silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
If you are in a pre-made group, you are already communicating and cooperating with one another. If you find that you fail so badly you need to restructure the party roles, then just leave, adjust and re-queue. You are already communicating and cooperating and are in control of your own party composition.
The problem comes with random queuing and suddenly finding your party missing a necessary role because someone you have had no prior communication with wanted to game the queue to make sure he got a spot and then changed roles. Now you have no tank or no healer or both. So then you have to kick them or leave the group yourself and start all over.
There are going to be more people in random queues than pre-made groups. And they are at the mercy of the queue, so it is not reasonable to cater to the pre-mades who are in control of their own party composition at the expense of those who are not.
The only way I can see to reasonably accommodate this is to have a party vote system. "Bob has requested to change roles from Healer to DPS. Do you agree?" If the whole party doesn't click agree, then Bob cannot change roles.
The only way I can see to reasonably accommodate this is to have a party vote system. "Bob has requested to change roles from Healer to DPS. Do you agree?" If the whole party doesn't click agree, then Bob cannot change roles.
That would actually be a really good solution. It would handle issues like one I mentioned where you have two paladins, one Tank and the other a Healer, and for some reason they want to swap.
The new artifact Deck of a few things. With a blank card it says ( at mythic) deals 10,701 damage as well as knock back. It does knock back but doesn't look to be 20 feet only 10. It is also only damaging for around the 1 to 2 k range.
stealth is survival skills (and not tanking skills, that is really different)
stealth is damage
stealth is mobility
stealth is everything
everything is stealth
Stealth make TR OP, but lack of stealth make TR useless.
Why i cant trade my Masterys Insignias for other? In vendor we can trade only vigor and leeching this bug you changes that?
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited March 2019
you can only trade in the "obsolete" insignias...Vigor had Movement and Leeching had Life steal. Mastery...hmm..that gave Recovery, so, hmmm.... yes maybe that should br tradable as well.
I think my post got nuked. That or my attempt to fix an error wiped it all from existence.
I was running into this for a bit- apparently, editing recently-made posts was a common spam vector (DAM how), so most posts get flagged for moderation after being edited.
I think my post got nuked. That or my attempt to fix an error wiped it all from existence.
I was running into this for a bit- apparently, editing recently-made posts was a common spam vector (DAM how), so most posts get flagged for moderation after being edited.
Ah thanks. I went over the character limit by a ton and had to delete some of the quote strings ( like 3 deep ) but i accidentally wiped out some of the quote i was responding to. Tried to restore it so i didn't look like i was cherry picking.
Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
I think my post got nuked. That or my attempt to fix an error wiped it all from existence.
I was running into this for a bit- apparently, editing recently-made posts was a common spam vector (DAM how), so most posts get flagged for moderation after being edited.
Ah thanks. I went over the character limit by a ton and had to delete some of the quote strings ( like 3 deep ) but i accidentally wiped out some of the quote i was responding to. Tried to restore it so i didn't look like i was cherry picking.
I think if you wait a bit, it should get plugged back in after being checked. Trust me they aren't nuking posts just for disagreeing with devs
I think my post got nuked. That or my attempt to fix an error wiped it all from existence.
I was running into this for a bit- apparently, editing recently-made posts was a common spam vector (DAM how), so most posts get flagged for moderation after being edited.
More, editing by low-post-count accounts was a common behaviour of spambots. The forum moderators can fix this and mark you as "probably a human" so you can edit freely.
I legit am getting the impression that many of these changes that lock players into specific party roles are tailored to weed out solo players. I want to continue to love the game and stick wiith it but so far i am anything but reassured by what i have been shown.
This is me exactly, particularly the lack of any reassurance by what we've seen/heard thus far.
Hello Mistwalk3r, I apologize if you've felt like the changes on preview have been designed specifically to hamper solo play, I can assure you that we have absolutely no goal of making the game less fun or significantly more challenging for solo players, or requiring anyone to group to enjoy the sort of solo content the game has to offer.
Obviously own preview right now there are many bugs, and we are still working out the final tuning for enemies and player power, as we've changed everything dramatically. But I assure you as we close in on the final release, we will be making absolutely sure that we haven't suddenly made it impossible for any class to solo in any of the content you're used to soloing.
The one possible exception to this is if you were frequently soloing group content, which is now being scaled. Long term we'd like to look into some solutions for this, but we don't have anything planned for Module 16.
Oh thank god a dev finally addresses it. Maybe ignore the parts of my previous post in which i accuse the team of this. Becoming wizard paste will feel less irksome knowing it is accidental tuning issues and not a boot on my face pushing me slowly into a gelatinous cube.
Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
To clarify, for example a wizard can switch from Arcanist to Thaumaturge or Thaumaturge to Arcanist during a dungeon, but a Cleric cannot swap between Devout and Arbiter in a dungeon? Also, does this apply to random queues only or also premades?
We'd like to keep this restriction to random queues but it may not be possible for Module 16 launch. Ultimately, we're not looking to prevent weird remade groups from running through content. We do believe we'll be able to get to the point where 3 dps, 1 tank, 1 healer is the genuinely optimal group setup, so the goal isn't to force that on premade groups.
The only goal of the restriction is to prevent abuse such as riding the tank queue and then switching to a DPS immediately on entry, etc.
Hi, I hate to grind on this but you haven't actually explicitly answered @thefabricant 's question and I'd really like to know the answer too.
Classes with DPS/DPS Paragons *will* be able to change Paragons inside queued content? The restriction will ONLY apply to classes where the two Paragons have different roles?
The only goal of the restriction is to prevent abuse such as riding the tank queue and then switching to a DPS immediately on entry, etc.
OK, I am going to be difficult here and ask why that should be considered abuse? You have said yourself that the goal is to make "3DPS+Tank+Healer" optimal, so if people want to switch to a different setup, or switch roles inside dungeons, doesn't it mean that the real problem is that you failed in reaching that goal?
Random Queue -> Role Bonus: Healer -> Queue as Devout, skip the DPS line, get the role bonus -> first campfire -> LOL ARBITER DEAL WITH IT.
Some groups in some queues will still be able to complete the queue without a dedicated healer, maybe by spending more resources or time. And in those cases, the non-healing Healer will get the role bonus and to have skipped the wait.
Some groups will fail the queue because the healer decided they wanted to be DPS, but queued as a healer to get in faster and get more AD at the cost of the party needing to carry them.
This happens already on live, with Tankadins queuing as Healadins and swapping immediately because they didn't want to play as Devotion, leaving the group with two tanks and no buffer. This is totally survivable in KR or eSoT or eToS, but it's possibly a real problem in FBI or MSP.
> @geekoxxiii said: > I beat you to the punch and replied 2 minutes before you reposted your question! Sorry it took so long, I just managed to get caught up on replying to feedback on this thread. > > I would also like other developers to have the same dedication to answering and maintaining a dialogue between player and developer, but unfortunately this is not what happens in the warlock thread. > > I will be honest, I only wrote a post in that thread, but when I noticed the total lack of dialogue and the huge disparity between the threads, I did not feel encouraged to keep giving feedback. > > if it keeps going like this, there will only remain one thing to do… > > > > > > because in the current state it is impossible to fix this class without the direct contribution of those who have been playing it for years.
In regards to party buffs, they haven't actually been completely eliminated, some classes still have access to buffs and debuffs that the whole party can benefit from. For example, Cleric's Break the Spirit and Barbarian's Battle Fury are examples of a debuff and buff the whole party can still benefit from.
@asterdahl: I am really glad to hear this and actually missed, that the buff on Barb's Battle Fury affects the entire party.
I would also like to say, that you (and noworries and other devs posting on these forums) are doing a terrific job on commenting on our feedback, giving invaluable insights into the thoughts of the dev team, that have lead to specific design choices and the general design philosophy of MOD 16.
We might not like all of your choices, and we often have difficulties to understand what is actually intended, because classes, scaling of old content, etc. were not finished on the first release on preview.
However, at least to me it has become rather obvious (in particular reading through your numerous responses), that you (and that includes the entire team) have been thinking for a long time about the (almost complete) overhaul of the game's core systems.
I have only two requests: - please take into account that the opinions on this forum are heavily biased (I know you do, you said that the forums represent maybe 1% of the population. Likely the bias is towards highly experienced near-bis players and the entry levels players are terribly under-represented) - please take into consideration, that you promised us improvements for the sad situation on live, where players in the epic dungeons tend to be in just two states: full health or dead. I hope that the improvements promised will affect ALL players of all Item-levels, not just the top tier players. Most players, that queue for the epic dungeons, have an IL in the range 9k-12k. Taking the waiting time for the random queues into account, it is probably safe to say that the most popular epic dungeons (popular = highest frequency of runs) lie in RIQ. IMO it is vital for a favorable start of MOD 16, that the most frequently played dungeons don't fall short on the promise given.
I think my post got nuked. That or my attempt to fix an error wiped it all from existence.
This happened to me three times for three rather long posts, that took a lot of time to write up. It is terribly annoying.
It seems to happen, when you edit your post (for instance changing a wrong word: can -> cannot) within a "relatively short" time window after posting, the system decides to delete your entire post. My guess is that this happens, when someone else has already posted (or is in the process of writing up) another post on the same thread. The best solution seems to be:
Never edit your post, shortly after posting. Wait until a couple of people have replied to the thread. Not sure if this will really help, but its the new strategy I am trying out now.
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
> @rapidstar#3272 said: > I think you should add an option to get lvl. 80 (or at least 70) immediately. I would love to test more classes but I dont have enough time to go through the exping process from the beginning. And it would be really good if you could give us an option to get the new gear for free as well.
On preview, maybe. I wouldn't mind for my alts. But you really need to run it from 70 on your main. Unrealistic test environment. Exactly zero people will be LvL80 in the early campaign. So running through content at lvl80 from the start will give you a skewed picture of how your toon works.
Then you will be in for a shock upon release.
Completing the campaign alone gets you to 80, btw. Got there on 2 toons just w campaign quests.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
> @silvergryph said: expense of those who are not. > > The only way I can see to reasonably accommodate this is to have a party vote system. "Bob has requested to change roles from Healer to DPS. Do you agree?" If the whole party doesn't click agree, then Bob cannot change roles.
Vote to allow role change? Clever. Never considered that. +1 Vote for the Vote idea.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
@dread4moor ok I agree that lvl. 80 might be a bad idea, but lvl. 70 could be good. I have GWF and OP lvl.70 on normal server, but I would like to test TR or SW and getting them from 1 to 70 takes just too much time or maybe I just dont know how to do it fast. If you know how you can send me some tips.
I introduce you to THE Potion of Invisibility that went horribly wrong after mixing it with Sljivovica.
@c1k4ml3kc3 Could you please let me know what item this is, and any other necessary steps to repro this bug? I would like to get this looked at and taken care of
Since quality of life things will be coming in mod 16 and 17 i would like to propose
A setting that will cause the character to not rotate with the camera and stand in a posture that can be specified. with this we could take screen shots of our character in various poses and use them for testing purposes such as showing where a garment clips bunches etc or just for fun. Like having a pint while Tiamat barrels down upon you. I know this is not STO so you don't need to go as in depth as their system but it would make screenshots and admiring gear in inspection mode easier.
If there is something like that and i have just missed it all these years then sorry.
Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
@c1k4ml3kc3 Could you please let me know what item this is, and any other necessary steps to repro this bug? I would like to get this looked at and taken care of
It's called "Cowl of the Royal Reserve". I've used colors like "Masquerade Dye" with "Black Dye" to mask certain areas. Prior to that there was either Rex Corona or Cowl of the Dead used, I'm unsure. I change things a lot.
Of course. I simply transmuted and that's it. No extra steps or secret anything included in the process of that. If you'd ask me to recreate it, i wouldn't be able to (I think). I could try though.
Devs, is there any point in calling out items that are currently in-game that have severe texture clipping issues? Masks melting into faces, hairbands cutting ears in half, things like that? It's cosmetic stuff, and not new problems, so I'd understand if this isn't the place for it, but it's also stuff that kinda... shouldn't be happening, and I don't know if it's as simple as making the mesh morph around face geometry, or if it would basically require recreating the appearance from scratch.
And ofcourse the screen shot a made an imgur account just to share did not get attached despite typing the link in manually because it wont let me paste. lets try again
It seems that new companion system wanted to bring diversity among summoned companions by allowing us to choose any companion as summoned without making any big impact, similar like mount system allowing us to choose any visual and pick equip and combat powers independently on the mount we ride.
This system is welcome on the companions as well and it makes no big difference aside from some companions having the debuff passive abilities but there is one thing that stands out. Sword trio (Sellsword, ConArtist and Rebel Mercenary) deal far higher damage than any other companion and if it remains like that we will be seeing only those 3 companions as summoned and there would be no diversity. It would be nice if sword trio's damage was toned down to the level of other companions.
The problem comes with random queuing and suddenly finding your party missing a necessary role because someone you have had no prior communication with wanted to game the queue to make sure he got a spot and then changed roles. Now you have no tank or no healer or both. So then you have to kick them or leave the group yourself and start all over.
There are going to be more people in random queues than pre-made groups. And they are at the mercy of the queue, so it is not reasonable to cater to the pre-mades who are in control of their own party composition at the expense of those who are not.
The only way I can see to reasonably accommodate this is to have a party vote system. "Bob has requested to change roles from Healer to DPS. Do you agree?" If the whole party doesn't click agree, then Bob cannot change roles.
Champions Online Advanced Forum Search
stealth is damage
stealth is mobility
stealth is everything
everything is stealth
Stealth make TR OP, but lack of stealth make TR useless.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
In vendor we can trade only vigor and leeching this bug you changes that?
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
I went over the character limit by a ton and had to delete some of the quote strings ( like 3 deep ) but i accidentally wiped out some of the quote i was responding to. Tried to restore it so i didn't look like i was cherry picking.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
Trust me they aren't nuking posts just for disagreeing with devs
Maybe ignore the parts of my previous post in which i accuse the team of this.
Becoming wizard paste will feel less irksome knowing it is accidental tuning issues and not a boot on my face pushing me slowly into a gelatinous cube.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
Classes with DPS/DPS Paragons *will* be able to change Paragons inside queued content? The restriction will ONLY apply to classes where the two Paragons have different roles?
Some groups in some queues will still be able to complete the queue without a dedicated healer, maybe by spending more resources or time. And in those cases, the non-healing Healer will get the role bonus and to have skipped the wait.
Some groups will fail the queue because the healer decided they wanted to be DPS, but queued as a healer to get in faster and get more AD at the cost of the party needing to carry them.
This happens already on live, with Tankadins queuing as Healadins and swapping immediately because they didn't want to play as Devotion, leaving the group with two tanks and no buffer. This is totally survivable in KR or eSoT or eToS, but it's possibly a real problem in FBI or MSP.
> I beat you to the punch and replied 2 minutes before you reposted your question! Sorry it took so long, I just managed to get caught up on replying to feedback on this thread.
> I would also like other developers to have the same dedication to answering and maintaining a dialogue between player and developer, but unfortunately this is not what happens in the warlock thread.
> I will be honest, I only wrote a post in that thread, but when I noticed the total lack of dialogue and the huge disparity between the threads, I did not feel encouraged to keep giving feedback.
> if it keeps going like this, there will only remain one thing to do…
> because in the current state it is impossible to fix this class without the direct contribution of those who have been playing it for years.
@asterdahl this
I am really glad to hear this and actually missed, that the buff on Barb's Battle Fury affects the entire party.
I would also like to say, that you (and noworries and other devs posting on these forums) are doing a terrific job on commenting on our feedback, giving invaluable insights into the thoughts of the dev team, that have lead to specific design choices and the general design philosophy of MOD 16.
We might not like all of your choices, and we often have difficulties to understand what is actually intended, because classes, scaling of old content, etc. were not finished on the first release on preview.
However, at least to me it has become rather obvious (in particular reading through your numerous responses), that you (and that includes the entire team) have been thinking for a long time about the (almost complete) overhaul of the game's core systems.
I have only two requests:
- please take into account that the opinions on this forum are heavily biased (I know you do, you said that the forums represent maybe 1% of the population. Likely the bias is towards highly experienced near-bis players and the entry levels players are terribly under-represented)
- please take into consideration, that you promised us improvements for the sad situation on live, where players in the epic dungeons tend to be in just two states: full health or dead. I hope that the improvements promised will affect ALL players of all Item-levels, not just the top tier players. Most players, that queue for the epic dungeons, have an IL in the range 9k-12k. Taking the waiting time for the random queues into account, it is probably safe to say that the most popular epic dungeons (popular = highest frequency of runs) lie in RIQ. IMO it is vital for a favorable start of MOD 16, that the most frequently played dungeons don't fall short on the promise given.
It seems to happen, when you edit your post (for instance changing a wrong word: can -> cannot) within a "relatively short" time window after posting, the system decides to delete your entire post. My guess is that this happens, when someone else has already posted (or is in the process of writing up) another post on the same thread. The best solution seems to be:
Never edit your post, shortly after posting. Wait until a couple of people have replied to the thread.
Not sure if this will really help, but its the new strategy I am trying out now.
> I think you should add an option to get lvl. 80 (or at least 70) immediately. I would love to test more classes but I dont have enough time to go through the exping process from the beginning. And it would be really good if you could give us an option to get the new gear for free as well.
On preview, maybe. I wouldn't mind for my alts.
But you really need to run it from 70 on your main.
Unrealistic test environment.
Exactly zero people will be LvL80 in the early campaign.
So running through content at lvl80 from the start will give you a skewed picture of how your toon works.
Then you will be in for a shock upon release.
Completing the campaign alone gets you to 80, btw. Got there on 2 toons just w campaign quests.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
expense of those who are not.
> The only way I can see to reasonably accommodate this is to have a party vote system. "Bob has requested to change roles from Healer to DPS. Do you agree?" If the whole party doesn't click agree, then Bob cannot change roles.
Vote to allow role change?
Clever. Never considered that.
+1 Vote for the Vote idea.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
A setting that will cause the character to not rotate with the camera and stand in a posture that can be specified. with this we could take screen shots of our character in various poses and use them for testing purposes such as showing where a garment clips bunches etc or just for fun. Like having a pint while Tiamat barrels down upon you. I know this is not STO so you don't need to go as in depth as their system but it would make screenshots and admiring gear in inspection mode easier.
If there is something like that and i have just missed it all these years then sorry.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
It's called "Cowl of the Royal Reserve". I've used colors like "Masquerade Dye" with "Black Dye" to mask certain areas. Prior to that there was either Rex Corona or Cowl of the Dead used, I'm unsure. I change things a lot.
Of course. I simply transmuted and that's it. No extra steps or secret anything included in the process of that. If you'd ask me to recreate it, i wouldn't be able to (I think). I could try though.
I dunno. I'm kinda getting used to it. I call it Invisiquack.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
this is happening
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
This system is welcome on the companions as well and it makes no big difference aside from some companions having the debuff passive abilities but there is one thing that stands out. Sword trio (Sellsword, ConArtist and Rebel Mercenary) deal far higher damage than any other companion and if it remains like that we will be seeing only those 3 companions as summoned and there would be no diversity. It would be nice if sword trio's damage was toned down to the level of other companions.