamaturge 5 million damage
Assassin 3 million damage
Did these low scoring players hold back and not attempt to engage opponents or were they out paced by faster more power players who didn't think they should have to wait for them and that is the reason for their low scores?
If the other DPS players were just holding back, actually refusing to contribute (much) you have every right to be ticked... I would be too.
However if those last two DPS players were new, inexperienced or just left behind by other characters who ran away from them, then the fault is not theirs, think about it.
Just claiming another player failed to contribute because they had low damage scores is a bit misleading.
Lots of missing information that we are apparently expected to believe that just because the other two DPS characters didn't have higher damage scores, they "didn't contribute".
The two DPS players at the bottom of the list had sufficient scores to queue for Fang Breaker Island or they wouldn't have been allowed to be there in the first place.
In addition how does a player get experience, not to mention AD's to improve their characters stats except by running queues like FBI to get experience and the means to improve their gear?
Yeah I can see how someone could claim the last two players failed to contribute because of their low damage scores... about like a person can claim the world is flat because from where they stand they can't see the curvature of the planet.
Hi. My name is Took.
Jumper Recovery Group:
Hi Took.
... and [deep breath]... Took is a JUMPER.
Took started this addiction by experimenting with a few annoying at-will swings.
Then a friend turned Took on to running around teammates in circles.
Then, in one party, someone asked Took to jump with them.
Took's parents always warned Took to "Just say no" to jumping.
But... Took wanted to fit in, so Took tried it.
Took has been hooked ever since.
Jumping is indeed annoying, obnoxious and pointless.
But Took has that damned urge to bounce bounce BOUNCE baby BOUNCE!
[Deep breath.]
But thanks to this program, and some duct tape applied to the spacebar, Took is now 32 days jump-free!
Jumper Recovery Group:
Took's advice to all you kids considering "Tigger the Tiger"-ing around your teammates?
Just say no to Jumping.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
I play a fighter as a tank between 22k-23k which is not so well equiped (more or less LoMM-able but only with a solid team/healer) : no rank 15 anywhere (not even the bonding runes), only 1 legendary comp (which is air archon, not even an augment), no leg mount and mostly blue insignas (3 or 4 are epics maybe), alabaster weapons, no reinforcement anywhere, etc... logic as it's not my main toon
I'm finishing on a regular basis some ReDQ dungeons in the first 2 paingivers. I notice my "paingiver rank" mostly because usually the 1st dps is complaining at the last campfire that there is no other dps in the team and the tank is 2nd.
And this is fine for me, as long as we finish the dungeon :P.
Random queue is random queue. It's not only a random dungeon that you get : if you don't make a premade queue to run the ReDQ, then you can't complain to get a wide quality range of skills/builds/stuffs in the party with the random guys picked up for you by the system.
The only real way to prepare yourself and get use to the dungeons is by running them. The paingiver chart is a tool (not a precise one, but at least when the difference is huge you can understand there are some problems) to compare your own performances with others.
What else ? Watch vid and copy-paste builds before ? Not a good advice in my opinion, unless you want to end with a herd of sheeps unable to think or figure out things by themselves. + run dungeons as an undergeared toon struggling with staying alive teach you way more than doing it with an overpowered one bruteforcing most of the things in the way...