It is pretty simple - they got 2 main reasons not to fix this bug:
1st - they made the same mistake again - they cant or more likely are simply unable to create separate systems for PVP and PVE parts of the game.
Please keep in mind that entire HP bonus was in fact a quick fix to be even able to distinguish tanks from non tanks characters. It was band aid for already broken system and ideas behind game rework.
Of course devs was so "smart" not to predict such change impact on PVP (while few was trying to worn them, but as always to no avail).
Then some another"smart" developer decided to try to revitalize this daying game with PVP rework. Its not importnat that it was like 2-3 years too late, and new system is even worse to try to express class nuances and differences (cos of its intended simplicity)
Is such conditions HP buff for tanks was a super OP, and had to be disabled to allow that 5% of populations left in game to have a happy PVP.
2nd - well tanks need those HPs anyway right - so now we have to press hard to get those form any other source - what means milions of AD spent, while all those resources we could save or use elswere.
And last but not least - tanks, are still able to do their job right - so why bother...
No wonder why Neverwinter steam charts show April 2019 peak players about 4400 and now about 2600
And the worst part is its not over since I doubt we gona see a new module this year.
ON A BIG SIDE NOTE - take a look on steam charts - June/July 2018 - Ravenloft menaged to raise a player base to the level of pre MOD 6 disaster. It should be a breaking point to make this game thrive again. Instead.... now we are lower then ever.....
In the near future, I am very much hoping that we see companion HP and defensive radiant stones affect player Health. If the devs believe this makes health too high... then find a different solution. It makes no sense for every stat from companions to transfer to characters 'except' health. As if Health is some all-powerful un-balancing power.
This will be a better game, (and move stats away from mono-themistic 'Power-stacking'), if Health is treated like other stats for companion sharing.
I am not defeatist I am simply realistic. Look - about 6 months ago - or to be more precise untill end of march 2019 I belive you would find people here who could call me a Cryptic funboy. Not that I was - but I was a lot more optimistic (now I think I was simply naive) and supporting.
I knew that we cant expect too much, but still since Chult game was getting better. Like I said before - look on the steam charts - devs WAS on the good road to rebuild this game player base, and Ravenloft was a great time for Neverwinter.
Ideas behind MOD 16 was in general - great. Unfortunatly Crytic simply couldnt technicly implement them. Period. As easy as that.
Never in history of MMOs there was a situation that half of classes were build with the use of different basic mechnics then the rest. Such major issues was never left unfixed for over 6 months since release. Heck they figured it out after what? - 3 months? Is that a "game in a good place" for you?
And look at the history here - even if they find a nice solution for a problem they are almost always unable to technicly make it working and/or without breaking few other things with it.
Fact is they are acting like a fire brigade with a few arsonist among them. There is always something on fire. Extinguishing one place sets another one (or more) on fire. And basements are permanently flooded.
So sorry m8, but I am here since MOD3 and I simply runned dry of optimism...
How does a matter of THIS IMPORTANCE not even get a thumbs up from the powers that be?
We are LOSING TOO MANY long term players, because of an overabundance of BUGS and the REFUSAL TO EVEN RECOGNIZE them... none the less FIX THEM. This has GOT TO STOP Cryptic.
Is this bug even IN THE PIPELINE to be fixed? Near term? Long Term? Any term?
I found this press release from PW/Cryptic that they must have on loop...
> @mdarkangel#4696 said: > > @wilbur626 said: > > This might be a stupid question, but what's wrong with tank HP ? > > Companion Player Bonuses that provide hit points are not benefiting from the 40% tank hit point bonus.
no HP bonus from boons, the +32,000 HP of Energon does not give bonus, and tank also gets no bonus from Radiant Runestones placed in companion gear slots. Not only that, but no player is receiving a Bonding Runestone bonus on their Radiant defensive slots, even though they are receiving 3.1x boost to Radiant offensive slots. This leaves tanks in a position where they are forced to either choose about 25% health gain on comp slots, or choose 100% power gain. Power is much, much more efficient, but should not be forced as the only viable option for a tank already being denied their inherent 40% health bonus.
Since the release of Mod16: Boons have never given a hp bonus. Bonding runestones have never transferred hp to the character. Empowered runestones only give hp to non-augment companions (it even states as much in the tooltip).
So that leaves us with we are only currently missing the hp bonus from Companion Player Bonuses.
We already have ways of getting over a million hit points, another ~100,000 isn't necessary, neither is getting anywhere from ~300,000 - ~1,000,000 from a non-augment. The game isn't that difficult. Only one trial is and people have beaten it without all the extra hit points.
To all who complain about the runestones not transferring: they never did, nor were intended to do so in mod 16. The hp's are for the companion only, therefore useless for augment pets.
As for the rest...yea needs to be fixed, though there are plenty of other bugs that need fixing too (cough...stuck-in-combat). The amount of hp's a tank can have makes the game still playable, so it's not that big of a deal. Name one thing in game that's not completable with the current bug? ToNG, being the toughest dungeon, has been completed by many.
To all who complain about the runestones not transferring: they never did, nor were intended to do so. The hp's are for the companion only, therefore useless for augment pets.
As for the rest...yea needs to be fixed, though there are plenty of other bugs that need fixing too (cough...stuck-in-combat). The amount of hp's a tank can have makes the game still playable, so it's not that big of a deal. Name one thing in game that's not completable with the current bug? ToNG, being the toughest dungeon, has been completed by many.
Play the game!
Inaccurate. The HP from empowered runestones were once transferred to you if using an augment companion since you didn't use bondings on augments at that point. I want to say this was prior to Mod15 changes to game but everyone used non-augment companions for years so no one cared.
If you were using a non-augment companion with Bondings, empowered rune HP bonus did not transfer.
Now in the new system, they've basically merged the two comp types since bondings now work with augments. In the process, empowered runestones no longer transfer on an augment.
My guess is that this is because the bonding interaction takes precedence in the new system. Whether that is intended or not, the devs should probably just come out and say.
All of that is really another topic though. The issue here is that they made a change to tank HP and have yet to state if it's a bug or not.
To all who complain about the runestones not transferring: they never did, nor were intended to do so. The hp's are for the companion only, therefore useless for augment pets.
As for the rest...yea needs to be fixed, though there are plenty of other bugs that need fixing too (cough...stuck-in-combat). The amount of hp's a tank can have makes the game still playable, so it's not that big of a deal. Name one thing in game that's not completable with the current bug? ToNG, being the toughest dungeon, has been completed by many.
Play the game!
Inaccurate. The HP from empowered runestones were once transferred to you if using an augment companion since you didn't use bondings on augments at that point. I want to say this was prior to Mod15 changes to game but everyone used non-augment companions for years so no one cared.
If you were using a non-augment companion with Bondings, empowered rune HP bonus did not transfer.
Now in the new system, they've basically merged the two comp types since bondings now work with augments. In the process, empowered runestones no longer transfer on an augment.
My guess is that this is because the bonding interaction takes precedence in the new system. Whether that is intended or not, the devs should probably just come out and say.
All of that is really another topic though. The issue here is that they made a change to tank HP and have yet to state if it's a bug or not.
You are right, I was a bit inaccurate with my statement because I was tired. I fix it to reflect how I meant to say it. The fact still remains the Empowered Runestone HP did not transfer to the player before Mod 16 even, so why does this need to be explained?
I would understand the argument had the change come Mod 16, but it didn't. The lacking bonus HP from other sources remains valid, however, not a pressing issue as I already pointed out. It's silly to "demand answers" on such a matter that doesn't effect the game detrimentally. Play it and have fun. If you can't have fun then move on. That time comes for everyone in any game.
Hey yall you can beem and bluster all you want. But let's put it another way. If the dps lost damage or power. These forums would be on fire, But we cant complain that our AD and time wasted to maximize our toons is gone. #TheyHamsterYouAtTheDrivethru
The tank hit point bonus was always intended to apply to sources considered as base stats only.
When M16 went live, companions were setup in an incorrect way that was causing them to be considered player base stats. This also caused several other issues with how they were functioning in the game. As this was fixed, companions no longer counted as base stats and the tank hit point bonus no longer applied to their stats.
OK so its working as it should. 1 thing i would like to know is the use for HP rune stones? cant be transfered to player, any companion have 300-500k Hit points having 1-6k more is useless. even if it was 10 times higher lets say 30-60k. companion die and get revived without death sickness.
As the game is u need 2 status HP and Power since gear (self and companion) provides all others. making at leas 70% of enchantments and 70% runes (for math geeks those % are based on commune sense).
A balanced game is not just having ppl do + or - the same dmg or healing.
Let me try make a commune Guide for all classes and roles... Get radiance stones in all slots defense/offense. \0/ then choose what role u playing.
> Since the nerf of HP for the empowered runestones, isn't possible to get (at least) the 100% of Augment companion HP when there are slotted Empowered Runestones in defensive slots of companion gear? It can really help... Actually Empowered Runestones in defensive slots do nothing. It could be way more helpful to raise the HP from them to the same level of Radiant enchantments when at the same rank.
I built up max rank empowered for my Pally tank. Very expensive to rank.
But worth it if defensive slot HPs worked as said in tooltip.
Does not work.
I feel cheated/lied to.
@nitocris83 , are these HP issues on the worklist?
X3 and goes for consoles too. I have been just hording my empowereds as I get them and refuse to put any effort into refining them as I can't get hp from them like the bonding claim I should. HP are a stat. bonding says they confer a portion of pets stats to owners. This is false advertisement at the least.
> Since the nerf of HP for the empowered runestones, isn't possible to get (at least) the 100% of Augment companion HP when there are slotted Empowered Runestones in defensive slots of companion gear? It can really help... Actually Empowered Runestones in defensive slots do nothing. It could be way more helpful to raise the HP from them to the same level of Radiant enchantments when at the same rank.
I built up max rank empowered for my Pally tank. Very expensive to rank.
But worth it if defensive slot HPs worked as said in tooltip.
Does not work.
I feel cheated/lied to.
@nitocris83 , are these HP issues on the worklist?
It's not an issue. It was a planned nerf because at the beginning of mod 16 Augment companion had like 400k HP and it was too easy to reach very high amount of HP. But now too many things have been nerfed. So, can be done something to make possible to increase the HP for Tank characters for example. Radiant rank 15 gives 9200 HP (if I remember right) while Empowered Runestone rank 15 around 5k HP. But the latter one gives HP ONLY to the pet and even if it's an Augment Companion, you're not able to receive the gained HP. That's what I'm asking... Since Augment HP have been decreased a lot, make worth the use of Empowere runestones in defensive slots of companion gears (with, at least, the gain of 100% of that amount of HP). In this way, if the HP from empowered will be increased up to 9200 HP, with the 100% from augment and considering 6x Defensive slots, you can gain around 60k HP. Very useful especially for ToMM!
And you don't get the HP from non augments such as trob comp. With 3x r11 bondings, we wouldn't need empowered with a trob comp...
I'm not sure how it was earlier before the PvP patch that made me loose roughly 50-60k HP but Radiants in Def slots don't get the 40% bonus and my Artifact with 6000 hp doesn't either. My armor does get it and my companions and my Guild HP boon don't. I find this a bit odd, if nerfing all should be nerfed, if it's a bug we should get it on all HP plz fix it.
The only thing that does that I am aware of(on xbox at least) is the insignias, and the HP from any mount such as epic/leg triceratops. Nothing else gets the 40% bonus that we should be. Ida been at 700k hp by now with my pally if I was getting 40% from all the sources.
The tank hit point bonus was always intended to apply to sources considered as base stats only.
When M16 went live, companions were setup in an incorrect way that was causing them to be considered player base stats. This also caused several other issues with how they were functioning in the game. As this was fixed, companions no longer counted as base stats and the tank hit point bonus no longer applied to their stats.
What about bonding runestones and the fact that they do not transfer hp from any comp other than an augment? Or empowered runestones not transfering HP to character? As both of those runestones are no, they are falsely advertised. The players(regardless of HP bonus by class) do not get HP from bondings(unless it is an augment, and even then not when empowered runestones are in the comp gear). All other stats from comps, comp gear and comp gear runestones transfer to owners. Why don't HP? Is this WAI? If so why can't you folks just answer us? If not please fix it. I know the dev team for Neverwinter has been cannibalized for some worthless project, but Neverwinter has a ton of stuff that needs fixing. And until tanks get some much needed love, we are going to continue to have significant issues getting into qs because there aren't enough tnaks to go around anymore...
The tank hit point bonus was always intended to apply to sources considered as base stats only.
When M16 went live, companions were setup in an incorrect way that was causing them to be considered player base stats. This also caused several other issues with how they were functioning in the game. As this was fixed, companions no longer counted as base stats and the tank hit point bonus no longer applied to their stats.
OK thanks, working as intended then. Could have been announced maybe a little bit earlier? :-)
Halvulv the Barbie
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
OK thanks, working as intended then. Could have been announced maybe a little bit earlier? :-) when it was "corrected".
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
edited November 2019
guess we cant blame pvp anymore for the ,missing pve hitpoints lol especially with the dev commenting ..
Unfortunately, that's where I fear this is heading based on past experience.
It is pretty simple - they got 2 main reasons not to fix this bug:
1st - they made the same mistake again - they cant or more likely are simply unable to create separate systems for PVP and PVE parts of the game.
Please keep in mind that entire HP bonus was in fact a quick fix to be even able to
distinguish tanks from non tanks characters. It was band aid for already broken system and ideas behind game rework.
Of course devs was so "smart" not to predict such change impact on PVP (while few was trying to worn them, but as always to no avail).
Then some another"smart" developer decided to try to revitalize this daying game with PVP rework.
Its not importnat that it was like 2-3 years too late, and new system is even worse to try to express class nuances and differences (cos of its intended simplicity)
Is such conditions HP buff for tanks was a super OP, and had to be disabled to allow that 5% of populations left in game to have a happy PVP.
2nd - well tanks need those HPs anyway right - so now we have to press hard to get those form any other source - what means milions of AD spent, while all those resources we could save or use elswere.
And last but not least - tanks, are still able to do their job right - so why bother...
No wonder why Neverwinter steam charts show April 2019 peak players about 4400 and now about 2600
And the worst part is its not over since I doubt we gona see a new module this year.
ON A BIG SIDE NOTE - take a look on steam charts - June/July 2018 - Ravenloft menaged to raise a player base to the level of pre MOD 6 disaster. It should be a breaking point to make this game thrive again.
Instead.... now we are lower then ever.....
In the near future, I am very much hoping that we see companion HP and defensive radiant stones affect player Health. If the devs believe this makes health too high... then find a different solution. It makes no sense for every stat from companions to transfer to characters 'except' health. As if Health is some all-powerful un-balancing power.
This will be a better game, (and move stats away from mono-themistic 'Power-stacking'), if Health is treated like other stats for companion sharing.
I am not defeatist I am simply realistic. Look - about 6 months ago - or to be more precise untill end of march 2019 I belive you would find people here who could call me a Cryptic funboy.
Not that I was - but I was a lot more optimistic (now I think I was simply naive) and supporting.
I knew that we cant expect too much, but still since Chult game was getting better.
Like I said before - look on the steam charts - devs WAS on the good road to rebuild this game player base, and Ravenloft was a great time for Neverwinter.
Ideas behind MOD 16 was in general - great.
Unfortunatly Crytic simply couldnt technicly implement them. Period. As easy as that.
Never in history of MMOs there was a situation that half of classes were build with the use of different basic mechnics then the rest. Such major issues was never left unfixed for over 6 months since release. Heck they figured it out after what? - 3 months? Is that a "game in a good place" for you?
And look at the history here - even if they find a nice solution for a problem they are almost always unable to technicly make it working and/or without breaking few other things with it.
Fact is they are acting like a fire brigade with a few arsonist among them.
There is always something on fire. Extinguishing one place sets another one (or more) on fire.
And basements are permanently flooded.
So sorry m8, but I am here since MOD3 and I simply runned dry of optimism...
We are LOSING TOO MANY long term players, because of an overabundance of BUGS and the REFUSAL TO EVEN RECOGNIZE them... none the less FIX THEM. This has GOT TO STOP Cryptic.
Is this bug even IN THE PIPELINE to be fixed? Near term? Long Term? Any term?
I found this press release from PW/Cryptic that they must have on loop...
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
> This might be a stupid question, but what's wrong with tank HP ?
Companion Player Bonuses that provide hit points are not benefiting from the 40% tank hit point bonus.
> > @wilbur626 said:
> > This might be a stupid question, but what's wrong with tank HP ?
> Companion Player Bonuses that provide hit points are not benefiting from the 40% tank hit point bonus.
Just companions or insignias aswell?
So that leaves us with we are only currently missing the hp bonus from Companion Player Bonuses.
We already have ways of getting over a million hit points, another ~100,000 isn't necessary, neither is getting anywhere from ~300,000 - ~1,000,000 from a non-augment. The game isn't that difficult. Only one trial is and people have beaten it without all the extra hit points.
As for the rest...yea needs to be fixed, though there are plenty of other bugs that need fixing too (cough...stuck-in-combat). The amount of hp's a tank can have makes the game still playable, so it's not that big of a deal. Name one thing in game that's not completable with the current bug? ToNG, being the toughest dungeon, has been completed by many.
Play the game!
If you were using a non-augment companion with Bondings, empowered rune HP bonus did not transfer.
Now in the new system, they've basically merged the two comp types since bondings now work with augments. In the process, empowered runestones no longer transfer on an augment.
My guess is that this is because the bonding interaction takes precedence in the new system. Whether that is intended or not, the devs should probably just come out and say.
All of that is really another topic though. The issue here is that they made a change to tank HP and have yet to state if it's a bug or not.
I would understand the argument had the change come Mod 16, but it didn't. The lacking bonus HP from other sources remains valid, however, not a pressing issue as I already pointed out. It's silly to "demand answers" on such a matter that doesn't effect the game detrimentally. Play it and have fun. If you can't have fun then move on. That time comes for everyone in any game.
When M16 went live, companions were setup in an incorrect way that was causing them to be considered player base stats. This also caused several other issues with how they were functioning in the game. As this was fixed, companions no longer counted as base stats and the tank hit point bonus no longer applied to their stats.
As the game is u need 2 status HP and Power since gear (self and companion) provides all others. making at leas 70% of enchantments and 70% runes (for math geeks those % are based on commune sense).
A balanced game is not just having ppl do + or - the same dmg or healing.
Let me try make a commune Guide for all classes and roles... Get radiance stones in all slots defense/offense. \0/ then choose what role u playing.
X3 and goes for consoles too. I have been just hording my empowereds as I get them and refuse to put any effort into refining them as I can't get hp from them like the bonding claim I should. HP are a stat. bonding says they confer a portion of pets stats to owners. This is false advertisement at the least.