I think it's kind of hilarious that the post says a new poll will be created when the next class is released... and the last time it was edited was 2 years ago.
I really donno where to post it, so am gonna try here and hope that it works!
So Wizards, Fireball skill, the cast speed is to big aaand I get more then a few times conduite of ice to get 4 tick's and kill my target while trying to cast fireball <- (not kidding at all, you try it on preview server), yeah funny stuff! Please adress this its hilarious how long it takes to cast it, oh and tnx for giving us the highest cooldown timers in game for skills, yeah really nice. Alright, tnx! <- cheese smile, I really hope you lower that cast speed time
I really donno where to post it, so am gonna try here and hope that it works!
So Wizards, Fireball skill, the cast speed is to big aaand I get more then a few times conduite of ice to get 4 tick's and kill my target while trying to cast fireball <- (not kidding at all, you try it on preview server), yeah funny stuff! Please adress this its hilarious how long it takes to cast it, oh and tnx for giving us the highest cooldown timers in game for skills, yeah really nice. Alright, tnx! <- cheese smile, I really hope you lower that cast speed time </p>
Yeah this is the wrong forum to post this if you are hoping for attention.
Better to move this under Bug Reports or a new thread Player Feedback instead of embedding it way down in here.
inkrunner, yeah, it was strange when they posted poll, and druid won the vote and devs decided to put in backburner and never touch. make me think what is wrong with them. to them, it always give and then take back away.
serious case of bi-polar or they found bad patch of potions of forgetfillness and memory wiped in process.
> @robert#4620 said: > Just wondering, how would a Bard be in combat? I'm sure their songs would be designed for buffing the party, but how would it be fun in solo-play? Would they shoot sonic attacks in the form of musical notes or treat their guitars like mallets in melee?
They literally do that in EQ2 and LOTRO. Lines of music notes shoot out
Necromancers! but with more permanent undead themed minions!
if you google demanding necromancers, you will see a ton of threads. Alot of mmo's these days don't bring up necromancers anymore, and some that do, messed up the necromancer. They either don't summon anything or their summons are just temporary and few. The strength and core in a necromancers are undead minions. If you can get it right, alot of new players will jump into Neverwinter.
With the arrival of Gith, I hope that the game will introduce classes like Monk and Psion (especially Psion).
Ofcourse I want to see also Sorcerer (cosmos or elemental) but I'm not sure in realization and enough diffirence between wizards... ((( But unstable magic and others funny effects was be cool in the game. )
> @celticdaddy77#4008 said: > Personally, I would LOVE to see Druid and Bard get released together. But, besides that, I would die to go to Luskan, or another city. I feel, as well, that we should be able to pick our alignment, and PVP should be based on it as well. It would be good to have some more gods/goddesses included (Would love to see Lloth added for the Drow). Also, would love to see more starting areas, that are focused for opening chars, especially being based on background, that are designed to lead you to Neverwinter. But, I guess that would be a much more difficult task. One day maybe. Until then, Lets hope for new City to go to, and class abilities, like pickpocketing, C'mon, as a rogue what else am I supposed to do besides come in 2nd or 3rd in DPS?
I agree with a lot in this post. I’d imagine the classes would be sold as a package or seperately. And with so many Dragonborn running around I’m sure a lot would have liked the option to worship Bahamut when the Dragonborn were first released. I was surprised this was not an option. I know it has minimal impact gameplay but for those who like to immerse themselves in their characters this would have been ideal.
Specifically, I really want to see druids released. I’m not sure how they’d implement them with the new class designs of mod 16+.
Healer - maybe use totems as a class feature ala the shepherd Druid from the 5th edition. So you place down a totem that enables buffs or greater healing etc. summon one off critters that do damage and empower the totems capabilities for party members in it aura. You wouldn’t have permanent pets but be a capable healer / support.
DPS- Land druids of 5th edition. Mostly cause of the focus on spells and spell slot recovery I’d imagine that these druids in Neverwinter be flinging spells of vines, flame and storms in combat. This does however seem bit too similar to a wizard or an arbiter Cleric so I personally would prefer....
Tank/ hybrid DPS- the Moon Druid/ shapeshifter class. Maybe have multiple forms that encourage either tanking in a bear form or dps as a wolf or tiger. Hell if this come out earlier we could have had chultan druids with dinosaur forms and the healer spec throwing compies at enemies. Higher abilities would allow you to cast normal druids spells in animal form.
Just a few random thoughts and hopes I have for if druids ever get released as a class. Sadly, I think I’ll have to wait for the MTG mmo for my Nature class. I figure the healer has the support / summons and the tank/ dps has the shapeshfiting and this covers what most players enjoy about druids yet still loosely adapting to the game.
Necromancers! but with more permanent undead themed minions!
if you google demanding necromancers, you will see a ton of threads. Alot of mmo's these days don't bring up necromancers anymore, and some that do, messed up the necromancer. They either don't summon anything or their summons are just temporary and few. The strength and core in a necromancers are undead minions. If you can get it right, alot of new players will jump into Neverwinter.
This class just got released in ESO and its ok but nothing great. The problem with Necromancy in a hero game is that typically a Necromancer is the bad guy and since we are heroes we wouldn't do that, raise the dead against their will.
The next classes should be Bard, Druid and Monk. With Bard being a pure DPS class, Druid being a healer/DPS class and dare I say Monk at a tank/dps.
Honestly it won't matter to much which class they release as many will flock to it do to new classes typically being over powered.
With the implementation of advantage and such, why not bring back a Buff/Debuff playstyle? A way of the shadow monk or a Shodow Sorcerer could do well, render allies invisible with dailies, make them harder to hit with an Aura, Daze, deafen and stun like a controller but limited DPS, maybe on par with a Healing Cleric.
Also a comment Julia made about wanting a sentient sword got me thinking a Hexblade could be interesting, but take away block and tanking style from it so it isn't just a dark paladin, you could make it a Range melee hybrid like the rouge.
we have all asked for Druid and bard but those have been slow in coming and i can only say "gimme druid" before i get boring.
Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
hmmm all this clas have another game will be fun if you can crated new class ( srr for my english ) like Totamus, ( like all powers araun telekinez, or samethink like that wee realy need samething new ^^
Bard and druid since they can kite mass grps of mobs and actually able to keep themself and party healed/buffed at all times..esp since the mobs in Neverwinter hit like a truck(which) they shouldn't be doing this at all,like the dwarf mobs in Hotenow and icespire peak
I wish there was a Necromancer since it's a class more focused on pets (i.e. Skeletons, Golems, Zombies). Warlock is definitely NOT a pet class in Neverwinter, he is more cursed/energy channeling based class.
But if we can't have a Necro, I'd deffinitely go with the Druid, simply coz druids are awesome.
Actually warlock is indeed a pet class...go and play EQ2 and WOW and you find out how much fun the pet class is and can be!
I want to see Ninja-Wizard, CW with TR stealth, imagine the qq in pvp
I would like if they would allow changing of the character completely. I have a ranger. i hate him. I spent countless months, and a great deal of money getting him leveled up. The fact that you can't, when you are a paying customer is disgusting. The fact that you can't exchange items; ie bound to account is stupid. They are my characters and I paid a lot of money to them to get the stuff. If certain items aren't usable, that is the risk i take. But there again, you can't sell anything that is bound, and I find this whole thing to be a crapload. I get that its a free game, but when you spend your hard earned money i feel that you should be granted some leeway. But who am I kidding, Arc never listens to us anyway.
Hoiw about purchasable new weapons in Coster Market for Palaadins level 20 and above, since there aren't any. In fact the store goes empty, which is ridiculous. How can you expect a person playing a Paladin to keep playing with level 14 or 18 wepons at level 30 or 40? The company seems to refuse to address this issue.
I want to see Ninja-Wizard, CW with TR stealth, imagine the qq in pvp
I would like if they would allow changing of the character completely. I have a ranger. i hate him. I spent countless months, and a great deal of money getting him leveled up. The fact that you can't, when you are a paying customer is disgusting. The fact that you can't exchange items; ie bound to account is stupid. They are my characters and I paid a lot of money to them to get the stuff. If certain items aren't usable, that is the risk i take. But there again, you can't sell anything that is bound, and I find this whole thing to be a crapload. I get that its a free game, but when you spend your hard earned money i feel that you should be granted some leeway. But who am I kidding, Arc never listens to us anyway.
I agree with this completely. My reason for changing classes is forced on me by cryptic because class balance now is worse than it ever was (even back in the power creep buff days). Warlocks and barbarians have been made sub par - we rolled as DPS we don't want to tank or heal (I already had a cleric main until Mod 16 which is now stripped and not played). You don't actually need a tank in most dungeons except for a selection of bosses, DPS now ahead of the tanks and live to tell the tale (MOD 15 end game you were dead if you did that) So why would anybody choose to play a tank?
This isn't the challenging content or balance we were promised when MOD 16 was announced it's nowhere near. The only challenge is finding a group for TOMM who aren't just looking for wizards, rogues, hunters and pally bubble - the rest pretty much excluded.
So yes If cryptic are going to change classes so drastically then we should be able to transfer equipment we have purchased between characters, or better yet FIX the flipping issues the community keep telling them about so we don't feel forced to move from our favoured class or group role.
Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces.
They are medium range casters. They wear cloth/scale armor. They are equipped with a pair of bangles, one in each arm that focuses as well as holds back their power. Types of Skills
Power Manifest Skills: Direct damaging/healing powers
Origin Skills: Utility Skills based on the Paragon path chosen. Draconic Bloodline has certain personal survival enhancing skills (stuns, dashing attacks etc), while Divine Soul has more party related buffs.
Both skill types have no cast time. Just enough for the animation to render.
Font of Power: you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.
Sorcery points start at 3 and increase to 5 once you choose your origin.
Grow Wings: Grow energy wings at your back and start floating giving you enhanced speed and maneuverability(Basically slightly slower barbarian rush with the ability to turn).
Metamagic (Tab key): You can enhance your encounter and daily powers by spending sorcery points. Encounter powers cost 1 sorcery point while dailies cost 2.
There are 2 types of enhancement, Empower Spell as well as enhance spell.
Empower Spell: Increase damage and effect duration of an encounter or daily power.
Enhance spell: Increase range and critical chance of encounter or Daily Power.
You can only equip one metamagic type. You can change it so long as you are out of combat.
You can stack metamagic so long as you have enough sorcery points. However the more metamagic you consume with one spell the greater the cooldown of your sorcery point regeneration( i.e. if you use 2 sorcery points to enhance the dragon breath encounter power you will need 2*3=6 seconds to recover the 2 sorcery points however if you use 3 sorcery points to enhance it you will need 3*4= 12 seconds to recover them).
Paragon Paths
Draconic Bloodline
Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors.
Draconic Resilience: As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. Increase your hit points by 20%.
Dragon Wings: Replaces Grow Wings. Passing by or through enemies while having Dragon wins activated damages them. Weaker enemies have a chance to be knocked down.
Dragon Color: Changes the damage type of most of your abilities based on the dragon color you have chosen (can be changed once every 12 hours). The colors and damage types are: Black Acid Blue Lightning Green Poison Red Fire White Cold
Divine Soul
Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul.
Divine magic: Certain AOE skills now heal your allies as well as damage your enemies.
Angelic form: replaces Grow Wings. You also regenerate your health as well as all allies health in the vicinity. You can still cast spells while moving in this form.
Empowered Healing: Metamagic now effects healing spells as well.
Whether scholar, skald, or scoundrel, a bard weaves magic through words and music to inspire allies, demoralize foes, manipulate minds, create illusions, and even heal wounds. The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain.
They are close range fighters or mid range casters depending on the build. They wear leather armor. They carry a rapier as a weapon, as well as their instrument as a focus for their spells.
Types of Skills
Fencing Skills/Spells: Close combat blade attacks with a rapier. Chain reactions are possible in the college of Swords paragon path.
Song Verses/Spells: Buffing/Debuffing skills. Chain reactions are possible in the college of Lore paragon path.
Spells of Lore: Range attack spells. Long cast time but big damage.
Bardic Inspiration: The longer you are engaged in combat the greater your inspiration. The more inspired you are the greater the effects of your song. It is represented in-game as an inspiration bar. Using Fencing powers increase the generation rate of Inspiration while using Song powers decreases it.
Flourish: Spin your rapier in place deflecting any attacks and/or projectiles while pressed.
Jack of All Trades: You gain a third Class feature slot as well as 2 encounter power slots. In exchange you lose one Daily power slot
Song of Rest: when standing at a campfire for 2 secs or more you begin chanting a song. If you don't move until the song is finished, you apply a 60 minute buff that increases the main stat of all around you by x percent.
Combat Inspiration: Once your Bardic Inspiration is full you ignore any and all cooldowns on your powers for a certain amount of time. It also grants double Action Points from all sources for you and your allies for 2 secs.
Paragon Paths
College of Swords
Bards of the College of Swords are called blades, and they entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess.
Blade Flourish: Replaces Flourish. You can now move while flourishing as well as reflect slashing and piercing damage back to the enemy.
Vigilante: Killing a foe generates 10% of your total Inspiration.
Steel Concerto: You can chain abilities together for increased effects. All abilities have chain reactions with at least 3 other abilities. For example say you have the encounter powers Lunging Thrust, Triple slash and Conjure Blades. Lunging thrust, if used after a blade flourish will gain range however if used after conjure blades will gain penetration. Triple Slash if used after Lunging thrust would gain penetration while if used after Conjure blades would apply bleeding on the enemy etc.
College of Lore
Bards of the College of Lore know something about most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources as diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales.
Cutting Words: All debuffing song spells also damage their targets far more.
Magical Secrets: The more song verses you use consecutively the lower the cast time of your next Lore spell. If using buffs and debuffs interchangebly, the damage the verses cause increases as well.
Monks are united in their ability to magically harness the energy that flows in their bodies called ki. Whether channeled as a striking display of combat prowess or a subtler focus of defensive ability and speed, this energy infuses all that a monk does.
They are close to mid range fighters. They wear cloth armor. They carry a quarter staff as their secondary weapon as well as prayer beads.
Types of Spells
Martial Arts: Close range attacks using the quarter staff or fists.
Ki attacks: energy attacks utilizing purely the power of the monk's ki
Ki enhancement: Abilities that enhance some aspect of your character
Stances: Stances are passive abilities that grant you bonus stats. The stance you are in at any time depends on the last At will you used to attack.
Ki: Your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points.
Unarmored Defense: When activated you block any blockable attacks coming your way for the next 1.5 seconds. If you successfully block an AOE field, press shift again to roll out of the way.
Stillness of Mind, Purity of body: You can use your ki to cleanse your mind and body of any ailments(debuffs). 1stack requires 1 ki point to cleanse.
Diamond Soul: When you fall below 20% health you lose one ki point if available to regenerate 20% health.
Martial training: You gain an extra At will slot. Also every time you switch stance your defence increases for x secs.
Paragon Paths
Way of the Open Hand
Monks of the Way of the Open Hand are the ultimate masters of martial arts combat, whether armed or unarmed. They learn techniques to push and trip their opponents, manipulate ki to heal damage to their bodies, and practice advanced meditation that can protect them from harm.
Open Hand Technique: Whenever you hit an enemy you gain temporary hit points based on your damage.
Wholeness of Body: Whenever you use a ki enhancement ability you also heal yourself
Way of the Astral Self
Monks of the Way of the Astral Self have an internal struggle with their ki. They see their mystical energy as a representation of their true form, an astral self.
Visage of the Astral Self: Replaces Stillness of Mind, Purity of Body. You consume all ki points to transform into your Astral self increasing all stats. You also remove all debuffs to yourself.
Astral Barrage: the more at will attacks you use the faster your ki regenerates.
Whether calling on the elemental forces of nature or emulating the creatures of the animal world, druids are an embodiment of nature's resilience, cunning, and fury.
They are mid to close range casters. They wear hide armor. They carry a Shillelagh, a wooden club/staff as their weapon as well as a small ceremonial garden scythe.
Types of Spells
Nature spells: Damaging spells
Imbue/Growth Spells: Spells that enhance the effectiveness of other spells as well as the caster.
Wild shape forms: Class features that must be equiped in the primary feature slot. They decide the form you enter when using wild shape. Some forms are: Default Werewolf form You gain increased movement while not transformed(core druid) Bear form You gain increased hit points while no in this form(core druid) Great Eagle form You gain increased avoidance while not in this form(Circle of Shepherd) Storm Skin form You gain increased defense while not in this form(Circle of the Mountains)
Nature Bond: The more growth spells you use the greater your bond with nature grows. When the bond has reached its peak, you have decreased cast time as well as increased range in your nature spells Tactical
Barkskin: You passively block 70% of all damage inflicted on you. You can still move while barkskin is activated.
Wild Shape: You can transform into multiple forms. While in wild shape form nature bond increases more rapidly
Paragon Paths
Circle of the Mountains
These druids meet within sacred circles of trees or standing stones to whisper primal secrets in Druidic as well as safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a vast oral tradition.
Stone skin: Replaces Barkskin. You passively block 90% of all damage inflicted on you. You can still move while barkskin is activated.
Nature's Ward: Everytime you use a nature or growth spell you gain x amount of temporary hitpoints
Circle of the shepherd
Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aid
Spirit Totem: Every time you change shape you also summon an animal of the shape you have taken for 30 minutes
Guardian Spirit: Your summons hit points double when you are in human form
Sorcerer possibly (depending on Cryptic's interpretation (I'm thinking in terms of resources available). I wouldn't want just a re-skinned wizard or another class they didn't really know what to do with a.k.a Warlock).
Bard has just never appealed to me, sorry. Singing songs to heal or damage; sounds like something from a fantasy game to me! lol ;-)
If one would read back last year at a post that was posted via someone from the company one would surely see that no promise of any class is going to be released. This post was made regarding the coming soon that was at one time in the games creative menu when making your toon. They removed the coming soon part of that menu shortly after they made a post stating that they are not creating a class right now and went on to add that they might or might not make a new class but no new class was in the books to be created. This info surely tells alot. It states no new class is coming to the game right now and not at any time soon. So those of you that sit and wait and ask for a new class is shortly wasting your time and breath on it. They might but I say they will not and if they did it surely will not be any buffing based class because mod 16 release was to make sure buffing was not present. Anyways will add that if a new class does come and I am sure it will not it should be a rather nice long range dpser.
So Wizards, Fireball skill, the cast speed is to big aaand I get more then a few times conduite of ice to get 4 tick's and kill my target while trying to cast fireball <- (not kidding at all, you try it on preview server), yeah funny stuff! Please adress this its hilarious how long it takes to cast it, oh and tnx for giving us the highest cooldown timers in game for skills, yeah really nice. Alright, tnx!
Better to move this under Bug Reports or a new thread Player Feedback instead of embedding it way down in here.
serious case of bi-polar or they found bad patch of potions of forgetfillness and memory wiped in process.
> Just wondering, how would a Bard be in combat? I'm sure their songs would be designed for buffing the party, but how would it be fun in solo-play? Would they shoot sonic attacks in the form of musical notes or treat their guitars like mallets in melee?
They literally do that in EQ2 and LOTRO. Lines of music notes shoot out
if you google demanding necromancers, you will see a ton of threads. Alot of mmo's these days don't bring up necromancers anymore, and some that do, messed up the necromancer. They either don't summon anything or their summons are just temporary and few. The strength and core in a necromancers are undead minions. If you can get it right, alot of new players will jump into Neverwinter.
Ofcourse I want to see also Sorcerer (cosmos or elemental) but I'm not sure in realization and enough diffirence between wizards... ((( But unstable magic and others funny effects was be cool in the game. )
> Personally, I would LOVE to see Druid and Bard get released together. But, besides that, I would die to go to Luskan, or another city. I feel, as well, that we should be able to pick our alignment, and PVP should be based on it as well. It would be good to have some more gods/goddesses included (Would love to see Lloth added for the Drow). Also, would love to see more starting areas, that are focused for opening chars, especially being based on background, that are designed to lead you to Neverwinter. But, I guess that would be a much more difficult task. One day maybe. Until then, Lets hope for new City to go to, and class abilities, like pickpocketing, C'mon, as a rogue what else am I supposed to do besides come in 2nd or 3rd in DPS?
I agree with a lot in this post. I’d imagine the classes would be sold as a package or seperately.
And with so many Dragonborn running around I’m sure a lot would have liked the option to worship Bahamut when the Dragonborn were first released. I was surprised this was not an option. I know it has minimal impact gameplay but for those who like to immerse themselves in their characters this would have been ideal.
Specifically, I really want to see druids released. I’m not sure how they’d implement them with the new class designs of mod 16+.
Healer - maybe use totems as a class feature ala the shepherd Druid from the 5th edition. So you place down a totem that enables buffs or greater healing etc. summon one off critters that do damage and empower the totems capabilities for party members in it aura. You wouldn’t have permanent pets but be a capable healer / support.
DPS- Land druids of 5th edition. Mostly cause of the focus on spells and spell slot recovery I’d imagine that these druids in Neverwinter be flinging spells of vines, flame and storms in combat. This does however seem bit too similar to a wizard or an arbiter Cleric so I personally would prefer....
Tank/ hybrid DPS- the Moon Druid/ shapeshifter class. Maybe have multiple forms that encourage either tanking in a bear form or dps as a wolf or tiger. Hell if this come out earlier we could have had chultan druids with dinosaur forms and the healer spec throwing compies at enemies. Higher abilities would allow you to cast normal druids spells in animal form.
Just a few random thoughts and hopes I have for if druids ever get released as a class. Sadly, I think I’ll have to wait for the MTG mmo for my Nature class.
I figure the healer has the support / summons and the tank/ dps has the shapeshfiting and this covers what most players enjoy about druids yet still loosely adapting to the game.
Guess I’ll just play Ranger for now
The next classes should be Bard, Druid and Monk. With Bard being a pure DPS class, Druid being a healer/DPS class and dare I say Monk at a tank/dps.
Honestly it won't matter to much which class they release as many will flock to it do to new classes typically being over powered.
Also a comment Julia made about wanting a sentient sword got me thinking a Hexblade could be interesting, but take away block and tanking style from it so it isn't just a dark paladin, you could make it a Range melee hybrid like the rouge.
we have all asked for Druid and bard but those have been slow in coming and i can only say "gimme druid" before i get boring.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
I get that its a free game, but when you spend your hard earned money i feel that you should be granted some leeway. But who am I kidding, Arc never listens to us anyway.
This isn't the challenging content or balance we were promised when MOD 16 was announced it's nowhere near. The only challenge is finding a group for TOMM who aren't just looking for wizards, rogues, hunters and pally bubble - the rest pretty much excluded.
So yes If cryptic are going to change classes so drastically then we should be able to transfer equipment we have purchased between characters, or better yet FIX the flipping issues the community keep telling them about so we don't feel forced to move from our favoured class or group role.
Here are some ideas on how each could be implemented:
Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces.They are medium range casters. They wear cloth/scale armor. They are equipped with a pair of bangles, one in each arm that focuses as well as holds back their power.
Types of Skills
Power Manifest Skills: Direct damaging/healing powers
Origin Skills: Utility Skills based on the Paragon path chosen. Draconic Bloodline has certain personal survival enhancing skills (stuns, dashing attacks etc), while Divine Soul has more party related buffs.
Both skill types have no cast time. Just enough for the animation to render.
Font of Power: you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.
Sorcery points start at 3 and increase to 5 once you choose your origin.
Grow Wings: Grow energy wings at your back and start floating giving you enhanced speed and maneuverability(Basically slightly slower barbarian rush with the ability to turn).
Metamagic (Tab key): You can enhance your encounter and daily powers by spending sorcery points. Encounter powers cost 1 sorcery point while dailies cost 2.
There are 2 types of enhancement, Empower Spell as well as enhance spell.
Empower Spell: Increase damage and effect duration of an encounter or daily power.
Enhance spell: Increase range and critical chance of encounter or Daily Power.
You can only equip one metamagic type. You can change it so long as you are out of combat.
You can stack metamagic so long as you have enough sorcery points. However the more metamagic you consume with one spell the greater the cooldown of your sorcery point regeneration( i.e. if you use 2 sorcery points to enhance the dragon breath encounter power you will need 2*3=6 seconds to recover the 2 sorcery points however if you use 3 sorcery points to enhance it you will need 3*4= 12 seconds to recover them).
Paragon Paths
Draconic Bloodline
Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors.Mechanics
Draconic Resilience: As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. Increase your hit points by 20%.
Dragon Wings: Replaces Grow Wings. Passing by or through enemies while having Dragon wins activated damages them. Weaker enemies have a chance to be knocked down.
Dragon Color: Changes the damage type of most of your abilities based on the dragon color you have chosen (can be changed once every 12 hours). The colors and damage types are:
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Green Poison
Red Fire
White Cold
Divine Soul
Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul.Mechanics
Divine magic: Certain AOE skills now heal your allies as well as damage your enemies.
Angelic form: replaces Grow Wings. You also regenerate your health as well as all allies health in the vicinity. You can still cast spells while moving in this form.
Empowered Healing: Metamagic now effects healing spells as well.
Whether scholar, skald, or scoundrel, a bard weaves magic through words and music to inspire allies, demoralize foes, manipulate minds, create illusions, and even heal wounds. The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain.They are close range fighters or mid range casters depending on the build. They wear leather armor. They carry a rapier as a weapon, as well as their instrument as a focus for their spells.
Types of Skills
Fencing Skills/Spells: Close combat blade attacks with a rapier. Chain reactions are possible in the college of Swords paragon path.
Song Verses/Spells: Buffing/Debuffing skills. Chain reactions are possible in the college of Lore paragon path.
Spells of Lore: Range attack spells. Long cast time but big damage.
Bardic Inspiration: The longer you are engaged in combat the greater your inspiration. The more inspired you are the greater the effects of your song. It is represented in-game as an inspiration bar. Using Fencing powers increase the generation rate of Inspiration while using Song powers decreases it.
Flourish: Spin your rapier in place deflecting any attacks and/or projectiles while pressed.
Jack of All Trades: You gain a third Class feature slot as well as 2 encounter power slots. In exchange you lose one Daily power slot
Song of Rest: when standing at a campfire for 2 secs or more you begin chanting a song. If you don't move until the song is finished, you apply a 60 minute buff that increases the main stat of all around you by x percent.
Combat Inspiration: Once your Bardic Inspiration is full you ignore any and all cooldowns on your powers for a certain amount of time. It also grants double Action Points from all sources for you and your allies for 2 secs.
Paragon Paths
College of Swords
Bards of the College of Swords are called blades, and they entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess.Mechanics
Blade Flourish: Replaces Flourish. You can now move while flourishing as well as reflect slashing and piercing damage back to the enemy.
Vigilante: Killing a foe generates 10% of your total Inspiration.
Steel Concerto: You can chain abilities together for increased effects. All abilities have chain reactions with at least 3 other abilities. For example say you have the encounter powers Lunging Thrust, Triple slash and Conjure Blades. Lunging thrust, if used after a blade flourish will gain range however if used after conjure blades will gain penetration. Triple Slash if used after Lunging thrust would gain penetration while if used after Conjure blades would apply bleeding on the enemy etc.
College of Lore
Bards of the College of Lore know something about most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources as diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales.Mechanics
Cutting Words: All debuffing song spells also damage their targets far more.
Magical Secrets: The more song verses you use consecutively the lower the cast time of your next Lore spell. If using buffs and debuffs interchangebly, the damage the verses cause increases as well.
Monks are united in their ability to magically harness the energy that flows in their bodies called ki. Whether channeled as a striking display of combat prowess or a subtler focus of defensive ability and speed, this energy infuses all that a monk does.
They are close to mid range fighters. They wear cloth armor. They carry a quarter staff as their secondary weapon as well as prayer beads.
Types of Spells
Martial Arts: Close range attacks using the quarter staff or fists.
Ki attacks: energy attacks utilizing purely the power of the monk's ki
Ki enhancement: Abilities that enhance some aspect of your character
Stances: Stances are passive abilities that grant you bonus stats. The stance you are in at any time depends on the last At will you used to attack.
Ki: Your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points.
Unarmored Defense: When activated you block any blockable attacks coming your way for the next 1.5 seconds. If you successfully block an AOE field, press shift again to roll out of the way.
Stillness of Mind, Purity of body: You can use your ki to cleanse your mind and body of any ailments(debuffs). 1stack requires 1 ki point to cleanse.
Diamond Soul: When you fall below 20% health you lose one ki point if available to regenerate 20% health.
Martial training: You gain an extra At will slot. Also every time you switch stance your defence increases for x secs.
Paragon Paths
Way of the Open Hand
Monks of the Way of the Open Hand are the ultimate masters of martial arts combat, whether armed or unarmed. They learn techniques to push and trip their opponents, manipulate ki to heal damage to their bodies, and practice advanced meditation that can protect them from harm.Mechanics
Open Hand Technique: Whenever you hit an enemy you gain temporary hit points based on your damage.
Wholeness of Body: Whenever you use a ki enhancement ability you also heal yourself
Way of the Astral Self
Monks of the Way of the Astral Self have an internal struggle with their ki. They see their mystical energy as a representation of their true form, an astral self.Mechanics
Visage of the Astral Self: Replaces Stillness of Mind, Purity of Body. You consume all ki points to transform into your Astral self increasing all stats. You also remove all debuffs to yourself.
Astral Barrage: the more at will attacks you use the faster your ki regenerates.
Whether calling on the elemental forces of nature or emulating the creatures of the animal world, druids are an embodiment of nature's resilience, cunning, and fury.They are mid to close range casters. They wear hide armor. They carry a Shillelagh, a wooden club/staff as their weapon as well as a small ceremonial garden scythe.
Types of Spells
Nature spells: Damaging spells
Imbue/Growth Spells: Spells that enhance the effectiveness of other spells as well as the caster.
Wild shape forms: Class features that must be equiped in the primary feature slot. They decide the form you enter when using wild shape. Some forms are:
Default Werewolf form
You gain increased movement while not transformed(core druid)
Bear form
You gain increased hit points while no in this form(core druid)
Great Eagle form
You gain increased avoidance while not in this form(Circle of Shepherd)
Storm Skin form
You gain increased defense while not in this form(Circle of the Mountains)
Nature Bond: The more growth spells you use the greater your bond with nature grows. When the bond has reached its peak, you have decreased cast time as well as increased range in your nature spells
Barkskin: You passively block 70% of all damage inflicted on you. You can still move while barkskin is activated.
Wild Shape: You can transform into multiple forms. While in wild shape form nature bond increases more rapidly
Paragon Paths
Circle of the Mountains
These druids meet within sacred circles of trees or standing stones to whisper primal secrets in Druidic as well as safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a vast oral tradition.Mechanics
Stone skin: Replaces Barkskin. You passively block 90% of all damage inflicted on you. You can still move while barkskin is activated.
Nature's Ward: Everytime you use a nature or growth spell you gain x amount of temporary hitpoints
Circle of the shepherd
Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aidMechanics
Spirit Totem: Every time you change shape you also summon an animal of the shape you have taken for 30 minutes
Guardian Spirit: Your summons hit points double when you are in human form
Sorcerer possibly (depending on Cryptic's interpretation (I'm thinking in terms of resources available). I wouldn't want just a re-skinned wizard or another class they didn't really know what to do with a.k.a Warlock).
Bard has just never appealed to me, sorry. Singing songs to heal or damage; sounds like something from a fantasy game to me! lol ;-)
And after 5 years we are still waiting for the next promised class because......
Who cares? There are no valid excuses left - not after 5 years of waiting.
They might but I say they will not and if they did it surely will not be any buffing based class because mod 16 release was to make sure buffing was not present. Anyways will add that if a new class does come and I am sure it will not it should be a rather nice long range dpser.