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OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD: Changes to Random Queues



  • bluthbananabluthbanana Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    I am running solo queued RAQ daily, and it is fun for me most of the times. I am strong enough to pull others ahead and the extra challenge is more rewarding than the rAD.

    The thing that bothers me is that I get FBI/MSP 100% of the time. Never the other options. Why is that?
  • edited July 2018
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  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited July 2018

    The ViP AD bonus is not applied to the Role Bonus or the New Player Bonus in Random Queues.

    VIP AD bonus are:
    15% bonus AD on run on dungeons, skirmish and PVP.
    10% salvage bonus
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
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  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User

    By the way, since the refinement cap was raised to 100k AD daily, I'm wondering why the RAD Pool Cap hasn't been increased. It's a logical step... increase daily AD refinement, you should raise the cap of the bonus attached to that refinement.... "scratches head".

    So that your 6 to 10 toons can utilize it comparing with those who have only one toon. People said the investment to alt characters is wasted. No, it is not wasted. You still need their AD bonus pools to do your salvage.
    The daily gain of AD bonus is around 3000. If you play only one toon, your AD bonus pool will be zero soon.
    That is why you need to spread the rAD earning among toons.
    So... what I had NOT realized in my previous post is that the AD refining cap was LIMITED to 100 K AD …. ACCOUNT WIDE. Or that's what I seem to have seen today. So wow... this game just might have become unplayable... for me.
    After all, running just three toons for the leveling, basic, and advanced queues is roughly 50 K AD daily. If you're able to crunch the drops you might get another 18K AD or so. Call it 70k, but right there that's 2/3 the daily limit.
    So the new system is a TOTAL BACKSTAB for ANYONE who has more than three toons. Previously those three toons could refine 36k AD EACH DAILY. So even someone with only three toons is losing 18K potential refinement DAILY. Basically this means that someone like me who has invested the time and money into making four or more PLAYABLE toons has just been SCREWED.
    Just brilliant. Oh, and by the way and for the record... this only hurts real players like me, not botters. Shakes head.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    ...and yet I've managed, daily, to reach the 100k cap without even trying running usually less than 3 characters.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    ...and yet I've managed, daily, to reach the 100k cap without even trying running usually less than 3 characters.

    You're kinda making my point for me here. 100 K per account only helps cheaters, not real players. It's quite possibly the worst thing the devs have done to the game since the leadership nerf. If you include limiting the Random Queue rewards, it's arguably worse.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    You're kinda making my point for me here. 100 K per account only helps cheaters, not real players. It's quite possibly the worst thing the devs have done to the game since the leadership nerf. If you include limiting the Random Queue rewards, it's arguably worse.

    You're missing the point. There is entirely too much AD entering into the economy and not enough of it leaving permanently. That is why everyone gets slapped with the limit.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    I really don't see how this helps botters.
    Consider how much a botter with multiple accounts could refine before the change, with the flat amount they can refine now. A botter with one account worth of maxed out character slots is potentially making nearly 20 times less than before.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    And botters with multiple accounts stand to run afoul of the measures taken when they try to move large amounts of AD from one account to another if they try to maximize their pile.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User

    I really don't see how this helps botters.
    Consider how much a botter with multiple accounts could refine before the change, with the flat amount they can refine now. A botter with one account worth of maxed out character slots is potentially making nearly 20 times less than before.

    Botters don't buy character slots. Character slots cost money, new accounts do not. The only purpose to having more characters on the same account is to share account-bound and account-wide things, and botters don't care about that. Finally, when the bot account gets banned (as happens from time to time), the extra toon slots would be lost.
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    But I doubt botters put up any real money past a small initial investment. But hey, I guess you can't put anything past someone stupid enough to waste time and real money on a botting program so they don't have to play a game that they want to play.

    A pair of characters with access to both random queues used to be able to earn enough AD to buy a character slot every week. With one new character coming online every week, the alt army more than triples by the end of the month - and from there it just snow balls.

    I imagine it's a lot simpler to run one account with 50 "free" slots then half a dozen+ accounts with one pair of slots each. But your point about risk makes sense.
  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User

    But I doubt botters put up any real money past a small initial investment. But hey, I guess you can't put anything past someone stupid enough to waste time and real money on a botting program so they don't have to play a game that they want to play.

    You mean *zero* initial investment. And the problematic botters are making realmoney doing it, by selling the botted items and AD for real money via those creepy third-party services - they're mostly not players looking for an advantage on their main toon.

    A pair of characters with access to both random queues used to be able to earn enough AD to buy a character slot every week. With one new character coming online every week, the alt army more than triples by the end of the month - and from there it just snow balls.

    Or, instead of spending a week's AD on a character slot, they spend *zero* AD and get *two* new character slots with a new account. And it doesn't take a week, it takes three minutes.
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User

    Where are the changes to combat abusing players? *crickets*

    Mod after mod legitimate players are hammered down with various changes while the abusing ones step onto their backs. All this back end shuffling isn't becoming. If you all want people to continue to play and those that do spend money to continue to do so the time they spend playing should equate to what they get in-game without such extreme artificial time inflations and they shouldn't have to experience frequent run-ins with abusing players.

    asterdahl said:

    In the current system, because the difficulty is so widespread in a given queue, it's understandable that in many cases, you would enter a queue and feel like you received the "short end of the stick." However, with the new organization, the difficulty of the content within each queue should be closer together, so please avoid queuing for a random queue if you do not feel you are prepared for all of the content contained therein.

    dairyzeus said:

    asterdahl said:

    so please avoid queuing for a random queue if you do not feel you are prepared TO SOLO all of the content contained therein.

    Fixed it for you, you forgot that the rest of your team will be afking for rewards.
    Going into a RQ with the intentions of participating is EASILY eclipsed by AFK farmers and players forcing others to carry them for rewards...
    When will that be addressed and or a solution(s) provided?...

    I just ignore AFKers and move on to the next RQ.

    In Mod 14 leaving a queue will result in an account-wide 30 minute leaver penalty. If you are in a RQ with abusive players you are essentially stuck because the various timers not only help prevent you from trying to vote-kick/abandon, if they fail there's a longer timer before you can initiate them again...
    As quoted/described above, when will players that don't abuse others in RQ's/etc. get safeguards and a better quality playing experience while those that abuse others get actual punishments for their behavior?

    If AD is supposed to be made/become more valuable then it should also be made/become less exploitable by players at the cost of others. If AD keeps being made harder and harder to obtain while the means to abuse others and yet still be rewarded with AD remains unpunished or is made easier and easier then the echoes of cash grab will continue to remain because clearly the quality of the game for those that do not abuse others seems not to be a concern but rather making Zen purchases more viable as a means for progression...
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • cokefd#5498 cokefd Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I have mixed feelings with it.
    At the beginning, I liked it. A couple of dungeons a day is what I was used to do, and no need to do others with alts.
    Now, in the Advanced one, when it hits FBI or MSP, more often than not people is just waiting for somebody to leave. Not even trying to run it, just sitting there for nothing to happen until someone else leaves.
    Is true that for FBI you might want the everfrost resist, but MSP should be done with some skill.

    Maybe is worth to bring back the requirements to be elegible for the dungeon in order to queue.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    At the very worst, you just have to wait five minutes, then kick someone and every one else can leave. Best to kick the tank or healer so reinforcement doesn't come too fast.

    FBI is quite doable with a 14K OP, one HDPS, and one buffing DC. mSP you will want more DPS since the mechanics are more complex so the faster the bosses are burnt down, the better. And the kabal chains might still be broken.

    The iLvl requirements for advance and expert queues should probably be bumped up a bit. When estimating the chances of success, I ignore toons under 12K in advance and 14K in expert.
  • wyld#8417 wyld Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    My little two cents idea... the vote to kick option should ALWAYS be available. It is a vote, after all, and if four outta five players see that number five ain't doing anything, it should be an option to get them outta there to make the experience better. No vote timers.

    The only limit I could see imposing would be that only one vote started by one player against another one player is allowed per encounter.

    Player A starts a vote to kick Player E. If the vote does not pass, Player A may not start a vote against Player E again. However, Player B could. Get it?
  • > @asterdahl said:

    > Daily Bonus is Now Per Account


    This will encourage "bot user" but discourage "alt player"

    1. For "alt player" :
    I am "alt player". I put my time and afford to play the game fairly. I bought "character slot with zen". Increase my playing account up to 48 slots. Invest those zen for alt daily rAD farm on all alt characters that I spent zen for it. Now alt 47 characters could not earn daily rAD bonus due to the account wide. What is the point to buy "character slots" now? May be only need 10 slots for play all classes. That's all the real player need.

    ***If I still want to get daily rAD bonus rewards. No need to spend zen on "character slots" anymore. Just make 47 alt email, create 47 alt accounts. Log in those accounts 47 times and earn rAD rewards. Transfer rAD back to the main account through auction. No need to spend zen anymore. Similar result, just pay for the auction % cut.

    2. For "bot user" :
    Do not really care. The change does not affect much. Create 100+ free mail. Create 100+ free account. Log in 100+ times. Run bot once per account. Or simply make just few accounts and run bot 1,000+ times. Earn 1,000 repeat rAD. Whatever!

    This change makes me somewhat quit the game. Might play daily reward once a day but loss interest to play the game. Play other mmo games until it changes back.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    ***If I still want to get daily rAD bonus rewards. No need to spend zen on "character slots" anymore. Just make 47 alt email, create 47 alt accounts. Log in those accounts 47 times and earn rAD rewards. Transfer rAD back to the main account through auction. No need to spend zen anymore. Similar result, just pay for the auction % cut.

    ...and hope you don't get caught up for being a gold seller.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    wyld#8417 said:

    My little two cents idea... the vote to kick option should ALWAYS be available.

    And I think that leaving ought to be easier, but without the current limitations to kicking and leaving, queues would be even messier.

    Maybe some kind of compromise could work.
    For instance: Everyone gets a free leave over a certain length of time, but if they take it, anyone else can kick them for free during the duration.

    Or: Players who are repeatedly kicked for harassment or afking many times a day could be banned for 24 hours. Every now and then I run into negative players I added to my blocked list months back, and they're still behaving like flame trolls. You just know they've been ruining every single queue they've entered, every day for days on end.

    Then again, for some evil people, mistreating other players is enough of an outlet that they don't feel the need hurt the people around them IRL. In which case, maybe we just have to put up with their sociopathic tendencies for the good of society.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    a thought... return the bonus 30k AD reward back to its orginal state it was just after the exp drop needed, so we can have a stronger possibility to get that 30K AD then the AD gained from RQ won't hurt so much
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    ***If I still want to get daily rAD bonus rewards. No need to spend zen on "character slots" anymore. Just make 47 alt email, create 47 alt accounts. Log in those accounts 47 times and earn rAD rewards. Transfer rAD back to the main account through auction. No need to spend zen anymore. Similar result, just pay for the auction % cut.

    ...and hope you don't get caught up for being a gold seller.
    i cant wait for the calamity when they apply some kind of new filter again
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    nothing here
    wyld#8417 said:

    My little two cents idea... the vote to kick option should ALWAYS be available. It is a vote, after all, and if four outta five players see that number five ain't doing anything, it should be an option to get them outta there to make the experience better. No vote timers.

    Sorry @wyld#8417 I disagree with the option to kick players being always available...

    At one point in time there were no vote timers and it generated a lot of abuse, that's why the system was changed to include vote kick timers.

    I've been in too many party's where a majority of players in a party are just running through as quickly as they can with little or no consideration for new, slower or less skilled players and giving the option to kick players out of an instance just because they are less skilled or less speedy has always seemed exceedingly wrong to me.

    I'm fine with the kick times being as they are and I'm also agreeable to the leaver penalty as it currently is, actually exceedingly pleased with the leaver penalty as it is...

    I figure if some players are so upset about having to participate with other players they don't consider up-to-snuff for whatever reason, they can decide not to run the kind of content where they are put into a random party with other players.

    @frogwalloper#6494; for players who are abusive or excessively AFK, there is a system available to report this kind of "player abuse" behavior and although I wouldn't hold my breath for the PTB doing something about it from a single reported instance, I do think if the same account is reported often enough, someone will look into it, maybe by having a someone slip into a party with the person, or some other sneaky observation technique to see for themselves what's-what.

  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    Or: Players who are repeatedly kicked for harassment or afking many times

    To add to this, CS has the tools to monitor/review activity on accounts so essentially an account that is repeatedly vote kicked from RQ's/initiates vote kicks could be flagged and investigated to see which RQ's the vote kicks happen in (PoM, TotDG, IG, etc.). If players are forcing others to vote-kick them causing someone to get a vote-kick timer so that they can continue on without penalty or abusing vote-kicking (kicking players because they are deemed too slow, etc.) they are circumventing the system and should essentially be

    If getting fancy suits the situation

    having the RAD rewards on their next RQ(s) completion reduced/negated, the chest(s) at the end remaining locked for that run(s) and a higher chance to get longer/more difficult content. Requiring a frequently vote-kicked player/vote-kick abusers to complete a number of RQ's before being able to again receive appropriate rewards. It would encourage them stop that type of behavior, no longer RQ or simply get used to reduced/no rewards.

    or, they can simply be suspended and eventually banned after repeat offenses which will prevent having to design/implement such a system...

    Vote-kicking isn't the issue, the abuse of it is so essentially taking action in regard to those that do is key rather than the rest of the player base having to suffer with players that use the vote kick system to their advantage.

    --+-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+--

    Player's essentially shouldn't be able to leave though the entrance/teleport out of a public RQ. Have witnessed a number of times players simply porting out, the rest of the group running the content then them porting back in hopefully in enough time to receive rewards. Attempting to leave via any means should prompt a "leaver penalty" warning if they proceed. If you enter a queue you should already be prepared to run it, yes it may seem harsh though as exhibited multiple times in the past, the more leeway you give positive players, the more you give to negative players. There have to be standards that all players are held to, if there are any loopholes best believe players will seek them out essentially rendering the countermeasures less/ineffective.

    a thought... return the bonus 30k AD reward back to its orginal state it was just after the exp drop needed, so we can have a stronger possibility to get that 30K AD then the AD gained from RQ won't hurt so much

    After calculating, pre/post reward changes:
    - Rough AD rewards: 6.9% down from 11.4% prior (-4.5%).
    - XP: 11.03% down from 18.18% prior (-7.15%).
    - Flawless Sapphire: 31.72 up from 25.3% prior (+6.4%).
    - Black Opal: 22.67% up from 14.23% prior (+8.5%).

    So yea, RAD rewards has been reduced.
    vinceent1 said:

    i cant wait for the calamity when they apply some kind of new filter again

    Trust that there are chances there will be one. The course of action seems to be:
    - construct "filter".
    - apply.
    - mass suspensions/bans without proper investigation of filter hits.
    - player complaints/outrage.
    - reverse some suspensions/bans.
    Post edited by trinity706#8838 on
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    I only just started sending in tickets for afk leeches. It's pretty frustrating rqueuing again and again with someone you've already blocked for leeching, so that's the only other thing I could do.

    The kick timer ought to be two or three minutes in short skirmishes such as: Dread Legion, special events, and cta. Leeches specifically prey on other players in that kind of content because they're unlikely to get kicked.
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Publishers have a responsibility to provide considerable CS to players, part of that is maintaining a positive environment for the player base Players being able to abuse others w/o penalty does not promote a positive environment for the player base especially when trying to get rid of abusing players is quite limited and incurs a penalty itself. Some of that responsibility is shared by the developers as well.

    PoM and TotDG are prime examples (sometimes IG) where players can simply AFK at the start which essentially forces the group to wait five minutes (or more) before being able to initiate a vote kick THEN starting the content (if it passes) giving the AFK player the freedom to queue again w/o penalty or someone else leaving before a vote not only landing them a leaver penalty but also giving the AFK player the freedom to leave w/o penalty. Have started seeing both high and lower level characters heading from the start area only after the boss gate is activated and at times almost doubling the completion time... What will be done about that kind of behavior?...

    RQ's were initially introduced to lower queue times and provide players with an alternative to salvage farming (EToS for example), both were achieved (as well as slowing down RAD generation by persistently grouping HLP's with LLP's) though now RQ's have been changed to a state where the AD generation has been severely reduced, so player's having a reasonable means of generating RAD is no longer a concern?... Yes it was stated that there is too much AD coming in vs going out though what causes it? Was it players legitimately spending time running multiple characters and actually earning their AD that sparked the change or abusive players running bots, AFK farming etc.? If it is the former, so what, those players are earning their rewards. If it is the latter then do something about THOSE players instead of punishing the positive players.

    Seals from RD HE's have been reduced to 10... really? Again, so player's having a reasonable means of generating RAD is no longer a concern? Once again salvage farms are essentially the go to in regard to generating AD compared to RQ's... With players no longer being able to generate considerable RAD outside of salvage farms and possible increased queue times if less people utilize RQ's essentially things are back to where they were before... while encouraging Zen purchases is lurking in the shadows...

    Players abuse the game on PC and positive players on both versions suffer because of it, see the patterns here?
    Post edited by trinity706#8838 on
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    a variation on the vote kick: any player thats under 70 lvl can't be kicked until 10 min have passed. Since most RLQ finish well before that time its good. Also this prevents the 'slower' players from getting kicked by the speeders. But: change the lvl 70 kick timer to 2 min, as those who AFK during dread legion and master of the hunt are just leeching and in the actual dungeons they are holding everyone up.

    For RIQ RAQ maybe even REQ (idk, not ran it yet) set the kick timers to 5 min and make the boss portals a 20 sec delay before whoever is there gets to go in. This solves the problem of demo MPF IG etc not getting started because some player wants to AFK or someone is having loading issues and it takes time to get in.

    Make the group vote to end instance for RIQ RAQ REQ start at 1 min in. There have been numerous times that a FBI started and there was no way that group would make it even to the first boss let alone complete it. Same to be said for MSP.

    I've already given my opinion that FBI MSP MSVA TONG Cradle should all be under REQ and not RAQ, considering the difficulty of those dungeons, and that players IL minimum of 11k to access it is WAAAYYYY too low AND using IL as a measuring point for player effectiveness is very much outdated (i gave a suggestion of using point values for all gear/mount/pet/enchants etc. to calculate if a player has the capacity to play a dungeon or just get killed constantly). Considering that cryptic is constantly giving new mods with more powerful gear and weps to up the IL of a player, this has no bearing whatsoever in the capacity of that same player being able to actually compete in that IL class.

    what i wrote in top issues: "I often classify players based on their artifact lvls, since that is generally a good measure of their play quality. Perhaps you can do the same. Idea would be: place a point value on each rare to mythic item (artifact, weps, gear, runestones, enchants, Insignias, mounts and companions). this would be similar to the IL but much more relivant to playability. So rare 1 point, epic 2, legend 4, mythic 8. My new GWF toon, IL 10.4k , would have 83 points. My top DPS toon HR, IL 14367, would have 125 points. As my HR can barely do TONG, and my GWF can certainly not handle RIQs it gives a measure of play ability. Lvling Q, no point requirement just Lvl advancement. RIQ at 90 points, RAQ at 110 points, REQ at 140 points. "
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User

    I only just started sending in tickets for afk leeches. It's pretty frustrating rqueuing again and again with someone you've already blocked for leeching, so that's the only other thing I could do.

    A tip for player ticket reports, include a screenshot of the offending character's ilvl and the "paingiver" score.

    a variation on the vote kick: any player thats under 70 lvl can't be kicked until 10 min have passed. Since most RLQ finish well before that time its good. Also this prevents the 'slower' players from getting kicked by the speeders. But: change the lvl 70 kick timer to 2 min, as those who AFK during dread legion and master of the hunt are just leeching and in the actual dungeons they are holding everyone up.

    Anyone can run a character under lvl 70 and be granted the 10 minute vote-kick shield, including negative players which would grant them another loophole to being kicked and since a character can start RQ'ing at about lvl 11 negative players could do it for quite some time and be shielded from VK's for at least 10 minutes... Arguably not many players would want to sit at the boss gate until the 10 minute mark just to try and VK a negative player.

    As far as the 2 min VK timer, while groups would essentially be able to try and VK an AFK'er from shorter content, if content pops that isn't desired players would then get another un-penalized shot at RQ'ing if they are VK'ed after 2 mins instead of 5, granting them an even faster loophole than before.

    For RIQ RAQ maybe even REQ (idk, not ran it yet) set the kick timers to 5 min and make the boss portals a 20 sec delay before whoever is there gets to go in. This solves the problem of demo MPF IG etc not getting started because some player wants to AFK or someone is having loading issues and it takes time to get in.

    While it would allow content with a "gather your party" gate at the beginning/soon after, etc. to start sooner though unfortunately that will give negative players another loophole, they could simply "disconnect" and then have about 5 mins to come back while in the mean time the rest of the group is running the content...

    Make the group vote to end instance for RIQ RAQ REQ start at 1 min in. There have been numerous times that a FBI started and there was no way that group would make it even to the first boss let alone complete it. Same to be said for MSP.

    Unfortunately that will provide yet another loophole which would be circumventing undesired content only after 1 min instead of 15.
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
This discussion has been closed.