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A Player Housing Request Thread!



  • cbob312cbob312 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I'd like some options, like a wizard tower or a ship or air ship.
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User

    > @joshrandhall said:

    > the only ones I continually invest in are those that have housing:

    > * UO (Pre feliuica and post Trammel)


    > * Vanguard


    > * EQII


    > * SOTA



    > I've stayed with Vanguard right up to lights out.

    These 4 games have not only housing in common but also empty servers.

    Uo isnt dead by a long way, but it is very much on its knees begging for help.

    I cant speak for EQ2 or Vanguard.

    SOTA is very new and when I played it there was loads of players online.

    On topic - this thread goes back to Sept 2015, nearly three years ago. I guess if this was on the dev's minds they would have done something about it right @nitocris83 ?

    Its an obvious pay to add on feature that would be a no-brainer to develop, especially with the HUGE player base on console. Its not even a risk.
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  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    I have recently seen some wooden constructions around that one home in PE between Bazaar and Auction place.
    Unless it's somehow related to something I'm not familiar with at all, it looks to me like a nod that something is cooking!
    And what's cooking is that such a place might be the new player house!

    I have mentioned it to my wife, and she was absolutely amazed by the concept! If this turns out to be true it'd make us very happy to be a part of such virtual world. o:)o:):D

    Here's hoping that it becomes something as introductions and new features are always welcomed in my opinion, especially when they are post MOD13 stuff.
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • xdrecqxdrecq Member Posts: 8 New User
    I think that player housing in this game is WAY OVERDUE there are other games out there that already offer player housing as an incentive to get players to join. I think as mentioned above though there could be the down side of "rent". This is not Second Life and the idea of having to pay for "Prims" and "rent" is a bit of a pain especially when players already pay for Zen. I think a house would be a nice addition though in maybe the Guild Stronghold.
    Drecq Lexenstar, Lvl. 70, Great Weapons Fighter (Human)
    Barthalomire, Lvl. 62, Paladin (Half-Orc)
    Sylfre Nordan, Lvl. 70, Guardian Fighter (Half-Elf)
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    when Eq2 added prestige homes that is 'rent free' since it was already paid, older homes still do cost the rent dues and players began to abandoning rental fee in favors of rent free prestige homes because ot is too tedious to keep up the dues and got fed up just like i gave up manors in Asheron's call and within few months WB forced to shut it down.
    paying upkeep is pure hassle and it is unpopular format.
    EQ2 did the right moves, but i didnt go back since NWO launched, and i really love ESO's housing format, it is right direction for market team and players are happy.
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    If Neverwinter offered player housing for rent, with modest storage space where players could store some of their "stuff", Cryptic would be pretty much assured people would continue to pay "rent", or lose all of their stuff should their rent not be paid in a timely fashion (*MONDO disclaimer about the possibility of losing items with failure to pay rent required) .

    Better yet, I think Cryptic should lease property and sell decorative and functional furniture items for personal housing; functional like wardrobes, trunks, armor stands, weapons racks, stables and companion quarters...

    Failure to pay rent and... :p
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    you want "failure to upkeep" or lose, that will kill players base and driven out to other games, i am sure Devs dont want to lose them, they need money and "loyality", not driven by fear of losing things. it would become ghost town if they allow it.
    ESO will gladly welcome those players with better format and accept those players who got betrayed by devs and guys in suits who wanted casino in rpg. there hardly any gambling in ESO becasue they offer stuffs if they like and they buy.
    so, dont do it, NWO need common sense doing business to keep players happy, if not, most would leave if they keep pulling bait and switch on players. they are already on very thin ice on the lake.
  • epsmincepsminc Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I am just gonna say I used to play SWTOR and they have housing and I bought all the different ones and stocked them with all the craziest items and yes I spent alot of real money on doing that and it was HAMSTER. However, if you do it they will pay lmao and I will too prolly...my roommate suggests something like the SH where you have your own castle that you can slowly make bigger and add onto and eventually have the option of hosting pvp at it and the grounds around it like its own zone like the SH zone.
  • myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 410 Arc User
    If customization options are allowed, the Workshop could easily become my home in Neverwinter. I've always loved that corner of town anyway...
  • craft#2263 craft Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    As a new totally green Neverwinter Online player I would really like a housing system and a personal chest inside with lots of space to store stuff. All players are not members of a Guild where you have access to a personal and shared bank for your characters and have to buy a lot of bags to be able to hold on to stuff for future use to alts.

    I really like this game, but what i dislike, are the prices in-game, they are horrendously expensive on everything, many of us players do not have bottomless pockets.

    So housing or not, I think the owners/dev's of this game have to rethink the price policy in this game before a housing system is a reality, I'm not so sure I can afford a house in this game, it's not going to be cheap.
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    Asking again - if this thread started years ago, and plenty of good points have been made, why doesnt the dev team come up with a proposal for the players to comment on?


    Hovel with 10 storage spaces - 1000 AD/day single person instance only
    Cottage with 20 storage spaces - 5000 AD/day three person instance
    Townhouse with 30 storage spaces - 10,000 AD/day five person instance
    Tavern with 40 storage spaces - 30,000 AD/day ten person instance

    Just chucking ideas down - some come on devs whats the score? :)
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  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Yeah, I have to admit to some creeping apprehension towards how housing would be done here these days. I still love the idea, but I'm not sure they could/would do it right. The new Workshops seem to be a step in that direction, but I'm not thrilled with the implementation. Housing could be expanded from that I suppose.

    I don't think integrating personal housing into strongholds is a good idea though. To me, they seem like opposite concepts. A stronghold is a group property and staging area, a house is your own personal property. A room in a stronghold would just be an apartment. I'd want an actual house or, better, an estate/manor. That's not even getting into the logistics of not being in a guild or being between guilds and losing access till you find a new one or start a dummy guild.

    As for the internals, there are two different aspects of personal housing: mechanical and aesthetic. The mechanical parts of housing would include in-game benefits like boons, items, inventory, etc., while aesthetics would be decorations, trophies, layout, etc. I see either one or both as very appealing, and aesthetics could be tapped as a rather effective source of revenue for the company. To really capitalize on aesthetics though, people would need to be able to visit each other's houses. Mechanics lend itself to the more grindy, day-to-day sort of thing. It would also be a good platform to introduce and maintain solo boons, but I don't feel very confident about how they plan to implement those whenever they come around.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    5 years and we are still homeless, neverwinter is having housing crisis, they kept getting burn down.
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    the workshop pretty much fulfills this already. you're prety much on a virtual leash if youre running multiple professions at once for leveling.

    But if im serious, we don't need housing really. Plus it seems out of place. i mean you're an adventurer always on the road. what use is a house if you're sleeping on the road anyways? and an RV seems out of place considering there are no cars, just horse and buggy.
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    wylonus said:

    5 years and we are still homeless, neverwinter is having housing crisis, they kept getting burn down.

    Talk for yourself. I have a home in foundry.

  • bobgreenwadebobgreenwade Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 65 Arc User
    Housing areas Champions Online-style with the same decor items as in the Stronghold Guild Halls (or at least the ones that make sense in a personal residence) could be done, perhaps with an entrance/exit at the back of the Workshop.
    Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    the workshop pretty much fulfills this already. you're prety much on a virtual leash if youre running multiple professions at once for leveling.

    But if im serious, we don't need housing really. Plus it seems out of place. i mean you're an adventurer always on the road. what use is a house if you're sleeping on the road anyways? and an RV seems out of place considering there are no cars, just horse and buggy.

    I know 100's of people who ONLY play Skyrim due to the housing and family options. If NW could add these things not only would it increase the base players they could clean up offering items via Zen.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
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  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    speak to yourself, foundry will be gone in few weeks, still "homeless".
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,521 Arc User
    bobo#5090 said:

    Why? Strongholds to me are totally worthless... except for the boons. I don't bother with em, just like I don't bother with crafting because it's not worth it IMHO. But then again, the last D&D game I played at any length, let alone thru to the end was Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale... I know, it dates me LOL

    Yes, for you is worthless. Not for others. SH has been a community cornerstone for our guild/alliance community bond building.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    I just don't like how most MMOs have been implementing poh where every player uses the same building door to access their poh. And it would need to be 100% divorced from SHs. I'm not a huge fan of the strongholds anyways. One of the guilds I was in for over a year, I had finally done a dungeon with the guild leader who made the comment that I was new to the guild and welcomed me. My response was that I was in the guild for over a year. Sure you can community build but only after you put in more effort than it should require. Most players really don't care who you are unless you are providing them with something. It doesn't matter how much you interact and worse when you find out alliance members have you on ignore for reasons you aren't even aware of.
  • havlockehavlocke Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    krumple01 said:

    I just don't like how most MMOs have been implementing poh where every player uses the same building door to access their poh. And it would need to be 100% divorced from SHs. I'm not a huge fan of the strongholds anyways. One of the guilds I was in for over a year, I had finally done a dungeon with the guild leader who made the comment that I was new to the guild and welcomed me. My response was that I was in the guild for over a year. Sure you can community build but only after you put in more effort than it should require. Most players really don't care who you are unless you are providing them with something. It doesn't matter how much you interact and worse when you find out alliance members have you on ignore for reasons you aren't even aware of.

    Your issues here would be more of a Guild thing than anything to do with Strongholds. The Stronghold mechanic they have is pretty good. I'd personally rather they scaled better to allow a small guild to achieve mid range stuff but that's their call.

    And they need to allow us to decorate more :)
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User

    the workshop pretty much fulfills this already. you're prety much on a virtual leash if youre running multiple professions at once for leveling.

    But if im serious, we don't need housing really. Plus it seems out of place. i mean you're an adventurer always on the road. what use is a house if you're sleeping on the road anyways? and an RV seems out of place considering there are no cars, just horse and buggy.

    I know 100's of people who ONLY play Skyrim due to the housing and family options. If NW could add these things not only would it increase the base players they could clean up offering items via Zen.
    Its a no-brainer to have player housing. Its a license to print money.

    Spend time and money on Mod16? Not if this were my business.

    Spend time and money on New Classes, New Content and Player Housing. For the win
  • radinka#8490 radinka Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    > @ironzerg79 said:
    > Player housing would do nothing to increase my waning interest in this game. I can suggest better things for the Dev's time than introducing more shiny things into the game.
    > I disagree...I think what this game needs is MORE shiny things for players to chase...but shiny things that AREN'T tied to gear or refinement grinds.

    Or tied to spending real money.

    I have no issue spending real money on a game. I've done it with every MMO I've played: From World of Warcraft to Star Wars the Old Republic to Elder Scrolls Online. But those expenditures never felt like my arm was being twisted and they were cosmetic things, most of which were eligible to get with in-game currency. I LOVE player housing. I've modded homes for my Skyrim and Fallout games. But I fear any player housing will require spending Zen because there will be zero way to get it otherwise. And considering how ridiculous some of the zen items cost already, a player house in Neverwinter will probably end up equally one month's mortgage payment.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    if they are too greedy and set the price as 250 dollars and 4 people would buy and devs made 1,000 dollars from zen market. if they sell at cheaper price such as 25 dollars and 5,000 players bought and devs would made at 125,000 dollars.
    that would be good deal for both sides for players and devs.
  • havlockehavlocke Member Posts: 222 Arc User

    > @ironzerg79 said:

    > Player housing would do nothing to increase my waning interest in this game. I can suggest better things for the Dev's time than introducing more shiny things into the game.


    > I disagree...I think what this game needs is MORE shiny things for players to chase...but shiny things that AREN'T tied to gear or refinement grinds.

    Or tied to spending real money.

    I have no issue spending real money on a game. I've done it with every MMO I've played: From World of Warcraft to Star Wars the Old Republic to Elder Scrolls Online. But those expenditures never felt like my arm was being twisted and they were cosmetic things, most of which were eligible to get with in-game currency. I LOVE player housing. I've modded homes for my Skyrim and Fallout games. But I fear any player housing will require spending Zen because there will be zero way to get it otherwise. And considering how ridiculous some of the zen items cost already, a player house in Neverwinter will probably end up equally one month's mortgage payment.

    Completely agree. I went nuts with the Strongholds in SWTOR and would do the same here. LOL and I suspect you may be right on the costs too.
  • dennizonndennizonn Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    arabatur said:

    Player housing would do nothing to increase my waning interest in this game. I can suggest better things for the Dev's time than introducing more shiny things into the game.

    As a person who has always loved housing, I also understand your point that there are other things to spend the Dev's time on. I do think there could be some middle ground however.

    Why have housing?

    First, housing causes a variety of players to invest and burn resources that might otherwise not be burned, which leads to economy inflation regarding AD and zen. This is a big complaint, so having things, like housing, that would be an option for investment is a good thing. You could allow for purchase of an auctioneer vendor, vault, crafting stations, armor/weapon displays, and even stables to show your accumulated mounts. Further upgrades could include a travel system that can be built upon and upgraded, guards to fight off NPCs which can be upgraded to match potential attacks that could yield rewards while a user was offline, an AD mine for daily or weekly use, and so on.

    Second, housing will keep some players in the game, busy and working towards projects and goals who might otherwise move on due to a dearth of content.

    Third, housing is a great place to display achievements if there is a public housing zone {think DAoC), or an instanced version that is accessible to the public should the owner wish it (think EQ2).

    Fourth, in line with my third point, some people really enjoy visiting and viewing other players houses when there are customizable options like those found in DAoC or Rift, and owners are driven to make some astonishing and wonderful creations under those systems.

    Fifth, the basic fundamentals are likely already at least partially developed due to the old Foundry system. Therefore, it might not be as big of a time investment for the devs as one would think.

    Sixth, don't discount the value of roleplay in a DnD themed game. While not everyone appreciates it, many do.

    How can housing be implemented without it feeling like a waste of valuable time and resources for the Devs?

    Simply make this an entirely new module, and incorporate a campaign into it. There are plenty of options for doing this, but some possible options would be defending housing, or simply make a campaign in which plots or instances are available based on campaign progression. Take a heretofore unreclaimed district in Neverwinter, and as players take ground buildings or plots become available for new occupants, or as grants from Lord Neverember. With a short brainstorming session I have little doubt the community could come up with some truly awesome ideas for such a campaign.

    I think the main point, is that one doesn't have to make housing just about housing. It can be so much more, yet still scratch that itch for housing that a significant amount of the player-base has.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited June 2019
    I'm of the opinion that player housing is pretty much a dead deal... if the developers had ever seriously considered something like this they probably would have said something about their intentions in the nearly 4 years this thread has been around...

    Secondly why would anyone (other than the developers) be posting anything about why they think player housing would be a bad idea for the game... not even a bad idea per-se (apparently without the hyphen it is a dirty word according to the auto-check), but just an idea they don't personally happen to agree with? Why post anything at all if it isn't going to effect the person or their playstyle in the slightest? I don't recall anyone posting anything about Neverwinter "requiring" player housing for all players ~

    Just sayin'...

    I've played and enjoyed games were they had player housing - and have played and enjoyed games where player housing was not offered. I like playing Neverwinter for reasons that have nothing to do with player housing and as to whether or not I would enjoy it more if Neverwinter had player housing... at this point it remains a definite maybe ~

    There are so many way I foresee something like player housing being beneficial to the game - but by the same token there are many ways I can see player housing HAMSTER up the game too... Strongholds for example was a great idea in concept, the endless repetitive grind and progressively more difficult mobs that keep respawning in the same areas making it feel like nothing ever gets accomplished, unless and until players are willing to partake in repetitive grinding to upgrade the Stronghold. It takes some serious dedication to clear a Stronghold map where guild members can all ride out to defeat invaders once in a while... instead of having to defeat the same hoards over and over ad infinitum.

    As it is currently and especially after the changes of Mod 16, many good sized guilds no longer feel it's worth it to try to level up their Strongholds much and a lot of moderate to small guilds have just given up on even thinking about leveling up their Strongholds... what some once thought was "worth it" doesn't seem to be of the same benefit anymore.

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