Greetings Adventurers! As promised in the stream, here is a separate thread to discuss the new recruitment event! Please leave your launch week questions and concerns regarding this event in this thread!
can we get some clarification. what level of new are we talking. if I have some level 20 characters do they not qualify? if I delete them and start over with them they qualify then? does it matter how quickly I level up a character for the rewards? do I have to be a certain level when I do a certain task for it to count or can I load er up with exp scrolls and still get the benefits? it's four characters per account that you can do correct?
Not much of an event for those of us already with one of everything. It would be nice if we could get the rewards for just one of our existing characters. This would have been a much better event if you had actually introduced a new class.
Not much of an event for those of us already with one of everything. It would be nice if we could get the rewards for just one of our existing characters. This would have been a much better event if you had actually introduced a new class.
Are there other methods for getting Incentives apart from the level up box and AI Campaign tasks? If so, could you please tell us where can we obtain more?
Tool tips say many leveling items are BTA, are actually BTC (looks like dev post has been edited to note this).
Currency is limited "to account" but counted and bound "per character", sure you don't want 4x power levels, but the down side is someone ditching a char with 3 tokens when it is implied in some posting to be account currency
So am I understanding that Neverember Incentives are capped at 200 per account?
If so, why is that not mentioned in the news article?
I had just the day before this news came out decided to start fresh with a new main. Yeah, I was throwing some stuff away that I may well never get back, but there were things that had happened that had left me unsatisfied with my old main.
So for me? It was easy to stop and reroll when the event went live.
However, with the bugs in Neverdeath and no patch notes announcing a fix in sight, I was thinking that maybe this weekend I would roll a second new toon and see how that worked out.
Fortunately I saw some posters here mention the account limit on incentives. While I may be fine with making another new character and seeing what happens, I am not fine with an unannounced account limit on those incentives and me splitting them unintentionally.
Now I feel forced to get every incentive point that I can on the one toon before I try to start a second toon to collect the adventurer's box rewards for them. And that means dealing with broken missions in Neverdeath.
Anyone know that if I just skip the Neverdeath missions for now will that cause problems with other things?
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
I topped out this morning , you need to do 4 toons to lvl 59.
You actually need like 3.5 toons or something, as you only get 35 on the last toon.
Its not the matter of the amount you do, its more of , how little you get incentive wise and the cap. Eventually I would run out of tomes to use and I would have to actually level a toon, which would be very boring , even with guild boon and Silveries on tap to run with them.
I leveled enough toons.. I have like 12 70s, and I did those via questing or pvping at the time.
Rest of my toons are like lvl 25 or something, because frankly I cant stand invoking them ore then once a day.
its a bit of a slap in the old face, that my "old" toons cant have a free runic bag apiece, just because ..
How about you allow 5 free runic bags as "oldie" compensation at the reward vendor, this would be nice, I mean ideally I would like one for every toon Ive made, but I can live with that.
ITs not our fault we played your game from the start and paid you into the hundreds if not thousands of dollars.. jeepers.
Problem three days in a row with Doomguide's Duty and today Clockwork Guild Tomb. Lots of space in inventory bags but when I go to collect the "3-Quartz" in the chest at the end an error message pops up saying "inventory is full" and cannot exit the Clockwork tomb quest until the chest reward is claimed.
UPDATE: Add Crypts of Kelevomr in Ebon Downs to that list...Also 3-Quartz in final chest and also cannot leave the crypt without collecting reward unless leaving by the way a player entered the crypt.
Add Xin'kar Enclave quest in Vellosk to that list as well.
And in the case of the Crypts of Kelevmor, and Xin'kar Enclave, if you can't complete these quests, you can't progress any farther in these areas.
Go to turn in a Request for GM Help and get a popup saying to check the Forum or Official Wiki. When clicking on the provided link instead of being sent to a specific forum or wiki page that addresses the issue the player is sent to the generic main page for the forum and wiki... that's not a lot of help.
So far it seems any endgame chests with 3-quartz in them seem to be bugged.
As I remember 3-Quartz was not the previous reward for these quests so maybe in changing the rewards in the chests, something glitched.
Really difficult to level up a new character, particularly for new players when there are so many main quests bugged and not able to be completed.
Hi all, sorry if i'm out of argument, but i didn't remember where to find the boss fight in the circle arena, that makes u fight only bosses like remoraiz, ogre and other Bosses. Can u help me, plis? ty
I topped out this morning , you need to do 4 toons to lvl 59.
How about you allow 5 free runic bags as "oldie" compensation at the reward vendor, this would be nice, I mean ideally I would like one for every toon Ive made, but I can live with that.
ITs not our fault we played your game from the start and paid you into the hundreds if not thousands of dollars.. jeepers.
See this is why we can't make reasonable complaints, 5 free runic bags haha you are a joke, the event only gives 3 if you make 2 characters at level 1, level them both to 60 and hit your weekly cap and finish aqusitions incorporated during the remaining 52 days...
Yes the event is dumb, Yes I am disappointing, No you should not ask for double and a half the event rewards because you dont want to do the event....
Clarification, for those that don't know, you get like 55 incentives from boxes 1-60 while leveling, along with some other HAMSTER that is character bound... (one character bound runic bag), you then get the remaining 45 by completing the boring task of doing the ai campaign every week until the end of the event, there is a cap of 200 incentives per account, the only way to get the most runic bags out of the account is to make 2 characters right now, level them to 60, and do the ai weekly and not miss any weekly caps.
Also if you happen to split your tokens, just trade for companion upgrade tokens, they are equivalent value, meaning you get roughly 1.8 mil ad (pc) from the event if you trade in for those things... the other trade ins are a trap...
Problem three days in a row with Doomguide's Duty and today Clockwork Guild Tomb. Lots of space in inventory bags but when I go to collect the "3-Quartz" in the chest at the end an error message pops up saying "inventory is full" and cannot exit the Clockwork tomb quest until the chest reward is claimed.
UPDATE: Add Crypts of Kelevomr in Ebon Downs to that list...Also 3-Quartz in final chest and also cannot leave the crypt without collecting reward unless leaving by the way a player entered the crypt.
Add Xin'kar Enclave quest in Vellosk to that list as well.
And in the case of the Crypts of Kelevmor, and Xin'kar Enclave, if you can't complete these quests, you can't progress any farther in these areas.
Go to turn in a Request for GM Help and get a popup saying to check the Forum or Official Wiki. When clicking on the provided link instead of being sent to a specific forum or wiki page that addresses the issue the player is sent to the generic main page for the forum and wiki... that's not a lot of help.
So far it seems any endgame chests with 3-quartz in them seem to be bugged.
As I remember 3-Quartz was not the previous reward for these quests so maybe in changing the rewards in the chests, something glitched.
Really difficult to level up a new character, particularly for new players when there are so many main quests bugged and not able to be completed.
My new toon's "Inventory Full/ 3x Quartz" chest bug started with Doomguide's Duty and NEVER ENDED. Every single time I had to claim a reward chest to complete a story quest, it was Quartz and bugged. ALL the way through Whispering Caverns and even EE, Ghost Stories daily, Well of Dragons lair quests.....
I was only irritated at first. By the time I had skipped over almost every story arc and still hadn't heard anything from official channels about it, well, disgusted at this point. Pretty serious, game breaking bug considering the weekend 2x XP and Recruitment event.
If anyone knows of a dev post about an incoming fix or at LEAST acknowledging this issue please share!
This appeared in another thread, but worth mentioning here...
If you open the info window on the Neverember Recruitment Event from the home page it lists what you can get.
Problem is, that list just shows the normal C-Store versions of those items.
In other words, if you mouse over the Barbarian Shaman it tells you that it is BoE and transferrable to other players. If you mouse over the Runic Bag of Holding it tells you that it is BtA on pick-up and BOE.
But they are not. Everything is BoP.
I understand fully that the purpose of the event is not to have players run through it to get a bunch of good stuff to give to alts or sell to others, but the info that players see should reflect what they can get from the event, not what they would get if they bought the rewards directly from the C-Store.
I topped out this morning , you need to do 4 toons to lvl 59.
How about you allow 5 free runic bags as "oldie" compensation at the reward vendor, this would be nice, I mean ideally I would like one for every toon Ive made, but I can live with that.
ITs not our fault we played your game from the start and paid you into the hundreds if not thousands of dollars.. jeepers.
See this is why we can't make reasonable complaints, 5 free runic bags haha you are a joke, the event only gives 3 if you make 2 characters at level 1, level them both to 60 and hit your weekly cap and finish aqusitions incorporated during the remaining 52 days...
Yes the event is dumb, Yes I am disappointing, No you should not ask for double and a half the event rewards because you dont want to do the event....
Clarification, for those that don't know, you get like 55 incentives from boxes 1-60 while leveling, along with some other HAMSTER that is character bound... (one character bound runic bag), you then get the remaining 45 by completing the boring task of doing the ai campaign every week until the end of the event, there is a cap of 200 incentives per account, the only way to get the most runic bags out of the account is to make 2 characters right now, level them to 60, and do the ai weekly and not miss any weekly caps.
Also if you happen to split your tokens, just trade for companion upgrade tokens, they are equivalent value, meaning you get roughly 1.8 mil ad (pc) from the event if you trade in for those things... the other trade ins are a trap...
You get a free runic bag with the lvl 52 reward bag, I made 4 toons to 59, to get comp tokens, not the grind bags.
To be fair, its a big tongue in cheek, while I do not say it has "no" value, those "new" toons are nothing but storage alts now. I would much prefer teh ability to have those runic bags on at least toons I run weeklies with if nothing else. These never to be played toons, now have a dragon hoard, a runic, and a 24 and 12 bag..
I do not need more storage space on alts anymore.. as leadership is gone, I will never need all the slots I have avialabe as it is.
So yes, while It ":might" seem to be ridiculous request per se, the real issue here, is its basically a BTC issue, they always have had BTC issues. If they just allowed me to move those runic's around to where I personally want them on my own account, I wouldve been much happier.
They spend too much calories limiting players.
not enough thinking of ways that would make us happy =P ..
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
The event is more aimed at new players, rather than hardcore end-game players that have been playing since day 1. Nothing wrong with that, but the players that have been playing for years aren't happy with it, for understandable reasons.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
So if the max incentives is 200 per account and a character can only get 55, how can you buy a runic bag off the store? How do I share these incentives across my account to combine them? Is this even possible? The game has become very alt unfriendly and i don't want to feel like i'm saddled with toons i don't want.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
Greetings Adventurers! As promised in the stream, here is a separate thread to discuss the new recruitment event! Please leave your launch week questions and concerns regarding this event in this thread!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
Well, it is not nothing for me. I plan to add 2 more new character to cover the last 2 classes I did not play. Yes, I have a few level 70 for that 2 classes but I did not play them. This gives me the opportunity and incentives to do so.
There are both positive incentive and negative incentive. The positive one is those recruitment rewards. The negative one is the game is so buggy that I don't want to do too much about my matured characters until the game is more reasonable. This fills my time gap.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
To get two account-bound runic bags, you need to level 2 characters to 59 to maximize leveling incentives, then also complete the entire AI campaign on both characters. This will earn you 100 on each. If you earn incentives on more than 2 characters, then you will never get two runic bags because of the 200 max limit.
This isn’t aimed at exiting players so if that isn’t you, don’t bother feeling slighted because you are not the target audience. If you have open slots or want to buy some, all the better.
The only fail here is, really, the poor communication from Cryptic on the details - nothing new there. The actual event is just fine.
in other post, mine new alt got stop at 65, also agreed with Kvet, poor communications from devs just plainly make so much confusions, frustrations, and not talking with players on this home forum, some others players hates going to facebook or tweet sites. Home page is right here!
Maxing the incentives is linked to finishing HOF campaign. You took great care to fail at making HOF an enjoyable experience - the initial week was bugged, caps for the first weeks were too low anyway, so anyone starting now, 40+ days until the end of the event, will be unable to finish the campaign.
Edit: my new character started HOF at L15, it is stuck now at 40/100 without any mission left to progress. Basement mission is not available and even if it was, doing it 12 times (!) in a row to gain those missing 60 acorns still will not allow to unlock the next step (Retrieval Operation). That would require 100 acorns and I would have only 90 (10 were consumed in the first step of the campaign). So...Consultant Pack at 7500 ZEN for 100 acorns and 5 coals? naaah
You stuck there because you were L15. If you were L25, you could move forward like your other toons.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Tool tips say many leveling items are BTA, are actually BTC (looks like dev post has been edited to note this).
Currency is limited "to account" but counted and bound "per character", sure you don't want 4x power levels, but the down side is someone ditching a char with 3 tokens when it is implied in some posting to be account currency
If so, why is that not mentioned in the news article?
I had just the day before this news came out decided to start fresh with a new main. Yeah, I was throwing some stuff away that I may well never get back, but there were things that had happened that had left me unsatisfied with my old main.
So for me? It was easy to stop and reroll when the event went live.
However, with the bugs in Neverdeath and no patch notes announcing a fix in sight, I was thinking that maybe this weekend I would roll a second new toon and see how that worked out.
Fortunately I saw some posters here mention the account limit on incentives. While I may be fine with making another new character and seeing what happens, I am not fine with an unannounced account limit on those incentives and me splitting them unintentionally.
Now I feel forced to get every incentive point that I can on the one toon before I try to start a second toon to collect the adventurer's box rewards for them.
And that means dealing with broken missions in Neverdeath.
Anyone know that if I just skip the Neverdeath missions for now will that cause problems with other things?
You actually need like 3.5 toons or something, as you only get 35 on the last toon.
Its not the matter of the amount you do, its more of , how little you get incentive wise and the cap. Eventually I would run out of tomes to use and I would have to actually level a toon, which would be very boring , even with guild boon and Silveries on tap to run with them.
I leveled enough toons.. I have like 12 70s, and I did those via questing or pvping at the time.
Rest of my toons are like lvl 25 or something, because frankly I cant stand invoking them ore then once a day.
its a bit of a slap in the old face, that my "old" toons cant have a free runic bag apiece, just because ..
How about you allow 5 free runic bags as "oldie" compensation at the reward vendor, this would be nice, I mean ideally I would like one for every toon Ive made, but I can live with that.
ITs not our fault we played your game from the start and paid you into the hundreds if not thousands of dollars.. jeepers.
UPDATE: Add Crypts of Kelevomr in Ebon Downs to that list...Also 3-Quartz in final chest and also cannot leave the crypt without collecting reward unless leaving by the way a player entered the crypt.
Add Xin'kar Enclave quest in Vellosk to that list as well.
And in the case of the Crypts of Kelevmor, and Xin'kar Enclave, if you can't complete these quests, you can't progress any farther in these areas.
Go to turn in a Request for GM Help and get a popup saying to check the Forum or Official Wiki. When clicking on the provided link instead of being sent to a specific forum or wiki page that addresses the issue the player is sent to the generic main page for the forum and wiki... that's not a lot of help.
So far it seems any endgame chests with 3-quartz in them seem to be bugged.
As I remember 3-Quartz was not the previous reward for these quests so maybe in changing the rewards in the chests, something glitched.
Really difficult to level up a new character, particularly for new players when there are so many main quests bugged and not able to be completed.
Can u help me, plis?
See this is why we can't make reasonable complaints, 5 free runic bags haha you are a joke, the event only gives 3 if you make 2 characters at level 1, level them both to 60 and hit your weekly cap and finish aqusitions incorporated during the remaining 52 days...
Yes the event is dumb, Yes I am disappointing, No you should not ask for double and a half the event rewards because you dont want to do the event....
Clarification, for those that don't know, you get like 55 incentives from boxes 1-60 while leveling, along with some other HAMSTER that is character bound... (one character bound runic bag), you then get the remaining 45 by completing the boring task of doing the ai campaign every week until the end of the event, there is a cap of 200 incentives per account, the only way to get the most runic bags out of the account is to make 2 characters right now, level them to 60, and do the ai weekly and not miss any weekly caps.
Also if you happen to split your tokens, just trade for companion upgrade tokens, they are equivalent value, meaning you get roughly 1.8 mil ad (pc) from the event if you trade in for those things... the other trade ins are a trap...
My new toon's "Inventory Full/ 3x Quartz" chest bug started with Doomguide's Duty and NEVER ENDED. Every single time I had to claim a reward chest to complete a story quest, it was Quartz and bugged. ALL the way through Whispering Caverns and even EE, Ghost Stories daily, Well of Dragons lair quests.....
I was only irritated at first. By the time I had skipped over almost every story arc and still hadn't heard anything from official channels about it, well, disgusted at this point. Pretty serious, game breaking bug considering the weekend 2x XP and Recruitment event.
If anyone knows of a dev post about an incoming fix or at LEAST acknowledging this issue please share!
If you open the info window on the Neverember Recruitment Event from the home page it lists what you can get.
Problem is, that list just shows the normal C-Store versions of those items.
In other words, if you mouse over the Barbarian Shaman it tells you that it is BoE and transferrable to other players.
If you mouse over the Runic Bag of Holding it tells you that it is BtA on pick-up and BOE.
But they are not. Everything is BoP.
I understand fully that the purpose of the event is not to have players run through it to get a bunch of good stuff to give to alts or sell to others, but the info that players see should reflect what they can get from the event, not what they would get if they bought the rewards directly from the C-Store.
Starks Alliance
To be fair, its a big tongue in cheek, while I do not say it has "no" value, those "new" toons are nothing but storage alts now. I would much prefer teh ability to have those runic bags on at least toons I run weeklies with if nothing else. These never to be played toons, now have a dragon hoard, a runic, and a 24 and 12 bag..
I do not need more storage space on alts anymore.. as leadership is gone, I will never need all the slots I have avialabe as it is.
So yes, while It ":might" seem to be ridiculous request per se, the real issue here, is its basically a BTC issue, they always have had BTC issues. If they just allowed me to move those runic's around to where I personally want them on my own account, I wouldve been much happier.
They spend too much calories limiting players.
not enough thinking of ways that would make us happy =P ..
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
There are both positive incentive and negative incentive. The positive one is those recruitment rewards. The negative one is the game is so buggy that I don't want to do too much about my matured characters until the game is more reasonable. This fills my time gap.
This isn’t aimed at exiting players so if that isn’t you, don’t bother feeling slighted because you are not the target audience. If you have open slots or want to buy some, all the better.
The only fail here is, really, the poor communication from Cryptic on the details - nothing new there. The actual event is just fine.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance