It is pretty obvious the majority of the effort in this mod went into the new crafting system.
If crafting is not your thing, the mod will not appeal that much to you. Peoples tastes differ.
Can't win them all.
I agree with what you are saying, but there was a way to prevent this backlash from the player base. They should take time to do market research into what the majority of users want to take away from an online D&D experience. Overall this game has failed (from the start) to follow D&D, to the point, it is hardly recognizable as D&D 5th edition at all. Almost as bad as watching a movie based on a video game series, but not as bad. If they paid attention, most users simply want new content they can continue to play within the guidelines they set down at the start of the game.
So far, I don't have any issues with the crafting system, but they are messing with the guidelines they set down at the beginning of the game. Those on the other side of this fence, need to realize that change is inevitable and is going to happen. Imagine if you were at the casino playing poker and after playing it for 5 years and getting real good at it, the pit boss says they are changing the game to blackjack. You protest but are told, "Hey buddy, it is still a card game, and your choice. Play or leave the table." The pit boss knows that even if you leave, others will take your spot, and eventually you will return someday. So it is time to learn the new methods of the game.
As for content, I want the developers and Penny Arcade to understand, I don't hate it. It is akin to having the Keystone Cops added to a season of CSI, NCIS, or Criminal Minds. I personally don't mind something silly happening within a serious adventure, but continuous slapstick antics are bit too much for my taste. Again someone needs to do "market research" and then you would realize what a bad idea it was to ham fist this into the game. I really loved the work done on Ravenloft and even with the initial bugs at start up, M14 remains my favorite of all.
Mod 6 was worse, a complete disaster - however they finally listened to the player base, along with the dropping player numbers and fixed everything.. BUT Mod 15 is just pointless, most of the people I know are just not going to bother with crafting now. Too time consuming, and seems for the most part pointless now, will miss leadership.... and most of the people I know running TR's are not happy. Be interesting to see if the players base drops like it did for Mod 6 along with reduced VIP and Zen buys.
May I remind you that MOD 6 still had salvage and old professions. In my humble view this mod 15 is the worst.
Oh, it's by far, worse than Mod 6. Mod 6 pretty much killed my guild, when they raised the Level Creep to 70 and I ended up leaving after Underdark. By then, my wife quit playing and I got tired of running HAMSTER over and over again, alone.
Then, Ravenloft hit and it drug me back. Come to find out that most of my Guildies split and made a "new" guild, before they just stopped logging in all together. I come back to a Level 1 Stronghold. Didn't care. Knew I was behind badly on Gear (I was still running most of the "Beta" Purples or Blues from Mod 6) but still played. Even spent money on a mount for my kid who is finally old enough to play.
Then, this Mod hits. I would be embarrassed about it, if I was the developer. Clearly all the funding for this module was put in the crafting system. Also, I've noticed they've become fairly quiet. Only the usual Volunteer "cheerleaders" are saying anything and even they're more quiet than normal.
This module is shameful.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
For me, this is for sure worse than mod 6. In mod 6, as I said, it was tough and be killed easily but I could play. We loss a lot of players who could not handle that but I could play. In mod 15, it is not just the new stuff is now working. It infested the old stuff too such as chest cannot be opened. New character cannot finish quest, etc. i.e. avoiding the new stuff still limits your play. I don't even care about the effect of class balancing, losing salvage, old profession because at this stage, those are kind of minor comparing with you don't know what is safe to play.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
sandu, did you read my mind few days ago when i was thinking "keystone cops?", i am really shocked and laughted, hard to believe seeing quoted right out of my mind while reading forum pages.
It is pretty obvious the majority of the effort in this mod went into the new crafting system.
If crafting is not your thing, the mod will not appeal that much to you. Peoples tastes differ.
Can't win them all.
So far, I don't have any issues with the crafting system, but they are messing with the guidelines they set down at the beginning of the game. Those on the other side of this fence, need to realize that change is inevitable and is going to happen. Imagine if you were at the casino playing poker and after playing it for 5 years and getting real good at it, the pit boss says they are changing the game to blackjack. You protest but are told, "Hey buddy, it is still a card game, and your choice. Play or leave the table." The pit boss knows that even if you leave, others will take your spot, and eventually you will return someday. So it is time to learn the new methods of the game.
Only thing is at the casino they do not go back take all your winnings from the last 5 years and leave you with 1 poker chip to start over. Wonder how much AD cyptic stole/removed from game by making valuable items from professions almost worthless?
- Class re-balance that completely screwed TR (even if only perceived, still pissed off a chunk of the player base) - Removed salvage - Not a bad move per say but not replaced with a good alternative to make hunts, etc worth doing and so completely screwed up two endgame re-playable contents - Professions rework - Mostly disliked (some like it), some very much hate it, moves something everyone could do into elite category that most now will not bother with due to the complexity. And existing players were completely screwed over with the transition and lost a lot of resources because of a crappy payout for old legacy content. The gold sink is... stupid (IMHO). The AD cost to upgrade the workshop excessive. - Heart of Fire - It is an acquired taste as far as content and humor. Some have felt insulted by it. Unlike Ravenloft, which almost everyone liked, HoF is getting mixed reviews. Personally I like that it is noob accessible but it does kinda paint an inconsistent picture for new players as it makes NW rather cartoonish. - Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. This has been one of the buggiest releases I have seen in a while - Ignored bug reports on preview - Known bugs reported in preview were not fixed before release - Missing Devs - There has been almost crickets on the forums from the devs on bugs and feedback, etc.
I would add my own opinion is... who asked for any of this? Mostly, it seems, players want new classes, races, old dungeons reworked and added back in, clean up old content, etc. Its like the devs are playing some other game then what the players are playing. Devs still have not figured out what people want to spend real money on so they create roadblocks and restrictions to try and force money out of people instead. There is more but you get the point.
Please, no more new races/classes before we get the ones we're dealing with - fixed. It would only destroy the already many internal problems and balancing issues that we're slowly trying to fix. If you are asking for new races/classes because you are bored with the selection, perhaps go and play something else like Dynasty warriors or similar where you can get many weapons, classes and stuff to do.
Anyway, the worst MOD was MOD6 not because of how hard it was, but because of the drastic changes it took to avert many players from playing altogether, including me. It's problematics and issues are still felt to this day DUE TO introduction of the classes which people invested into only to be able to beat the content. This mod effectively destroyed all previous work put into the game and made people to start fresh anew. It also completely ruined any reasonable strategic gameplay and also removed the necessity to strategize. All was reduced to tank/heal/dps, furthermore destroying regenerative and life-stealing options. This MOD made people to effectively completely lose all hope in Cryptic's development skills to the point of absolute mockery that is still going on today. The good changes happened only in MOD12-MOD13, and especially MOD13.
Whoever believes or states that MOD6 was "a good mod" has some serious cognitive issues.
MOD15 is not a terrible mod since many professions have made necklaces available to purchase and make with a reasonable effect/time put into crafting. The crafting changes are actually rather good and offer a positive way to actually do/earn something valuable. People might hate it because they can't earn AD anymore as much as they wanted.
I've sold over 10 Electrum necklaces and upgraded all my bondings to r14, bought BL13s etc. Got many +5 rings I was missing from the collection in OMU. Finally upgraded my scales after defeating Tyrant. So if you want to say how MOD15 sucks, I'm going to say - lol.
I think that people just want to be sad about something, so they chose to be sad about every single thing that happens in the game.
If your whole gaming experience lays upon being grumpy and crying about each little change in NWO, then you are doing something rather unhealthy for your life and maybe it is time to take a break from playing it. The good news is that you can always return at a later stage/age and get the pretty much same things since the changes in the game tend to exponentially favor the returnees as well as new players.
"I don't have what to do in new mod". Okay, well then go play something else. It is not like developers owe you anything... Wait for Waterdeep, instead.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
"Worst Mod yet"
Too soon to say. So far, not even close to the dumpster fire that was Mod 6. If they fix all the bugs, the new professions system has potential. So far, just a terrible launch that should have been delayed until all bugs were fixed on preview server.
Jury is still out.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
The Dev's need to comment more than they have recently on known problems and fixes other than the short lists they give. Thanksgiving has past in 2018....
I just dont understand where they are coming from with this mod, its supposed to be a leveling story line for new players, but the best part of the game is the pre elemental evil quests that a new player can play through in their own time with no repetition before the weekly grind part of the game kicks in. Theyre trying to solve a problem that doesnt exist, and introducing new players to the repetative grind before theyre hooked is likely to disuade people from staying. Then id be willing to bet the vast majority of toons thst are running this mod are already level 70, and for them its the most dull, boring and tedious content the devs have ever released. Ive paid my grinding dues with 8 toons at between 14k and 19k il, and many 000's of hours play time, but i just cant bring myself to suffer this for more than half an hour a day. The only person i know who likes this mod is my wife, who hates gaming and is extremely happy im barely logging in at the moment and getting the gardening done instead. So big thumbs up from her, but for me please never ever release such dull easy content again.
Only thing is at the casino they do not go back take all your winnings from the last 5 years and leave you with 1 poker chip to start over. Wonder how much AD cyptic stole/removed from game by making valuable items from professions almost worthless?
I fail to understand what they took away from you. AD is more bountiful in the game, assuming you play the game, each campaign has currency converted to AD. Every level up past 70 drops some amount of AD on you. Don't read me wrong, it is not without its flaws. For example, I believe the Dread Ring currency is too high or maybe the time gate on conversion too long. A player there needs to run 7 Thayan lairs to get 1000 AD but then the 7 ciphers need to be converted 1 at a time into 15 scrip. The quests give 3, a total 9 per day, and 11 or more days. You won't get rich in the Dread Ring for sure.
As for the new crafting system, they gave us new materials for old. No one took my AD it is still in the bank. I am still using up coupons there for needed materials. I still believe a lot of you are pushing it too fast, as if you want to get it done and over. The 500K commissions took me about 1 week to get 50K, I should be done there in about 9 weeks. That is assuming I continue playing at that rate. Not everything in real life or virtual games is a foot race. If you want to get back to me on what exactly they stole from you, I wouldn't mind hearing all about it.
Mod 6 was the downfall, and the game never fully recovered. I am glad they took a lot of the extra stuff out of the EE campaign. However many of the titles are gone, such as 100% completion of Ebon Downs. Several dungeons are still gone. If they ever return, it won't be the same as before the fall. I hope everyone remembers Mod 6 for a long time to come, when some new player wants to raise the level cap to 90 or 100, just tell them what we lost the last time it went from 60 to 70. Ask yourself, was the 10 extra levels really "worth it"?
I will eventually get around to fully playing the Acquisitions Incorporated content, only for the boons and the rank 14 enchantment at the end. Even though I don't watch Star Trek, they made a few comical episodes, "Trouble with Tribbles" comes to mind. But not every episode was a joke and there was a very serious side to the wheat being poisoned within that episode. This content is a bit over the top on comedy. I am happy the Cryptic kept the adult potty humor out of the game, which happens to be the cornerstone of AI from their videos on YouTube.
The only person i know who likes this mod is my wife, who hates gaming and is extremely happy im barely logging in at the moment and getting the gardening done instead. So big thumbs up from her, but for me please never ever release such dull easy content again.
Ha, I purposely tell my wife about the game just to get her reactions to "Yeah, got to dress up in a beholder tank and put on a Fez and go to a beholder convention in the underdark". The confused look on her face is worth it.
Yes. Mod15 is the worst release so far simply because Cryptic pushed out an untested and unready Module.
If the new workshop stuff was working pristinely and logically and all the AI quests were correctly calculated for acorn rewards as to not need the repeating the basement quest, then I'd probably answer no to this.
If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
I dunno. Mod 6 had power and HP creep that served no purpose and no one asked for, endlessly buggy content, erasure of enjoyable dungeons and cropping of enjoyable parts from others, eCC that probably no one did legit for weeks if not over a month, and so on. This mod has a destroyed gold economy, unwanted RNG infestation in professions, content that annoys a lot of players (I personally think the corporate d-bag personalities of AI are hilarious, and I prefer silly content to dungeons that require 4/5 support builds that most of us don't want to play and are full of awful control/instadeath/immunity mechanics). It has some of the worst "re-balancing" work ever, especially where HRs are concerned (which is saying A LOT), and addresses absolutely no longstanding player desires, which is par for the course. I say mod 6 was much worse but this is mostly yet another step in the wrong direction.
Content wise, probably yes, though the missions are funny the first time, they pale after the nth run. The boons look solid though, and the free r14 was a nice surprise.
Never been a crafter tbh. so can't comment on that.
Really like the new re-roll system for chests, and the loss of salvage, though lamentable, hasn't impacted income very much.
Pvp wise, thank god I don't have to face wall to wall TRs anymore, now it's just the ludicrously overpowered GFs I have to dodge (my k/d ratio is still negative, 1000 on each side). Though still, my HR archer's damage is improved due to the changes on the archer capstone despite the nerf to stillness of the forest. So it all equals out.
Pve wise, the introduction of the 'buff HR' - which surprisingly turned out to be very functional - finally gives my class a place in the meta for high end dungeons beyond 2nd choice for dps. So good job.
Overall, just seems a very 'light' module to be honest, but the reality turned out to be much better than the train wreck I was expecting from the preview threads.
No idea what my toon is now.
dheffernanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 216Arc User
Any tabletop group I ever GMed for in 30+ years would have killed the AcqInc characters before the first session ended.
The entire campaign is not just unfunny, but profoundly so. I'm not sure I want the boons this badly either. This is garbage.
I can congratulate the devs with having created the first campaign in this game I'm not even going to play through once. Nope, not even for the boons. I'd rather be without. I've done the story up to and including the egg gathering missions and I'm so bored with the story and aggravated with the NPCs that I'm simply not going to bother with the rest of it. It has absolutely nothing to commend itself to me. Both SKT and Cloaked Ascendancy had something - interesting story, beautiful landscapes and settings - no matter how tedious the grind could be. And at least the NPCs did not consistently get on my nerves and made me want to commit first degree murder. I mean, as Walnut points out am a murderer, I would love to include these HAMSTER on my growing list of victims.
@Venture-1@Venture from City of Heroes if you remember that far back. Yes, *that* Venture. Yes, I probably trashed your MA arc. For me it was Tuesday.
I can congratulate the devs with having created the first campaign in this game I'm not even going to play through once. Nope, not even for the boons. I'd rather be without. I've done the story up to and including the egg gathering missions and I'm so bored with the story and aggravated with the NPCs that I'm simply not going to bother with the rest of it. It has absolutely nothing to commend itself to me. Both SKT and Cloaked Ascendancy had something - interesting story, beautiful landscapes and settings - no matter how tedious the grind could be. And at least the NPCs did not consistently get on my nerves and made me want to commit first degree murder. I mean, as Walnut points out am a murderer, I would love to include these HAMSTER on my growing list of victims.
Lol. I actually revisited this campaign once to show to a friend I used to play D&D with before real life made all of us too busy for regular scheduled sessions. I asked her if we wouldn't have murdered these HAMSTER within the first session. Her answer? "No. We would have ruined their reputation. Had them stripped of all wealth and assets (pocketing a goodly amount for ourselves). Have them run out of town. And then we would have killed them." She was so right.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Hell half of these quests and characters feel like they were made by people without any knowledge of the DnD world.
Why is there a gathering of beholders that get along with each other? Beholders are compulsive paranoid narcissists.
I'm Now looking forward to MOD 15 (a),(b) or (c) or possibly 16... hopefully they've run out of bad ideas by now and we might actually get something better - or at least not as bad.
I didn't sign into Neverwinter to spend the majority of my time being merchant and what time left over playing the game, so needless to say I'm not happy with MOD 15 specifically because of all the time a player has to dedicate to professions just to get it off the ground.
dheffernanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 216Arc User
Hell half of these quests and characters feel like they were made by people without any knowledge of the DnD world.
Why is there a gathering of beholders that get along with each other? Beholders are compulsive paranoid narcissists.
Why can everyone see how bad your Beholder disguise is except THE BEINGS MADE OUT OF EYES? Did someone actually think this was funny?
Post edited by dheffernan on
@Venture-1@Venture from City of Heroes if you remember that far back. Yes, *that* Venture. Yes, I probably trashed your MA arc. For me it was Tuesday.
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
I agree that this mod is a skeleton in terms of content. Some few good things were done, like the autoloot feature and the removal of salvage, it drastically cut the "playtime" on useless features. Something similar should be done about Invoking as well, it seems to be there only for bots to abuse (I gave up on Invoking a long time ago). Also, most outdated purple equipments (elven, ostorian, ecc...) should be converted into either pure RP, equipment voucher for stronghold or a mix of both. No reason to bloat the inventory with that nonsense. Green gear and Identify scrolls should be removed from the game as well, and monsters should give straight +RP. There's just too much trash, it seems to be just a way to force you to get the runic bags. Random blue gear could stay as drop, but already identified.
In terms of content, the game could really use a Sigil Expansion. Two new campaigns: Out of Darkness and Into The Light by Monte Cook would be a great start. It would also greatly enhanced the variety of characters to interact with.
In terms of content it´s bad. In terms of classbalance (dpsGF excludet in PVE and PVP), ability to gear a char with low costs etc , it´s the best mod since long. Professions are accepted by most player. AD/rp can be farmed by running content > standing in PE and invoking or farming Barovian hunts. I earn more AD doing dailies and Dungeons than in mod 14 in the same time, and that´s a game about, play content > playing AH or standing in a workshop imo. I got rid of gear trading between chars (annoying) I got rid of invoking through 8 chars, it is not necessary any more. I run low level dungeon with my alts to get AD reward, a positive aspect to me personally. In terms of QoL it´s better than many mods before.
By now, Elemental Evil has had 2 major revamps to make it more friendly to players and many old players still shiver when they hear the name.
Here are some examples of why Mod 6 was bad when it launched: - Many dungeons went away, leaving only Malabog, Valindra, Temple of the Spider, Cragmire, Grey Wolf, and Lostmauth. - An armor bug made even the squishiest of enemies oneshot players. This bug took months to acknowledge and fix. - Six times more experience was needed to go from lvl 60 to 70 than it took to reach lvl 60. - Old gear became garbage overnight, unless you had High Prophet, High Vizier, or Knight Captain. - If you didn't have those armor sets, you would never attain them and some groups wouldn't take somebody without one. - Each EE zone had many more fetch quests than now. All of them had lower drop rates for quest items and higher quotas. No boons, either.
Anyway, I don't really have any gripes about Heart of Fire, except having to repeat the basement quest 10 times on my alt and now waiting an hour between. Since this is the campaign that most new players experience first, I don't think that design choice gives the best impression of the game overall. It's definitely a callback to Elemental Evil.
Instead of simplifying crafting, they made it much more convoluted, time-consuming, and expensive. AND opened the door to gold farmers. Gold should just be removed from the game, remove the cost for slotting/unslotting enhancements already.
They killed the bavoria zone and its hunts, which people really seemed to enjoy, by removing salvage. Very bad move.
Then they introduce a bug-ridden campaign, with annoying sophomoric humor, which I cant wait to complete so I can forget it.
It's garbage. Actually calling it garbage seems generous. After 5 years I've all but stopped playing - still doing guild stuff so I don't become inactive there, but the campaign quests are childish, grindy, big-riddled and tonally out of place with the rest of the game and worse the rewards for doing these lousy quests are so paltry they're not worth doing. Yeah, the boons would be nice but I'm f-ed if I'm going to log in every day to do these crappy quests over, and over, and over. I think most of us have better things to do, right?
Oh, and they've completely destroyed professions which I personally had put a lot of time and AD into on my main toon. I mean they've thrown everyone's progress and investment in that part of the game away for a convoluted system with absymal rewards. . . .there's just less and less incentive to play this game.
Also why the hell did they make everything autoloot now so that you have to keep stopping and emptying your inventory because it's filled up with green items and useless junk?
So far, I don't have any issues with the crafting system, but they are messing with the guidelines they set down at the beginning of the game. Those on the other side of this fence, need to realize that change is inevitable and is going to happen. Imagine if you were at the casino playing poker and after playing it for 5 years and getting real good at it, the pit boss says they are changing the game to blackjack. You protest but are told, "Hey buddy, it is still a card game, and your choice. Play or leave the table." The pit boss knows that even if you leave, others will take your spot, and eventually you will return someday. So it is time to learn the new methods of the game.
As for content, I want the developers and Penny Arcade to understand, I don't hate it. It is akin to having the Keystone Cops added to a season of CSI, NCIS, or Criminal Minds. I personally don't mind something silly happening within a serious adventure, but continuous slapstick antics are bit too much for my taste. Again someone needs to do "market research" and then you would realize what a bad idea it was to ham fist this into the game. I really loved the work done on Ravenloft and even with the initial bugs at start up, M14 remains my favorite of all.
In my humble view this mod 15 is the worst.
Then, Ravenloft hit and it drug me back. Come to find out that most of my Guildies split and made a "new" guild, before they just stopped logging in all together. I come back to a Level 1 Stronghold. Didn't care. Knew I was behind badly on Gear (I was still running most of the "Beta" Purples or Blues from Mod 6) but still played. Even spent money on a mount for my kid who is finally old enough to play.
Then, this Mod hits. I would be embarrassed about it, if I was the developer. Clearly all the funding for this module was put in the crafting system. Also, I've noticed they've become fairly quiet. Only the usual Volunteer "cheerleaders" are saying anything and even they're more quiet than normal.
This module is shameful.
Wonder how much AD cyptic stole/removed from game by making valuable items from professions almost worthless?
- Class re-balance that completely screwed TR (even if only perceived, still pissed off a chunk of the player base)
- Removed salvage - Not a bad move per say but not replaced with a good alternative to make hunts, etc worth doing and so completely screwed up two endgame re-playable contents
- Professions rework - Mostly disliked (some like it), some very much hate it, moves something everyone could do into elite category that most now will not bother with due to the complexity. And existing players were completely screwed over with the transition and lost a lot of resources because of a crappy payout for old legacy content. The gold sink is... stupid (IMHO). The AD cost to upgrade the workshop excessive.
- Heart of Fire - It is an acquired taste as far as content and humor. Some have felt insulted by it. Unlike Ravenloft, which almost everyone liked, HoF is getting mixed reviews. Personally I like that it is noob accessible but it does kinda paint an inconsistent picture for new players as it makes NW rather cartoonish.
- Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. This has been one of the buggiest releases I have seen in a while
- Ignored bug reports on preview - Known bugs reported in preview were not fixed before release
- Missing Devs - There has been almost crickets on the forums from the devs on bugs and feedback, etc.
I would add my own opinion is... who asked for any of this? Mostly, it seems, players want new classes, races, old dungeons reworked and added back in, clean up old content, etc. Its like the devs are playing some other game then what the players are playing. Devs still have not figured out what people want to spend real money on so they create roadblocks and restrictions to try and force money out of people instead. There is more but you get the point.
Anyway, the worst MOD was MOD6 not because of how hard it was, but because of the drastic changes it took to avert many players from playing altogether, including me. It's problematics and issues are still felt to this day DUE TO introduction of the classes which people invested into only to be able to beat the content. This mod effectively destroyed all previous work put into the game and made people to start fresh anew. It also completely ruined any reasonable strategic gameplay and also removed the necessity to strategize. All was reduced to tank/heal/dps, furthermore destroying regenerative and life-stealing options. This MOD made people to effectively completely lose all hope in Cryptic's development skills to the point of absolute mockery that is still going on today. The good changes happened only in MOD12-MOD13, and especially MOD13.
Whoever believes or states that MOD6 was "a good mod" has some serious cognitive issues.
MOD15 is not a terrible mod since many professions have made necklaces available to purchase and make with a reasonable effect/time put into crafting. The crafting changes are actually rather good and offer a positive way to actually do/earn something valuable. People might hate it because they can't earn AD anymore as much as they wanted.
I've sold over 10 Electrum necklaces and upgraded all my bondings to r14, bought BL13s etc. Got many +5 rings I was missing from the collection in OMU. Finally upgraded my scales after defeating Tyrant.
So if you want to say how MOD15 sucks, I'm going to say - lol.
I think that people just want to be sad about something, so they chose to be sad about every single thing that happens in the game.
If your whole gaming experience lays upon being grumpy and crying about each little change in NWO, then you are doing something rather unhealthy for your life and maybe it is time to take a break from playing it. The good news is that you can always return at a later stage/age and get the pretty much same things since the changes in the game tend to exponentially favor the returnees as well as new players.
"I don't have what to do in new mod". Okay, well then go play something else. It is not like developers owe you anything... Wait for Waterdeep, instead.
Too soon to say.
So far, not even close to the dumpster fire that was Mod 6.
If they fix all the bugs, the new professions system has potential.
So far, just a terrible launch that should have been delayed until all bugs were fixed on preview server.
Jury is still out.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Then id be willing to bet the vast majority of toons thst are running this mod are already level 70, and for them its the most dull, boring and tedious content the devs have ever released. Ive paid my grinding dues with 8 toons at between 14k and 19k il, and many 000's of hours play time, but i just cant bring myself to suffer this for more than half an hour a day.
The only person i know who likes this mod is my wife, who hates gaming and is extremely happy im barely logging in at the moment and getting the gardening done instead. So big thumbs up from her, but for me please never ever release such dull easy content again.
As for the new crafting system, they gave us new materials for old. No one took my AD it is still in the bank. I am still using up coupons there for needed materials. I still believe a lot of you are pushing it too fast, as if you want to get it done and over. The 500K commissions took me about 1 week to get 50K, I should be done there in about 9 weeks. That is assuming I continue playing at that rate. Not everything in real life or virtual games is a foot race. If you want to get back to me on what exactly they stole from you, I wouldn't mind hearing all about it.
Mod 6 was the downfall, and the game never fully recovered. I am glad they took a lot of the extra stuff out of the EE campaign. However many of the titles are gone, such as 100% completion of Ebon Downs. Several dungeons are still gone. If they ever return, it won't be the same as before the fall. I hope everyone remembers Mod 6 for a long time to come, when some new player wants to raise the level cap to 90 or 100, just tell them what we lost the last time it went from 60 to 70. Ask yourself, was the 10 extra levels really "worth it"?
I will eventually get around to fully playing the Acquisitions Incorporated content, only for the boons and the rank 14 enchantment at the end. Even though I don't watch Star Trek, they made a few comical episodes, "Trouble with Tribbles" comes to mind. But not every episode was a joke and there was a very serious side to the wheat being poisoned within that episode. This content is a bit over the top on comedy. I am happy the Cryptic kept the adult potty humor out of the game, which happens to be the cornerstone of AI from their videos on YouTube.
If the new workshop stuff was working pristinely and logically and all the AI quests were correctly calculated for acorn rewards as to not need the repeating the basement quest, then I'd probably answer no to this.
Never been a crafter tbh. so can't comment on that.
Really like the new re-roll system for chests, and the loss of salvage, though lamentable, hasn't impacted income very much.
Pvp wise, thank god I don't have to face wall to wall TRs anymore, now it's just the ludicrously overpowered GFs I have to dodge (my k/d ratio is still negative, 1000 on each side). Though still, my HR archer's damage is improved due to the changes on the archer capstone despite the nerf to stillness of the forest. So it all equals out.
Pve wise, the introduction of the 'buff HR' - which surprisingly turned out to be very functional - finally gives my class a place in the meta for high end dungeons beyond 2nd choice for dps. So good job.
Overall, just seems a very 'light' module to be honest, but the reality turned out to be much better than the train wreck I was expecting from the preview threads.
The entire campaign is not just unfunny, but profoundly so. I'm not sure I want the boons this badly either. This is garbage.
Her answer?
"No. We would have ruined their reputation. Had them stripped of all wealth and assets (pocketing a goodly amount for ourselves). Have them run out of town. And then we would have killed them."
She was so right.
Why is there a gathering of beholders that get along with each other? Beholders are compulsive paranoid narcissists.
I didn't sign into Neverwinter to spend the majority of my time being merchant and what time left over playing the game, so needless to say I'm not happy with MOD 15 specifically because of all the time a player has to dedicate to professions just to get it off the ground.
Some few good things were done, like the autoloot feature and the removal of salvage, it drastically cut the "playtime" on useless features. Something similar should be done about Invoking as well, it seems to be there only for bots to abuse (I gave up on Invoking a long time ago).
Also, most outdated purple equipments (elven, ostorian, ecc...) should be converted into either pure RP, equipment voucher for stronghold or a mix of both. No reason to bloat the inventory with that nonsense.
Green gear and Identify scrolls should be removed from the game as well, and monsters should give straight +RP. There's just too much trash, it seems to be just a way to force you to get the runic bags.
Random blue gear could stay as drop, but already identified.
In terms of content, the game could really use a Sigil Expansion.
Two new campaigns: Out of Darkness and Into The Light by Monte Cook would be a great start.
It would also greatly enhanced the variety of characters to interact with.
One can only hope.
In terms of classbalance (dpsGF excludet in PVE and PVP), ability to gear a char with low costs etc , it´s the best mod since long.
Professions are accepted by most player.
AD/rp can be farmed by running content > standing in PE and invoking or farming Barovian hunts.
I earn more AD doing dailies and Dungeons than in mod 14 in the same time, and that´s a game about, play content > playing AH or standing in a workshop imo.
I got rid of gear trading between chars (annoying)
I got rid of invoking through 8 chars, it is not necessary any more.
I run low level dungeon with my alts to get AD reward, a positive aspect to me personally.
In terms of QoL it´s better than many mods before.
Here are some examples of why Mod 6 was bad when it launched:
- Many dungeons went away, leaving only Malabog, Valindra, Temple of the Spider, Cragmire, Grey Wolf, and Lostmauth.
- An armor bug made even the squishiest of enemies oneshot players. This bug took months to acknowledge and fix.
- Six times more experience was needed to go from lvl 60 to 70 than it took to reach lvl 60.
- Old gear became garbage overnight, unless you had High Prophet, High Vizier, or Knight Captain.
- If you didn't have those armor sets, you would never attain them and some groups wouldn't take somebody without one.
- Each EE zone had many more fetch quests than now. All of them had lower drop rates for quest items and higher quotas. No boons, either.
Anyway, I don't really have any gripes about Heart of Fire, except having to repeat the basement quest 10 times on my alt and now waiting an hour between. Since this is the campaign that most new players experience first, I don't think that design choice gives the best impression of the game overall. It's definitely a callback to Elemental Evil.
Instead of simplifying crafting, they made it much more convoluted, time-consuming, and expensive. AND opened the door to gold farmers. Gold should just be removed from the game, remove the cost for slotting/unslotting enhancements already.
They killed the bavoria zone and its hunts, which people really seemed to enjoy, by removing salvage. Very bad move.
Then they introduce a bug-ridden campaign, with annoying sophomoric humor, which I cant wait to complete so I can forget it.
Oh, and they've completely destroyed professions which I personally had put a lot of time and AD into on my main toon. I mean they've thrown everyone's progress and investment in that part of the game away for a convoluted system with absymal rewards. . . .there's just less and less incentive to play this game.
Seriously - aren't games supposed to be fun?
Whose bright idea was that?