You allready find near no dps lock inside endgame dungeon, same counts for Fighter, Barbie, Arbiter. So no, even pretending they collect data, they obviously have no clue, no time or no intention to read them. I am far far beyond a point to take any of this nonsense serious.
Live: killing Flames execute phase: 600 magnitude 200k power 100% Combat advantage Crit severity 171.5% (vorpal 45%) active buffs: Hellfire Expertise - 25% ,5 stacks risky investment -25% warlocks Curse -10% Demonlord set -20% Executioners Gift - 20% Intellect 6.75% Soulsparks 4.5% Racial - 5% Ebon Ring 3% Ebon Ring 3% Swarm 5% Tyrannical Curse 15% Total Buffs 270%
Min hit 3535 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 3.7 874,628 damage Max hit 4320 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 3.7 1,068,850 damage
Preview: killing Flames execute phase: 720 magnitude 200k power 100% Combat advantage Crit severity 141.5% (vorpal 15%) active buffs: 5 stacks risky investment -20% warlocks Curse -10% Demonlord set -20% Executioners Gift - 20% Intellect 6.75% Soulsparks 6% Racial - 5% Ebon Ring 3% Ebon Ring 3% Swarm 5% Tyrannical Curse 15% Total Buffs 113.75%
Min hit 3535 x 3 x 7.2 x 2 x 2.415 x 2.1375 788,309 damage Max hit 4320 x 3 x 7.2 x 2 x 2.415 x 2.1375 963,365 damage
So..... with the change to Buffs, the removal of Hellfire Expertise, the Nerfing of Risky investment from 25% to 20%, the vorpal nerf, and even though Critical Severity is now separate from Combat Advantage, which was "supposed" to give everyone a 33% DPS increase, we are actually losing 10% damage on our best attack
yeeaaaah, in not letting this HAMSTER go, this is the problem Dropping a patch like this on a Friday when no one works at the weekend so theres no one around to fix/reply to feedback
Edit: bonus Point. This is how much damage would be effected if ONLY the buff change to additive will effect us, not the magnitude changes or the removal of Hellfire Expertise or the change to risky Investment( oh ill throw in the SoulSpark buff for a laugh)
Total buffs: 143.75% HfE 25% RI 25% WC 10% Demo 20% EG 20% Int 6.75% Sparks 6% Racial 5% 2xRings 6% swarm 5% TCurse 15% Min Hit 3535 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 2.4375 = 576,190 Damage Max Hit 4320 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 2.4375 = 704,141 Damage
So the buff change alone is costing us over 30% in this case, +/- the number of buffs, the more buffs, the bigger the gap
Didn't the patch notes say 480? So even more of a nerf - or is it actually 720 on preview?
Magnitude is 480-720 , and since I wanted to get a feel for the maximum possible hit with fixed buffed I was using the execute value. live is currently 400-600, ( but Hellfire expertise defaults this to 500-750, it just doesn't say that in the tooltips)
Edit: Note this its not an actual "real world" test since everything on the test sever is totally balls up right now, this is just taking the raw numbers and plugging them into the 2 damage formulas
Then using the example of TOMM, from beginning to end, the difference in damage between SW and others is from 50% up to even 90%. This may perhaps serve to review the magnitudes put in now. That is, they would have increased even further. For now it would be good even so, but the things to fix would be: 1) Leave 25% necrotic and fire damage as it is now. 2) Killing flames, should remain in the SW general chimney. 3) Fix Risky Investment, that is now it takes at least 40/50 seconds to reach the maximum single-target stack. That is, I have to attack for 40/50 seconds before reaching the maximum damage, which then takes very little to lose it, because there are various phases during the boss. The optimal solution would be to limit Risky Investment to 3 maximum stacks, but have the damage for each stack of at least 8/9%. So you have 3 stacks to 9% damage and have a total damage of 27% against 25% now. At least that way it will be easier to reach the maximum damage and be reached in less time. 4) Keep the puppet's damage at 20% as it is now. Then if you put 3 maximum Investiture stacks, increase the marionette's damage to 35% so you have 105% total damage against 100% now. Without these modifications, I would say that it would already be good enough to fix SW. Thanks
Magnitude is 480-720 , and since I wanted to get a feel for the maximum possible hit with fixed buffed I was using the execute value. live is currently 400-600, ( but Hellfire expertise defaults this to 500-750, it just doesn't say that in the tooltips)
Edit: Note this its not an actual "real world" test since everything on the test sever is totally balls up right now, this is just taking the raw numbers and plugging them into the 2 damage formulas
Okay, normally I would test all this myself but not this time. Probably never again actually.
I was actually thinking they might have gotten rid of KFs gimpy mechanic altogether, obviously I was dreamin'.
So.. Since FOR NOW looks like you want to kill the DPS path and make us go Heal......... Could you please at least bring back the Templock mechanics? Or change the PoP to act like before. Cuz even if you "change" the DPS path the next mod and somehow we start doing a little more dmg, the end-game will be the same as always for us, with us going heal/support. So at least, it would be nice to bring the templock or something similar back (put blades without the real PoP on soulweaver its not the same fyi).
Idk the mayority of SW but i know some would be happy enough to play a templock or templock-like again until you all can figure out how SW actually work (shouldn't be hard with all the data most players just put here with maths and all).
Might be an ignored comment, but at least i had to take it out my chest.
The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
Why do Warlocks even HAVE Soul Scorch still? Is it even worth using at all? I for one prefer to keep my Soul Sparks for the damage buff.
I stand by my suggestion to change Soul Scorch into a command to make Soul Puppet attack a specific target, I could definitely make use of that!
Yes its worth using. not only is it a better CD reduction via soulspark recovery than wrathful souls is, its the 3rd best encounter we have damage wise after killing flames and hadars grasp ( sad i know but true)
The problem is the tooltip is garbage, as most of them are and dont give enough info so most write it off as bad How it works is 6 magnitude per spark used and 1magnitude per spark used as a radiating dot that hits all targets within 15feet dealing equal damage over 6 ticks (including the main target)
So when used with 18 sparks it deals 108 magnitude to 1 target, and an aditional 108 magnitude over 6 seconds for a total of 216Magnitude. It also doesnt have a Cooldown. you are only limited to how many sparks you generate so you can quite easily cast this every 10-12 seconds
I've gotten to like soul scorch too. Not much point in keeping the damage buff up for at-wills If I'm doing really well, I get the cooldown and have most of my sparks back by the time the encounters are ready to use again.
I stand by my suggestion to change Soul Scorch into a command to make Soul Puppet attack a specific target, I could definitely make use of that!
There a so many things a soul puppet could be useful for.
When it dissipates it could spread warlocks curse to every mob within 30'. It could be useful and attack mobs .... before .... the end of combat. It could even be more useful and help give you perma CA when active. It could be CC immune, I mean it is a soul after all, not actually a corporeal entity. It could give you damage linking so when you are hit the dmg is split between you and your soul puppet. And yeah, you could use tab to mark a target for your soul puppet to attack. There a so many things you could do with it.
But it is what the devs make it to be. A complex mechanism for building SI stacks.
Seeing as how there are going to be changes to the warlock class, may I recommend defensive abilities in general. Certainly you gave the playerbase plenty of offensive attacks but nothing in the way of defense. The wizard is also sorely lacking in that area. Since Mod 16 & 17 have been up I have seen a lack of responses, don't get me wrong I enjoy this game but I would like to see something in the defense ability department from the devs. More "balance" like they said. Unfortunately I don't see the balance part.
So.. Since FOR NOW looks like you want to kill the DPS path and make us go Heal......... Could you please at least bring back the Templock mechanics? Or change the PoP to act like before. Cuz even if you "change" the DPS path the next mod and somehow we start doing a little more dmg, the end-game will be the same as always for us, with us going heal/support. So at least, it would be nice to bring the templock or something similar back (put blades without the real PoP on soulweaver its not the same fyi).
Idk the mayority of SW but i know some would be happy enough to play a templock or templock-like again until you all can figure out how SW actually work (shouldn't be hard with all the data most players just put here with maths and all).
Might be an ignored comment, but at least i had to take it out my chest.
I don't want to play Templock. Warlock shouldn't be a healer first at all. At least should be a DPS (Striker) class with some utility/minor heals. But not a 100% healer class. They want to force people to play SoulWeaver, we can see this because they are preventing Hellbringer Warlock to be a competent DPS path. @asterdahl@noworries#8859@terramak Please tell us the truth about classes. Are you trying to force people to run Warlock as healer only? making Hellbringer an unplayable DPS class? Or you lied when you said that: "all DPS paths should be able to DPS just as well as any other class with only DPS paragons" We need to know what you want. Because lots of threads asking for a buff to Hellbringer were open since Mod 16 launch. And your answer is to nerf Hellbringer again. Like telling us: "Say good bye to DPS, we want you to heal". Or "reroll other class if you want DPS"
Like they already have the highest magnitude of all yhe classes, how bout we change that with infinite? I meam i dont mind for Warlocks to ome shot at the cost of pressing 1 button, but atleast ppl will stop complaining about Warlocks, that even when they get buffed its still not enough
Its posts like this why no one takes the forums seriously and its virtually impossible to have any real discussion or provide feedback, as you clearly don't understand the issues and have not bothered to even read the thread. Its not a buff. We are losing a 25% buff to all abilities, Soul puppet is losing 50% damage and a few abilities are getting a small increase, which doesn't even cover the 25% loss in most cases. The damage formula change compounds this even more which you would understand if you had bothered to even read most of this thread. So unless you actually have anything constructive to add, please GTFO
Seeing as how there are going to be changes to the warlock class, may I recommend defensive abilities in general. Certainly you gave the playerbase plenty of offensive attacks but nothing in the way of defense. The wizard is also sorely lacking in that area. Since Mod 16 & 17 have been up I have seen a lack of responses, don't get me wrong I enjoy this game but I would like to see something in the defense ability department from the devs. More "balance" like they said. Unfortunately I don't see the balance part.
Wizards can control opponents in various ways, and control is a type of defense.
@noworries#8859 I would like to leave a message full of hate and rage towards whoever is responsible of making decisions regarding class balancing but alas I can't, for some reason I'm just sad. Came to this game some months ago and immediately fell in love with it, leveling my warlock felt rewarding with every coming level giving me the feeling of increasing power as I climbed up the ladder to lvl 80. Upon reaching lvl 80 I farmed campaigns to get a respectable amount of boons (missing 13), after that I farmed gear to get my warlock up to speed with other endgame players. I 'm somewhat ashamed of the massive amount of hours and real life money I've spent on this game but in the end all that effort for some reason used to pay off. Unfortunately success in this game, as in most other mmo's, is measured in numbers and the numbers the warlock community is getting are sub par compared to anything else that deals damage in this game. The reward for putting absurd amount of hours and real money into something should not be a nerf hammer to the head, quite the opposite.....I'm not asking to top the damage meters, I just want a fighting chance to get to the top. Shame on whoever thought this new paragon rebalance was a good idea. No worries my HAMSTER!
Warlock shouldn't be a healer first at all. At least should be a DPS (Striker) class with some utility/minor heals. But not a 100% healer class.
Please let's not throw Soulweaver mains under the bus. I'm a dedicated healer main who chooses to play Warlock because neither Cleric nor Paladin appeals to me. There is a long tradition of MMOs having necromancer/shadow-magic based support classes, and for me at least, the Soulweaver from the get-go has been a fun, effective, and underrated implementation of that design. And with healer mains in such demand, it's crucial to have a more "magical" healer paragon that can appeal to those who don't want to be a zealous priest or a knight in shining armour.
I have a token Hellbringer loadout and don't much like it. I'm all for Hellbringer buffs. But I really hope the Soulweaver won't become a repeat target of the frustration here.
Warlock shouldn't be a healer first at all. At least should be a DPS (Striker) class with some utility/minor heals. But not a 100% healer class.
Please let's not throw Soulweaver mains under the bus. I'm a dedicated healer main who chooses to play Warlock because neither Cleric nor Paladin appeals to me. There is a long tradition of MMOs having necromancer/shadow-magic based support classes, and for me at least, the Soulweaver from the get-go has been a fun, effective, and underrated implementation of that design. And with healer mains in such demand, it's crucial to have a more "magical" healer paragon that can appeal to those who don't want to be a zealous priest or a knight in shining armour.
I have a token Hellbringer loadout and don't much like it. I'm all for Hellbringer buffs. But I really hope the Soulweaver won't become a repeat target of the frustration here.
Clearly we have a difference in what we want for our Warlock character, because i made a Warlock three years ago to play it as DPS class. Ok, we have now a healer path, that i don't enjoy and was made because it's easy to make a healer path for a class than release a new support/healer class in the game. As we don't know what devs want for two roles classes, maybe we Hellbringer players should suffer for a damage reduction, or we are intended not compete vs pure DPS classes because we are a two roles class. Remember: The class was launched as a Damage Dealer class...even Templock was a heals while you do DPS build, not a healbot class.
The best way to kill a DPS class is: Nerf them over and over, make them claim for a support viability at least to be wanted for end game, makes them happy with this role, and they will forget their DPS origins....Make them officially a support class. And with this they can forget about being an optimal DPS again.
Clearly we have a difference in what we want for our Warlock character, because i made a Warlock three years ago to play it as DPS class. Ok, we have now a healer path, that i don't enjoy and was made because it's easy to make a healer path for a class than release a new support/healer class in the game. As we don't know what devs want for two roles classes, maybe we Hellbringer players should suffer for a damage reduction, or we are intended not compete vs pure DPS classes because we are a two roles class. Remember: The class was launched as a Damage Dealer class...even Templock was a heals while you do DPS build, not a healbot class.
I do understand your position, but also feel there's a certain amount of nostalgia about the Templock. In all honesty, I play my Soulweaver just as aggressively as I did my Templock, with the key difference that the class now depends upon resource management instead of cooldown rotations---and we no longer have to use Dreadtheft as a cornerstone of the support playstyle, which surely we can all agree is an improvement! Now, instead of cursing and thefting, the warlock healer spams Essence Defiler, continually spends and regains sparks, stays right in the fray to reliably use Lifebind/Transfusion Tactics/Pillar/Shatter Spark, and has to aim Soul Reconstruction with pin-point precision... my Hellbringer rotation is relaxing in comparison.
Yes, it's not a DPS class, but Soulweaver is nonetheless a very energetic and combat-oriented healer class. I don't want the DPS path to suffer because we have a healing option, but I'd love us to make that case, rather than dismiss the Soulweaver as an abandonment of Warlock design goals altogether.
Clearly we have a difference in what we want for our Warlock character, because i made a Warlock three years ago to play it as DPS class. Ok, we have now a healer path, that i don't enjoy and was made because it's easy to make a healer path for a class than release a new support/healer class in the game. As we don't know what devs want for two roles classes, maybe we Hellbringer players should suffer for a damage reduction, or we are intended not compete vs pure DPS classes because we are a two roles class. Remember: The class was launched as a Damage Dealer class...even Templock was a heals while you do DPS build, not a healbot class.
I do understand your position, but also feel there's a certain amount of nostalgia about the Templock. In all honesty, I play my Soulweaver just as aggressively as I did my Templock, with the key difference that the class now depends upon resource management instead of cooldown rotations---and we no longer have to use Dreadtheft as a cornerstone of the support playstyle, which surely we can all agree is an improvement! Now, instead of cursing and thefting, the warlock healer spams Essence Defiler, continually spends and regains sparks, stays right in the fray to reliably use Lifebind/Transfusion Tactics/Pillar/Shatter Spark, and has to aim Soul Reconstruction with pin-point precision... my Hellbringer rotation is relaxing in comparison.
Yes, it's not a DPS class, but Soulweaver is nonetheless a very energetic and combat-oriented healer class. I don't want the DPS path to suffer because we have a healing option, but I'd love us to make that case, rather than dismiss the Soulweaver as an abandonment of Warlock design goals altogether.
Well, we need to see what is the answer from devs, if two roles classes should pay a penalization in their DPS path for having a support role or not, because i see that they are aiming for a "Multi-role tax" Warlock is a class that since mod 10 is suffering from being fixed (relying on a bug to deal damage) to being bad designed, and absolutely neglected, and nerfed over and over. A was happy with the death of one DPS, four support META, because at least Templock is dead (Templock was another nerf to Warlock DPS because we were forced to play support to be viable in groups) Warlock can't be a proper DPS if devs want to nerf us and force us to play healer, and i want to know if that is their plan. I refuse to play healer on a Warlock, for me Warlock should be a DPS/DPS class. But it's not the case, but please make our DPS path viable and effective like any other DPS/DPS class, and we can talk about balance.
Of course, if warlocks were ever made into a pure DPS class, that would leave dedicated soulweaver mains like me (24k IL with 55% outgoing healing) in a very unlucky position indeed. For my part I take the optimistic view that Hellbringer is unintentionally poorly-tuned, not that it's being punished for having a healer paragon. The pure DPS classes also have weaker paragons, like Whisperknife and Hunter, that can't have been intended either. For now I put the Hellbringer situation down to the huge problem our new devs have faced in rebalancing and scaling the game. Time will tell: but I also realise that for impatient hellbringer mains, time is running out. Let's hope for the best for all of us.
Hellfire ring DoT damage is still bugged on Preview, just like on Live. Initial hit is doing 100 magnitude damage, but the DoT part is only doing 17.5magnitude per tick, (140 total) when it should be 25 per tick (200 total)
Hellfire DoT isn't procing weapon enchantment bonus damage but initial hit does Soul scorch isn't procing weapon enchantment bonus damage at all
Deadly curse is still proccing twice
Tyrannical Curse split damage is still being deflected and isn't using players armour penetration rating.
Infernal Spheres are not getting the 3% ranged bonus from ebonised rings (how is this a melee power? yet blades of vanquished isn't)
On the plus side, brood of hadar is hitting like a truck ( though the imps AI gets confused when there is more than 1 target and cant decide what to attack sometimes)
Like they already have the highest magnitude of all yhe classes, how bout we change that with infinite? I meam i dont mind for Warlocks to ome shot at the cost of pressing 1 button, but atleast ppl will stop complaining about Warlocks, that even when they get buffed its still not enough
Its posts like this why no one takes the forums seriously and its virtually impossible to have any real discussion or provide feedback, as you clearly don't understand the issues and have not bothered to even read the thread. Its not a buff. We are losing a 25% buff to all abilities, Soul puppet is losing 50% damage and a few abilities are getting a small increase, which doesn't even cover the 25% loss in most cases. The damage formula change compounds this even more which you would understand if you had bothered to even read most of this thread. So unless you actually have anything constructive to add, please GTFO
Because of the changes to damage buffs discussed in the other thread.
If an encounter power is 200 magnitude, and the warlock has a 25% damage increase passively, and then on top of that the player has another 25% damage boost from other sources, the final damage is 300.
If instead the encounter power is 250 base, instead of the warlock having a 25% damage increase, and the player still has 25% damage boost from other sources. The final damage is now 312.5.
The main aspect of those changes is to offset the damage buff adjustments. Some of the magnitudes were increased a bit extra and there was an increase in both the damage boost from soul sparks and to the effectiveness of soul scorch to help overall boost the Warlock's capabilities above where they currently are.
We don't want to overshoot those adjustments as it could mean having to bring magnitudes back down in the future, which is always frustrating to players. So the increments are smaller to watch where that brings Warlocks to in relation to other classes at which point we can do additional buffs.
With the current issues on preview testing is impossible so no comments there yet.. except for the obvious requests:
If you are adjusting magnitudes to compensate for the removal of our 25% damage bonus, please do not skip powers. All powers affected by the 25% now, should be changed to compensate. Not just a few.
As per your explanation above, with the 25% kept in place powers would do X amount of damage (300 in your example). Please ensure that with the adjusted magnitudes powers get to at least that X so we remain parity with the live situation. If you need help with the numbers, please let us know cause as the thread already shows, we have people that have the numbers.
If you are doing all this because of the changes to damage buffs, why are your changes not limited to the magnitudes? Fixes for Soulweaver are cool, but messing with SI and the SI percentages will just make it more difficult to isolate our DPS path's issues for that planned re-balancing.
And the big one for me:
Since I don't think the warlock is the only class with built in percentage bonuses (/penalties), when can we expect the similar treatment for all the other classes that have any kind of percentage bonus/penalty to damage and/or crit severity? (Especially percentage bonuses to crit severity as with the changed formula these will have significant impact). Also Quite curious about the -10% damage penalty for tanks in this respect..
Like they already have the highest magnitude of all yhe classes, how bout we change that with infinite? I meam i dont mind for Warlocks to ome shot at the cost of pressing 1 button, but atleast ppl will stop complaining about Warlocks, that even when they get buffed its still not enough
Its posts like this why no one takes the forums seriously and its virtually impossible to have any real discussion or provide feedback, as you clearly don't understand the issues and have not bothered to even read the thread. Its not a buff. We are losing a 25% buff to all abilities, Soul puppet is losing 50% damage and a few abilities are getting a small increase, which doesn't even cover the 25% loss in most cases. The damage formula change compounds this even more which you would understand if you had bothered to even read most of this thread. So unless you actually have anything constructive to add, please GTFO
Don't bother with him, he is a known troll
Agree, simply look up for his posts in PVP section. You read it and you know in a splitsecond where this player comes from and what he aims for
.... Control Powers: Stuns - while Barbarians, Paladins and Fighters have a undodgeable stun, i think it should stay like this despite people crying about it, and there are multiple reasons why, one of them is that these classes are melee, and are really difficult to even land a rotation on a enemy with alot of dodges...
Beside this I want to point again at core issues that do not only circle arround magnitudes of certain powers. The options to build up buffs and sparks is an issue from similar importance if not even bigger, to me at least. Sparks drop in short and our selfbuff RI is so underwhelmingly slow, no class can compare to a buff mechanic that needs to be stacked in 1:40 min (in theory).
Dreadnaught 3-4 seconds to 25% buff, you even can stack Enduring Vengeance 1% every 10 seconds to 5% before entering a fight and keep them up endlessly. My CW 10 stacks of Arcane Mastery are build up in about 3-4 seconds using one daily or in about 3 rotations 25-30 seconds. Can't tell about Hunter or TR actually, but I assume thse classes don't have to cast 1:40min to get fully buffed. This is an outstanding annoynance beside many other crappy things. -> What about deleting Risky Investment and giving us back that Hellfire expertise, we won´t miss that crippled mechanic.
Beside all that the class is full of contradictious, underperforming or selfpunishing feature. Soulsparks are no damagebuff since you have to delete that buff 24/7 for encounter reset. It is from minor interest if you improve it from 4 to 6%, even buffig it to 10%...the buff has a pretty awefull uptime since we lack in building up sparks without gimping our setup, running BoVA/KF/HG on a boss. Lesser Curse is a buff you have to delete all time if you run a curse consuming build, only work arround is to run ACC 24/7 wich either leads to skipping DtD or NPNM Executioners Gift is a buff that kicks in slowly but can be considered to be the only solid damage buff from all those others beside Dust to Dust.
The class, esp. Hellbringer, needs an overhaul for better synergies, otherwise it is simply not worth to run that setup imo, except you want to feel that constant pain about a misfunctioning class all time.
I deleted what I was going to say. I'm just tired of the ignorance and incompetence shown by the developer team. Good luck with the changes everyone. Later.
So no, even pretending they collect data, they obviously have no clue, no time or no intention to read them.
I am far far beyond a point to take any of this nonsense serious.
killing Flames execute phase:
600 magnitude
200k power
100% Combat advantage
Crit severity 171.5% (vorpal 45%)
active buffs:
Hellfire Expertise - 25% ,5 stacks risky investment -25% warlocks Curse -10% Demonlord set -20% Executioners Gift - 20%
Intellect 6.75% Soulsparks 4.5% Racial - 5% Ebon Ring 3% Ebon Ring 3% Swarm 5% Tyrannical Curse 15%
Total Buffs 270%
Min hit 3535 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 3.7 874,628 damage
Max hit 4320 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 3.7 1,068,850 damage
killing Flames execute phase:
720 magnitude
200k power
100% Combat advantage
Crit severity 141.5% (vorpal 15%)
active buffs:
5 stacks risky investment -20% warlocks Curse -10% Demonlord set -20% Executioners Gift - 20%
Intellect 6.75% Soulsparks 6% Racial - 5% Ebon Ring 3% Ebon Ring 3% Swarm 5% Tyrannical Curse 15%
Total Buffs 113.75%
Min hit 3535 x 3 x 7.2 x 2 x 2.415 x 2.1375 788,309 damage
Max hit 4320 x 3 x 7.2 x 2 x 2.415 x 2.1375 963,365 damage
So..... with the change to Buffs, the removal of Hellfire Expertise, the Nerfing of Risky investment from 25% to 20%, the vorpal nerf, and even though Critical Severity is now separate from Combat Advantage, which was "supposed" to give everyone a 33% DPS increase, we are actually losing 10% damage on our best attack
yeeaaaah, in not letting this HAMSTER go, this is the problem Dropping a patch like this on a Friday when no one works at the weekend so theres no one around to fix/reply to feedback
Edit: bonus Point. This is how much damage would be effected if ONLY the buff change to additive will effect us, not the magnitude changes or the removal of Hellfire Expertise or the change to risky Investment( oh ill throw in the SoulSpark buff for a laugh)
Total buffs: 143.75%
HfE 25% RI 25% WC 10% Demo 20% EG 20% Int 6.75% Sparks 6% Racial 5% 2xRings 6% swarm 5% TCurse 15%
Min Hit 3535 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 2.4375 = 576,190 Damage
Max Hit 4320 x 3 x 6 x 3.715 x 2.4375 = 704,141 Damage
So the buff change alone is costing us over 30% in this case, +/- the number of buffs, the more buffs, the bigger the gap
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs
live is currently 400-600, ( but Hellfire expertise defaults this to 500-750, it just doesn't say that in the tooltips)
Edit: Note this its not an actual "real world" test since everything on the test sever is totally balls up right now, this is just taking the raw numbers and plugging them into the 2 damage formulas
This may perhaps serve to review the magnitudes put in now. That is, they would have increased even further.
For now it would be good even so, but the things to fix would be:
1) Leave 25% necrotic and fire damage as it is now.
2) Killing flames, should remain in the SW general chimney.
3) Fix Risky Investment, that is now it takes at least 40/50 seconds to reach the maximum single-target stack. That is, I have to attack for 40/50 seconds before reaching the maximum damage, which then takes very little to lose it, because there are various phases during the boss.
The optimal solution would be to limit Risky Investment to 3 maximum stacks, but have the damage for each stack of at least 8/9%. So you have 3 stacks to 9% damage and have a total damage of 27% against 25% now. At least that way it will be easier to reach the maximum damage and be reached in less time.
4) Keep the puppet's damage at 20% as it is now. Then if you put 3 maximum Investiture stacks, increase the marionette's damage to 35% so you have 105% total damage against 100% now.
Without these modifications, I would say that it would already be good enough to fix SW.
I was actually thinking they might have gotten rid of KFs gimpy mechanic altogether, obviously I was dreamin'.
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs
I stand by my suggestion to change Soul Scorch into a command to make Soul Puppet attack a specific target, I could definitely make use of that!
Could you please at least bring back the Templock mechanics? Or change the PoP to act like before.
Cuz even if you "change" the DPS path the next mod and somehow we start doing a little more dmg, the end-game will be the same as always for us, with us going heal/support.
So at least, it would be nice to bring the templock or something similar back (put blades without the real PoP on soulweaver its not the same fyi).
Idk the mayority of SW but i know some would be happy enough to play a templock or templock-like again until you all can figure out how SW actually work (shouldn't be hard with all the data most players just put here with maths and all).
Might be an ignored comment, but at least i had to take it out my chest.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
The problem is the tooltip is garbage, as most of them are and dont give enough info so most write it off as bad
How it works is 6 magnitude per spark used and 1magnitude per spark used as a radiating dot that hits all targets within 15feet dealing equal damage over 6 ticks (including the main target)
So when used with 18 sparks it deals 108 magnitude to 1 target, and an aditional 108 magnitude over 6 seconds for a total of 216Magnitude.
It also doesnt have a Cooldown. you are only limited to how many sparks you generate so you can quite easily cast this every 10-12 seconds
Not much point in keeping the damage buff up for at-wills
If I'm doing really well, I get the cooldown and have most of my sparks back by the time the encounters are ready to use again.
When it dissipates it could spread warlocks curse to every mob within 30'.
It could be useful and attack mobs .... before .... the end of combat.
It could even be more useful and help give you perma CA when active.
It could be CC immune, I mean it is a soul after all, not actually a corporeal entity.
It could give you damage linking so when you are hit the dmg is split between you and your soul puppet.
And yeah, you could use tab to mark a target for your soul puppet to attack.
There a so many things you could do with it.
But it is what the devs make it to be. A complex mechanism for building SI stacks.
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs
I have a token Hellbringer loadout and don't much like it. I'm all for Hellbringer buffs. But I really hope the Soulweaver won't become a repeat target of the frustration here.
Give us a class reroll, so we don't waste our time, let's go to CW, which is giving Tomm an absurd dmg.
I miss Mod 6 that Sw dps worked!
The best way to kill a DPS class is: Nerf them over and over, make them claim for a support viability at least to be wanted for end game, makes them happy with this role, and they will forget their DPS origins....Make them officially a support class. And with this they can forget about being an optimal DPS again.
Yes, it's not a DPS class, but Soulweaver is nonetheless a very energetic and combat-oriented healer class. I don't want the DPS path to suffer because we have a healing option, but I'd love us to make that case, rather than dismiss the Soulweaver as an abandonment of Warlock design goals altogether.
Initial hit is doing 100 magnitude damage, but the DoT part is only doing 17.5magnitude per tick, (140 total) when it should be 25 per tick (200 total)
Hellfire DoT isn't procing weapon enchantment bonus damage but initial hit does
Soul scorch isn't procing weapon enchantment bonus damage at all
Deadly curse is still proccing twice
Tyrannical Curse split damage is still being deflected and isn't using players armour penetration rating.
Infernal Spheres are not getting the 3% ranged bonus from ebonised rings (how is this a melee power? yet blades of vanquished isn't)
On the plus side, brood of hadar is hitting like a truck ( though the imps AI gets confused when there is more than 1 target and cant decide what to attack sometimes)
Don't bother with him, he is a known troll
With the current issues on preview testing is impossible so no comments there yet.. except for the obvious requests:
- If you are adjusting magnitudes to compensate for the removal of our 25% damage bonus, please do not skip powers. All powers affected by the 25% now, should be changed to compensate. Not just a few.
- As per your explanation above, with the 25% kept in place powers would do X amount of damage (300 in your example). Please ensure that with the adjusted magnitudes powers get to at least that X so we remain parity with the live situation. If you need help with the numbers, please let us know cause as the thread already shows, we have people that have the numbers.
- If you are doing all this because of the changes to damage buffs, why are your changes not limited to the magnitudes? Fixes for Soulweaver are cool, but messing with SI and the SI percentages will just make it more difficult to isolate our DPS path's issues for that planned re-balancing.
And the big one for me:You read it and you know in a splitsecond where this player comes from and what he aims for
The options to build up buffs and sparks is an issue from similar importance if not even bigger, to me at least.
Sparks drop in short and our selfbuff RI is so underwhelmingly slow, no class can compare to a buff mechanic that needs to be stacked in 1:40 min (in theory).
Dreadnaught 3-4 seconds to 25% buff, you even can stack Enduring Vengeance 1% every 10 seconds to 5% before entering a fight and keep them up endlessly.
My CW 10 stacks of Arcane Mastery are build up in about 3-4 seconds using one daily or in about 3 rotations 25-30 seconds.
Can't tell about Hunter or TR actually, but I assume thse classes don't have to cast 1:40min to get fully buffed.
This is an outstanding annoynance beside many other crappy things.
-> What about deleting Risky Investment and giving us back that Hellfire expertise, we won´t miss that crippled mechanic.
Beside all that the class is full of contradictious, underperforming or selfpunishing feature.
Soulsparks are no damagebuff since you have to delete that buff 24/7 for encounter reset. It is from minor interest if you improve it from 4 to 6%, even buffig it to 10%...the buff has a pretty awefull uptime since we lack in building up sparks without gimping our setup, running BoVA/KF/HG on a boss.
Lesser Curse is a buff you have to delete all time if you run a curse consuming build, only work arround is to run ACC 24/7 wich either leads to skipping DtD or NPNM
Executioners Gift is a buff that kicks in slowly but can be considered to be the only solid damage buff from all those others beside Dust to Dust.
The class, esp. Hellbringer, needs an overhaul for better synergies, otherwise it is simply not worth to run that setup imo, except you want to feel that constant pain about a misfunctioning class all time.
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs