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Solution to warlocks

gonzakotwigonzakotwi Member Posts: 267 Arc User
All powers should get +5% magnitude increase, this could be done with soul spark increase in damage
Vampiric embrace magnitude should be increased to 250
Hardar grasp duration should be increased to 3 sec (4 if cursed)

Infernal spheres: Each sphere should add 1% damage resistance instead of defense (maybe 1,5%) damage of each sphere should be increased to 40 at least
Arms of hardar should do 100 magnitude damage at least
Blades of vanquished armies should increase magnitude to 20
Hellfire ring cast should be reduced to 0,8 sec
Soul scorch (tab mechanic) should spawn a soul puppet when attacking with full charge
Gates of hell is very directional, should increase magnitude to 800
Flames of phlegethos should increase magnitude to 1000 over time
Flames of empowerment should affect all the party damage and not only the warlock's damage
Power of the nine hells should fill up the soul spark bar instead of giving 12
Creeping death should stack like on previous modules

Shatter spark magnitude should increase to 550
Wraith shadow should increase heal magnitude to 45 or 50
Harrowstorm should increase magnitude to 250 or give a damage resistance buff to players inside
Soul pact should have magnitude increased to 700 and lower the damage penalty on the caster
Prince of hell should increase warlock's maximum hit points instead of armor penetration
Essence of time feat should be reworked to allow using tab mechanic without having a target (like channeling divinity on other healers)
Dark revelry should increase damage resistance and stamina regeneration
Life bind should stop functioning at 35 or 40% hp to allow self healing
Lingering sustain could have lower magnitude to compensate, at end game there is needed big short heals instead of heals over time
From the brink could increase outgoing healing as well
Consuming action should increase party members ap by 2% instead of 2

I surely won't get any attention, but at least is out of my chest



  • xavior44xavior44 Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    I agree with everything your saying, but I don't think it should all happen., taking a few things off that list is for sure what sw's need... our actual effective damage is nothing vs other top end dps classes and its not like we really can buff or control anything
  • abwabwabaabwabwaba Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    Good suggestions!

    I would like to add mines too. I main (S)Warlock for a long time now (I'm not from the elite), but when mod 12 landed I had to switch (temporary) to DC so I could get invited in TONG runs. Once the SWs got a little buffed in mod 13 I could finally play him again full time and got invited in dungeons (not in Tales of Old of course, because of the weak buffing abilities they had). Wish I could have now all those nice artifacts from Tales of Old on him, but seriously SW were always the most unwanted class in every group/meta content (except CODG maybe and guild-friends premade).

    Maybe because I'm getting older, or I'm HAMSTER, but I rather play Soulweaver on my journeys then DPS atm and with that I can say that soulweaver path really needs some fair changes. They are a left behind path and with that comes very little party invitation. So I speak mostly from my solo mod 16 experience, but some would probably positively affect the group play of it too.

    What I personally would like to see is a bit of rework of this curse and curse-consume mechanic. First imo Lesser curse does way to little damage per tics, secondary once I apply it, its getting already removed by Curse Bite. There isn't many option from aoe encounters, so... yeah.
    Imo it would be nice to put back Normal curse, which could be applyed by the atwills/encounters/dailies which currently applying the Lesser curse (maybe normal curse could spread lesser curse to up to 2-3 targets within a certain small range), and once normal curse is removed by a curse consuming encounter (curse bite for example) its gettin replaced by the weaker lesser curse, but atleast you could use up the 2nd charge of the Curse Bite.
    Lesser curse damage should be increased, Normal curse could do 50% more damage compared to Lesser curse (its not much at all, compared how little damage Lesser curse does).

    Essence Deflier should give 3 sould sparks on final hit instead of 2 (btw there are still weird bosses especially the Crab and Manticore maybe in ME's which givin 0 sparks while getting hit by that at-will).
    We have no serious burst heals, some of the HoTs are rather funny then useful because I often see tons of little 14-25 healing green numbers by demonic encounters.
    Shatter spike is nice, but sometimes it eats up a lot of sparks at once, magnitude should be increased a lil bit, plus the allies healed by that encounter getting a temporary shielded by 25-50% of the amount they got healed?
    With certain powers we have to sacrafice HP from our own health pool, which then giving then no further or fair benefit for the caster/party/allies.
    Harrowstorm is working okay (damage and healing magnitude could be a bit more, since we have not to many options to choose from when it comes to AOE), but imo the casting speed, animation could be a bit faster. Often while I place it and it makes its first circle and applies lesser curse the mobs got almost or entirely killed by other player with one encounter power.
    I don't comment Dreadtheft, its a "mehh" for me, it always was, cause of the way it worked.
    I'm not sure what Vampiric Embrace and Wraith's Shadows do atm (didnt slot them since weeks), or should do. One is certaine, that they dont really deserve to be slotted in any circumstences.
    Pillar of Power cooldown got increased (to 15 secs afaik) so it cant be on all the time and I'm missing the way it worked in the previous mod (even if it has no base damage over time, atleast consider if it could apply lesser curse to mobs entering in it?)
    If I sacrafice my lifepower with an encounter or daily then I would atleast expect to see my partymembers getting protected/shielded for a few secs not just healed - atleast for a certain amount they got healed?

    Some of the encounters and feats are a "mehh" (Dark Prayers, Prince of Hell). I rather slot Shadow Walk next to ACC so I can have atleast some kind of fluidity in movement in fights, but still far away from previous mod combat speed, and here the stat points next to the movement speed are for lvl 80 players useless.
    All Consuming Curse should include encounters too, just like in previous mod. Essence Mastery change to +5% incoming and outgoing heal.

    So much atm in the hope that stomething goin to happen and changed in the positive ways to the path.

    Hide The Pain Harold!
  • ramesh84ramesh84 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    I probably already posted some of my thoughts somewhere else, I apologize for that (sorting by class/priority)
    1. My overall opinion is AoE needs casting time reductions rather than magnitude increases (assuming all damage dealers start attacking at same time, in an endgame group it's all cleared before we started rotation), that's why I'm 100% with "Hellfire ring cast should be reduced to 0,8 sec", I would even ask for more! Reduced time could be added to cooldown. Single target skills need most of rework, as we're still using some AoE skills vs bosses. VE is useless as it stands, even at 250 mag i'd skip it as well (hg-cb*2-kf will still be better). Warlock is in need of a better single target damaging spell and a solid spark generator.
    2. "Soul scorch (tab mechanic) should spawn a soul puppet when attacking with full charge" - 100% agree too. Would also ask to revert old single target functionality and a casting time reduction, M15 animation felt way more fluid.
    3. Hadar's grasp and Infernal spheres needs tweaks, especially because PvP-wise class is heavily underperforming
    4. Arms of Hadar should have casting times reduced and animation fixed, don't mind about magnitude I'm fine having an additional option to spread curse in situations when Hellfire Ring is not performing at best. Best way to fix imho it is taking axestorm animation and replace the red axes with a green pushing hand. I prefer low magnitude and short casting (<1s) time than the opposite.
    5. Gates of hell and Flames of Phlegethos needs new functionality, working bad, underperforming and will still be Accursed Souls and Brood clones. Would like to have Immolation Spirits on generic path and one more support daily, as Soul Pact is bad and, even if tweaked, situational. I've already asked for <b class="Bold">an heal/buff area daily (5e's forcegace i.e.) as a GoH/FoP replacement, on soulweaver path, additional thoughts appreciated :)
    1. Soulweaver has too many self-inflicted dmg, I personally find awesome the idea of a mad sorcerer sacrificing his life to get powerful heals, but life bind is simply not viable in a 5-men group, Soul Pact is too situational for a such small benefit and Warlock Bargain is so spark consuming, as need to cast a shatter spark right after to play safer. Some ideas: turn life bind into a 10% debuff; place a heal over time effect on wb (same as m15) or make it cost 3 sparks with no self-damage if using sparks and -10% health per spark missing
    2. Soulweaver is still unable to gain sparks without a target, a feat or a class feature should allow it.
    3. "at end game there is needed big short heals instead of heals over time" have to disagree here, sorry. HoT are situationally helping a lot in divinity/spark management and bore worm is a great example. Taking cleric as comparison, you feel a huge difference between the ones using healing word and the ones are not. As you stated, warlock's HoT are not that strong: Lingering sustain is one of few source of that and, according to my logs, it's a small source too, I'd ask for a nerf in case of Harrowstorm and Wraith shadow buff or adding a HoT effect to spells like Shatter spark and Warlock bargain, but i'd rather buff it and leave spells as they are, with life bind providing the damage mitigation needed on areas where burst healing is needed instead. I like that options as would give me the feeling of having more than a choice.
    4. "From the brink could increase outgoing healing as well" 100% agree. Thief of life needs love to, they are both T4 feats but doesn't look that powerful.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Suggestions, some of which I’ve made before:

    “Simple" suggestions:
    Adjust Tooltips of all powers so that the damage type is clear.
    Make Vampiric Embrace's heal absolutely work and make it Curse Consume to summon a puppet.
    Remove the Curse Synergy from Dreadtheft.
    Fix the targeting of Arms of Hadar.
    Increase the magnitude of single target spells by (at least) 50.
    Make Soul Scorch 15 Magnitude / Shard on the primary target and 5/shard on the secondary targets.

    "Complex" suggestions:
    Rework feats to create synergy around Fire and Necrotic power use with Curses.

    Re-order Shared Powers:
    Killing Flames (single target)
    Vampiric Embrace (single target, always heal, summon soul puppet)
    Arms of Hadar (AoE - fix targeting using Daring Shout, or Frontline Surge's targeting so it finally mostly works)
    Hadar's Grasp (single target)
    Curse Bite (AoE)

    This array gives the heal spec some solid dps and synergy for solo play, and also solves some of the problems the class experiences in the low end of the game dealing with groups.

    Change up the HB powers:
    Firey Bolt (AoE)
    Blades of Vanquished Armies (AoE, Buff)
    Dreadtheft (make it a single target power that spreads curse to other targets hit, and buff its damage.)
    New Power: Finger of Death (Single Target, Debuff, Summon Soul Puppet)
    Hellfire Ring: (AoE, Zone, DoT)

    (Finger of Death is a 7th Level Warlock Spell in 5E that “causes searing pain” and raises the victim as a zombie. So the changes seem in line with the spell and NW.)

    This array gives the DPS 5 single target options and 5 AoE options

    The Heals spec needs a power that doesn’t need sparks or a target that heals.

    Recharge Speed

    Our Recharge speeds need to be examined. The 30% recharge still seems to be irrelevant, it’s like having a class feature to fix a flaw in the class that can simply be fixed directly by reducing the recharge times of spells.

    Class Synergy

    The goal needs to be to improve the class' internal synergy, and stop it fighting with itself to achieve its ends. The Wizard class is an excellent example of how this should look.

    Time for the Warlock to get the same effort and treatment.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    Nothing for DPS warlock really needs buffing. They already do good dmg and have no issues doing any content.

    Only thing that needs buffs or changes are the heal side. Several phases in different dungeons u need to heal without having anything to hit. So once u run out of souls u healing stops. This mechanics is cool and makes warlock heals different, but it gives them a huge disadvantage in several dungeons. If warlock had a way to get souls outside of hitting things they would be in a much better state and they wouldnt be behind the other healers.
  • gonzakotwigonzakotwi Member Posts: 267 Arc User
    fyrstigor said:

    Nothing for DPS warlock really needs buffing. They already do good dmg and have no issues doing any content.

    Only thing that needs buffs or changes are the heal side. Several phases in different dungeons u need to heal without having anything to hit. So once u run out of souls u healing stops. This mechanics is cool and makes warlock heals different, but it gives them a huge disadvantage in several dungeons. If warlock had a way to get souls outside of hitting things they would be in a much better state and they wouldnt be behind the other healers.

    From your comment I understand that you don't main a warlock neither you do pvp, if so then i would politely ask you to try the things before writing here. At equal gear warlock stands behind other dps classes by about 10% in damage, at pvp is useless(you can easily see that by checking on the pvp leaderboard). Plus, there is a little window of useful choices on the warlock. If you read my post you can see that what i want is to make the other powers as useful as those. The synergies on the warlock like others said are very poorly designed
    I would reccomend you to read these posts>
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    U are correct. I dont main warlock. And i dont do PvP. From what ive heard no one does PvP atm anyway. And they have said multiple times that updates are comming to PvP, so i any changes that relies on PvP right now would be redundant and kinda stupid anyway. Wait for the PvP update and then talk about what should be changed about PvP then. For now the game is only PvE until that update comes anyway.

    And speaking of PvE. My baby warlock was 4 days old. Just barely 20k itemlvl. And could do LoMM. Had 10 boons or something my first run. And no i didnt get carried. I was top DPS on equal geared parties. I was doing more dmg, and easier dmg than my fighter with better gear, more itemlvl, and about 40k power and 20k CA more. I know its not a fair comparison cause fighters are HAMSTER DPS right now. But the warlock was having no issues in there what so ever. Getting more power and CA isnt gonna change that. And i have seen main warlocks do huge dmg and beat almost everyone.
  • divectoredivectore Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    fyrstigor said:

    U are correct. I dont main warlock. And i dont do PvP. From what ive heard no one does PvP atm anyway. And they have said multiple times that updates are comming to PvP, so i any changes that relies on PvP right now would be redundant and kinda stupid anyway. Wait for the PvP update and then talk about what should be changed about PvP then. For now the game is only PvE until that update comes anyway.

    And speaking of PvE. My baby warlock was 4 days old. Just barely 20k itemlvl. And could do LoMM. Had 10 boons or something my first run. And no i didnt get carried. I was top DPS on equal geared parties. I was doing more dmg, and easier dmg than my fighter with better gear, more itemlvl, and about 40k power and 20k CA more. I know its not a fair comparison cause fighters are HAMSTER DPS right now. But the warlock was having no issues in there what so ever. Getting more power and CA isnt gonna change that. And i have seen main warlocks do huge dmg and beat almost everyone.

    if your SW deals more damage than your barbarian, then you deal even less damage with it, but you don't need to be a scientist to see that the base magnitude of SW skills is way lower than than other classes, while also lacking a damage multiplier.
    An HR for example, has 25% melee damage multiplier, 100% damage for at wills (which multiplies with melee buff) and 30% critical severity (which multiplies every critical strike).
    So even if you could've run lomm, it's more likely because you had good tank and healer
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    All powers should get +5% magnitude increase, this could be done with soul spark increase in damage
    Vampiric embrace magnitude should be increased to 250
    Hardar grasp duration should be increased to 3 sec (4 if cursed)

    Infernal spheres: Each sphere should add 1% damage resistance instead of defense (maybe 1,5%) damage of each sphere should be increased to 40 at least
    Arms of hardar should do 100 magnitude damage at least
    Blades of vanquished armies should increase magnitude to 20
    Hellfire ring cast should be reduced to 0,8 sec
    Soul scorch (tab mechanic) should spawn a soul puppet when attacking with full charge
    Gates of hell is very directional, should increase magnitude to 800
    Flames of phlegethos should increase magnitude to 1000 over time
    Flames of empowerment should affect all the party damage and not only the warlock's damage
    Power of the nine hells should fill up the soul spark bar instead of giving 12
    Creeping death should stack like on previous modules

    Shatter spark magnitude should increase to 550
    Wraith shadow should increase heal magnitude to 45 or 50
    Harrowstorm should increase magnitude to 250 or give a damage resistance buff to players inside
    Soul pact should have magnitude increased to 700 and lower the damage penalty on the caster
    Prince of hell should increase warlock's maximum hit points instead of armor penetration
    Essence of time feat should be reworked to allow using tab mechanic without having a target (like channeling divinity on other healers)
    Dark revelry should increase damage resistance and stamina regeneration
    Life bind should stop functioning at 35 or 40% hp to allow self healing
    Lingering sustain could have lower magnitude to compensate, at end game there is needed big short heals instead of heals over time
    From the brink could increase outgoing healing as well
    Consuming action should increase party members ap by 2% instead of 2

    I surely won't get any attention, but at least is out of my chest

    "Hey, Alexa?"
    "Go ahead, Dave."
    "My Scourge Warlock doesn't hit hard enuff, what with the changes in Mod 16. What is the solution?"
    "That's easy, Dave. Step1: Delete your SW. Step 2: Re-roll a CW. Step 3: Grind some more. Problem solved, Dave."
    "Awww... that's kinda harsh, Alexa. Isn't there anything else I can do?"
    "I think we both know the answer to that, Dave."
  • caldochaud#4880 caldochaud Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited June 2019
    Sadly, Lifesteal is was what made the Warlock so successful in the past and would have nicely made the sacrifice-to-heal of the new healer abilities of the Warlock sustainable. But since Lifesteal has been removed with Mod 16 (thus defeating the whole mechanic behind a Healer Warlock), perhaps another suggestion is to increase the Life-Leeching ability of Lifedrinker and Bloodtheft enhancements and create new Overload enchantments that give temporary Lifesteal abilities?

    As a side-note, adding craftable Armor modifications that give a fixed percentage of Lifestealing ability to armors (IE: Green 5%/Blue 10%/Purple 15%) could also give a Healing Warlock better HP regain/recharge in combat while healing others.
    "Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire." - Sir Bernard Williams
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    divectore said:

    fyrstigor said:

    U are correct. I dont main warlock. And i dont do PvP. From what ive heard no one does PvP atm anyway. And they have said multiple times that updates are comming to PvP, so i any changes that relies on PvP right now would be redundant and kinda stupid anyway. Wait for the PvP update and then talk about what should be changed about PvP then. For now the game is only PvE until that update comes anyway.

    And speaking of PvE. My baby warlock was 4 days old. Just barely 20k itemlvl. And could do LoMM. Had 10 boons or something my first run. And no i didnt get carried. I was top DPS on equal geared parties. I was doing more dmg, and easier dmg than my fighter with better gear, more itemlvl, and about 40k power and 20k CA more. I know its not a fair comparison cause fighters are HAMSTER DPS right now. But the warlock was having no issues in there what so ever. Getting more power and CA isnt gonna change that. And i have seen main warlocks do huge dmg and beat almost everyone.

    if your SW deals more damage than your barbarian, then you deal even less damage with it, but you don't need to be a scientist to see that the base magnitude of SW skills is way lower than than other classes, while also lacking a damage multiplier.
    An HR for example, has 25% melee damage multiplier, 100% damage for at wills (which multiplies with melee buff) and 30% critical severity (which multiplies every critical strike).
    So even if you could've run lomm, it's more likely because you had good tank and healer
    my warlock deals more dmg than my fighter. Not barbie. Warlock does have multipliers. Most of them are in my single target loadout. I dont need them for AoE cause i get free CA every time i crit. And CA being a huge multiplier on its own without me having to worry about position make the low magnitude AoE powers make up to other classes quite well. On single i use the multipliers there is, and compared. Warlock single target dmg is better than AoE dmg.

    Hunter is a only DPS class. So it makes sence that class would be able to do more dmg than a warlock that can also que as heal. Buffing a warlock with multipliers just to satisfy those who cant make their warlock work could quickly effect the heal side. And having a warlock healer do to much dmg isnt healty for the class either.

    Instead of looking at a class and its magnitude, or its multipliers, maybe u should look at how the class performs in a real normal group instead. The warlock isnt suffering from low dmg. It might be suffering from to many building it wrongly.
  • gonzakotwigonzakotwi Member Posts: 267 Arc User

    "Hey, Alexa?"
    "Go ahead, Dave."
    "My Scourge Warlock doesn't hit hard enuff, what with the changes in Mod 16. What is the solution?"
    "That's easy, Dave. Step1: Delete your SW. Step 2: Re-roll a CW. Step 3: Grind some more. Problem solved, Dave."
    "Awww... that's kinda harsh, Alexa. Isn't there anything else I can do?"
    "I think we both know the answer to that, Dave."

    Sadly that might be the answer
    fyrstigor said:

    Hunter is a only DPS class. So it makes sence that class would be able to do more dmg than a warlock that can also que as heal. Buffing a warlock with multipliers just to satisfy those who cant make their warlock work could quickly effect the heal side. And having a warlock healer do to much dmg isnt healty for the class either.

    Instead of looking at a class and its magnitude, or its multipliers, maybe u should look at how the class performs in a real normal group instead. The warlock isnt suffering from low dmg. It might be suffering from to many building it wrongly.

    It doesn´t make sense at all, any class if it has a dps path should do equivalent dps (with pros and cons for each class) and any heal class should do the trick with its pros and cons. Warlock stands behind both of them. You can check that by trying to queue with a warlock, many parties wont take it to the group simply because they can get another class that does better job at it.

    I main a warlock and im still putting my coins on it, as i said before there is only one little narrow path of right decisions. I make dps? sure i spent a whole bunch of time and resources to make sure of it, and as I said on another post I get on top of paingiver when the other toons don't have their classes optimized. Other people don't do that and they get waay behind because the class is not developed well. Anyway if you get your warlock to work well still stands behind most other well built classes (i know that the gf has big issues also on the dps path, i don't make any comment on that as i don't own a gf). With a 4 days old warlock you can't make any opinion because you haven't tried the class in full.

    You said above something about pvp, my answer is that if pvp is on live game it is still playable and should have classes corrected for that. The thing u say about no one playing pvp is false, the people who do pvp are still the same as before, that do it for the love of the content. Any pvp modification would be focused of getting more ppl into playing pvp, not on balancing classes.
  • raziel2004#7353 raziel2004 Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    This is about warlock n not about other classes. Btw pure class dps really dominate the run with less effort. I hv just build up my own wizard just enough for min LoMM and can go second in paingiver without hag rag, terror grip and not capped stats. Why do you need cooldown if your atwill can kill basically everything there..
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    Wizards are kinda broken atm. The feat that makes smolder do 75% of its dmg instant with no DoT effect causes smolder to be 30-40% of a wizards total dmg no matter how bad or well geared they are.
  • gonzakotwigonzakotwi Member Posts: 267 Arc User
    bojsha said:

    What have you been smoking? Mod14,15,16 you got improvement for your class and you want more now?! Some of you Worlock players just bit*h and then bit*h some more that all you do!

    Have you seen what they did to Fighter? No.
    What about, now Barbarians? No, you havent.
    Have you see the mess on the Wizards with miss placed skill, long cast speed, and horible 18s cooldown times? No, ofcorse you did not.

    Well you dont see then bit*hing so stop being a bit*h all the time.

    Why is it so hard to read for some people?
    Lets go step by step. You are saying that because we had improvements on the past modules we now have to stick with a bad designed class? you are very wrong my friend
    I did see what they did to fighter (as i said above not myself but i know they are having trouble on dps). I have many friends who main barbarian and wizard and i see how they perform. Yet you don't see me commenting on another class post that I haven't tried like you are doing here.
    What I have put above of the warlock are skills that are not being used, and if used will impact on a self nerfing of the character. Many new people don't try even half the things i tried on it. And about my first suggestion, if you don't see that warlock is underperforming as dps you have an issue.

    PS: Please lower your tone, you never know who you are talking to and how that person would react.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    Is the warlock the solute or the solvent?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Is the warlock the solute or the solvent?

    Well we tend to name solutions after the solute....

    But "solution to" is the wrong grammar for breaking out the chem text. :)
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User

    i dont "main" warlock but my warlock has been "endgame" since module 12. and I really enjoyed the class so at the time i bought 6 loadouts and experimented with every path combination available, i went to the SW discord, i read guides, talked with top warlocks and built mine with all that knowledge in hand.

    now in module 16 i have a few isssues with the class.

    hellbringer dps seems great, but lacks any real AOE, so i dont use AOE, and this works.
    hellfire ring is so slow to cast that in any trash pull i get knocked, stunned or interrupted every single time i go to cast it, so I don't even slot it anymore, the power needs fixin to be viable. it should cast instantly like the old pillar of power did.
    arms is too low dps to use and the prone is a joke, the mobs instantly are on their feet, completely useless.
    fiery bolt, needs lower cooldown or more magnitude (i wont use it in its current iteration)
    the tab mechanic, soul scorch.....really lame, suprised they were this lazy....but it is what it is, and it works.

    soulweaver by comparison to my paladin and cleric is the weakest healer in the game, also warlocks bargain does not cleanse the warlock using it, this is game breaking. also did not notice any big heals besides the daily, and as another poster mentioned endgame dungeons do better with burst heals then HOT's.
    no way to build sparks outside combat, yet paladin and cleric can gain divinity whenever. =/=

    Hellfire ring at a distance before they get to knock u back -> Curse bite -> Fiery bolt -> Curse bite. Most things in solo should be dead by then. In dungeons rinse and repeat. Does great dmg in AoE. Ive never had issues myself being knocked back before i could cast hellfire ring myself. Curse bite with the feat for extra dmg on curse consume is key. U just use the other 2 powers for applying the curse, their dmg doesnt really matter. With this combo its quite easy to keep up with most other classes in AoE mode. Soul scorch u dont use for dmg, u use it for CD reduction.

    U do know that soulweaver now also cleanses themself ? And have been since june 26 ? If u wanna complain atleast do us all the favor of reading patch notes so ur complaining is up to date.

    Their heal values or lack of burst heal isnt the problem for endgame content, only the inability to gain soul sparks out of combat is.
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    i dont "main" warlock but my warlock has been "endgame" since module 12. and I really enjoyed the class so at the time i bought 6 loadouts and experimented with every path combination available, i went to the SW discord, i read guides, talked with top warlocks and built mine with all that knowledge in hand.

    now in module 16 i have a few isssues with the class.

    hellbringer dps seems great, but lacks any real AOE, so i dont use AOE, and this works.
    hellfire ring is so slow to cast that in any trash pull i get knocked, stunned or interrupted every single time i go to cast it, so I don't even slot it anymore, the power needs fixin to be viable. it should cast instantly like the old pillar of power did.
    arms is too low dps to use and the prone is a joke, the mobs instantly are on their feet, completely useless.
    fiery bolt, needs lower cooldown or more magnitude (i wont use it in its current iteration)
    the tab mechanic, soul scorch.....really lame, suprised they were this lazy....but it is what it is, and it works.

    soulweaver by comparison to my paladin and cleric is the weakest healer in the game, also warlocks bargain does not cleanse the warlock using it, this is game breaking. also did not notice any big heals besides the daily, and as another poster mentioned endgame dungeons do better with burst heals then HOT's.
    no way to build sparks outside combat, yet paladin and cleric can gain divinity whenever. =/=

    You make about 1-2 actual valid points (soulweaver healing is weak & no way to build sparks) but most of what you wrote was just so blatantly wrong it was laughable and makes me question if you're even playing the warlock.

  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited July 2019
    • for first, tab power is suck. it's too low too slow and also its need a target that's absolutely not playable. Clerics and Paladins don't need any enemy for praying.

      sugestion: of corse you may make it better with fast cast and bigger dmg and heal. But i rather have some buff for outgoing healing or dmg resistence. Because most of time when you trying to get sparks by tab it always falls because of control and mob dyin. I also will be happy with some control immunity (like Rogue)

    • Clerics and Pals have a strong healing spells with 800 (!) - 500 mgn. when Warlock have the biggest healing with magnitude 400 (!)
      Healing word have mgn 500 +200 added. but Storm only 200 heal mgn. Also Clerics and Pals have powers like Lay on Hands that helps in critical moments. Warlocks not.

      pillar of power heals with mgn 20. Tab have mgn 35. Vampire Embrace doesn't work.Immortal Spirits hits 60 mgn. Clerics at-wills are 70 (!) mgn. and Warlock can't heal yourself by hands.

    • On Paladins and Clerics we can easy increase Damage deal. By Exaltig or passive powers or Divine Judgement. And its really ok with their Damage. But Warlock haven't any good dmg in SoulWeaver. Warlock is much weaker now. 5% dmg with passive power (and this is only normal passive) when Exalt have 20% buf.

      need more passive powers for sparks, for heal increase. for healler.

    • I think PoP needs Dmg and much bigger healing. like old Pillar with Templock's healing. I think feats should have sence. Lindering Sustance 150[6 sec when Cleric's Gardian heals for 500 (!) for 5 times. Cleric's and Pals have feats for dmg. Warlocks haven't feats even for heal.

    PS: I playing by Cleric since m3 or m4. I have a Warlock since m6 and also have some dunno-paladino for 'rock'n'nroll'
    I was played by Templock early. I know how heals Clerics and how heals Paladines. Pal = easymode. Warlock = Deathmode.
    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

  • edited July 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    > @fyrstigor said:
    > Their heal values or lack of burst heal isnt the problem for endgame content, only the inability to gain soul sparks out of combat is.

    The problem isn’t out of combat recovery, it’s in combat recovery when there are no targets you can damage. Such as the Bore Worm’s first phase with no golems.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User

    > @fyrstigor said:

    > Their heal values or lack of burst heal isnt the problem for endgame content, only the inability to gain soul sparks out of combat is.

    The problem isn’t out of combat recovery, it’s in combat recovery when there are no targets you can damage. Such as the Bore Worm’s first phase with no golems.

    Yea, my bad. Thats what i meant, just bad explained.
  • martins#2911 martins Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    Many great suggestions! I'll suggest some things!

    "hellfire ring" - If you use the mobs all are curse, but when hellfire ring is already on the ground the mobs that enter the circle they do not have curse, this should be adjusted!

    I can consider myself endgame, I made all possible combinations.
    The gameplay is great as well as aoe and single, what I think is that our tab needs to improve, need more dmg at least when it is full of sparks, it is necessary to increase our magnitude is clear that in comparison to other dps ours is well below.

    Hadar's Grasp it is necessary to reduce the time of casting, is the only way to get Stake Risk Investiment 5x faster, usually not of the time, the boss usually when it is 2x or 3x already doing some mechanics, there ends up losing the buff of the Risk Investiment.

    [Fiery Bolt] - magnitude 125 up to 250
    [Hellfire Ring] - 180 up for 300
    [Curse Bite] - 150 up for 225
    [Killing Flames] - 400-600 up for 700-1000
    [Tyrannical Curse] - 800 15% more dmg - up for 1000 20% more dmg

    Maybe then we would be more competitive in dps!
  • burnthedead#7732 burnthedead Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    No one mentioned the targeting on Hellfire ring? Where it throws the camera behind you, and you end up casting on yourself? Also, no aoe when mobs run into the cast ring, if you don't hit them with the initial hit. Auto targeting is broken there, it needs to target highest threat or nearest mob.
  • adders79#8251 adders79 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    @mimicking#6533 @noworries#8859

    Please read this thread. Soulweaver is 100% unviable for LoMM. We need a way to generate soul sparks without targeting an enemy, please remove this. Our magnitude as mentioned throughout this thread is laughably low. Shatter Spark needs at least a 100-200 increase along with Harrowstorm. Wraiths Shadow does nothing this needs to be at least 100 magnitude to be worth slotting. If Harrowstorm and Wraiths shadow were stronger we could compete much better as if we placed and timed our heals over time correctly we can keep people alive and top up with shatter spark when needed.

    You have the foundations perfect for this class there are just some fundemantal issues. My Warlock is 24k with max outgoing healing 125k crit and 137k power with 60% outgoing healing and LoMM is virtually impossible at second boss, but my cleric was completing this with ease at 4k il lower with no extra healing

    Please consider a lot of the comments in this thread. With a magnitude boost and better way to recover soul sparks this class would be great fun and be viable. At the moment people flat out refuse to take a soul weaver into LoMM and I do not blame them
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